Lesbian Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Lesbian

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We are in desperate need of a well-done romantic lesbian comedy.
~By Jill Bennett ~

Marriages are under strain today in terms of economics. There are social cross-currents. We see failed marriages. But it is not under attack by our gay and lesbian citizens.
~By Earl Blumenauer ~

As a standup, I try to change the world. As an entertainer, I try to entertain. And as a lesbian, I try to pick up the prettiest girl in the room.
~By Lea DeLaria ~

There are brilliant out lesbians and gay men and bisexuals and transgendered people and heterosexuals keeping the fire of change alive. Not a day goes by when I don't feel grateful to them for their work.
~By Jasmine Guy ~

Lesbianism is so rampant in some of the schools in southeast Oklahoma that they'll only let one girl go to the bathroom. Now think about it. Think about that issue. How is it that that's happened to us?
~By Tom Coburn ~

I am going to sing lesbian love songs and support gay rights no matter what. The rest is public relations.
~By Jasmine Guy ~

I was actually a bit disappointed about the amount of sex in the show. I think Backus should get out a bit more, get a relationship, perhaps make her a lesbian.
~By Lexa Doig ~

I would like to do another piece of fiction dealing with a number of issues: Lesbian parenting, the 1960's, and interracial relationships in the Lesbian and Gay community.
~By Audre Lorde ~

Our very strength as lesbians lies in the fact that we are outside of patriarchy; our existence challenges its life.
~By Charlotte Bunch ~

Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
~By Pat Robertson ~

Valentino was apparently gay or bisexual. And his two lesbian wives. But without any question, he had sex with men. From choice. So he was one or the other.
~By Cesar Romero ~

There is so much work to be done to treat gays and lesbians and gay and lesbian couples with the respect that they're entitled to. They deserve, in my judgment, partnership benefits. They deserve to be treated fairly when it comes to adoption and immigration.
~By John Edwards ~

Lesbians are likely to be drawn to stand-up, if only because it's cheaper to produce and therefore more accessible for women. But the very form of stand-up is masculine.
~By Kate Clinton ~

My mission, I guess, has always been the kind of world where lesbian and gay people can celebrate who we are with equal freedom, dignity, and respect.
~By John Fisher ~

There are enormously gifted Episcopal priests around this church who are gay and lesbian, some of whom are partnered, who would make wonderful bishops and they're going to be nominated and they're going to be elected.
~By Gene Robinson ~

Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.
~By Billie Jean King ~

I'm not even kind of a lesbian.
~By Oprah Winfrey ~

I think my election is one of several indications that gay and lesbian folk are being brought more into the center of things. I'd like to think that my election signals my bringing of gay and lesbian folk into the center of the church.
~By Gene Robinson ~

I don't want to make it sound like a hotbed of lesbianism but I did have a number of relationships.
~By Jean O'Leary ~

I'd rather not be known as the Vice President's lesbian daughter.
~By Mary Cheney ~

When Bound was released, Boys don't Cry wasn't out yet. Therefore it was very taboo to play a lesbian. I loved the part, because girls never get to play the typical guy parts.
~By Gina Gershon ~

I consider myself a lesbian, but I'm a bisexual lesbian.
~By Betty Dodson ~

My image had always been very heterosexual, very straight. So it was a nice experience for me, a chance to clarify my own feelings about gay and lesbian civil rights.
~By Bruce Springsteen ~

To me, celebrity doesn't mean a whole lot unless you're willing to use it. So I wanted to use it in a different way, with my AIDS work, the human rights stuff for the gay and lesbian community and the speaking I do.
~By Judith Light ~

An agent said he didn't know what to do with me, I wouldn't be able to play any parts but lesbians and aliens.
~By Allison Janney ~

Marriage commissioners who choose not to marry homosexuals are being fired. A Knights of Columbus chapter in British Columbia is in court because it chooses not allow a lesbian group to use its facility for marriage ceremonies. The list goes on.
~By Stockwell Day ~

Part of the lesbian consciousness is an absolute recognition of the erotic within our lives and, taking that a step further, dealing with the erotic not only in sexual terms.
~By Audre Lorde ~

I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.
~By Barack Obama ~

After Bound, we were offered a lot of lesbian thrillers.
~By Andy Wachowski ~

You know, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender - people are people.
~By Judith Light ~

I became a lesbian because of women, because women are beautiful, strong, and compassionate.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

I would say that I'm a feminist theorist before I'm a queer theorist or a gay and lesbian theorist.
~By Judith Butler ~

I hope that I can get people to read it without having to change it. Especially now that the strip has more different kinds of characters. It's really not all lesbians any more.
~By Alison Bechdel ~

I am a writer who happens to love women. I am not a lesbian who happens to write.
~By Jeanette Winterson ~

If you had told me 28 years ago that the largest organization in the world touching the lives of gays and lesbians would be a church, I would not have believed you.
~By Troy Perry ~

There are lesbians, God knows... if you came up through lesbian circles in the forties and fifties in New York... who were not feminist and would not call themselves feminists.
~By Audre Lorde ~

Even if there are a lot women in films, there are few who are lesbians, that people know about.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

Everyone is their own kind of lesbian. To think there's a certain way to dress or present yourself in the world is just one more stereotype we have to fit into.
~By Portia de Rossi ~

But the true feminist deals out of a lesbian consciousness whether or not she ever sleeps with women.
~By Audre Lorde ~

Women who love women are Lesbians. Men, because they can only think of women in sexual terms, define Lesbian as sex between women.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

Our intention is to really explore this transition and, beyond that, explore the particular things that someone comes up against when they're gay or lesbian.
~By Laura Innes ~

I'm happy to say that I'm a lesbian in the world. I know there are people who don't want to be called women comedians, but I think it gives a path to the fact that we live in extremely patriarchal times.
~By Kate Clinton ~

First, I used some of my own experiences and observations from attending a public high school. Secondly, I joined in some Internet chat rooms for gays and lesbians.
~By Ellen Muth ~

Like me, the great majority of Americans wish both to preserve the traditional definition of marriage and to oppose bias and intolerance directed towards gays and lesbians.
~By Mitt Romney ~

After that, I was offered lots of lesbian roles, but I didn't want them because I'd already played the best there was.
~By Radha Mitchell ~

John Kerry didn't out me, nor did he offend or attack me by calling me a lesbian. I certainly couldn't be offended by the truth.
~By Mary Cheney ~

It's a cosmic joke that I'm a lesbian, because I understand men so well but women are a complete mystery to me.
~By Lea DeLaria ~

I hate the word lesbian; it tells you nothing; its only purpose is to inflame.
~By Jeanette Winterson ~

My feelings for Ellen overrode all of my fear about being out as a lesbian. I had to be with her, and I just figured I'd deal with the other stuff later.
~By Portia de Rossi ~

I started going to Madame Louise's, the lesbian club where all the punk bands used to go - the Sex Pistols, the Clash. I remember seeing Billy Idol walk in there; he was gorgeous.
~By Boy George ~

Lesbian existence comprises both the breaking of a taboo and the rejection of a compulsory way of life. It is also a direct or indirect attack on the male right of access to women.
~By Adrienne Rich ~

Feminism encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians.
~By Pat Robertson ~

Lesbian humor isn't trying to sell anything, it doesn't have to sell out. Coming out as a lesbian onstage is still a very political act; if it weren't, more women would do it.
~By Kate Clinton ~

I am not, I repeat, NOT a lesbian - even though I'd like to be one when I grow up.
~By Dawn French ~

There are people that very strongly identify themselves as gay and then lesbian, and then I think there are a lot of people who are kind of some percentage or some version of that.
~By Michael Stipe ~

I never thought to myself, I'm going to grow up and fall in love with a man or I'm going to fall in love with a woman because my mother is a lesbian.
~By Ally Sheedy ~

I am not a lesbian and I am not a slut, and somehow I am going to make people believe me.
~By Vanessa Williams ~

There are plenty of lesbians in Hollywood, but they're not out. And that's their choice, but I can't do that, it's too important to me.
~By Jill Bennett ~

Some women can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.
~By Kate Clinton ~

God did not create gays and lesbians so He could have something to hate!
~By Troy Perry ~

I would certainly never suggest that any lesbian should be ashamed of her sexual preference.
~By Evan Hunter ~

Lesbians and gays... they still have to fight, even inside. It's not that simple, even if they seem to be accepted.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

Well, I always looked at Mulan as a movie about a lesbian coming out.
~By Harvey Fierstein ~

It's a struggle but that's why we exist, so that another generation of Lesbians of color will not have to invent themselves, or their history, all over again.
~By Audre Lorde ~

I have met many feminists who were not Lesbians but I have never met a Lesbian who was not a feminist.
~By Martha Shelley ~

Well, actually, I'm a bisexual lesbian in a man's body... but it's more complicated than that.
~By Tony Parker ~

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July 26 ,2024
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