Mistake Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Mistake

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Man is a question; woman is an answer. The mistake women make today is to offer themselves as answers before being questioned.
~By Jose Bergamin ~

I believe in recovery, and I believe that as a role model I have the responsibility to let young people know that you can make a mistake and come back from it.
~By Ann Richards ~

Gentlemen, when the enemy is committed to a mistake we must not interrupt him too soon.
~By Horatio Nelson ~

As it was, I realized choosing the study of Chinese literature as my life's work was probably a mistake.
~By Eric Allin Cornell ~

Sasha gets a raw deal from the press. She makes one mistake in her program and people rip her for not pulling it off when it counts. But she never falls apart. She never just completely folds and misses everything. Usually it's just one mistake.
~By Brian Boitano ~

My main mistake was to have made an ancient people advance by forced marches toward independence, health, culture, affluence, comfort.
~By Mohammed Reza Pahlavi ~

The greatest mistake I made was not to die in office.
~By Dean Acheson ~

To appear on the stage drunk, to have them leave there and remember me making drunken mistakes, that was death.
~By Sammy Davis, Jr. ~

Anyone who thinks my story is anywhere near over is sadly mistaken.
~By Donald Trump ~

The biggest mistakes, early on, involved foreign policy and involved the strategy for health care.
~By Sidney Blumenthal ~

The first, that their pretensions to this possession of an art properly so called in their art of speaking are entirely unfounded; and the second, that they are involved in a profound mistake in their confusion of the good with the pleasant.
~By Friedrich Schleiermacher ~

I made mistakes in drama. I thought drama was when actors cried. But drama is when the audience cries.
~By Frank Capra ~

It's a mistake to assume that Islamists always come from the slums. Indeed, many come from affluent families but for some reason just couldn't manage to integrate into Western society, even though they had good opportunities for advancement.
~By Otto Schily ~

We tried to avoid, you know, records. We were told over and over that was probably the most serious mistake and the reason was the system would never catch on, because we didn't have records.
~By Ken Thompson ~

You make mistakes, but I don't have any regrets. I'm the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it. I learn from everything I do. I work very hard, I have so many things going on in my life. Get to know me and see who I am.
~By Kim Kardashian ~

The mistakes of the fool are known to the world, but not to himself. The mistakes of the wise man are known to himself, but not to the world.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

It is not strange... to mistake change for progress.
~By Millard Fillmore ~

Punishing honest mistakes stifles creativity. I want people moving and shaking the earth and they're going to make mistakes.
~By Ross Perot ~

It was an amazing mistake to lose 10p on every copy because your sleeve is so expensive.
~By Peter Hook ~

That though we are certain of many things, yet that Certainty is no absolute Infallibility, there still remains the possibility of our being mistaken in all matters of humane Belief and Inquiry.
~By Joseph Glanvill ~

We made only one real mistake. And even then we were right.
~By Ben Bradlee ~

In a brave new world, a post-September 11 world, anyone is going to make certain mistakes. The mistakes that have been made on homeland security, on protecting our Nation from another terrorist attack, are mistakes of omission. We are simply not doing enough.
~By Charles Schumer ~

We gave up some of our country to the white men, thinking that then we could have peace. We were mistaken. The white man would not let us alone.
~By Chief Joseph ~

All the mistakes I've ever made in my life have been when I've been drunk. I haven't made hardly any mistakes sober, ever, ever.
~By Tracey Emin ~

It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.
~By Arthur Conan Doyle ~

We are built to make mistakes, coded for error.
~By Lewis Thomas ~

The German mind has a talent for making no mistakes but the very greatest.
~By Clifton Fadiman ~

I made a big mistake with him the first day I shot. We're shooting the scene where I come back from the party, the dance, in the sleigh with Julie Christie and we turn the corner and go past the camera and the camera follows us just a little bit and we disappear.
~By Rod Steiger ~

I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be mistaken.
~By Oliver Cromwell ~

If you have to make mistakes, make them good and big, don't be middling if you can help it.
~By Hildegard Knef ~

The biggest mistake is believing there is one right way to listen, to talk, to have a conversation - or a relationship.
~By Deborah Tannen ~

Our failure to properly deal with Germany and Japan early cost the world dearly later on. We dare not make the same mistake with China.
~By Steve Forbes ~

Live rich, die poor; never make the mistake of doing it the other way round.
~By Walter Annenberg ~

Well I think it has always been a mistake to reduce the peace process in Ireland to a decommissioning process.
~By Martin McGuinness ~

Well, what I tried to do is simply to get out on the land. And when I came to Washington, I think one of the mistakes we made early on was kind of having an ideological dispute up in the Congress.
~By Bruce Babbitt ~

Take chances, make mistakes. That's how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.
~By Mary Tyler Moore ~

There are no mistakes, no coincidences. All events are blessings given to us to learn from.
~By Elisabeth Kubler-Ross ~

To help yourself, you must be yourself. Be the best that you can be. When you make a mistake, learn from it, pick yourself up and move on.
~By Dave Pelzer ~

Socialists make the mistake of confusing individual worth with success. They believe you cannot allow people to succeed in case those who fail feel worthless.
~By Kenneth Baker ~

Make no mistake: the anti-war voices long for us to lose any war they cannot prevent.
~By Ralph Peters ~

Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

A sound discretion is not so much indicated by never making a mistake as by never repeating it.
~By Christian Nestell Bovee ~

Forgive yourself for your faults and your mistakes and move on.
~By Les Brown ~

The printing press was at first mistaken for an engine of immortality by everybody except Shakespeare.
~By Marshall McLuhan ~

As an actor, I think a mistake that any storyteller can make is to play the ending.
~By John Hawkes ~

Make no mistake about why these babies are here - they are here to replace us.
~By Jerry Seinfeld ~

Religious persecution may shield itself under the guise of a mistaken and over-zealous piety.
~By Edmund Burke ~

The man who trusts men will make fewer mistakes than he who distrusts them.
~By Camillo di Cavour ~

It is a mistake to expect good work from expatriates for it is not what they do that matters but what they are not doing.
~By Cyril Connolly ~

From a worldly point of view, there is no mistake so great as that of being always right.
~By Samuel Butler ~

We all make mistakes but one has to move on.
~By Jeffrey Archer ~

Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn't.
~By R. Buckminster Fuller ~

I conclude that it is a fundamental mistake to think that salvation, justice, or virtue come through merely human institutions.
~By Jeane Kirkpatrick ~

The Republicans are running wild with our tax dollars and it's been a mistake to let this administration continue a policy of incompetence when it comes to Iraq.
~By Sherrod Brown ~

The American people have decided that it was a mistake to choose to go to war in Iraq.
~By Raul Grijalva ~

We were thrilled and we were privileged to be part of a revolution, because make no mistake about it, Ted Turner changed the world with CNN.
~By Christiane Amanpour ~

I keep these songs in my head until I get behind the microphone. I never spend more than 30 or 40 minutes singing the vocal or it will sound mechanical. There are always mistakes, but it's about feeling more than being perfect.
~By Brian McKnight ~

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
~By James Joyce ~

How would you like a job where when you made a mistake, a big red light goes on and 18,000 people boo?
~By Jacques Plante ~

Taking me seriously is a big mistake. I certainly wouldn't.
~By Ani DiFranco ~

Political necessities sometime turn out to be political mistakes.
~By George Bernard Shaw ~

Of course, everybody makes mistakes, and we've all been young and stupid. But people need to have a sense of respect, particularly in this business, because hundreds of people are ready to take your place at any time. Maybe some people should think about that.
~By Sophia Bush ~

You are just as capable of making a mistake as anyone else. By insisting too eagerly upon a small right, you may turn it into a wrong against yourself and also against your neighbor.
~By Lawrence G. Lovasik ~

I felt that I ostracized myself by my behavior, by the past, by living with all the regrets of my mistakes, that I sort of wore a hair shirt and beat myself up most of the day thinking and regretting why did I make such a mistake? Why have I made so many mistakes?
~By Sarah Ferguson ~

You can't be in the public eye without making mistakes and having some regrets and having people analyze everything you do.
~By Sheryl Crow ~

You made a lot of mistakes, and you wrote a lot of crap. But it was all part of the learning process.
~By Cynthia Weil ~

There has always been a saying in baseball that you can't make a hitter, but I think you can improve a hitter. More than you can improve a fielder. More mistakes are made hitting than in any other part of the game.
~By Ted Williams ~

The politician who never made a mistake never made a decision.
~By John Major ~

A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
~By Douglas Adams ~

To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia - to mistake an ordinary young woman for a goddess.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

Failure is the key to success; each mistake teaches us something.
~By Morihei Ueshiba ~

Consider every mistake you do make as an asset.
~By Paul J. Meyer ~

Yes, America is gigantic, but a gigantic mistake.
~By Sigmund Freud ~

The worst mistake of first contact, made throughout history by individuals on both sides of every new encounter, has been the unfortunate habit of making assumptions. It often proved fatal.
~By David Brin ~

The greatest mistake is trying to be more agreeable than you can be.
~By Walter Bagehot ~

Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again.
~By Vincent Van Gogh ~

The game of golf doesn't come rushing back to you. Last week I made a couple of fundamental mistakes that I probably wouldn't have made in the heat of the battle back when I was in my heyday, and those things have got to come back.
~By Greg Norman ~

I think someone should explain to the child that it's OK to make mistakes. That's how we learn. When we compete, we make mistakes.
~By Kareem Abdul-Jabbar ~

And that's the mistake that was made with Steel Pier. Roger was caught between a rock and hard place. It would have cost a couple of million dollars more to take it to Boston or someplace first. So we opened about a month too early.
~By Gregory Harrison ~

Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
~By Napoleon Bonaparte ~

There's always reasons to make mistakes. Because then you do new mistakes next time. So they're beautiful mistakes.
~By Ville Valo ~

Whenever you analyse anyone who has had any success and they're in the headlines, you will find they are human and make mistakes. I'm certainly that and I've made a lot of mistakes.
~By Jeffrey Archer ~

A mistake is always forgivable, rarely excusable and always unacceptable.
~By Robert Fripp ~

The greatest mistake you can make in life is continually fearing that you'll make one.
~By Elbert Hubbard ~

It will never be mistaken for a high school gymnasium or a meeting room in a Midwestern motel.
~By Donal Henahan ~

Making mistakes is a lot better than not doing anything.
~By Billie Joe Armstrong ~

It was when I found out I could make mistakes that I knew I was on to something.
~By Ornette Coleman ~

Lack of pep is often mistaken for patience.
~By Kin Hubbard ~

I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach them first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.
~By Barack Obama ~

He had a way with him. Before you had a chance to say no, he was there and done. That only happened to me once before, with a duke, who literally swept me off my feet, and before I knew what was happening, we'd done it. Another terrible mistake.
~By Christine Keeler ~

If you go to a game nervous, you make a mistake.
~By Miguel Cabrera ~

Men are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument. The heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.
~By William E. Gladstone ~

I don't know anyone in the public eye who has not made a mistake and said something in a manner that does not truly reflect their intentions.
~By Jim Jeffords ~

OK, the wonderful thing about soccer is, a football is a perfectly round object, and it doesn't make mistakes. The player using it makes mistakes. And the more you use it, the less mistakes you make.
~By Craig Johnston ~

I think it's a mistake to ever look for hope outside of one's self.
~By Arthur Miller ~

I realized I made a big mistake and if I could have it over again, I would do it so much differently.
~By Hansie Cronje ~

I don't make mistakes. I make prophecies which immediately turn out to be wrong.
~By Murray Walker ~

So many of today's programs are about trophies and jackets, and we think that's a big mistake.
~By Bobby Orr ~

No matter how mistaken Communist ideas may be, the experience and knowledge gained by trying them out have given a tremendous impetus to thought and imagination.
~By Anne Sullivan Macy ~

There are some legitimate security issues, but I believe many of the objections the administration is making are not for security reasons, but to disguise mistakes that were made prior to Sept. 11.
~By Bob Graham ~

Read This: Mountains Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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