Iron Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Iron

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Because I come from that old-school optics environment, I know stuff about depth of field and camera movement and things that are not necessarily a part of the curriculum for people who started on a box and have never done anything that wasn't on a box.
~By John Dykstra ~

Each organism's environment, for the most part, consists of other organisms.
~By Kevin Kelly ~

We had some major successes and we did so because the country embraced the spirit of Earth Day and embraced this concept that we have to have forward-looking, visionary environmental policy and energy policy in this country.
~By Jay Inslee ~

A healthy human environment is one in which we try to make sense of our limits, of the accidents that can always befall us and the passage of time which inexorably changes us.
~By Rowan Williams ~

The position I took at the time was that we hadn't really examined any of the potential environmental consequences of introducing genetically modified organisms.
~By Jeremy Rifkin ~

The environmental crisis arises from a fundamental fault: our systems of production - in industry, agriculture, energy and transportation - essential as they are, make people sick and die.
~By Barry Commoner ~

A reader is not supposed to be aware that someone's written the story. He's supposed to be completely immersed, submerged in the environment.
~By Jack Vance ~

I've developed a huge regard for Toyota for its environmental awareness, for its immense commitment to research and development in this field, and for its leadership in developing hybrids which others are now following.
~By Maurice Strong ~

Environmentalism opposes reckless innovation and makes conservation the central order of business.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

Keep your feet on the ground, but let your heart soar as high as it will. Refuse to be average or to surrender to the chill of your spiritual environment.
~By Arthur Helps ~

We must make it an imperative duty of our government to protect the gifts which Nature has bestowed on America and to insure the maintenance of a clean, healthy, wholesome environment for our people.
~By George Lincoln Rockwell ~

I don't see this planet being... they're talking about how they're turning around the environmental problems here, but I think it's already too late.
~By Ace Frehley ~

The accident was a horrible thing - but that horrible thing made Chris, at the end of his life, Superman. It's a happy irony if there is such a thing. I'm proud to have known him.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

Laws are to be enforced justly but firmly, with an iron hand. This is the case anywhere, even in a family.
~By Abu Bakar Bashir ~

Man is a child of his environment.
~By Shinichi Suzuki ~

A variety of factors contribute to the price of gasoline in the United States. These factors include worldwide supply, demand and competition for crude oil, taxes, regional differences in access to gasoline supplies and environmental regulations.
~By Gary Miller ~

I became a writer in spite of my environments.
~By Robert E. Howard ~

The Academy Awards ceremony is designed to be without irony, but Chris Rock supplied it anyway with filmed movie-theater interviews with black men and women who had never heard of the movies nominated for Best Picture.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

Ironically, Latin American countries, in their instability, give writers and intellectuals the hope that they are needed.
~By Manuel Puig ~

MAC gave me 55 lipsticks to test. These are the same lipsticks I got caught stealing by the police when I was 15. How ironic.
~By Eddie Izzard ~

In a collaborative environment directors hire actors because they want their input, not just their bodies.
~By Kelly Lynch ~

The vast material displacements the machine has made in our physical environment are perhaps in the long run less important than its spiritual contributions to our culture.
~By Lewis Mumford ~

Having yet another vote on refinery legislation that uses high oil prices as an excuse to weaken environmental protections and to give more legislative gifts to the oil industry is misguided in the extreme.
~By Sherwood Boehlert ~

For over 15 years, through the clean coal programs of the Department of Energy, the Federal Government has been a solid partner, working jointly with private companies and the states to develop and demonstrate a new generation of environmentally clean technology using coal.
~By Tim Holden ~

The cast gets along pretty well, it's a good work environment. I hang out a lot with Brett Claywell, he plays Tim Smith on the show. We play plenty of basketball.
~By James Lafferty ~

The cost of acquiring new customers and maintaining those relationships in an online environment versus bricks and mortar is significant.
~By Stephen Cohen ~

I also said, men are like curling irons, they never get out of your hair. And they are like government bonds, they take so long to mature.
~By Kabir Bedi ~

Well, you know I have an office, my film offices. So I know that syndrome. I fancy offices, so there must be something wrong with me. Even the window cleaner intrigues me. It's a very sexy environment.
~By Hugh Grant ~

There's a kind of dynamic quality about theater and that dynamic quality expresses itself in relation to, first of all, the environment in which it's being staged; then the audience, the nature of the audience, the quality of the audience.
~By Wole Soyinka ~

Not only strike while the iron is hot, but make it hot by striking.
~By Oliver Cromwell ~

Iron sharpens iron; scholar, the scholar.
~By William Drummond ~

Well, perhaps the greatest achievement, and we didn't know it at the time, was we held an Earth Day in 1970, and out of that Earth Day a lot of students got involved in saving the environment, or trying to.
~By Pete McCloskey ~

We seem to do better in the studio than we do in a live environment.
~By Josh Silver ~

Without a Jewish state, the iron truth of history is that the Jewish people sooner or later become even more vulnerable to the next wave of anti-Semitism.
~By Jack Schwartz ~

But when you have to deal with notes, and to be able to make a full definition of what a sound is - if you are not around that environment, then you'll find you lose that feel, that momentum, you lose all that.
~By Dennis Brown ~

That's the great thing about having your friends around you. I've known these guys forever. I really enjoy their company just as people. You couldn't ask for a better work environment.
~By Drew Carey ~

Well, right now, I'm very fascinated with 1920s Berlin. I mean, probably the more interesting thing would be to go to the beginning of civilization or precivilization - like polytheistic times. It would be interesting to see what came before modern religion and culture - what circumstances created the environment or the need for it.
~By Natalie Portman ~

Ironically I think this is what sparked my interest in and passion for the NOAH, which is capable of creating all these old weird and wonderful sounds.
~By Geoff Downes ~

I eat a variety of foods like vegetables, fruit and beef for protein and iron.
~By Sasha Cohen ~

What we've proven is that you can protect the environment, use it wisely and grow the economy and that there is no conflict between the two.
~By Bruce Babbitt ~

Hierarchy works well in a stable environment.
~By Mary Douglas ~

I always thought the biggest failing of Americans was their lack of irony. They are very serious there! Naturally, there are exceptions... the Jewish, Italian, and Irish humor of the East Coast.
~By Colin Firth ~

Instead of taking environmentalism away from the left, conservatives condemn it as a counsel of doom.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

I assume we will have figured out a way to efficiently utilize solar energy and tied that to an efficient way to use nuclear energy in such a way that it doesn't pose a serious environmental issue.
~By John Hickenlooper ~

The irony is, going to work every day became the subject of probably my best poetry.
~By Philip Levine ~

You cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition.
~By Gro Harlem Brundtland ~

It's more than just high quality food for the family table; it's growing the food in a way that does not harm the environment. That gives me emotional well-being that is important to me.
~By Robert Patterson ~

I know they are all environmentalists. I heard a lot of my speeches recycled.
~By Jesse Jackson ~

Irony is the hygiene of the mind.
~By Elizabeth Bibesco ~

The lyrics came out of necessity. When we started writing the record, we started in a more fusion environment and that got boring really quick and that wasn't what we were about on an organic level.
~By Jimmy Chamberlin ~

Energy consumption matters both to our environment and our economy.
~By John Baldacci ~

When I say artist I mean the man who is building things - creating molding the earth - whether it be the plains of the west - or the iron ore of Penn. It's all a big game of construction - some with a brush - some with a shovel - some choose a pen.
~By Jackson Pollock ~

It's also ironic that in the old days of tape and tape hiss and vinyl records and surface noise, we were always trying to get records louder and louder to overcome that.
~By T-Bone Burnett ~

What is ironic is that Allen Ginsberg's importance was in its twilight for so many years that it took his death to bring it to the front page. He electrified an entire world!
~By Rita Dove ~

I'm involved with Recording Artists and Actors Against Drunk Driving. I'm also involved with most children's causes, because children can't help the environment they're in.
~By Judd Nelson ~

Hollywood's got its own particular environment.
~By Harrison Ford ~

I buried a lot of my ironing in the back yard.
~By Phyllis Diller ~

Why are ecologists and environmentalists so feared and hated? This is because in part what they have to say is new to the general public, and the new is always alarming.
~By Garrett Hardin ~

Excellent education and an excellent environment are two hallmarks of our state. How we treat our environment is connected to so many other opportunities in Maine.
~By John Baldacci ~

We recognize the need to adapt to a changing competitive environment.
~By Sumner Redstone ~

I've always been the only girl in those environments. It's comfortable for me - I prefer it, actually.
~By Lisa Guerrero ~

It is the gift of seeing the life around them clearly and vividly, as something that is exciting in its own right. It is an innate gift, varying in intensity with the individual's temperament and environment.
~By Bill Brandt ~

It's just like any relationship, the more contained the environment, the more the good stuff appears and the more the bad stuff will reveal itself.
~By Bruce Greenwood ~

So that was Reagan's political problem. As a rancher in California, he was an environmentalist himself. But the President of the United States doesn't control everything that happens in Washington.
~By Brian Mulroney ~

You must constantly change and adapt to a new environment.
~By Jong-yong Yun ~

You're really creative when you're in an environment that you don't know how to handle. So collaborating was like that for me. I think that was one of the reasons why I knew I was gonna get a challenging reaction.
~By Liz Phair ~

Why should we think upon things that are lovely? Because thinking determines life. It is a common habit to blame life upon the environment. Environment modifies life but does not govern life. The soul is stronger than its surroundings.
~By William James ~

For the first time, individual hackers could afford to have home machines comparable in power and storage capacity to the minicomputers of ten years earlier - Unix engines capable of supporting a full development environment and talking to the Internet.
~By Eric S. Raymond ~

I even smoke in bed. Imagine smoking a cigar in bed, reading a book. Next to your bed, there's a cigar table with a special cigar ashtray, and your wife is reading a book on how to save the environment.
~By Raul Julia ~

I have tamed men of iron in my day, shall I not easily crush these men of butter?
~By Ferdinand Alvarez De Toledo ~

Everything I do is the environment.
~By Arthur Boyd ~

The fundamental problem for Republicans when it comes to the environment is that whatever you say is viewed through the prism of suspicion.
~By Frank Luntz ~

Global markets must be balanced by global values such as respect for human rights and international law, democracy, security and sustainable economic and environmental development.
~By Anna Lindh ~

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?
~By W. Clement Stone ~

My recording career has luckily run the gamut of recording environments.
~By Matt Cameron ~

And the irony is that they wrote better without access to my quotes.
~By Steve Carlton ~

The irony here is this administration is spending more money on climate change research and development than any administration in all the rest of the industrialized world combined.
~By Christine Todd Whitman ~

So, these political activities will create friction in and of themselves, and in this environment of friction there'll be additional violence.
~By John Abizaid ~

The only way forward, if we are going to improve the quality of the environment, is to get everybody involved.
~By Richard Rogers ~

Hydrogen holds great promise to meet many of our future energy needs, and it addresses national security and our environmental concerns. Hydrogen is the simplest, most abundant element in the universe.
~By Dan Lipinski ~

We all love the environment, but we have placed creatures above people. A rat is a rat.
~By Sonny Bono ~

The election in Iraq clearly demonstrates that Iraqi people are like people everywhere. They desire to create a future in an environment that is safe and allows them to reach their full potential as human beings, whatever that potential may be.
~By John Ensign ~

That's where I began to ask questions that maybe don't have one specific answer. And the more people you get answers from, the richer the environment becomes.
~By John Zorn ~

Kafka truly illustrates the way the environment oppresses the individual. He shows how the unconscious controls our lives.
~By Manuel Puig ~

The bottom line in my view is that America's mothers and fathers deserve to have confidence in law enforcement's ability to ensure that their children are being raised in the safest possible environment.
~By Bob Ney ~

Now, the downside to conservation is that so much is done for the public, which almost always mars the environment that one wanted to conserve.
~By Arne Jacobsen ~

I was born and raised in the oldest settled part of the nation and in an environment in which racism was officially mooted.
~By Constance Baker Motley ~

God, our genes, our environment, or some stupid programmer keying in code at an ancient terminal - there's no way free will can ever exist if we as individuals are the result of some external cause.
~By Orson Scott Card ~

The war being fought in Afghanistan and Iraq is bringing about a fundamental change to the environment that has given rise and power to the extremists who export terrorism.
~By Craig L. Thomas ~

Sometimes the laughter in mothering is the recognition of the ironies and absurdities. Sometimes, though, it's just pure, unthinking delight.
~By Barbara Schapiro ~

The challenge as we saw in the Nigerian project was to restructure the economy decisively in the direction of a modern free market as an appropriate environment for cultivation of freedom and democracy and the natural emergence of a new social order.
~By Ibrahim Babangida ~

And I know that the younger generation is doing things that are so ingenious. And for them it's not a matter of a political belief or an environmental stance. It's really just common sense.
~By Daryl Hannah ~

If somebody asked me about my inspiration I would say that it's not the peopleand it's not the things, it's travel and experiencing different environments.
~By Marc Newson ~

A few of these interviews have gone slightly awry, because every now and again there has been the odd conflict of interest between interviews because of the Iron Maiden record, and I am a bit long-winded.
~By Bruce Dickinson ~

You get elected, often, if you're a woman, on the strength of the women's vote; then you get into office, and you have to adapt to an overwhelmingly male environment.
~By Eleanor Clift ~

A lot of fun stuff happens when you go out on a bike compared to when you're in a car. You're more in the environment. It's enjoyable. Even when It's raining It's still fun.
~By Stone Gossard ~

You cannot escape the results of your thoughts. Whatever your present environment may be, you will fall, remain or rise with your thoughts, your vision, your ideal. You will become as small as your controlling desire; as great as your dominant aspiration.
~By James Lane Allen ~

My lens of choice was always the 35 mm. It was more environmental. You can't come in closer with the 35 mm.
~By Annie Leibovitz ~

We've got to search back to our last known safe landmark. I can't say exactly where, but I think it's back there at the start of the Industrial Revolution, we began applying energy in vast amounts to tools with which we began tearing the environment apart.
~By David R. Brower ~

As President Bush has said on numerous occasions, it is the government's role to create the conditions, the friendly environment, that will attract capital.
~By Donald Evans ~

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July 27 ,2024
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