Meeting Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Meeting

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I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can all get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, 'Hello?'
~By Britney Spears ~

In fact, I have the privilege of traveling around our country and meeting people all over the country who are making a huge difference in the lives of their neighbors and themselves. That's what I'm really fortunate to be able to do.
~By Laura Bush ~

Like any small business owner, I experienced the pressures of building a company from the ground up - developing a business plan, balancing the books, meeting payroll and building a customer base.
~By Gavin Newsom ~

Now about those ghosts. I'm sure they're here and I'm not half so alarmed at meeting up with any of them as I am at having to meet the live nuts I have to see every day.
~By Bess Truman ~

Facing the press is not easy, but because you have to go, you have to try to take a lot of positive things for yourself from these face-to-face meetings.
~By Jose Mourinho ~

Which, the first meeting with anybody is, you know, everybody is on their best behavior. It's only after you get to know them for a while that you figure out.
~By Arthur Rock ~

I like conventions. I like meeting and greeting. I'm perched on that edge where I'm getting more attention than I quite know what to do with, though.
~By Laurell K. Hamilton ~

Thus passing through the infinite varieties of space we reach the Divine space which is absolutely free from all dimensions and constitutes the meeting point of all infinities.
~By Muhammed Iqbal ~

People first concern themselves with meeting their basic needs; only afterwards, do they pursue any higher needs.
~By Abdolkarim Soroush ~

There is one criticism which cannot be leveled at interparliamentary conferences but which is applicable to a great extent to peace congresses: the meetings waste time.
~By Fredrik Bajer ~

When I started to sing, my mother would have me engaged to perform at the Women's Christian Temperance Union national or annual meetings. I would hate doing this because I wanted to play baseball or go off skiing.
~By Maureen Forrester ~

Admitting the force of these contentions, nevertheless, the custom of meeting together in public assembly for the consideration of the most serious, the most exalted topics of human interest is too vitally precious to be lost.
~By Felix Adler ~

Nature is forever arriving and forever departing, forever approaching, forever vanishing; but in her vanishings there seems to be ever the waving of a hand, in all her partings a promise of meetings farther along the road.
~By Richard Le Gallienne ~

If I'm just at the White House, I have meetings in my office, I sign letters, I plan different things. Late in the afternoon, I'll quit working and wait for my husband to get home.
~By Laura Bush ~

The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.
~By Carl Jung ~

I was in my office when - on 9/11. I think I had a number of meetings scheduled. I was just getting to know the bureau. And somebody walked in and said the first plane had - or a plane had struck the World Trade Center, one of the towers.
~By Robert Mueller ~

The electronic media introduced this idea to the larger audience very, very quickly. We spent years and years and years meeting with activists all over Europe to lay the groundwork for a political response, as we did here.
~By Jeremy Rifkin ~

But I think Barry Sonnenfeld let his ego go out of control. He told me in a meeting that he had to do something to make it his film.
~By Robert Conrad ~

Basically, I'm a really bad interviewer. I love meeting celebrities, but then I get a bit bored. Once you meet them you thing, 'really, what an ordinary person'.
~By Graham Norton ~

We may have our private opinions but why should they be a bar to the meeting of hearts?
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

Hopefully, as I get older in the business, I make my choices more accurately, and I perhaps know from either the script or the first meeting that it isn't going to work.
~By Ben Kingsley ~

I was having trouble making ends meet, and my beginnings weren't meeting either.
~By Allan Sherman ~

I am disabled, so I can't travel, and I have not been to any development meetings, but Gary and the others affiliated with the film keep me updated on everything.
~By Laura Hillenbrand ~

The West German population would protest passionately if it knew what secret meetings between the federal chancellor, McCoy, and foreign and Nazi generals are planning.
~By Walter Ulbricht ~

Let me even say before I even get inaugurated, during the transition we are going to be having meetings all across the country with community organizations so that you have input into the agenda for the next presidency of the United States of America.
~By Barack Obama ~

India is the meeting place of the religions and among these Hinduism alone is by itself a vast and complex thing, not so much a religion as a great diversified and yet subtly unified mass of spiritual thought, realization and aspiration.
~By Sri Aurobindo ~

Very quickly after meeting Dustin, the whole image I had of him was shattered.
~By Ben Stiller ~

So you get two good hours on the field about every day, you get about an hour and a half in the meeting room and that's pretty much all you need to thoroughly coach your team.
~By Steve Spurrier ~

What I've enjoyed most, though, is meeting people who have a real interest in food and sharing ideas with them. Good food is a global thing and I find that there is always something new and amazing to learn - I love it!
~By Jamie Oliver ~

I've participated in meetings where there were concerns by ethical experts. There is no clear solution.
~By Luc Montagnier ~

Blues music is becoming more and more popular than it ever was. I'm always meeting people on the road that are really young, and are guitar players. male and female.
~By Mick Taylor ~

Later, I made a movie with him, 'That Touch of Mink,' and we became good friends but any woman's initial meeting with Cary is right up there with the big moments of her world history.
~By Audrey Meadows ~

The voice I have now, I got the first time I sang in a movement meeting, after I got out of jail... and I'd never heard it before in my life.
~By Bernice Johnson Reagon ~

We are having Internet Governance discussions and meetings and a very large number of people are discussing the future of the Internet who have no clue as to what the Internet is except that it is important and that they have to be involved.
~By Steve Crocker ~

Well, it was a typical meeting with the President. He was very gracious, very outgoing.
~By Lew Wasserman ~

We have played a critical role in meeting the new safety standards. The Canadian space industry contributed new tools that make the inspection of the space shuttle possible.
~By Marc Garneau ~

Ted Turner sailed into the meeting, and I mean sailed. He holds himself as if he were at the helm of his sailboat, in the process of winning the race.
~By Joseph Barbera ~

The moment one accosts a stranger or is accosted by him is above all in this life the moment of drama... Whoever we meet watches us intently at the quick, strange moment of meeting, to see whether we are disposed to be friendly.
~By Haniel Long ~

I'm not sure I'm quite ready to have someone be a prospector of jobs for me, because I believe there's some kind of destiny involved with meeting people... some things are just meant to happen.
~By Audrey Tautou ~

The Prime Minister of India, at a meeting that I co-chaired a few months ago, stated that any development that is not sustainable is not development.
~By Maurice Strong ~

Orrin Hatch was the keynote speaker at the last meeting of the Association of American Editorial Cartoonists. He sought me out because he was a fan. I was thinking he had confused me with someone else.
~By Ted Rall ~

An association of men who will not quarrel with one another is a thing which has never yet existed, from the greatest confederacy of nations down to a town meeting or a vestry.
~By Thomas Jefferson ~

At each of these northern posts there were interesting experiences in store for me, as one who had read all the books of northern travel and dreamed for half a lifetime of the north; and that was - almost daily meeting with famous men.
~By Ernest Thompson Seton ~

The top players talk more now, and we have more meetings. We're just trying to get things better. But we still need somebody who could make a difference.
~By Martina Hingis ~

Honest good humor is the oil and wine of a merry meeting, and there is no jovial companionship equal to that where the jokes are rather small and laughter abundant.
~By Washington Irving ~

The meetings of the legislature at Springfield then first brought together that splendid group of young men of genius whose phenomenal careers and distinguished services have given Illinois fame in the history of the nation.
~By John George Nicolay ~

Much responsibility rests upon the shoulders of the song leader; it is not infrequently within his power to make or break a meeting.
~By Paul Harris ~

An American cannot converse, but he can discuss, and his talk falls into a dissertation. He speaks to you as if he was addressing a meeting; and if he should chance to become warm in the discussion, he will say "Gentlemen" to the person with whom he is conversing.
~By Alexis de Tocqueville ~

The aspect of congresses and such meetings generally to which I attach the greatest importance is the discussion. That is why people assemble: to hear different opinions, rather than to pass resolutions.
~By Fredrik Bajer ~

As we take our places in the General Assembly and at the Council meetings, let us begin all our work in the name of God, for the solution of all our problems is a spiritual one.
~By Warren R. Austin ~

I wouldn't mind meeting Eddie Van Halen. That would be great. We need to invite him to a race.
~By Al Unser ~

I knew there was something I had to do yesterday. I couldn't remember what it is. I can't figure it out. I know it's a holiday. I know I don't have a meeting. It's very confusing.
~By Jennifer Beals ~

The only summit meeting that can succeed is the one that does not take place.
~By Barry Goldwater ~

There will be a meeting of the great powers who will disagree, and the next noise we hear will be the screeching of elevators going up and down from heaven to hell.
~By Mordecai Wyatt Johnson ~

Meeting Franklin Roosevelt was like opening your first bottle of champagne; knowing him was like drinking it.
~By Winston Churchill ~

All human beings have an innate need to hear and tell stories and to have a story to live by. religion, whatever else it has done, has provided one of the main ways of meeting this abiding need.
~By Harvey Cox ~

There have been loads of times I have regretted meeting Paul because I was so happy in my old life.
~By Heather Mills ~

Since the turn of the 20th century, members of the Jewish community in Upper East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia have been meeting together to celebrate and worship.
~By William L. Jenkins ~

Education, whatever else it should or should not be, must be an inoculation against the poisons of life and an adequate equipment in knowledge and skill for meeting the chances of life.
~By Havelock Ellis ~

We used to hold those secret meetings at her house.
~By Charles Phillips ~

My life comes down to three moments: the death of my father, meeting my husband, and the birth of my daughter. Everything I did previous to that just doesn't seem to add up to very much.
~By Gwyneth Paltrow ~

I loved planning 'The Tyra Show' more than actually having to do it. I loved coming up with show ideas, honing each program and crafting it. I'm more excited being in a meeting than being on TV.
~By Tyra Banks ~

I'm the most out-of-work actor I know. In the last two years I've basically taken meetings for a living.
~By Macaulay Culkin ~

The other part of our proposal that gets the 'dittoheads' upset is our suggestion that the commercial radio station owners either play by the rules or pay. In other words, if they don't want to be subject to local criticism of how they are meeting their license obligations, they should pay to support public broadcasters who will operate on behalf of the local community.
~By Mark Lloyd ~

I hoped the dramatic power of the play would rest on that tension between elegant structure - the underlying plan is that you see the first and last meeting of every couple in the play - and inelegant emotion.
~By Patrick Marber ~

The first time I read an excellent work, it is to me just as if I gained a new friend; and when I read over a book I have perused before, it resembles the meeting of an old one.
~By George Gissing ~

For when two beings who are not friends are near each other there is no meeting, and when friends are far apart there is no separation.
~By Simone Weil ~

That music and the lyrical aspects of Razorblade Romance is so personal to me that, now with me being grown up a bit and meeting new people and doing new things, it makes me look at the same things I was writing about back in the day through a different colored lens.
~By Ville Valo ~

Art and science have their meeting point in method.
~By Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton ~

We would not be interested in human beings if we did not have the hope of someday meeting someone worse off than ourselves.
~By Emile M. Cioran ~

OK, he and Katie fell in love, they're getting married. Why is this in the news? Why is this a big deal? Is there something unusual about meeting someone and falling in love?
~By Mimi Rogers ~

I remember in 1978 meeting two Ugandan captains in the hotel talking Russian. They had been educated in Moscow and since they came from different Ugandan peoples, it was the only way they could understand one another.
~By Ryszard Kapuscinski ~

We had our first meeting yesterday, and we just laughed all the way through, so if we can bottle that, then I'll be happy. We just get on, and that's half the battle.
~By Allan Carr ~

Each friend represents a world in us, a world not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.
~By Anais Nin ~

I feel that luck is preparation meeting opportunity.
~By Oprah Winfrey ~

I don't think there are really enough meetings in Britain for our athletes to compete properly, and because of this a lot of the talent we have has been stunted.
~By Linford Christie ~

No matter what time it is, wake me, even if it's in the middle of a Cabinet meeting.
~By Ronald Reagan ~

Out of fifty mathematical papers presented in brief at such a meeting, it is a rare mathematician indeed who really understands what more than half a dozen are about.
~By E. T. Bell ~

Telling the world is the most difficult experience of my life, but it is very close to having to live through the experience that occasion this meeting.
~By Anita Hill ~

Meeting Chet was a life changing moment for me.
~By Suzy Bogguss ~

I don't think I'll ever be a producer who's into taking the meetings and fighting the big fights with studios. I really don't like that part. I'm much more interested in the material.
~By Meg Ryan ~

I am prepared to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the great ordeal of meeting me is another matter.
~By Winston Churchill ~

A discovery is said to be an accident meeting a prepared mind.
~By Albert Szent Gyorgyi ~

I'd make a comment at a meeting and nobody would even acknowledge me. Then some man would say the same thing and they'd all nod.
~By Charlotte Bunch ~

Love is the delightful interval between meeting a beautiful girl and discovering that she looks like a haddock.
~By John Barrymore ~

We are the meeting place, an entity that's trying to connect faith and culture.
~By William P. Leahy ~

Basic human contact - the meeting of eyes, the exchanging of words - is to the psyche what oxygen is to the brain. If you're feeling abandoned by the world, interact with anyone you can.
~By Martha Beck ~

These meetings all have excited great attention, and have been of an exceedingly interesting character.
~By Lewis Tappan ~

The farmers in Kansas are sorely in need of a credit system meeting their special requirements, that they may more readily obtain money on short or long time for their farming operations, or that they may become owners of farms.
~By Arthur Capper ~

In a jazz atmosphere, the audience members were so quiet and respectful of the musicians that you felt you were almost part of a meeting at a church or a temple, where everyone was completely in tune with the sermon and what the whole event was about.
~By David Amram ~

It was seldom that I attended any religious meetings, as my parents had not much faith in and were never so unfortunate as to unite themselves with any of the religious sects.
~By Orson Pratt ~

Studio 54 made Halloween in Hollywood look like a PTA meeting.
~By Lorna Luft ~

It's always been easy with Mark, he's a rock fan and we speak the same language. He's a big Beatles fan too. We worked a lot via CLI calls, though only meeting up once every couple of months.
~By Phil Collins ~

I've opened up more by traveling outside Jamaica. It helps me to grow as a person to be outside of my element; to be on my own in a strange place meeting people.
~By Ziggy Marley ~

I long ago suggested the hypothesis, that in the basin of the Thames there are indications of a meeting in the Pleistocene period of a northern and southern fauna.
~By Charles Lyell ~

We've had some fairly intensive discussions leading up to these meetings between NATO and Russia, preparing for them, and it's going to be a very important six months for NATO.
~By Warren Christopher ~

I'm closer to being happy. I'm doing things that make me happy. In football I loved to practice and I loved to play, but I hated to be in meetings, hated to talk to the media, hated to have cameras in my face, hated to sign autographs. I hated to do all those things.
~By Ricky Williams ~

These people are real to me, and situations keep coming up where their emergence feels natural. It's like meeting old friends. I hope readers feel the same way.
~By Jonathan Kellerman ~

In Lincoln's day a President's religion was a very private affair. There were no public prayer meetings, no attempts to woo the Religious Right. Few of Lincoln's countrymen knew anything at all of his religious beliefs.
~By David Herbert Donald ~

We were reminded first-hand of the work that still needs to be done in Iraq on the security front when insurgents fired five rounds into the base while we were still meeting with the nurses.
~By Jon Porter ~

Read This: Society Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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