Mind Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Mind

Read This: Jaded Quotes And Sayings

But the memory of war weighs undiminished upon the people's minds. That is because deeper than material wounds, moral wounds are smarting, inflicted by the so- called peace treaties.
~By Hjalmar Schacht ~

Star Trek wouldn't die. There were a whole lot of young people who were touched by the thought process of science fiction. If you watched a cop show, there wasn't anything that was going to stimulate your mind.
~By Gary Lockwood ~

None speak of the bravery, the might, or the intellect of Jesus; but the devil is always imagined as a being of acute intellect, political cunning, and the fiercest courage. These universal and instinctive tendencies of the human mind reveal much.
~By Lydia M. Child ~

Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.
~By Jonas Salk ~

I believe in everything until it's disproved. So I believe in fairies, the myths, dragons. It all exists, even if it's in your mind. Who's to say that dreams and nightmares aren't as real as the here and now?
~By John Lennon ~

This anniversary serves to help remind the American people that, in the wake of one of the greatest political scandals and misuse of power in our history as a nation, scandal produced important reforms that served this nation well for two decades.
~By Elliot Richardson ~

The object of studying philosophy is to know one's own mind, not other people's.
~By Dean Inge ~

Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours.
~By John Locke ~

When I'm out on the stage, it gives me this rush and anything that's on my mind and everything I'm going through is forgotten about.
~By Fantasia Barrino ~

I think I am a child. Everything blows my mind.
~By Marc Bolan ~

Unless a capacity for thinking be accompanied by a capacity for action, a superior mind exists in torture.
~By Charles Horton Cooley ~

Any system of religion that has anything in it that shocks the mind of a child, cannot be true.
~By Thomas Paine ~

Practically everybody in New York has half a mind to write a book, and does.
~By Groucho Marx ~

I wanted to be a ballerina. I changed my mind.
~By Beverly Cleary ~

We're still a great team. In your mind you can understand that but, emotionally, we needed to express the same belief. We came out full of fire and scored two early goals, two really beautiful goals, and that changed everything.
~By Dennis Bergkamp ~

I don't mind writing so I didn't find that difficult, it's just a question of finding the time to do it. I kind of like the direct connection with the fans actually, it's pretty neat.
~By David Cronenberg ~

You need these experiences. Just know that sometimes, the director has a specific look in mind.
~By Paula Abdul ~

Curiosity is, in great and generous minds, the first passion and the last.
~By William Samuel Johnson ~

Simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

To philosophical materialists God is no more than an idea in the human mind, and not a very important idea.
~By Phillip E. Johnson ~

I got too fed up with films that didn't make you think. I liked the idea of one that you'd have to be dancing around with. I like my mind to be engaged when I watch a film.
~By Guy Ritchie ~

The question whether the long effort to put an end to war can succeed without another major convulsion challenges not only our minds but our sense of responsibility.
~By Emily Greene Balch ~

You cannot contribute anything to the ideal condition of mind and heart known as Brotherhood, however much you preach, posture, or agree, unless you live it.
~By Faith Baldwin ~

Atheism shows strength of mind, but only to a certain degree.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

I am sure that the sad days and happenings were rare, and that I lived the joyous and careless life of other children; but just because the happy days were so habitual to me they made no impression upon my mind, and I can no longer recall them.
~By Pierre Loti ~

I think I was well brought up, for my father and mother were of one mind regarding the care of the family.
~By Catherine Helen Spence ~

Our teachers are responsible for our children's welfare for the six or eight hours they are at school and we need to know without question that their safety will be paramount on the minds of teachers, faculty and volunteers.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

Travel, instead of broadening the mind, often merely lengthens the conversation.
~By Elizabeth Drew ~

Mediocre minds usually dismiss anything which reaches beyond their own understanding.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than in the one where they sprung up.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

It terrified me to have an idea that was solely mine to be no longer a part of my mind, but totally public.
~By Maya Lin ~

I don't mind if somebody comes up to me and shakes my hand, but if I'm in the middle of a restaurant and somebody asks me for a picture, I can be a jerk and say no, or I can say yes and draw more attention to myself, which is exactly the opposite of what I want.
~By Macaulay Culkin ~

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off.
~By Miley Cyrus ~

Age is no barrier. It's a limitation you put on your mind.
~By Jackie Joyner-Kersee ~

A lot of football success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.
~By Bill Shankly ~

Although I had arrived in total darkness the light of truth at once burst upon my mind and I perceived most clearly that the republicans had overreached themselves.
~By Francis Bond Head ~

I know of no country in which there is so little independence of mind and real freedom of discussion as in America.
~By Alexis de Tocqueville ~

Moments are incredible, but in my fantasy mind I see a Globe company which is renowned throughout the world for what it does with pure storytelling. So that people come and say: it's not just the building, it's the only place you can hear this kind of work.
~By Mark Rylance ~

Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

In fact, there was general agreement that minds can exist on nonbiological substrates and that algorithms are of central importance to the existence of minds.
~By Vernor Vinge ~

Surrealism had a great effect on me because then I realised that the imagery in my mind wasn't insanity. Surrealism to me is reality.
~By John Lennon ~

For peace is not mere absence of war, but is a virtue that springs from, a state of mind, a disposition for benevolence, confidence, justice.
~By Baruch Spinoza ~

The only recreation there allowed, however, is that of the mind, and of this there is but little.
~By Maria Monk ~

I'm open-minded. I don't consider myself gay or hetero, I just am. I've had experiences all over the planet but it always comes down to just me, but I think at this point if I had an ongoing relationship I believe it would be with a man.
~By Dana Plato ~

I mean, I don't think I would call Claus to do an album of big band tunes. You know, just like arrangers write for the artist they have in mind; you have to keep in mind if you're going to work with Claus Ogerman. You invite him to do what he does.
~By Diana Krall ~

My first husband would never make up his mind in less than five years, so I used to get him to think that whatever course of action needed to be taken was his idea. Then he'd go right ahead.
~By Mary Wesley ~

A strong mind always hopes, and has always cause to hope.
~By Thomas Carlyle ~

Once Dwight Eisenhower makes up his mind, he's full of indecision.
~By Oscar Levant ~

Lose your dreams and you might lose your mind.
~By Mick Jagger ~

I have the libido of a 15-year-old boy. My sex drive is so high. I'd rather have sex with Brian all the time than leave the house. He doesn't mind.
~By Megan Fox ~

The defects of the mind, like those of the face, grow worse with age.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

In my opinion, assassination theories will continue to revolve around these assassinations as they have around several other significant assassinations in American history. The assassination of President Lincoln comes to mind.
~By Louis Stokes ~

Periods of wholesome laziness, after days of energetic effort, will wonderfully tone up the mind and body.
~By Grenville Kleiser ~

The Gospel having spread itself into Persia, the pagan priests, who worshipped the sun, were greatly alarmed, and dreaded the loss of that influence they had hitherto maintained over the people's minds and properties.
~By John Foxe ~

A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion.
~By Francis Bacon ~

A child is owed the greatest respect; if you have ever have something disgraceful in mind, don't ignore your son's tender years.
~By Juvenal ~

Scientia is knowledge. It is only in the popular mind that it is equated with facts.
~By John Charles Polanyi ~

What he has done for women is final: he gave to their service the best powers of his mind and the best years of his life. His death consecrates the gift: it can never lessen its value.
~By Millicent Fawcett ~

What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority,' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?
~By Rahm Emanuel ~

For years, my master had done his utmost to pollute my mind with foul images, and to destroy the pure principles inculcated by my grandmother, and the good mistress of my childhood.
~By Harriet Ann Jacobs ~

I don't mind you thinking I'm stupid, but don't talk to me like I'm stupid.
~By Harlan Ellison ~

I'm not that tough; I'm not that smart. I need life telling me who I am, showing me my mind constantly. I wouldn't see it in a cave.
~By Richard Gere ~

I'm not a hard-line Republican, because I'm a lot more open-minded than that.
~By James Denton ~

I've never tried to define my states of mind when I write.
~By Adrienne Kennedy ~

The art of a people is a true mirror to their minds.
~By Jawaharlal Nehru ~

A fact must be assimilated with, or discriminated fromm, some other fact or facts, in order to be raised to the dignity of a truth, and made to convey the least knowledge to the mind.
~By Henry Mayhew ~

If we are to perpetuate the state, we must not only produce citizens, but good citizens - men and women of sound bodies, clear minds and clean souls.
~By Arthur Capper ~

I really learned the power of the tube on Sesame Street and how it can influence a very young mind.
~By Ruth Buzzi ~

I shall now recall to mind that the motion of the heavenly bodies is circular, since the motion appropriate to a sphere is rotation in a circle.
~By Nicolaus Copernicus ~

In my mind I needed a symbol of today's technology, and I realized that what I wanted to photograph was the Space Shuttle. And so that's where Places of Power came into being.
~By John Sexton ~

True wisdom is less presuming than folly. The wise man doubteth often, and changeth his mind; the fool is obstinate, and doubteth not; he knoweth all things but his own ignorance.
~By Akhenaton ~

The waking mind is the least serviceable in the arts.
~By Henry Miller ~

The rational mind of man is a shallow thing, a shore upon a continent of the irrational, wherein thin colonies of reason have settled amid a savage world.
~By Wilford O. Cross ~

It's soothing to realize that my mind's processes are inherently uncontrollable.
~By Rudy Rucker ~

Gilligan's Island is wherever you want it to be in your mind.
~By Bob Denver ~

I haven't been drinking for years now. Something's got to give. I don't mind that I'm a guy that's stopped drinking, though this interview is making me mighty thirsty.
~By Dan Hicks ~

Those people who shun us just because of the label we're on, or the fact that we've got a video out there that's getting us somewhere, are only limiting themselves, because they aren't keeping an open mind.
~By Joel Madden ~

Whether planned or not, humor takes our mind off of our troubles.
~By Allen Klein ~

Every one knows, that the mind will not be kept from contemplating what it loves in the midst of crowds and business. Hence come those frequent absences, so observable in conversation; for whilst the body is confined to present company, the mind is flown to that which it delights in.
~By Mary Astell ~

A man's mind is wont to tell him more than seven watchmen sitting in a tower.
~By Rudyard Kipling ~

The major deterrent to war is in a man's mind.
~By Arleigh Burke ~

Religion is just mind control.
~By George Carlin ~

When the soul drifts uncertainly between life and the dream, between the mind's disorder and the return to cool reflection, it is in religious thought that we should seek consolation.
~By Gerard De Nerval ~

There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge.
~By Napoleon Hill ~

I have a magpie mind. I like anything that glitters.
~By Lord Thomson of Fleet ~

Unfortunately, most of the songs that I write I don't write them with guitar in mind. I just write it as a song and that was probably one of the ones that left an opening for it. The song's all right, I wouldn't choose to sing it now.
~By Roy Wood ~

You have two hemispheres in your brain - a left and a right side. The left side controls the right side of your body and right controls the left half. It's a fact. Therefore, left-handers are the only people in their right minds.
~By Bill Lee ~

I don't mind playing absolute bastards... I just don't want to play the grouch.
~By Hume Cronyn ~

If a cluttered desk is the sign of a cluttered mind, what is the significance of a clean desk?
~By Laurence J. Peter ~

One's mind has a way of making itself up in the background, and it suddenly becomes clear what one means to do.
~By A. C. Benson ~

What we value about music and literature are the moments that they create in our minds when we encounter them.
~By Stephan Jenkins ~

One mind can think only of its own questions; it rarely surprises itself.
~By Orson Scott Card ~

Baseball is a simple game. If you have good players and if you keep them in the right frame of mind then the manager is a success.
~By Sparky Anderson ~

I think of my body as a side effect of my mind.
~By Carrie Fisher ~

Everyday there's something that reminds me why I love this sport.
~By Bernard Hinault ~

Photography suits the temper of this age - of active bodies and minds. It is a perfect medium for one whose mind is teeming with ideas, imagery, for a prolific worker who would be slowed down by painting or sculpting, for one who sees quickly and acts decisively, accurately.
~By Edward Weston ~

The mind uses its faculty for creativity only when experience forces it to do so.
~By Henri Poincare ~

As selfishness and complaint pervert the mind, so love with its joy clears and sharpens the vision.
~By Helen Keller ~

Very simple ideas lie within the reach only of complex minds.
~By Remy de Gourmont ~

Whatever we are waiting for - peace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundance - it will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart.
~By Sarah Ban Breathnach ~

Read This: Unconscious Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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