Misery Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Misery

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The final causes, then, of compassion are to prevent and to relieve misery.
~By Joseph Butler ~

Whoever is spared personal pain must feel himself called to help in diminishing the pain of others. We must all carry our share of the misery which lies upon the world.
~By Albert Schweitzer ~

I have always held firmly to the thought that each one of us can do a little to bring some portion of misery to an end.
~By Albert Schweitzer ~

So far I haven't really been prominent enough to get critical attention focused on me. So, of course, I fully expect bad reviews, but I will be wracked with misery as a result.
~By Emily Mortimer ~

Let us embrace, and from this very moment vow an eternal misery together.
~By Thomas Otway ~

May I make a suggestion, hoping it is not an impertinence? Write it down: write down what you feel. It is sometimes a wonderful help in misery.
~By Robertson Davies ~

Man hands on misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself.
~By Philip Larkin ~

Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 percent of all your happiness or misery.
~By H. Jackson Brown, Jr. ~

Hype is the awkward and desperate attempt to convince journalists that what you've made is worth the misery of having to review it.
~By Federico Fellini ~

In opposition to this detachment, he finds an image of man which contains within itself man's dreams, man's illness, man's redemption from the misery of poverty - poverty which can no longer be for him a sign of the acceptance of life.
~By Salvatore Quasimodo ~

Ignorance is the primary source of all misery and vice.
~By Victor Cousin ~

More company increases happiness, but does not lighten or diminish misery.
~By Thomas Traherne ~

When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?
~By Eleanor Roosevelt ~

Now I believe I can hear the philosophers protesting that it can only be misery to live in folly, illusion, deception and ignorance, but it isn't -it's human.
~By Desiderius Erasmus ~

My music is homegrown from the garden of New Orleans. Music is everything to me short of breathing. Music also has a role to lift you up - not to be escapist but to take you out of misery.
~By Allen Toussaint ~

I would say to my colleague that the misery index, inflation and unemployment, when added together is the lowest it has been in the last series of Presidents, even going back to Jimmy Carter. So I think the Bush administration is doing a good job.
~By Cliff Stearns ~

People go to church for the same reasons they go to a tavern: to stupefy themselves, to forget their misery, to imagine themselves, for a few minutes anyway, free and happy.
~By Mikhail Bakunin ~

In the past, we spoke of poverty, misery only in the south. Now there is a lot of misery, a lot of bad that creates victims in the north as well. This has become manifest: the global system was not made to serve the good of all, but to serve multinational companies.
~By Ahmed Ben Bella ~

Human misery is too great for men to do without faith.
~By Heinrich Heine ~

Let other pens dwell on guilt and misery.
~By Jane Austen ~

When the baby dies, On every side Rose stranger's voices, hard and harsh and loud. The baby was not wrapped in any shroud. The mother made no sound. Her head was bowed That men's eyes might not see Her misery.
~By Helen Hunt Jackson ~

As far as we are concerned, we are ready to leave today, tomorrow, at any time, to join the people of Haiti, to share in their suffering, help rebuild the country, moving from misery to poverty with dignity.
~By Jean-Bertrand Aristide ~

To live by one man's will becomes the cause of all misery.
~By Richard Hooker ~

Happiness: an agreeable sensation arising from contemplating the misery of another.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

Friendship improves happiness and abates misery, by the doubling of our joy and the dividing of our grief.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

To add to our misery and despair, a bloated aristocracy has sent to China - the greatest and oldest despotism in the world - for a cheap working slave.
~By Denis Kearney ~

Unending was the stream, unending the misery, unending the sorrow.
~By Karl Amadeus Hartmann ~

Our sympathy is cold to the relation of distant misery.
~By Edward Gibbon ~

Doing nothing is happiness for children and misery for old men.
~By Victor Hugo ~

There is a set of religious, or rather moral, writings which teach that virtue is the certain road to happiness, and vice to misery in this world. A very wholesome and comfortable doctrine, and to which we have but one objection, namely, that it is not true.
~By Francois Fenelon ~

The law was made for one thing alone, for the exploitation of those who don't understand it, or are prevented by naked misery from obeying it.
~By Bertolt Brecht ~

Acting doesn't have to be threadbare misery all the time.
~By Fiona Shaw ~

About the only difference between the poor and the rich, is this, the poor suffer misery, while the rich have to enjoy it.
~By Josh Billings ~

Failure and its accompanying misery is for the artist his most vital source of creative energy.
~By Montgomery Clift ~

That he delights in the misery of others no man will confess, and yet what other motive can make a father cruel?
~By Joseph Addison ~

Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.
~By Russell Baker ~

Misery is a match that never goes out.
~By Thomas Huxley ~

By adversity are wrought the greatest works of admiration, and all the fair examples of renown, out of distress and misery are grown.
~By Samuel Daniel ~

It is by attempting to reach the top in a single leap that so much misery is produced in the world.
~By William Cobbett ~

Your dear baby has died innocent and blameless, and has been called away by an all wise and merciful Creator, most probably from a life to misery and misfortune, and most certainly to one of happiness and bliss.
~By George Mason ~

The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not our circumstances.
~By Martha Washington ~

What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like.
~By Saint Augustine ~

It's been a misery for me, living with Christine Keeler.
~By Christine Keeler ~

Very little changed fundamentally, except that the proud German soldier had turned into a defeated bundle of misery and the great German army had disintegrated.
~By George Grosz ~

Misery is manifold. The wretchedness of the earth is multiform.
~By Matt LeBlanc ~

The agony of my feelings allowed me no respite; no incident occurred from which my rage and misery could not extract its food.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ~

Not to discontinue our allegiance, in this case, would be to join with the sovereign in promoting the slavery and misery of that society, the welfare of which, we ourselves, as well as our sovereign, are indispensably obliged to secure and promote, as far as in us lies.
~By Jonathan Mayhew ~

One does not kill oneself for love of a woman, but because love - any love - reveals us in our nakedness, our misery, our vulnerability, our nothingness.
~By Cesare Pavese ~

People in misery is what most important in art.
~By Zhang Yimou ~

Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering - and it's all over much too soon.
~By Woody Allen ~

Happiness, or misery, is in the mind. It is the mind that lives.
~By William Cobbett ~

I have no doubt but that the misery of the lower classes will be found to abate whenever the Government assumes a freer aspect and the laws favor a subdivision of Property.
~By James Madison ~

There are times when we must sink to the bottom of our misery to understand truth, just as we must descend to the bottom of a well to see the stars in broad daylight.
~By Vaclav Havel ~

The shock caused by the September 11 events has also lead to a thorough reflection on the existing disparity between rich and poor countries, on the misery of populations of the South.
~By Omar Bongo ~

The logs of wood which move down the river together Are driven apart by every wave. Such inevitable parting Should not be the cause of misery.
~By Nagarjuna ~

Pain and sorrow and misery have a right to our assistance: compassion puts us in mind of the debt, and that we owe it to ourselves as well as to the distressed.
~By Joseph Butler ~

Resolve to be thyself: and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery.
~By Matthew Arnold ~

Evil is always devising more corrosive misery through man's restless need to exact revenge out of his hate.
~By Ralph Steadman ~

Misery, mutilation, destruction, terror, starvation and death characterize the process of war and form a principal part of the product.
~By Louis Mumford ~

If the misery of the poor be caused not by the laws of nature, but by our institutions, great is our sin.
~By Charles Darwin ~

The cup of Ireland's misery has been overflowing for centuries and is not yet half full.
~By Boyle Roche ~

If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery.
~By Michael Harrington ~

I have always considered that choosing a companion for life was a very important affair and that my happyness or misery in this life depended on the choice.
~By Ezra Cornell ~

Human misery must somewhere have a stop; there is no wind that always blows a storm.
~By Euripides ~

Misery is a communicable disease.
~By Martha Graham ~

He who has not the spirit of this age, has all the misery of it.
~By Voltaire ~

This hunger for profits causes great misery for the people.
~By Walter Ulbricht ~

Misery loves company, but company does not reciprocate.
~By Addison Mizner ~

The misery in war-torn Afghanistan is reminiscent of images from the Thirty Years' War.
~By Jurgen Habermas ~

Life is not an easy matter... You cannot live through it without falling into frustration and cynicism unless you have before you a great idea which raises you above personal misery, above weakness, above all kinds of perfidy and baseness.
~By Leon Trotsky ~

The rare pleasure of being seen for what one is, compensates for the misery of being it.
~By Margaret Drabble ~

I find the earth to be a place of misery in which I am surrounded by the conformity that kills society.
~By Matt LeBlanc ~

I am talking about misery and all of its implications.
~By Juan Rulfo ~

I am determined to be cheerful and happy in whatever situation I may find myself. For I have learned that the greater part of our misery or unhappiness is determined not by our circumstance but by our disposition.
~By Martha Washington ~

Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
~By Spike Milligan ~

I guess lyrically they're similar because they're talking about escaping the kind of misery that likes company. 'The Last One Alive,' for me, is very simple. It's just about alienation, really, that causes anger.
~By Jon Crosby ~

Thank the Gods! My misery exceeds all my hopes!
~By Jean Racine ~

Extreme hopes are born from extreme misery.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

The day that I ever become hip... please shoot me and put me outta my misery!
~By Meat Loaf ~

The white man's happiness cannot be purchased by the black man's misery.
~By Frederick Douglass ~

Misery loves company.
~By John Ray ~

For there is no one so great or mighty that he can avoid the misery that will rise up against him when he resists and strives against God.
~By John Calvin ~

With the introduction of agriculture mankind entered upon a long period of meanness, misery, and madness, from which they are only now being freed by the beneficent operation of the machine.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

It is almost impossible for anyone, even the most ineffective among us, to continue to choose misery after becoming aware that it is a choice.
~By William Glasser ~

Let us lose none of their humble words, let us note their slightest gestures, and tell me, tell me that we will think of them together, now and later, when we realise the misery of the times and the magnitude of their sacrifice.
~By Georges Duhamel ~

There is no greater sorrow than to recall happiness in times of misery.
~By Dante Alighieri ~

You don't necessarily have to be in misery to be talented.
~By Brooke Shields ~

Maybe it's the music that enables them to function like that, to always take everything as it comes and never complain about the misery, hardship or injustice.
~By Wim Wenders ~

The prosperous can not easily form a right idea of misery.
~By Marcus Fabius Quintilian ~

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.
~By Winston Churchill ~

I simply can't build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, misery and death... I think... peace and tranquillity will return again.
~By Anne Frank ~

As a child is indulged or checked in its early follies, a ground is generally laid for the happiness or misery of the future man.
~By Samuel Richardson ~

Those who weep for the happy periods which they encounter in history acknowledge what they want; not the alleviation but the silencing of misery.
~By Albert Camus ~

It would be stupid tameness, and unaccountable folly, for whole nations to suffer one unreasonable, ambitious and cruel man, to wanton and riot in their misery.
~By Jonathan Mayhew ~

Our principles are the springs of our actions. Our actions, the springs of our happiness or misery. Too much care, therefore, cannot be taken in forming our principles.
~By Red Skelton ~

There is nothing, Sir, too little for so little a creature as man. It is by studying little things that we attain the great art of having as little misery and as much happiness as possible.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

It is misery, you know, unspeakable misery for the man who lives alone and who detests sordid, casual affairs; not old enough to do without women, but not young enough to be able to go and look for one without shame!
~By Luigi Pirandello ~

If misery loves company, misery has company enough.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

The happiness and misery of men depend no less on temper than fortune.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Friends love misery, in fact. Sometimes, especially if we are too lucky or too successful or too pretty, our misery is the only thing that endears us to our friends.
~By Erica Jong ~

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July 27 ,2024
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