Kiss Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Kiss

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You can always turn a bad kisser into a good one.
~By Laura Prepon ~

Teach not thy lip such scorn, for it was made For kissing, lady, not for such contempt.
~By William Shakespeare ~

Harvard makes mistakes too, you know. Kissinger taught there.
~By Woody Allen ~

I'd kiss a frog even if there was no promise of a Prince Charming popping out of it. I love frogs.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

We live in a kissy society.
~By Michael Bergin ~

And when the day arrives I'll become the sky and I'll become the sea and the sea will come to kiss me for I am going home. Nothing can stop me now.
~By Trent Reznor ~

Guys ask me, don't I get burned out? How can you get burned out doing something you love? I ask you, have you ever got tired of kissing a pretty girl?
~By Tommy Lasorda ~

I want so much for my lover. At night when our beds are drawn close together I waken and see his dear yellow head on the pillow - sometimes his arm thrown over on my bed - and I kiss his hand, very softly so that it will not waken him.
~By Dawn Powell ~

It's OK to do cute little things like kissing a turtle, but you can't kiss another person because he's a different color? Give me a break. And you have to remember, I'm from Dallas, Texas.
~By Aaron Spelling ~

When you think about it, we actors are kind of prostitutes. We get paid to feign attraction and love. Other people are paying to watch us kissing someone, touching someone, doing things people in a normal monogamous relationship would never do with anyone who's not their partner. It's really kind of gross.
~By Megan Fox ~

The song This Kiss was definitely my breakthrough song. After that, Breathe was my breakthrough album.
~By Faith Hill ~

The Kiss scene was attempted three times. The first was in a peculiar spot of the fort on the ground level. It felt forced to me, and I knew right away that, in spite of what others were saying, it was dead wrong.
~By Madeleine Stowe ~

A man snatches the first kiss, pleads for the second, demands the third, takes the fourth, accepts the fifth - and endures all the rest.
~By Helen Rowland ~

But I've found that to talk too much about movies is the kiss of death. If it happens then it happens, is all.
~By Brian Lumley ~

Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing you a lullaby.
~By Langston Hughes ~

The first time I kissed Brad my knees went weak - I literally lost my breath!
~By Jennifer Aniston ~

More than kisses, letters mingle souls.
~By John Donne ~

You know how most dogs lick you on the cheek? If you're sleeping and not ready for it, my dog, Joe, will get his tongue inside your mouth. It's by far the worst kiss I've ever had.
~By Will Estes ~

Henry Kissinger is the greatest living war criminal in the world today, with the blood of millions of people in Vietnam and Cambodia and Laos and Chile and East Timor on his hands. He will never appear in a court or be behind bars.
~By George Galloway ~

Women still remember the first kiss after men have forgotten the last.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

I think less is more when it comes to kissing in the movies.
~By Julia Roberts ~

Fads are the kiss of death. When the fad goes away, you go with it.
~By Conway Twitty ~

I prefer a kiss that is so much more than just a tongue in your mouth.
~By Katherine Heigl ~

When I was young, I kissed my first woman and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. Believe me, never since have I wasted any more time on tobacco.
~By Arturo Toscanini ~

I don't want people kissing my butt. If I had a bad show and I know it, don't tell me I had a good show. I hate that. I guess because I'm 17, people think I don't see stuff like that.
~By Britney Spears ~

It would be great to see somebody like Kid Rock kissing a man. But I'm sure that he wouldn't like the prospect of it put to him, and I won't even go there with Eminem.
~By Robbie Williams ~

Idle is the day and lantern the hour as I delight in the splendor of your kiss grog.
~By Isabel Yosito ~

Kissing someone is pretty intimate, actually very intimate, and your heart always kind of skips a beat before you do that.
~By Keanu Reeves ~

Kisses, even to the air, are beautiful.
~By Drew Barrymore ~

Once you come and see Kiss, you either love us or you hate us.
~By Ace Frehley ~

For me personally, everything is on a kiss.
~By Anna Friel ~

The kiss always gets a hell of a reaction.
~By Dominic West ~

I don't remember having a crush on a boy when I was a girl. I don't even remember my first kiss.
~By Maureen O'Hara ~

Since there's no help, come let us kiss and part.
~By Michael Drayton ~

The world reacts very strangely to people they see on TV, and I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If you're not careful, you can become used to being treated as though you're special and begin to expect it. For a reporter, that's the kiss of death.
~By Anderson Cooper ~

I was born when you kissed me. I died when you left me. I lived a few weeks while you loved me.
~By Humphrey Bogart ~

KISS Psycho Circus is my current favorite. I'm not ashamed to say that I prefer the mindless fun of blasting hordes of creatures to exploration or adventure games.
~By Mike Wilson ~

When women kiss it always reminds one of prize fighters shaking hands.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

I was a very fearful little kid, and I would always see the worst in everything. The glass was half-empty. I would see people kissing, and I would think one was trying to bite the other.
~By Daniel Clowes ~

O Polly, you might have toyed and kissed, by keeping men off, you keep them on.
~By John Gay ~

Nobody wants to kiss when they are hungry.
~By Dorothy Dix ~

A kiss, when all is said, what is it? A rosy dot placed on the 'I' in loving; Tis a secret told to the mouth instead of to the ear.
~By Edmond Rostand ~

The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

My first real kiss came when I was 10, and it was in an acting class. I had to do a scene from a movie where someone gets kissed under a tree, and I did not want to do it! But my acting partner wanted me to feel comfortable, so he bought a picnic basket with all these snacks. He made such an effort - and it was cute.
~By Vanessa Hudgens ~

I think Hadley is to Rice as Scowcroft was to Kissinger; not inclined to think or act independently.
~By Michael Ledeen ~

Why does a man take it for granted that a girl who flirts with him wants him to kiss her - when, nine times out of ten, she only wants him to want to kiss her?
~By Helen Rowland ~

There were people I know that got upset that I kiss people. I kiss them for luck and love, that's all. That's what my mother did to me.
~By Richard Dawson ~

Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off.
~By Raymond Chandler ~

Long Kiss Goodnight has a huge cult following. They could make another version of that movie right now and make a lot of money.
~By Samuel L. Jackson ~

You know, who cares about seeing the girls when everybody wants to see the band. That's what's important, KISS is important. I think we look great, and the attitude is there, and I'm real happy with it.
~By Eric Carr ~

Oh, what lies there are in kisses.
~By Heinrich Heine ~

In Westerns you were permitted to kiss your horse but never your girl.
~By Gary Cooper ~

Rufus? He's a grand kisser, and he's dead sexy.
~By Catherine McCormack ~

A correct answer is like an affectionate kiss.
~By Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ~

Like you and your woman ain't gettin' along and you're in love. You can't sleep at nights. Your mind is on her - on whatever. You know, that's the blues. You can't hug that money at night. You can't kiss it.
~By John Lee Hooker ~

Reason is a supple nymph, and slippery as a fish by nature. She had as leave give her kiss to an absurdity any day, as to syllogistic truth. The absurdity may turn out truer.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

What does kissing really mean to me? To me, if you feel, when you kiss a girl, that certain feeling of all those dolphins, like, swimming through your blood stream, and you get those good tingles inside your stomach, I don't think there's any better feeling.
~By Corey Haim ~

I do not know how to kiss, or I would kiss you. Where do the noses go?
~By Ingrid Bergman ~

A kiss that is never tasted, is forever and ever wasted.
~By Billie Holiday ~

When I was in my 20s it did occur to me that there was something perverted about an attitude that thought that killing somebody was a minor offence compared to kissing somebody.
~By John McGahern ~

I kissed my first girl and smoked my first cigarette on the same day. I haven't had time for tobacco since.
~By Arturo Toscanini ~

Golden slumbers kiss your eyes, Smiles awake you when you rise.
~By Thomas Dekker ~

To me, it's the kiss of death when you start winking at the audience as an actor. I just never liked it. I don't like it when we do monologues, looking into the character.
~By Thomas Jane ~

Kissing Macaulay Culkin was like kissing a brother. It was really no big deal.
~By Anna Chlumsky ~

We came around the corner, I kissed her and after I kissed her she relaxed. And then I grabbed her and kissed her again and she was shocked! And that was what we wanted.
~By Rod Steiger ~

Boys always like to see girls kiss. I don't get it; girls don't want to see boys kiss.
~By Dominique Swain ~

This may be a dream, but I'll say it anyway: I was supposed to be married last year, and I bought a gown. When I meet Nelson Mandela, I shall put on this gown and have the train of it removed and put aside, and kiss the ground that he walks on and then kiss his feet.
~By Nina Simone ~

If you kiss on the first date and it's not right, then there will be no second date. Sometimes it's better to hold out and not kiss for a long time. I am a strong believer in kissing being very intimate, and the minute you kiss, the floodgates open for everything else.
~By Jennifer Lopez ~

Rumors of sneezing, kissing, tears, sweat, and saliva spreading AIDS caused people to panic.
~By Ryan White ~

Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.
~By Bernard Meltzer ~

She felt like a chess player who, by the clever handling of his pieces, sees the game taking the course intended. Her eyes were bright and tender with a smile as they glanced up into his; and her lips looked hungry for the kiss which they invited.
~By Kate Chopin ~

Breathless, we flung us on a windy hill, Laughed in the sun, and kissed the lovely grass.
~By Rupert Brooke ~

The first kiss between two people is something really good in life.
~By Juliana Hatfield ~

Actually, I've only been involved with one girl I worked with. It was Alyssa Milano. We didn't actually have an onscreen kiss - we're about to but it gets broken up.
~By Scott Wolf ~

To find a prince, you gotta kiss some toads.
~By Foxy Brown ~

I said 'well, I'll kiss her twice, you see? We'll come around, I'll kiss her, and if you put a little more track down for the camera, then I'll put my tongue down her throat and you'll get what you want'. He said 'You think so?'
~By Rod Steiger ~

When you get married you forget about kissing other women.
~By Pat Boone ~

Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.
~By Albert Einstein ~

I ended up gettin' a little Gibson amp and a bass, because of Gene Simmons of Kiss. Myself and three other kids would pretend to be Kiss - I liked Gene the best.
~By Jason Newsted ~

I don't have to 'freedom-kiss' my wife when what I really want to do is French-kiss her.
~By Woody Allen ~

I want a kiss to be so believable it give the reader shivers.
~By Laurell K. Hamilton ~

Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul.
~By Marilyn Monroe ~

We are all mortal until the first kiss and the second glass of wine.
~By Eduardo Galeano ~

You should not take a fellow eight years old and make him swear to never kiss the girls.
~By Robert Browning ~

I was shortly again at the castle, and the Princess gave me her hand to kiss and then brought her children, the young princes and princesses, and we played together, as if we had known each other for years.
~By Max Muller ~

'Twas not my lips you kissed but my soul.
~By Judy Garland ~

For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
~By Judy Garland ~

Stolen kisses are always sweetest.
~By Leigh Hunt ~

The fathers, if they got me alone, would try to kiss and fondle me. I hated it.
~By Christine Keeler ~

He who binds to himself a joy Does the winged life destroy; But he who kisses the joy as it flies Lives in eternity's sun rise.
~By William Blake ~

It's a job - someone's gotta kiss Jennifer Aniston. The reality is, Jennifer and I can do our job well because we truly are friends. But when the day's over, she goes home to her boyfriend and I go home to a magazine.
~By David Schwimmer ~

Kissing - and I mean like, yummy, smacking kissing - is the most delicious, most beautiful and passionate thing that two people can do, bar none. Better than sex, hands down.
~By Drew Barrymore ~

The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions - the little, soon forgotten charities of a kiss or a smile, a kind look or heartfelt compliment.
~By Samuel Taylor Coleridge ~

A man's kiss is his signature.
~By Mae West ~

Drink to me only with thine eyes, And I will pledge with mine; Or leave a kiss but in the cup And I'll not look for wine.
~By Ben Jonson ~

Why watch someone kissing when people really close their eyes when they kiss?
~By John Hughes ~

It is the passion that is in a kiss that gives to it its sweetness; it is the affection in a kiss that sanctifies it.
~By Christian Nestell Bovee ~

Some people talk about screen kisses being strange or uncomfortable. But I think that I got along with Anna well enough that it just happened; it was a fun day of shooting.
~By Shawn Ashmore ~

Kiss till the cow comes home.
~By Francis Beaumont ~

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July 26 ,2024
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