Middle Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Middle

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Sometimes we would be staked out in the middle of the river, several barges tied together. So we could party.
~By Terry Southern ~

Going to your set with the headphones on in the middle of the night so that your parents don't know what you're doing when you're supposed to be asleep is great. I was rocking the bedroom. That was so much more fun when I got the 1200s.
~By Jam Master Jay ~

As we move toward a new Middle East, over the years and, I think, over the decades to come, we will make a lot of people very nervous.
~By James Woolsey ~

We were talking about how old quarterbacks can't throw before 10 am... Practice starts too early for us. Wake me up in the middle of the night and I can throw. I can throw anytime.
~By Dan Marino ~

My boyfriend's idea of a lesson was to take me on a black diamond run in the middle of a hail storm and say, 'Go!' Ski patrol had to escort me to another lift to get me down the mountain. No, that wasn't humiliating, not at all.
~By Claudia Black ~

I am the parent of teenagers, my daughters are 13 and 15, so the issue of Internet safety has been an important issue. I have been visiting middle schools to talk about some of the challenges that they face.
~By Melissa Bean ~

She would sit by herself in the middle of the old stoe amphitheatre, with the sky's starry vault overhead, and simply listen to the great silence around her.
~By Michael Ende ~

Because of the need to remove all modernism, we stayed in the middle of nowhere all day long, living out of tents. It was cold. It definitely set the scene.
~By Skeet Ulrich ~

I have absolutely no empathy for camels. I didn't care for being abused in the Middle East by those horrible, horrible, horrible creatures. They don't like people. It's not at all like the relationship between horses and humans.
~By Rachel Weisz ~

You can't make war in the Middle East without Egypt and you can't make peace without Syria.
~By Henry A. Kissinger ~

No matter how chaotic it is, wildflowers will still spring up in the middle of nowhere.
~By Sheryl Crow ~

I'm absolutely convinced that the threat we face now, the idea of a terrorist in the middle of one of our cities with a nuclear weapon, is very real and that we have to use extraordinary measures to deal with it.
~By Dick Cheney ~

We've always been in favor of improved wages for workers. When you have a strong middle class, they want to buy more stuff at Costco.
~By James Sinegal ~

The conflict in the Middle East needs to be solved for the same reasons. It is necessary to reach a two-states solution, built on international law, for sustainable peace and development, and it can only be achieved through joint efforts by the international community.
~By Anna Lindh ~

Everyone has a budget, I don't care who you are. But they said if we are in a pennant race in the middle of the summer they are going to get some help with added payroll.
~By Dusty Baker ~

Everyone should unconditionally accept that Israel is an indispensable element of the Middle Eastern mosaic.
~By Recep Tayyip Erdogan ~

I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar.
~By Ted Nugent ~

In addition, each barrel of oil we save through conservation further decreases our dangerous reliance on unstable Middle East oil.
~By Paul Gillmor ~

Life is not so much about beginnings and endings as it is about going on and on and on. It is about muddling through the middle.
~By Anna Quindlen ~

My father described this tall lady who stands in the middle of the New York harbor, holding high a torch to welcome people seeking freedom in America. I instantly fell in love.
~By Yakov Smirnoff ~

There was this whole middle time that only Chris Rock came out of, you know, 10 years ago it was Chris and a few other people, but that's about it. Chris is in a class of his own; I don't see another comedian who I put in high regard as him.
~By Bob Saget ~

I was born in Middlesex, England, which is really London.
~By Charles Keating ~

The center will be fully operational in two years' time, but probably in the middle of the year we will have a temporary laboratory of 4,000 square feet.
~By Luc Montagnier ~

On the stage you're there, it's live. There's a beginning, a middle, an end. When something is funny you hear it right away.
~By Theodore Bikel ~

All I know is what the words know, and dead things, and that makes a handsome little sum, with a beginning and a middle and an end, as in the well-built phrase and the long sonata of the dead.
~By Samuel Beckett ~

Everybody gets everything handed to them. The rich inherit it. I don't mean just inheritance of money. I mean what people take for granted among the middle and upper classes, which is nepotism, the old-boy network.
~By Toni Morrison ~

Therefore, the observation must be explicitly made: In the Middle East and in the Muslim world, suspicions linger concerning the objectives of the West and notably the US.
~By Recep Tayyip Erdogan ~

Many people in the world today are not starving because there is an inherent inability to produce food, they are starving because they are caught in the middle of political fights and blockades that have been used as weapons.
~By Ralph Merkle ~

I'm convinced that Sanford and Son shows middle-class America a lot of what they need to know.
~By Redd Foxx ~

The institution of chivalry forms one of the most remarkable features in the history of the Middle Ages.
~By Horatio Alger ~

To middle-class parents, the project team may have seemed unfit for children, but it was exactly what I needed.
~By Willie Stargell ~

Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.
~By Jack Schwartz ~

There is no question that al-Qaida operatives are currently active in Iraq. A premature exit before the threat they represent has been dealt with would endanger America and the prospects of eventual peace in the Middle East.
~By Robert Foster Bennett ~

I think heterosexuality and homosexuality are a kind of psychosis, and the truth is somewhere in the middle.
~By Jeanette Winterson ~

Our armed forces will fight for peace in Iraq, a peace built on more secure foundations than are found today in the Middle East. Even more important, they will fight for two human conditions of even greater value than peace: liberty and justice.
~By John McCain ~

I've learned the lesson that when you're in the middle of something that seems overwhelming, or you're in a bad situation and it seems like it's the end of the world or whatever, then you learn that it's not.
~By Lee Ann Womack ~

I trained as a theater actor and you had a bare stage and you had to pretend, one prop and you are in the middle of 8th Ave. and traffic is just going by.
~By Benicio Del Toro ~

I think Christine and Chad are on the opposite extremes of the spectrum. Christine is a model victim, and Chad is a model perpetrator, and Howard is closer to the middle.
~By Neil LaBute ~

In the absence of evidence, superstition. It's a Middle Ages thing. That's my theory anyway.
~By Tucker Carlson ~

I went jogging up on Mulholland. In the middle of my run I had some form of asthma attack and couldn't even walk. I couldn't get a ride one block to my house. I thought I was going to die.
~By Esai Morales ~

I'm at my best in a messy, middle-of-the-road muddle.
~By Harold Wilson ~

Wives are young men's mistresses, companions for middle age, and old men's nurses.
~By Francis Bacon ~

What is a normal childhood? We weren't rich, we were pretty middle-class. My dad survived from job to job; with him taking care of so many relatives, he couldn't save any money.
~By Charlie Sheen ~

When I came out of the military, I had a club in Memphis and I started using the The Bar Kays as my club band. They were still only in the middle school - but I'd take them on the road with me on the weekends, sometimes.
~By William Bell ~

There we were in the middle of a sexual revolution wearing clothes that guaranteed we wouldn't get laid.
~By Denis Leary ~

Look, there is a sort of old view about class which is a very simplistic view that we have got the working class, the middle class and the upper class, I think it is more complicated than that.
~By Ed Miliband ~

Let me tell you something that we Israelis have against Moses. He took us 40 years through the desert in order to bring us to the one spot in the Middle East that has no oil!
~By Golda Meir ~

Almost all my middle-aged and elderly acquaintances, including me, feel about 25, unless we haven't had our coffee, in which case we feel 107.
~By Martha Beck ~

Younger players in this music often turn out to be middle aged; it is not a young music.
~By Derek Bailey ~

I think the state has some serious problems. Just look at the layoffs going on across the state, not just in Chicago. It affects the middle class. It pushes people down.
~By Richard M. Daley ~

In the middle 1940s... I heard everyone live. Painting, the theater; everything was happening. It was an exciting time when New York was the place to be.
~By Bill Dixon ~

I want to buy them, because historically these have been great engines of enrichment for the middle class, 'historically' meaning now for a good ten years.
~By Jim Cramer ~

You are just in the middle of a struggle with words which are really very stubborn things, with a blank page, with the damn thing that you use to write with, a pen or a typewriter, and you forget all about the reader when you are doing that.
~By Guillermo Cabrera Infante ~

After clearing 9 metres of the descending passage, in about the middle of the afternoon, we came upon a second sealed doorway, which was almost the exact replica of the first.
~By Howard Carter ~

We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run down.
~By Aneurin Bevan ~

The regional security in the Middle East cannot be further compromised by an Iranian loose cannon.
~By Russ Carnahan ~

As far as a nuclear weapons-free zone, you know, when the lion lies down with the lamb, and you don't need a new lamb every day to satisfy the lion, then we might have this kind of transformation in the Middle East.
~By Benjamin Netanyahu ~

I'm from Middlesboro, Ky., a little town on the Tennessee and Virginia border.
~By Lee Majors ~

We need to work together, on a bipartisan basis, to create new jobs, increase job training, enact real and substantive middle class tax relief, and reward companies that create jobs at home.
~By Ruben Hinojosa ~

I feel like I just grabbed a big juicy worm with a right sharp hook in the middle of it.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

Dad almost died of a heart attack in the middle of making Apocalypse Now, the biggest movie of his life. It doesn't make you want to jump into that business.
~By Charlie Sheen ~

A child-like man is not a man whose development has been arrested; on the contrary, he is a man who has given himself a chance of continuing to develop long after most adults have muffled themselves in the cocoon of middle-aged habit and convention.
~By Aldous Huxley ~

I don't want to remember 2005 as a year that the government heaped unnecessary burdens upon American families. Stealing from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich, while increasing the deficit, is hardly responsible.
~By Marty Meehan ~

I am not disputing the need for this money. What I am disputing and calling attention to is the fact that we are taking the tab for defense in our time against terrorists in the Middle East and elsewhere and shoving this tab off onto our children.
~By John Spratt ~

The increase in inequality in income is a longtime trend, but the pressure on middle- and low-income workers is going up rapidly. Especially if they live in an area where there are high housing and gas prices, like California.
~By Alice Rivlin ~

So I think we should stay focused on the real problem in the Middle East. It's not Israel. It's these dictatorships that are developing nuclear weapons with the specific goal of wiping Israel away.
~By Benjamin Netanyahu ~

It's no longer an exaggeration to say that middle-class Americans are an endangered species.
~By Arianna Huffington ~

We owe to the Middle Ages the two worst inventions of humanity - romantic love and gunpowder.
~By Andre Maurois ~

Dweezil and I are going on tour with the band probably starting in the middle of February for a month probably playing a few songs from my new record and then I'll continue on after that tour.
~By Lisa Loeb ~

The issues that matter to me are the social safety nets for people, health care, middle-class concerns. We need to take care of the middle class and the poor in our country.
~By Tim McGraw ~

I have to live for others and not for myself: that's middle-class morality.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

I could never be a country person, sitting around trees trying to write a song. I would rather be in the middle of society, whether it's growing or crumbling.
~By Ric Ocasek ~

In the middle of a recession no tax increase is justified because it kills jobs, and any tax increase is a job-killing measure and should be defeated.
~By Newt Gingrich ~

The time when I had desire to go to the United States I didn't have a penny. It was in the middle of the depression, you know. I couldn't get as far as Hoboken at that time.
~By Ben Shahn ~

I am on the right wing of the middle of the road and with a strong radical bias.
~By Tony Benn ~

Right now we're in the middle of a cultural war between the Muslims and the Western world. The politicians get in the way, but if you put two people together in a room, they can talk it out and work it out, just like Anna and the King.
~By Sandy Duncan ~

The middle class is teetering on the brink of collapse just as surely as AIG was in the fall of 2009 - only this time, it's not just one giant insurance company (and its banking counterparties) facing disaster, it's tens of millions of hardworking Americans who played by the rules.
~By Arianna Huffington ~

A tragedy is a representation of an action that is whole and complete and of a certain magnitude. A whole is what has a beginning and middle and end.
~By Aristotle ~

These were all middle-class kids from literary backgrounds, joining this sort of train going by, this pop train, jumping on. Whereas the rest of the rock scene, you'll find that there's mostly working-class people.
~By Kevin Ayers ~

I have tremendous faith in theuniverse. I feel at home on this planet. Even though it's a very big world out there, I plan on walking right through the middle of it unharmed.
~By Marion Ross ~

Do not stand in the middle, go to the right or to the left.
~By Johnny Rotten ~

Can any of us even imagine, after Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt suggesting we negotiate a resolution or that we could simply prosecute those involved? Of course it is unimaginable. We are right to be in the Middle East, and we are right to treat this as the war it is.
~By Marsha Blackburn ~

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end.
~By Gilda Radner ~

I keep sailing on in this middle passage. I am sailing into the wind and the dark. But I am doing my best to keep my boat steady and my sails full.
~By Arthur Ashe ~

The middle years of childhood arrive just as your own are getting uncomfortably close.
~By Marguerite Kelly ~

Our music, you either get it or you don't. There's no middle ground.
~By Dustin Diamond ~

We had a week off in the middle of shooting, but as soon as everyone stopped, we all went down with six different types of flu and other unmentionable diseases.
~By Johnny Vegas ~

There's a crystallization that goes on in a poem which the young man can bring off, but which the middle-aged man can't.
~By John Updike ~

What progress we are making. In the Middle Ages they would have burned me. Now they are content with burning my books.
~By Sigmund Freud ~

Middle age: when you begin to exchange your emotions for symptoms.
~By Irvin S. Cobb ~

My films play only in Bengal, and my audience is the educated middle class in the cities and small towns. They also play in Bombay, Madras and Delhi where there is a Bengali population.
~By Satyajit Ray ~

And then, when I left Princeton in the middle of my sophomore year, I went into the navy.
~By Harry Mathews ~

It's a miracle was the last track recorded for the album, we based it on the rhythm from the middle of 'Late Home Tonight, where there's Graham Broad playing lots and lots of drums with me shouting in the background, pretending to be a mad Arab leader.
~By Roger Waters ~

There is something very satisfactory about being in the middle of something.
~By Marilyn Hacker ~

Many of the Iroquois and Huron houses were of similar construction, the partitions being at the sides only, leaving a wide passage down the middle of the house.
~By Francis Parkman ~

If it were a real effort to live in the Middle Ages, your life would be one perpetual prevarication.
~By Goldwin Smith ~

There's a very big gulf between the black civil rights leadership in America and the black middle class in America. The black middle class are conservative. Many of those minorities can be persuaded to be members of the Republican Party.
~By Pete du Pont ~

In youth, we get plenty of exercise through games and running around, but as middle life approaches, we settle down, literally and figuratively.
~By Gene Tunney ~

We know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road. They get run over.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

From the middle of life onward, only he remains vitally alive who is ready to die with life.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

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July 27 ,2024
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