Interest Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Interest

Read This: Lovers Quotes And Sayings

Anyone interested in the world generally can't help being interested in young adult culture - in the music, the bands, the books, the fashions, and the way in which the young adult community develops its own language.
~By Margaret Mahy ~

Now, I'll tell you something that might interest you. Casino Royale was the first Bond book that Ian Fleming ever wrote. And he couldn't get anybody to touch it, to publish it - he couldn't do anything about it at all. Nobody wanted to know.
~By Val Guest ~

I knew I wanted to be a journalist ever since I was a teenager. While it is interesting and gratifying to be on the business side and to see how that all works, the main reason I kept a business role here was to protect the editorial integrity of Salon.
~By David Talbot ~

I'd really been interested in opera when I was about 16, and I really like staging them.
~By Bruce Beresford ~

I enjoy talking to my football men and my chemistry classes and I feel sure that they are quite interested in what I have to say.
~By Knute Rockne ~

It's an interesting line that I walk. The AIDS crisis has done a lot for my songs and made them proliferate, and my songs have contributed a lot to that cause as well.
~By David Friedman ~

I'm a big fan of editing and keeping only the interesting bits in.
~By Sarah Vowell ~

Survivor has been such a hit, and out of that have come so many interesting stories from people that we don't see on the big screen. We have helped make them incredible celebrities.
~By Mary Hart ~

Age puzzles me. I thought it was a quiet time. My seventies were interesting and fairly serene, but my eighties are passionate. I grow more intense as I age.
~By Florida Scott-Maxwell ~

I'm interested in raw land and trees and fresh air and rivers and lots of animals around them.
~By Kent McCord ~

Look, I don't have a Facebook page because I have little interest in hearing myself talk about myself any further than I already do in interviews or putting any more about myself online than there already is. But if I wasn't in this position, I'm sure I would use it every day.
~By Jesse Eisenberg ~

The way to know about championship quality is to learn from champions, and that I did; studying them with professional purpose during my time in the ring and from habitual interest afterward.
~By Gene Tunney ~

Empirical interest will be in the facts so far as they are relevant to the solution of these problems.
~By Talcott Parsons ~

I never did buy things on credit, I always paid for 'em, because I can't see much difference in paying for something and just waiting a week and pay interest on it; that looks foolish to me.
~By Howard Finster ~

The Chancellor also in effect asks us to bargain away whatever obligation or interest we have as regards the neutrality of Belgium. We could not entertain that bargain either.
~By Edward Grey ~

The proletariat uses the State not in the interests of freedom but in order to hold down its adversaries, and as soon as it becomes possible to speak of freedom the State as such ceases to exist.
~By Friedrich Engels ~

I'm more interested in interpersonal relationships - between lovers families, siblings. That's why I write about how we treat each other.
~By Terry McMillan ~

The perception of the audience is the interesting part. If the audience doesn't hear what is going on, is it going on or not?
~By Robert Fripp ~

It was completely fruitless to quarrel with the world, whereas the quarrel with oneself was occasionally fruitful and always, she had to admit, interesting.
~By Soren Kierkegaard ~

Why should anybody be interested in some old man who was a failure?
~By Ernest Hemingway ~

We must keep on trying to solve problems, one by one, stage by stage, if not on the basis of confidence and cooperation, at least on that of mutual toleration and self-interest.
~By Lester B. Pearson ~

It is not easy to find something that will intrigue and bind your interest and enthusiasm. This you must seek for yourself.
~By Walter Annenberg ~

Creativity is a great motivator because it makes people interested in what they are doing. Creativity gives hope that there can be a worthwhile idea. Creativity gives the possibility of some sort of achievement to everyone. Creativity makes life more fun and more interesting.
~By Edward de Bono ~

If you're doing well, you're a target, nobody's interested in you except how you can be of use to them.
~By Richard Grant ~

I'm not interested in seeing a film just made by a woman - not unless she is looking for new images.
~By Agnes Varda ~

I have - I have more than an interesting task in piloting Wales into our new democracy, without wanting to exercise draconian powers on behalf of anybody else - I can assure of that.
~By Ron Davies ~

I don't understand the whole dating thing. I know right off the bat if I'm interested in someone, and I don't want them to waste their money on me and take me out to eat if I know I'm not interested in that person.
~By Britney Spears ~

Ants are good citizens, they place group interests first.
~By Clarence Day ~

I may find something that looks interesting and then go on to alter the recipe by adding spices, things of my own. I also look for time-saving recipes, dishes that can be prepared ahead and stored.
~By Paul Lynde ~

My interest in his new toy, the Theremin, isn't very big. It simply does not fit into my way of playing music. I do not want to fiddle around with my hands in the air.
~By Klaus Schulze ~

Social psychology is especially interested in the effect which the social group has in the determination of the experience and conduct of the individual member.
~By George H. Mead ~

Such as have reason, understanding, or common sense, will, and ought to make use of it in those things that concern themselves and their posterity, and suspect the words of such as are interested in deceiving or persuading them not to see with their own eyes.
~By Algernon Sydney ~

I was trying to do the same thing that I always do which is make an interesting record.
~By Elliott Smith ~

Public interest in most of the Middle East was slight at that time; the Arab-Israeli conflict was all that people were interested in and that was not my specialty.
~By Juan Cole ~

But if Shakespeare himself is maybe about meaning and truth, I don't know, then he is certainly about pleasure and interest, we start with pleasure and interest, but maybe eventually it gets to meaning and truth.
~By Stephen Greenblatt ~

I used to be interested in Windows NT, but the more I see it, the more it looks like traditional Windows with a stabler kernel. I don't find anything technically interesting there.
~By Linus Torvalds ~

Business and the state have a common interest; not an adversarial interest.
~By Roy Barnes ~

I used to be in the real estate business, and I have three areas of interest: Chickamauga Lock, Chickamauga Lock, and Chickamauga Lock.
~By Zack Wamp ~

I didn't do drugs, I never did do drugs. Never. I don't have any story of drugs, you know, to speak of. Never did drugs, never was interested in drugs and then I wasn't interested in the people around the drugs.
~By Ruben Blades ~

It's interesting to leave a place, interesting even to think about it. Leaving reminds us of what we can part with and what we can't, then offers us something new to look forward to, to dream about.
~By Richard Ford ~

I was very interested in American poetry for many years. Much less now.
~By Norman MacCaig ~

If Congress does its job in this regard, the residents of Puerto Rico will be empowered to act in their own self-interest and express their future political status aspirations accordingly.
~By Dick Thornburgh ~

I'm much more interested in living specific experiences in films.
~By Walter Salles ~

I'm more influenced by my own interests than anyone else's. Writers have to entertain themselves, or they can't entertain anyone else.
~By Laurell K. Hamilton ~

Everybody gets typecast in movies, but you have to make wise choices. I'd say around 90 percent of movie casting is about the way you look, so you have to fight that. If producers had their way, I'd only be in action films, but I'm interested in a more varied career than that.
~By Famke Janssen ~

I just owe almost everything to my father and it's passionately interesting for me that the things that I learned in a small town, in a very modest home, are just the things that I believe have won the election.
~By Margaret Thatcher ~

I have never been interested in specific roles.
~By Estelle Parsons ~

They may then be willing to cast principled votes based on an educated understanding of the public interest in the face of polls suggesting that the public itself may have quite a different understanding of where its interest lies.
~By James L. Buckley ~

Casting ethnic characters is a very hard thing to do, but it's important. It's also interesting.
~By Darren Aronofsky ~

This year, we are going to take our government out of the hands of corporate special interests and put it back into the hands of Ohio families - where it belongs.
~By Sherrod Brown ~

When I recorded Contra la Puerta, I never really thought out doing the material live. Mostly because I haven't really seen any electronic music performed live in an interesting way.
~By Jim Coleman ~

I want to present interesting stories that don't qualify themselves just by virtue of their ethnographic type.
~By Ajay Naidu ~

When a project has an ample budget, I am interested now in using bigger units of materials.
~By Yoshio Taniguchi ~

What we have to do is to find a solution that the interests of the national teams are respecting the interests of the clubs. And also the clubs they shall respect the interests and the aspirations of national teams.
~By Sepp Blatter ~

Inner space is so much more interesting, because outer space is so empty.
~By Theodore Sturgeon ~

At MTV, it's very nice sometimes to be able to be very specific. Specificity really makes a news story interesting because you can color it in that personality.
~By Tabitha Soren ~

President Bush's proposal to focus our resources on sending humans to Mars is intriguing, but it is not the most compelling reason that Americans ought to focus our interest on the Red Planet.
~By Jay Inslee ~

The Sims is kind of an interesting case because we had all these expansion packs. We were able to incrementally add on and explore without invading the core dynamic or the core game play.
~By Will Wright ~

I never quite envisioned myself a proper doctor under that white coat, but I was interested in the idea of healing and in the psychological dimension rather early on.
~By Robert Jay Lifton ~

It's really about living in your head... just looking out at the world, then going back into your head and tossing around a lot of ideas and coming out with something interesting to say.
~By Lucinda Williams ~

So fantasy was fine early on, and when I discovered science fiction, I was very happy with it, because my first interest in science fiction came with an interest in astronomy.
~By Octavia Butler ~

Wherever there is interest and power to do wrong, wrong will generally be done.
~By James Madison ~

It is always pleasant to learn that someone takes an interest in a work which one enjoyed writing.
~By James Schuyler ~

I feel like Zsa Zsa Gabor's sixth husband. I know what I'm supposed to do, but I don't know how to make it interesting.
~By Milton Berle ~

And I've always worked on the principle that if it interests me enough to write about it, then it must interest a lot of other people.
~By Morris West ~

In Holland and Spain and France, where so many of us come from, people aren't interested in the sex lives of their players. We don't hear these stories - even in Italy where the media is right on top of football.
~By Dennis Bergkamp ~

I get a script and it's really interesting with scripts, because you never really know. It's paper and it could be great or awful. Even scripts that are good could end up not working.
~By Amanda Bynes ~

I have absolutely zero interest in politics.
~By Jerry Hall ~

With the requests of some he complied, and has published a discourse, delivered before the Society for recovering drowned persons, which may be justly pronounced one of the most beautiful and interesting sermons in the English language.
~By John Strachan ~

That subject has lost its one time appeal to economists as our science has become more abstract, but my interest has even grown more intense as the questions raised by the sociology of science became more prominent.
~By George Stigler ~

I found that there is very little interest in Washington for true election reform. That neither the White House nor either house of the Congress seems to be as committed to guaranteeing democratic participation in this country as we seem to be in other countries.
~By DeForest Soaries ~

Popstars really draws you in. It's fascinating. It's interesting to watch people thrown together in that kind of a situation. Even if the egos weren't involved and they weren't trying to be world famous. It's the Real World, only better.
~By Scott Patterson ~

The dog is almost human in its demand for living interest, yet fatally less than human in its inability to foresee.
~By Robert Falcon Scott ~

The resolution has made a real threat of war go away and opens the way for further work in the interests of a political- diplomatic settlement of the situation around Iraq.
~By Igor Ivanov ~

I think the driving thing was curiosity about the universe. That fascinated me. I didn't think anything about being famous or anything like that, I was just interested in the concepts involved.
~By Clyde Tombaugh ~

The whole schizophrenia angle interested me. When I first started working on it, I thought I would play up that angle more than I ended up doing. The religious aspect of the story was also a draw.
~By Chester Brown ~

I dare say that a majority of the American people think that having a fair hearing on an issue of importance in our relations with Mexico is extremely important to our national interest, as well as theirs.
~By William Weld ~

It may interest you to know that my breakup with Terry and this mystery did not happen concurrently in real life. That is a writer's device, which places Gabriel under even greater pressure when the mystery begins to reveal itself.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

The studios don't seem to foster good writing. They're not so interested in that, but they're more interested in what worked most recently. They're definitely very serious about making money, and that's not a wrong thing, but you don't have to make money the same way all the time.
~By Bill Murray ~

The government must do all it can to help reduce interest rates for business.
~By Pauline Hanson ~

Something stopped me in school a little bit. Anything that I'm not interested in, I can't even feign interest.
~By Quentin Tarantino ~

I'm interested to go other places, I've been the boy in the bubble since we've been shooting, I need to go travel a little bit, see where the action is, other than going to see family, of course.
~By George Eads ~

The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes.
~By Gore Vidal ~

I made a lot of different experiments with tapes at that time, until I finally realized around 1995, that sound is an interesting subject for me. Ever since then sound got more and more integrated into my art works, musically as well as physically.
~By Alva Noto ~

I believe that there are many interesting projects that are potentially possible for me other than game music, and therefore in my mind there are several things that are being contemplated.
~By Nobuo Uematsu ~

I appreciated and respected kids who asked questions. They didn't do it to get attention, but because they were interested. Kids who didn't want to look dumb seemed like scared little rabbits.
~By Henry Cole ~

The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success only comes later.
~By Confucius ~

Interestingly, the best way to promote intimacy is to demand it.
~By George Weinberg ~

It's a little gross to put yourself in every song. I mean, how interesting do people really think you are?
~By Jakob Dylan ~

I'm really interested in having a studio one day and being a filmmaker.
~By Ryan Phillippe ~

After September 11, when the United States took action to overthrow the Taliban, our interests and Iran's aligned, and we were able to coordinate quietly but effectively.
~By Earl Blumenauer ~

Every thoughtful and kind-hearted person must regard with interest any device or plan which promises to enable at least the more intelligent, enterprising, and determined part of those who are not capitalists to cease to labor for hire.
~By Leland Stanford ~

In my experience with women that I've dated and my wife now, is you have to know what they care about. And even if you aren't a huge fan of it, you still have to have interest in it and it has to be genuine because women do it for men all the time.
~By Tim Meadows ~

Critics? How do they happen? I know how it happened to me. I would send a poem or story to a magazine and they would say this doesn't suit our needs precisely but on the other hand you sound interesting. Would you be interested in doing a review?
~By Leslie Fiedler ~

There is always drama and there will always be drama, but its the way its presented in my head that makes it so interesting. Everyone gets their time in the middle of the drama.
~By Josh Schwartz ~

The history of Christianity, therefore, must be of concern to all who are interested in the record of man and particularly to all who seek to understand the contemporary human scene.
~By Kenneth Scott Latourette ~

I was not interested in irony; I wanted to emphasize the primacy of the idea in making art.
~By Sol LeWitt ~

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

We met in Cracker. I played a maniac fan who murders a policeman and she did my makeup. I thought anyone interested in me looking like that must have genuinely liked me.
~By Robert Carlyle ~

I am much interested and honoured by what you tell me of C. S. Lewis.
~By Ruth Pitter ~

Read This: Development Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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