Inefficiency Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Inefficiency

Read This: Inefficiency Quotes And Sayings

In this context, I believe it is an imperative for the new President to select and install his team as quickly as possible, and this does not imply that he must or should appoint members of the 'other' party to his Cabinet, which could contribute to inaction and inefficiency.
~By Richard V. Allen ~

That inefficiency is masked because growth and progress are measured in money, and money does not give us information about ecological systems, it only gives information about financial systems.
~By Paul Hawken ~

The historical experience of socialist countries has sadly demonstrated that collectivism does not do away with alienation but rather increases it, adding to it a lack of basic necessities and economic inefficiency.
~By Pope John Paul II ~

In this country protection has always, to some extent, existed; but at some times it has been efficient, and at others not; and our tendency toward freedom or slavery has always been in the direct ratio of its efficiency or inefficiency.
~By Henry Charles Carey ~

Instead of raising taxes as some would insist, we need to reduce waste and inefficiency in government.
~By Tim Murphy ~

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.
~By Bill Gates ~

The only thing that saves us from the bureaucracy is its inefficiency.
~By Eugene McCarthy ~

My mother's illness fitted into this protest against the treatment of the sick who could not pay, the inefficiency of commercialism, the waste, the extravagance, and the poverty.
~By Ellen Wilkinson ~

The average man has a carefully cultivated ignorance about household matters - from what to do with the crumbs to the grocer's telephone number - a sort of cheerful inefficiency which protects him.
~By Crystal Eastman ~

Freud had a gene for inefficiency, and I think I have a gene for efficiency.
~By Albert Ellis ~

Every good cause is worth some inefficiency.
~By Paul Samuelson ~

We cannot afford idleness, waste or inefficiency.
~By Eamon de Valera ~

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July 26 ,2024
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