Judgment Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Judgment

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The most important thing for a judge is - curiously enough - judgment.
~By Lord Patrick Devlin ~

It is the highest form of self-respect to admit our errors and mistakes and make amends for them. To make a mistake is only an error in judgment, but to adhere to it when it is discovered shows infirmity of character.
~By Dale Turner ~

Architecture is a science arising out of many other sciences, and adorned with much and varied learning; by the help of which a judgment is formed of those works which are the result of other arts.
~By Marcus V. Pollio ~

I am not liked as a President by the politicians in office, in the press, or in Congress. But I am content to abide the judgment the sober second thought of the people.
~By Rutherford B. Hayes ~

We know enough to stand here in truth - facing pain, cry and suffering of those who were murdered here. Face to face with the victims' families who are here today. Before the judgment of our own conscience.
~By Aleksander Kwasniewski ~

True scholarship consists in knowing not what things exist, but what they mean; it is not memory but judgment.
~By James Russell Lowell ~

The implication that everyone would have to accept its judgments uncritically, that it was a decision from which there could be no appeal, was astonishing.
~By Edwin Meese ~

Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from bad judgment.
~By Fred Brooks ~

Everyone complains of his memory, and nobody complains of his judgment.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Policymakers have to make judgments based on the best intelligence they get.
~By Frank Carlucci ~

A far greater factor than abolishing poverty is the deterrent effect of swift and certain consequences: swift arrest, prompt trial, certain penalty and - at some point - finality of judgment.
~By Warren E. Burger ~

One lapse of judgment can cost and talent isn't everything. A huge slice of good fortune in needed to make it to the top, and without that element of luck, you've no chance.
~By John Barrow ~

I'm not in the judgment part of journalism.
~By Jim Lehrer ~

In the book of Colossians, it talks about that because of what Christ did, we are pure. We are without judgment on ourselves. And only through him can we do something like this.
~By Jim Bakker ~

She has good instincts, but wrong judgments. She'll rue the day.
~By David O. Selznick ~

In my judgment, if we had pursued this course, the zones would have been of short duration. England would have been compelled to take her mines out of the North Sea in order to get any supplies from our country.
~By George William Norris ~

In our judgment of human transactions, the law of optics is reversed; we see the most indistinctly the objects which are close around us.
~By Richard Whately ~

Our judgments judge us, and nothing reveals us, exposes our weaknesses, more ingeniously than the attitude of pronouncing upon our fellows.
~By Paul Valery ~

What matters to us, the judgment of men? What have we to doubt, since we are pure before life?
~By Renee Vivien ~

We would have been happy if we could have assigned just three categories, large, medium, and small; the point is, we wanted to avoid personal judgments. It actually turned out to be quite a finely tuned scale.
~By Charles Francis Richter ~

You need a graphic understanding of a situation to make a complete judgment and we didn't have that.
~By William Scranton ~

Enthusiasm is that temper of the mind in which the imagination has got the better of the judgment.
~By William Warburton ~

Doubt, the essential preliminary of all improvement and discovery, must accompany the stages of man's onward progress. The faculty of doubting and questioning, without which those of comparison and judgment would be useless, is itself a divine prerogative of the reason.
~By Albert Pike ~

Where men of judgment creep and feel their way, The positive pronounce without dismay.
~By William Cowper ~

Cuvier had preceded Lamarck in specifying the kinds and degrees of variation, which his own observations and critical judgment of the reports of others led him to admit.
~By Richard Owen ~

The repudiation of the primacy of understanding means the repudiation of the norms of judgment as well, and hence the abandonment of all ethical standards.
~By Johan Huizinga ~

All defense secretaries in wartime have, needless to say, made misjudgments.
~By Bill Kristol ~

When we'd suggested doing it, the Theatre Royal management had said, 'Nobody wants to see Waiting for Godot.' As it happened, every single ticket was booked for every single performance, and this confirmation that our judgment was right was sweet. Audiences came to us from all over the world. It was amazing.
~By Ian McKellen ~

A judgment pronounced in accordance with the facts can therefore assign to it an historical place only within that movement of reformation which was brought to a victorious issue by King Josiah.
~By Julius Wellhausen ~

I can only speak for myself, and hope people hear my words and see me on television speaking for myself. And, hopefully, they'll be able to make their own judgment. And at the end of the day, I just want my work to speak for itself.
~By Jennifer Lopez ~

Interest is the spur of the people, but glory that of great souls. Invention is the talent of youth, and judgment of age.
~By Jonathan Swift ~

Some counterfeits reproduce so very well the truth that it would be a flaw of judgment not to be deceived by them.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

It is to be remedied that the false traitors will suffer no man to come into the king's presence for no cause without bribes where none ought to be had. Any man might have his coming to him to ask him grace or judgment in such case as the king may give.
~By Jack Cade ~

My philosophy of leadership is to surround myself with good people who have ability, judgment and knowledge, but above all, a passion for service.
~By Sonny Perdue ~

And I argued with that intelligence estimate and I think it is a responsibility of policymakers to use their best judgment on the basis of the intelligence they've received.
~By Frank Carlucci ~

We may not return the affection of those who like us, but we always respect their good judgment.
~By Lillian Gordy Carter ~

You ever try to go a day without judgment?
~By Max Cannon ~

Cruel and cold is the judgment of man, Cruel as winter, and cold as the snow; But by-and-by will the deed and the plan Be judged by the motive that lieth below.
~By Lewis J. Bates ~

Propaganda must appeal to mankind's better judgment and to the necessary belief in a better future. For this belief, the valley of the shadow of death is but a war station on the road to the blessed summit.
~By Christian Lous Lange ~

Right-wing media and politicians are looking for any opportunity to be critical of the reporters who are here. Some reporters make judgments, but that is not my style. I present both sides and report what I see with my own eyes.
~By Peter Arnett ~

The tendency to turn human judgments into divine commands makes religion one of the most dangerous forces in the world.
~By Georgia Harkness ~

In my judgment, based on the work that has been done to this point of the Iraq Survey Group, and in fact, that I reported to you in October, Iraq was in clear violation of the terms of U.N.Resolution 1441.
~By David Kay ~

Let us come to the philosophers, whose authority is of greater weight, and their judgment more to be relied on, because they are believed to have paid attention, not to matters of fiction, but to the investigation of the truth.
~By Lactantius ~

AIDS is a judgment we have brought upon ourselves.
~By Mary Whitehouse ~

Most people suspend their judgment till somebody else has expressed his own and then they repeat it.
~By Ernest Dimnet ~

To make a coverage decision, doesn't one have to make a medical judgment?
~By John Paul Stevens ~

If someone is making a judgment when they don't have firsthand experience, it's intolerant. How can you make a judgment on something you don't know about?
~By Beck ~

There is no one right now in my judgment that can unite the Black electorate in such a way to present our agenda to a nominee to have them forthrightly address our concerns.
~By Louis Farrakhan ~

Judgments, value judgments concerning life, for or against, can in the last resort never be true: they possess value only as symptoms, they come into consideration only as symptoms - in themselves such judgments are stupidities.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Then, as the day progresses, depending on how the product is coming in - for instance, the fish man will fax us and say black bass is great - throughout the day, we'll also make judgment calls and adapt to what's available.
~By Thomas Keller ~

One of the cruelest judgments sustained against me is that I have spoken out as a recovered alcoholic to stimulate my acting career.
~By Mercedes McCambridge ~

None are more unjust in their judgments of others than those who have a high opinion of themselves.
~By Charles Spurgeon ~

A primary function of art and thought is to liberate the individual from the tyranny of his culture in the environmental sense and to permit him to stand beyond it in an autonomy of perception and judgment.
~By Beverly Sills ~

I think kids should have a mentor and a role model, but that they shouldn't take one person's opinion to be what we call final assessment or judgment about how life is supposed to be.
~By Sean Paul ~

Our cattlemen have given us the safest, most abundant, most affordable beef supply in the world and I trust their judgment. And if you look at consumer confidence in this country, so does the American public.
~By Norm Coleman ~

We need to go back to the way it was 30 years ago, when everybody had Grandma and Grandpa, and we were willing to pass moral judgments about right and wrong.
~By Steven Tyler ~

The fact is that when it comes to judgment as to what should be secret and what should not be secret, Julian Assange's judgment has been pretty good so far.
~By Daniel Ellsberg ~

As long as male behavior is taken to be the norm, there can be no serious questioning of male traits and behavior. A norm is by definition a standard for judging; it is not itself subject to judgment.
~By Myriam Miedzian ~

It is unfortunate that the poor judgment shown by a small group of young actors has tarnished the reputation of every child who has ever appeared before a camera.
~By Fred Savage ~

There is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. They deserve, in my judgment, partnership benefits. They deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to adoption and immigration.
~By John Edwards ~

Every neurosis is a primitive form of legal proceeding in which the accused carries on the prosecution, imposes judgment and executes the sentence: all to the end that someone else should not perform the same process.
~By Lionel Trilling ~

The fact is, Latinos now own their own lives and I believe they can afford to look back without judgment.
~By Ednita Nazario ~

Nothing is beautiful, only man: on this piece of naivete rests all aesthetics, it is the first truth of aesthetics. Let us immediately add its second: nothing is ugly but degenerate man - the domain of aesthetic judgment is therewith defined.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

You will not dishonor the divine perfections by judgments unworthy of them, provided you never judge of Him by yourself, provided you do not ascribe to the Creator the imperfections and limitations of created beings.
~By Nicolas Malebranche ~

We all have these tendencies in us that could go this way or that. I think that's the real key in writing. To look at a character without judgment.
~By Paul Haggis ~

Judgment is more than skill. It sets forth on intellectual seas beyond the shores of hard indisputable factual information.
~By Kingman Brewster, Jr. ~

If people suspect their Cattle Bewitched, if they be great Cattle, make the twelfth house their ascendant, and the eleventh their twelfth house, and vary your Rules with Judgment.
~By William Lilly ~

Biography can be the most middle-class of all forms, the judgment of little people avenging themselves on the great.
~By Edmund White ~

Don't wait for the last judgment - it takes place every day.
~By Albert Camus ~

Undeserved praise causes more pangs of conscience later than undeserved blame, but probably only for this reason, that our power of judgment are more completely exposed by being over praised than by being unjustly underestimated.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Judgment comes from experience and great judgment comes from bad experience.
~By Bob Packwood ~

It is the duty of the Umpire to determine all questions submitted to him according to these laws, when they apply, and according to his best judgment when they do not apply.
~By Howard Staunton ~

Big business, for all its lobbying, is often put in line by investigative reporting, public scandals and multi-million-dollar judgments in court against those who put products on the market that are dangerous to their buyers.
~By Stanley Crouch ~

It is not by muscle, speed, or physical dexterity that great things are achieved, but by reflection, force of character, and judgment.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of one's life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted.
~By George Santayana ~

I don't think my judgment is that good. I don't know what is funny.
~By Jerry Stiller ~

Judgment is not upon all occasions required, but discretion always is.
~By Philip Stanhope ~

Our analysis of truth and falsehood, or of the nature of judgment, is not very likely to be influenced by our hopes and fears.
~By Charles D. Broad ~

But if the young are never tired of erring in conduct, neither are the older in erring of judgment.
~By Fanny Burney ~

Many slaves on this continent are oppressed, and their cries have reached the ears of the Most High. Such are the purity and certainty of his judgments, that he cannot be partial in our favor.
~By John Woolman ~

Good judgment comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
~By Will Rogers ~

The idea is to try to give all the information to help others to judge the value of your contribution; not just the information that leads to judgment in one particular direction or another.
~By Richard P. Feynman ~

The main reason why men and women make different aesthetic judgments is the fact that the latter, generally incapable of abstraction, only admire what meets their complete approval.
~By Franz Grillparzer ~

You can use all the quantitative data you can get, but you still have to distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgment.
~By Alvin Toffler ~

Thy books should, like thy friends, not many be, yet such wherein men may thy judgment see.
~By William Wycherley ~

An element of exaggeration clings to the popular judgment: great vices are made greater, great virtues greater also; interesting incidents are made more interesting, softer legends more soft.
~By Walter Bagehot ~

I believe that President Clinton considered the legal merits of the arguments for the pardon as he understood them, and he rendered his judgment, wise or unwise, on the merits.
~By John Podesta ~

How little do they see what is, who frame their hasty judgments upon that which seems.
~By Robert Southey ~

Thus, it was to seek true civilization and true justice for all the peoples of the world, and to view this as the destruction of personal freedom and respect is to be assailed by the hatred and emotion of war, and to make hasty judgments.
~By Hideki Tojo ~

It should come as no surprise to any of us that the solution to ending bickering in families is to talk to one another more often without blaming, making judgments, or insulting one another.
~By Donald C. Medeiros ~

Even as I stand here and admit that we have made mistakes I still believe that as the people of America sit in judgment on each party, they will recognize that our mistakes were mistakes of the heart. They'll recognize that.
~By Barbara Jordan ~

I was wrong to vote for this war. Unfortunately, I'll have to live with that forever. And the lesson I learned from it is to put more faith in my own judgment.
~By John Edwards ~

The Senator from Massachusetts has given us ample grounds to doubt the judgment and the attitude he brings to bear on vital issues of national security.
~By Dick Cheney ~

The Resistance is a moral certainty, not a poetic one. The true poet never uses words in order to punish someone. His judgment belongs to a creative order; it is not formulated as a prophetic scripture.
~By Salvatore Quasimodo ~

It is essential to employ, trust, and reward those whose perspective, ability, and judgment are radically different from yours. It is also rare, for it requires uncommon humility, tolerance, and wisdom.
~By Dee Hock ~

Indeed upon much that may have to say, I expect rather the charitable judgment than the full assent of those whose approbation I could most wish to win.
~By Asa Gray ~

We are ashamed to seem evasive in the presence of a straightforward man, cowardly in the presence of a brave one, gross in the eyes of a refined one, and so on. We always imagine, and in imagining share, the judgments of the other mind.
~By Charles Horton Cooley ~

When critics sit in judgment it is hard to tell where justice leaves off and vengeance begins.
~By Chuck Jones ~

History passes the final judgment.
~By Sidney Poitier ~

It is the work of fancy to enlarge, but of judgment to shorten and contract; and therefore this must be as far above the other as judgment is a greater and nobler faculty than fancy or imagination.
~By Robert South ~

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July 27 ,2024
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