Lust Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Lust

Read This: Harmony Quotes And Sayings

No, what I should really like to do right now, in the full blaze of lights, before this illustrious assembly, is to shower every one of you with gifts, with flowers, with offerings of poetry - to be young once more, to ride on the crest of the wave.
~By Knut Hamsun ~

A bit of lusting after someone does wonders for the skin.
~By Elizabeth Hurley ~

I saw no African people in the printed and illustrated Sunday school lessons. I began to suspect at this early age that someone had distorted the image of my people. My long search for the true history of African people the world over began.
~By John Henrik Clarke ~

Passing into practical life, illustrations of this fact are found everywhere; the distant, or the unseen, steadies and strengthens us against the rapid whirl of things around us.
~By Matthew Simpson ~

Sam Walton was a master storyteller who used illustrative stories to reinforce his cultural standards.
~By Michael Bergdahl ~

I think some of the best reporters are the ones who can really illustrate the differences between societies, at the same time trying to connect the fact that there are a lot of shared values in addition to those differences.
~By John Pomfret ~

I can imagine myself on my death-bed, spent utterly with lust to touch the next world, like a boy asking for his first kiss from a woman.
~By Aleister Crowley ~

When virtue and modesty enlighten her charms, the lustre of a beautiful woman is brighter than the stars of heaven, and the influence of her power it is in vain to resist.
~By Akhenaton ~

In my opinion, he only may be truly said to live and enjoy his being who is engaged in some laudable pursuit, and acquires a name by some illustrious action, or useful art.
~By Sallust ~

He who truly believes that which prompts him to an action has looked upon the action to lust after it, he has committed it already in his heart.
~By William Kingdon Clifford ~

I've done illustration on the side. But other than that, comics have been my main things.
~By Jaime Hernandez ~

The Architect is just one of a series of works which examine the confrontation of innocence and experience, illustrating the complex ethics of power that exist between reader and writer, critic and artist, the human and the divine.
~By John Scott ~

My illustrious lordship, I'll show you what a woman can do.
~By Artemisia Gentileschi ~

No man with a conscience can just bat out illustrations. He's got to put all his talent and feeling into them!
~By Norman Rockwell ~

I will far rather see the race of man extinct than that we should become less than beasts by making the noblest of God's creation, woman, the object of our lust.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

What Tim does is, he calls me and sends me the script. And then he sends me a drawing, an illustration of his image of me as the character. It's so great.
~By Danny DeVito ~

The Holocaust illustrates the consequences of prejudice, racism and stereotyping on a society. It forces us to examine the responsibilities of citizenship and confront the powerful ramifications of indifference and inaction.
~By Tim Holden ~

Acting gave me the opportunity to do outrageous things. It allowed me to be sad, happy, angry and lustful even if it was just vicariously.
~By Joan Allen ~

Lust's passion will be served; it demands, it militates, it tyrannizes.
~By Marquis de Sade ~

It is love rather than sexual lust or unbridled sexuality if, in addition to the need or want involved, there is also some impulse to give pleasure to the persons thus loved and not merely to use them for our own selfish pleasure.
~By Mortimer Adler ~

I make no claim to be an authority on writing or illustrating for children.
~By Hugh Lofting ~

He has a number of curious facts in illustration of the power of mere goodness to protect against outrage.
~By George Combe ~

To enlarge or illustrate this power and effect of love is to set a candle in the sun.
~By Robert Burton ~

We must not be content to memorize the beautiful formulas of our illustrious predecessors. Let us go out and study beautiful nature.
~By Paul Cezanne ~

People never know how strong is their lust for being cheated.
~By Joe Chung ~

For the sake of argument and illustration I will presume that certain articles of ordinary diet, however beneficial in youth, are prejudicial in advanced life, like beans to a horse, whose common ordinary food is hay and corn.
~By William Banting ~

Our financial services and insurance cluster is one of Delaware's key economic drivers in the state.
~By Ruth Ann Minner ~

Rising genius always shoots out its rays from among the clouds, but these will gradually roll away and disappear as it ascends to its steady luster.
~By Washington Irving ~

One shining quality lends a lustre to another, or hides some glaring defect.
~By William Hazlitt ~

If you live in rock and roll, as I do, you see the reality of sex, of male lust and women being aroused by male lust. It attracts women. It doesn't repel them.
~By Camille Paglia ~

Though lust do masque in ne'er so strange disguise she's oft found witty, but is never wise.
~By John Webster ~

The lust for comfort, that stealthy thing that enters the house a guest, and then becomes a host, and then a master.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

Love grows. Lust wastes by Enjoyment, and the Reason is, that one springs from an Union of Souls, and the other from an Union of Sense.
~By William Penn ~

That's something I learned in art school. I studied graphic design in Germany, and my professor emphasized the responsibility that designers and illustrators have towards the people they create things for.
~By Eric Carle ~

I have been further enlightened by the conversation and correspondence of some illustrious Italians, whom I would gladly name, were I not afraid of exposing them to danger.
~By Edmond About ~

The generic Canadian style of illustration is different from the generic American style.
~By John Kricfalusi ~

And I like the way Cain writes his women. Very strong. They're kind of lusty, they know what they want, they're full of conviction. Cain's women are sexual.
~By Pia Zadora ~

The Bible and several other self help or enlightenment books cite the Seven Deadly Sins. They are: pride, greed, lust, envy, wrath, sloth, and gluttony. That pretty much covers everything that we do, that is sinful... or fun for that matter.
~By Dave Mustaine ~

As a theoretical physicist, I feel at once proud and humble at the thought of the illustrious figures that have preceded me here to receive the greatest of all honors in science, the Nobel prize.
~By Murray Gell Mann ~

I write lustily and humorously. It isn't calculated; it's the way I think. I've invented a writing style that expresses who I am.
~By Erica Jong ~

The State acquires power... and because of its insatiable lust for power it is incapable of giving up any of it. The State never abdicates.
~By Frank Chodorov ~

Cartoonists are untrained artists, while illustrators are more trained.
~By John Kricfalusi ~

I started writing books for children because I could illustrate them myself and because, in my innocence, I thought they'd be easier.
~By Mark Haddon ~

Some wars have been due to the lust of rulers for power and glory, or to revenge to wipe out the humiliation of a former defeat.
~By John Boyd Orr ~

But, after all, the aim of art is to create space - space that is not compromised by decoration or illustration, space within which the subjects of painting can live.
~By Frank Stella ~

Words today are like the shells and rope of seaweed which a child brings home glistening from the beach and which in an hour have lost their luster.
~By Cyril Connolly ~

The capacity of the female mind for studies of the highest order cannot be doubted, having been sufficiently illustrated by its works of genius, of erudition, and of science.
~By James Madison ~

If one wants another only for some self-satisfaction, usually in the form of sensual pleasure, that wrong desire takes the form of lust rather than love.
~By Mortimer Adler ~

I tread in the footsteps of illustrious men... in receiving from the people the sacred trust confided to my illustrious predecessor.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

Do not follow vain desires; for verily he who prospers is preserved from lust, greed and anger.
~By Abu Bakr ~

It is folly for an eminent man to think of escaping censure, and a weakness to be affected with it. All the illustrious persons of antiquity, and indeed of every age in the world, have passed through this fiery persecution.
~By Joseph Addison ~

Society drives people crazy with lust and calls it advertising.
~By John Lahr ~

A surging, seething, murmuring crowd of beings that are human only in name, for to the eye and ear they seem naught but savage creatures, animated by vile passions and by the lust of vengeance and of hate.
~By Baroness Orczy ~

Sense shines with a double luster when it is set in humility. An able yet humble man is a jewel worth a kingdom.
~By William Penn ~

Black frost. The ground is hard, the air tastes bitter. Your stars cluster in evil signs.
~By Georg Trakl ~

The soul is placed in the body like a rough diamond, and must be polished, or the luster of it will never appear.
~By Daniel Defoe ~

To be awarded a prize which takes its name from an illustrious Dutchman who at the same time was a great citizen of Europe and through his writings did so much to open up our modern world of sensibility and thought is indeed a most signal honour.
~By John G. D. Clark ~

Yet, so far from laboring to know the forbidden tree of worldly pleasures and its various fruits, man gives himself up to a careless and thoughtless state of life, and yields to the lust of the flesh, not considering that this lust is really the forbidden tree.
~By Johann Arndt ~

Some manufacturers illustrate their advertisements with abstract paintings. I would only do this if I wished to conceal from the reader what I was advertising.
~By David Ogilvy ~

There is a broad cultural current that conveys the idea that a film is like a football team, it represents a nation, it is illustrated literature, filmed radio. These are outdated concepts, totally out of touch with today's realities.
~By Jean-Jacques Annaud ~

Yet, it ought to be obvious that good music generally occupies a higher plane that mere politics. Great writers can express moods through melody and capture experiences we share most powerfully - love, lust, longing; joy, rage, fear; triumph, yearning and confusion.
~By Tony Snow ~

People accuse me of being Methody, but I'm not at all. The one thing I don't want people to see is me. I don't want them to be able to recognize my faults and failures and qualities, and I won't use those things to spark off emotions or to illustrate.
~By Kristin Scott Thomas ~

As an undergraduate I held many small jobs as an illustrator.
~By Robert T. Bakker ~

The man who has nothing to boast of but his illustrious ancestry is like the potato - the best part under ground.
~By Thomas Overbury ~

Only a struggle twists sentimentality and lust together into love.
~By E. M. Forster ~

French and German illustrate the misleading character of apparent grammatical simplicity just as well.
~By Edward Sapir ~

It is a monstrous thing that I will say, but I will say it all the same: I find in many things more restraint and order in my morals than in my opinions, and my lust less depraved than my reason.
~By Michel de Montaigne ~

When you feel a connection, a gut connection, a heart connection, it's a very special thing. What's familiar to everyone is watching people falling in love; it doesn't happen on screen that often. People fall in lust, then they're suddenly together.
~By Alfre Woodard ~

Between Scott on the earlier side and Dickens and Thackeray on the other, there was an immense production of novels, illustrated by not a few names which should rank high in the second class, while some would promote more than one of them to the first.
~By George Saintsbury ~

The author knows just what he wants to illustrate and how he would like it to be done.
~By Louis Leakey ~

A graphic representation of data abstracted from the banks of every computer in the human system. Unthinkable complexity. Lines of light ranged in the nonspace of the mind, clusters and constellations of data. Like city lights, receding.
~By William Gibson ~

Today's tax cuts provide yet another illustration of the Republicans' fiscally irresponsible economic policies that ignore the needs of America's middle class, students, and working families.
~By Ellen Tauscher ~

As in nature, as in art, so in grace; it is rough treatment that gives souls, as well as stones, their luster.
~By Thomas Guthrie ~

The love of domination and an uncontrolled lust of arbitrary power have prevailed among all nations and perhaps in proportion to the degrees of civilization.
~By Mercy Otis Warren ~

I have a private press. I'm a book artist. I publish books of other authors and artists. I do the illustrating. I set the type. I print it myself on my press. I do everything but bind it.
~By Gloria Stuart ~

An illustration I use to get people to understand it is this: I'll ask major corporate audiences: Why don't you just take all your traditional beliefs about organizations, and apply them to the neurons in your brain?
~By Dee Hock ~

The only people left in America who seem not to be artists are illustrators.
~By Brad Holland ~

The fact that I have been successful merely means that I can write and illustrate in my own way.
~By Hugh Lofting ~

If a theme or idea is too near the surface, the novel becomes simply a tract illustrating an idea.
~By Elizabeth Bowen ~

Even if you can't draw, do a little doodle or rip an illustration from a magazine - these visuals will help bring your idea to life.
~By John Emmerling ~

On receiving from the people the sacred trust twice confided on my illustrious predecessor, and which he has discharged so faithfully and so well, I know that I can not expect to perform the arduous task with equal ability and success.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

Kafka truly illustrates the way the environment oppresses the individual. He shows how the unconscious controls our lives.
~By Manuel Puig ~

My own view would be to let Saddam bluster, let him rant and rave all he wants. As long as he behaves himself within his own borders, we should not be addressing any attack or resources against him.
~By Dick Armey ~

Lust is what keeps you wanting to do it even when you have no desire to be with each other. Love is what makes you want to be with each other even when you have no desire to do it.
~By Judith Viorst ~

Egypt, the Egypt of antiquity, at a later time, exercised a mysterious fascination over me. I recognized a picture of it immediately, without hesitation and astonishment, in an illustrated magazine.
~By Pierre Loti ~

Beslan, where the Russian authorities stopped live coverage of the school being stormed, was an illustration of the progress we still have to make.
~By Kate Adie ~

It's become another dimension to who I am. I don't think Sports Illustrated is going to be wanting me. But who cares? I'm at a different place in my life.
~By Cindy Crawford ~

The lust of avarice as so totally seized upon mankind that their wealth seems rather to possess them than they possess their wealth.
~By Pliny the Elder ~

Be able to draw an illustration as least well enough to get your point across to another person.
~By Marilyn vos Savant ~

I wanted to become a cartoon artist, a portrait artist, and an illustrator. This was my first idea.
~By Karl Lagerfeld ~

My reasons for declaring a sexual preference had to do less with the pursuit of personal freedom than with the lust for pure shock value.
~By Lance Loud ~

There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!
~By Percy Bysshe Shelley ~

Learning should be a joy and full of excitement. It is life's greatest adventure; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned.
~By Taylor Caldwell ~

The Bible illustrated by Dore occupied many of my hours - and I think probably gave me many nightmares.
~By Eleanor Roosevelt ~

For a while I was on the cover of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, which was regarded as the pinnacle of success in America.
~By Elle Macpherson ~

It was my care to make my life illustrious not by words more than by deeds.
~By Sophocles ~

The flesh endures the storms of the present alone; the mind, those of the past and future as well as the present. Gluttony is a lust of the mind.
~By Thomas Hobbes ~

There is no better illustration of that crisis than the fact that the president is openly violating our nation's laws by authorizing the NSA to engage in warrantless surveillance of U.S. citizens.
~By John Conyers ~

I was doing illustration work, and the cartooning slowly took over.
~By Max Cannon ~

Erotic or sexual love can truly be love if it is not selfishly sexual or lustful.
~By Mortimer Adler ~

Read This: Harmony Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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