Measure Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Measure

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The nations must be organized internationally and induced to enter into partnership, subordinating in some measure national sovereignty to worldwide institutions and obligations.
~By Arthur Henderson ~

Courage - a perfect sensibility of the measure of danger, and a mental willingness to endure it.
~By William Tecumseh Sherman ~

Progress is measured by richness and intensity of experience - by a wider and deeper apprehension of the significance and scope of human existence.
~By Herbert Read ~

Damn the great executives, the men of measured merriment, damn the men with careful smiles oh, damn their measured merriment.
~By Sinclair Lewis ~

People who believe they have the power to exercise some measure of control over their lives are healthier, more effective and more successful than those who lack faith in their ability to effect changes in their lives.
~By Albert Bandura ~

The poorer is a family, the greater is the proportion of the total outgo which must be used for food... The proportion of the outgo used for food, other things being equal, is the best measure of the material standard of living of a population.
~By Ernst Engel ~

I believe there should be no arbitrary date set for withdrawal and yet no permanent, unending deployment. No cut and run, yet measured progress in helping a people who want to be free without an illusion of overnight success.
~By Rick Renzi ~

Oh leave the Wise our measures to collate. One thing at least is certain, light has weight. One thing is certain and the rest debate. Light rays, when near the Sun, do not go straight.
~By Arthur Eddington ~

Scholarship except by accident is never the measure of a person's power.
~By J. G. Holland ~

I retired from public Business from a thorough Conviction that it was not in my Power to do any Good, and very much disgusted with Measures, which appeared to me inconsistent with common Policy and Justice.
~By George Mason ~

I'm absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it.
~By Dick Cheney ~

Miller didn't write Death of a Salesman. He released it. It was there inside him, waiting to be turned loose. That's the measure of its merit.
~By Elia Kazan ~

Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included.
~By Karl Marx ~

The steady expansion of welfare programs can be taken as a measure of the steady disintegration of the Negro family structure over the past generation in the United States.
~By Daniel Patrick Moynihan ~

Calendars and clocks exist to measure time, but that signifies little because we all know that an hour can seem as eternity or pass in a flash, according to how we spend it.
~By Michael Ende ~

You can't get rid of it with exercise alone. You can do the most vigorous exercise and only burn up 300 calories in an hour. If you've got fat on your body, the exercise firms and tones the muscles. But when you use that tape measure, what makes it bigger? It's the fat!
~By Jack LaLanne ~

Religion is of general and public concern, and on its support depend, in great measure, the peace and good order of government, the safety and happiness of the people.
~By Samuel Chase ~

I go wild on a stage. Some folks have measured us an image. They pretend us to be saints. And that image is much tougher to keep up with. Because that's not who we are.
~By Donnie Wahlberg ~

If we had this back, and in full measure; if society were infused by it, through and through, and men lived its life, and in its life, philosophy would take care of itself and the nature of our institutions would not matter.
~By Ralph A. Cram ~

But tending machinery was one thing; defining what we were trying to do and why we were doing it, and developing ways to measure how well the job was done - this was something else again.
~By Elliot Richardson ~

In addition to a soaring stock market, 6.6 million jobs have been created since tax relief measures went into effect in 2003. Our deficit situation has also improved as tax revenues have increased at double-digit rates over the past two years.
~By Randy Neugebauer ~

I have thought a sufficient measure of civilization is the influence of good women.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

In Connecticut, my understanding, although I haven't seen the actual litigation, is that they want to measure every other year and not provide annual assessment as is required in the statute.
~By Margaret Spellings ~

You measure a government by how few people need help.
~By Patricia Schroeder ~

There never has been a time in our history when work was so abundant or when wages were as high, whether measured by the currency in which they are paid or by their power to supply the necessaries and comforts of life.
~By Benjamin Harrison ~

At a time when the insurgents are saying that time is working against them, my Democratic colleagues are introducing a measure to set a timetable for withdrawal in Iraq that will undercut the momentum that the insurgents themselves say we have built in Iraq.
~By Kit Bond ~

We are, by many measures, one of the more diverse cities in the country, growing more diverse all the time, and one of the more harmonious in terms of how we live together.
~By John Hickenlooper ~

Age is not measured by years. Nature does not equally distribute energy. Some people are born old and tired while others are going strong at seventy.
~By Dorothy Thompson ~

The less one knows, the more he thinks he knows, and the more willing he is to employ any and all measures to enforce his views upon others.
~By Paul Harris ~

In some parts of life, like mathematics and science, yeah, I was a genius. I would top all the top scores you could ever measure it by.
~By Steve Wozniak ~

Sometimes the way you respond to horrific, evil deeds is the measure of one's self as a man, as a nation, as people, as a community.
~By James Woods ~

The realities of the world seldom measure up to the sublime designs of human imagination.
~By Bryant H. McGill ~

There's no preventative measure between the Palestinians, between those terrorists to the state of Israel.
~By Silvan Shalom ~

The wealth of a soul is measured by how much it can feel; its poverty by how little.
~By William R. Alger ~

Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.
~By Robert Collier ~

For above all things Love means sweetness, and truth, and measure; yea, loyalty to the loved one and to your word. And because of this I dare not meddle with so high a matter.
~By Marie de France ~

Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity.
~By Carl Jung ~

Love is space and time measured by the heart.
~By Marcel Proust ~

Every bad precedent originated as a justifiable measure.
~By Sallust ~

What is attempted in these film is of course a synthesis. But it can be seen by someone who has his feet in both cultures. Someone who will bring to bear on the films involvement and detachment in equal measure.
~By Satyajit Ray ~

You can measure opportunity with the same yardstick that measures the risk involved. They go together.
~By Earl Nightingale ~

On a level plain, simple mounds look like hills; and the insipid flatness of our present bourgeoisie is to be measured by the altitude of its great intellects.
~By Karl Marx ~

Nobody leaves a hotel without getting a full measure of three months of rental assistance. So no one has been evicted - no one who's eligible has been evicted from a hotel without getting a significant amount of money to find - to pay for their rent.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

Destroy or take away the employment and wages of those artisans - which the corn laws in a great measure do - and you will, ere long, render the land in Great Britain of as little value as it is in other countries.
~By Joseph Hume ~

I think the measure of your success to a certain extent will be the amount of things written about you that aren't true.
~By Cybill Shepherd ~

In the mid-'60s in Berkeley, the theory of measure spaces of economic agents became one of my main interests.
~By Gerard Debreu ~

The measure would set criminal penalties, the same as those that would apply if harm or death happened to the pregnant woman, for those who harm a fetus.
~By Ken Calvert ~

The type of measure used placed constraints on which statistics can be used.
~By Stanley Smith Stevens ~

The measure of a man's real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
~By Thomas B. Macaulay ~

The readings of Soviet society are as many as the experts you speak to. In my view, it's a society that is overdue for measures of democratization and organization.
~By E. P. Thompson ~

In small proportions we just beauties see; And in short measures, life may perfect be.
~By Ben Jonson ~

These funds will ensure that ports will be able to pay for adequate security measures to protect all Americans against terrorist attacks from our seaports.
~By Bobby Scott ~

In a few years, all great physical constants will have been approximately estimated, and that the only occupation which will be left to men of science will be to carry these measurements to another place of decimals.
~By James C. Maxwell ~

In fact any experiment that measures a quantum effect is one in which the quantum effect is aligned with the behavior of some heavy, macroscopic object; that's how we measure it.
~By Murray Gell Mann ~

As for courage and will - we cannot measure how much of each lies within us, we can only trust there will be sufficient to carry through trials which may lie ahead.
~By Andre Norton ~

Childhood is measured out by sounds and smells and sights, before the dark hour of reason grows.
~By John Betjeman ~

You have to study the people and the ones that measure up are not always the ones you expect.
~By Walter Lord ~

The minister of the Gospel is really the yardstick by which the nation measures its morals.
~By Jimmy Swaggart ~

The integrity of men is to be measured by their conduct, not by their professions.
~By Junius ~

To have the opportunity to lead the Solicitor General's office is the honor of a lifetime. As you know, this is an office with a long and rich tradition, not only of extraordinary legal skill but also of extraordinary professionalism and integrity. That is due, in large measure, to the people who have led it.
~By Elena Kagan ~

No man can in any measure resemble the scripture saints.
~By Charles Simeon ~

Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.
~By Booker T. Washington ~

Blacks who have not succumbed to the victim culture have been, are, and will be doing quite well - all on their own, without handouts, affirmative action, and other patronizing measures.
~By Tammy Bruce ~

The death of Pope John Paul II led many of different faiths and of no faith to acknowledge their debt to the Roman Catholic Church for holding on to absolutes that the rest of us can measure ourselves against.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.
~By Bruce Feirstein ~

I'm more comfortable with whatever's wrong with me than my father was whenever he felt he failed or didn't measure up to the standard he set.
~By John Malkovich ~

The extent to which all people in our society are made to count, and believe that they count, is not just a measure of decency; it makes sound economic sense.
~By Mary McAleese ~

Success isn't measured by money or power or social rank. Success is measured by your discipline and inner peace.
~By Mike Ditka ~

I have always supported measures and principles and not men.
~By Davy Crockett ~

No doubt, man will continue to weigh and to measure, watch himself grow, and his Universe around him and with him, according to the ever growing powers of his tools.
~By Albert Claude ~

I want to get back to my fighting weight of 98 pounds. I have the exact measurements of that guy from the movie, Powder. Right now, I am the reigning West Coast Powder.
~By David Spade ~

But a science is exact to the extent that its method measures up to and is adequate to its object.
~By Gabriel Marcel ~

Unmarried couples should get married - that's an excellent tax avoidance measure, if a bit drastic.
~By John Whiting ~

There are few better measures of the concern a society has for its individual members and its own well being than the way it handles criminals.
~By Ramsey Clark ~

We shouldn't any of us be afraid of teaching protective measures to save lives.
~By Kyan Douglas ~

By adopting the other trade, we place ourselves by the side of those whose measures tend not only to the improvement of their own subjects, but to the emancipation of the slave everywhere.
~By Henry Charles Carey ~

Small samples in the centrifuge will spin at varying rates to create synthetic gravity, like the gravity of Mars or the gravity of the moon, and measure how the specimens respond within the centrifuge.
~By John L. Phillips ~

During the last regular session and the most recent special session, measures that I see as little more than Band-Aids were applied to three health programs in the state.
~By Jane D. Hull ~

Measured in time of transport and communication, the whole round globe is now smaller than a small European country was a hundred years ago.
~By John Boyd Orr ~

The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire; the size of your dream; and how you handle disappointment along the way.
~By Robert Kiyosaki ~

There isn't a wife in the world who has not taken the exact measure of her husband, weighed him and settled him in her own mind, and knows him as well as if she had ordered him after designs and specifications of her own.
~By Charles Dudley Warner ~

Time is not measured by the passing of years but by what one does, what one feels, and what one achieves.
~By Jawaharlal Nehru ~

Our civilisation has lost this bond between times, and tends to measure time with a yardstick, bit by bit, from one point to another.
~By Lennart Meri ~

I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved.
~By B. R. Ambedkar ~

It is the sign of a great mind to dislike greatness, and to prefer things in measure to things in excess.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

If I am confirmed, I will commit to show Heller and the principles articulated in it the full measure of respect that is due to all constitution decisions of the court.
~By Elena Kagan ~

True enough, nature has endowed me with a fair measure of patience and composure, yet I should be lying if I told you that, having seen the reporter off on his way to make his deadline, I fell peacefully asleep.
~By Leon Jouhaux ~

If the lives of men can be measured in terms of years, ideologies in decades, and nations in centuries, then the unit measuring civilizations, born of the interaction among peoples, would be the millennium.
~By Abdelaziz Bouteflika ~

To help all created things, that is the measure of all our responsibility; to be helped by all, that is the measure of our hope.
~By Gerald Vann ~

There are challenges in terms of the measurement of VAR for what are known as nonlinear derivatives, where things like gamma and vega are important dimensions of the risk.
~By John Hull ~

We measured our success not just by how much money we made, but by how much we contributed to the community. It was a two-part bottom line.
~By Jerry Greenfield ~

Our country - whether bounded by the St. John's and the Sabine, or however otherwise bounded or described, and be the measurements more or less; - still our country, to be cherished in all our hearts, and to be defended by all our hands.
~By Robert Charles Winthrop ~

One important measurement issue concerns the fat tails problem that I mentioned earlier. VAR is concerned with extreme outcomes. If the tails of the probability distributions we are using are too thin, our VAR measures are likely to be too low.
~By John Hull ~

Of course, relative citation frequencies are no measure of relative importance. Who has not aspired to write a paper so fundamental that very soon it is known to everyone and cited by no one?
~By Abraham Pais ~

A man's measure is his will.
~By Ali ibn Abi Talib ~

I am a huge believer in giving back and helping out in the community and the world. Think globally, act locally I suppose. I believe that the measure of a person's life is the affect they have on others.
~By Steve Nash ~

Intervention for the prevention and control of osteoporosis should comprise a combination of legislative action, educational measures, health service activities, media coverage, and individual counselling to initiate changes in behaviour.
~By Gro Harlem Brundtland ~

Of course, you always have to be concerned about hijacking. But with the measures that are in place right now, I'd say that probably the airways are as safe as they've been in a good number of years.
~By Hugh Shelton ~

I think that has to do with my awareness that in a sense we all have a certain measure of responsibility to those who have made it possible for us to take advantage of the opportunities.
~By Angela Davis ~

Just after World War II, this country led the world in science by every way you could measure it, yet the number of scientists was a tiny proportion of what it is now.
~By James Lovelock ~

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July 27 ,2024
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