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Myth Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Myth

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I think the rock'n'roll myth of living on the edge is a pile of crap.
~By Robert Smith ~

It took some time to gather the research and develop it into the storyline, and to finally finish an origin myth poem that I had been working on for twenty years.
~By Jean M. Auel ~

From reading a previous answer, you know that I consider all those aspects to be part of American cultural myth and thus they figure into good American poetry, whether the poet is aware of what he is doing or not.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

Fables should be taught as fables, myths as myths, and miracles as poetic fantasies. To teach superstitions as truths is a most terrible thing. The child mind accepts and believes them, and only through great pain and perhaps tragedy can he be in after years relieved of them.
~By Hypatia ~

If you're going to be a myth or want to be a myth, you'd better die young.
~By Alma Guillermoprieto ~

A myth is an image in terms of which we try to make sense of the world.
~By Alan Watts ~

It's a big con job. We have sold the myth of Dublin as a sexy place incredibly well; because it is a dreary little dump most of the time.
~By Roddy Doyle ~

Every country that has experimented with women in actual combat has abandoned the idea, and the notion that Israel uses women in combat is a feminist myth.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation.
~By Thomas Bulfinch ~

One must not believe any of those mythologies about oneself as an artist.
~By Anish Kapoor ~

Failure is simply the non-presence of success. But a fiasco is a disaster of mythic proportions.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

The myth that the founding of American Republic was based on the philosophy of John Locke could only have been maintained, because the history of Leibniz's influence was suppressed.
~By Robert Trout ~

The hero, the mythical subject, is constructed as human being and as male; he is the active principle of culture, the establisher of distinction, the creator of differences.
~By Teresa de Lauretis ~

All the great legends are Templates for human behavior. I would define a myth as a story that has survived.
~By John Boorman ~

I believe that global warming is a myth. And so, therefore, I have no conscience problems at all and I'm going to buy a Suburban next time.
~By Jerry Falwell ~

The first myth of management is that it exists. The second myth of management is that success equals skill.
~By Robert Heller ~

The Myth of Male Power dealt much more with the political issues, the legal issues, sexual harassment, date rape, women who kill, and those issues were very much more interfaced with the agendas of feminism.
~By Warren Farrell ~

But if it not be true, the myth itself requires to be explained, and every principle of philosophy and common sense demand that the explanation be sought, not in arbitrary allegorical categories, but in the actual facts of ritual or religious custom to which the myth attaches.
~By William Robertson Smith ~

Through the mythology of Einstein, the world blissfully regained the image of knowledge reduced to a formula.
~By Roland Barthes ~

There is no rational reason to doubt that the universe has existed indefinitely, for an infinite time. It is only myth that attempts to say how the universe came to be, either four thousand or twenty billion years ago.
~By Hannes Alfven ~

I heard that Jesus had a pet dinosaur. Evolution must be a myth then.
~By John Bacon ~

Uncritical semantics is the myth of a museum in which the exhibits are meanings and the words are labels. To switch languages is to change the labels.
~By Willard Van Orman Quine ~

But myth is something else than an explanation of the world, of history, and of destiny.
~By Paul Ricoeur ~

The logical man must either deny all miracles or none, and our American Indian myths and hero stories are perhaps, in themselves, quite as credible as those of the Hebrews of old.
~By Charles Eastman ~

In every age 'the good old days' were a myth. No one ever thought they were good at the time. For every age has consisted of crises that seemed intolerable to the people who lived through them.
~By Brooks Atkinson ~

From being a patriotic myth, the Russian people have become an awful reality.
~By Leon Trotsky ~

It seems obvious to me that the notion of God has never been anything but a kind of ideal projection, a reflection upward of the human personality, and that theology never has been and never can be anything but a more and more purified mythology.
~By Alfred Loisy ~

Myths are stories that express meaning, morality or motivation. Whether they are true or not is irrelevant.
~By Michael Shermer ~

For most of the history of our species we were helpless to understand how nature works. We took every storm, drought, illness and comet personally. We created myths and spirits in an attempt to explain the patterns of nature.
~By Ann Druyan ~

It's another myth that dancing distorts or destroys your feet. If you have the right shaped foot to start and a good, strong technique, your feet should be fine.
~By Deborah Bull ~

I am attracted to myths.
~By Tina Turner ~

Each religion, by the help of more or less myth, which it takes more or less seriously, proposes some method of fortifying the human soul and enabling it to make its peace with its destiny.
~By George Santayana ~

Most of the monsters... are based on some sort of mythology. Every culture and even some geographical areas have monsters and mythology that is their own.
~By Laurell K. Hamilton ~

As critical acclaim and response has built up, every interview I give is a chance to puncture the myth I've created about my work and refine it.
~By James Ellroy ~

And I feel that we in our society should not be held by any such myth; that we should do everything we can to gain a delight and joy in our society with all the available parts of the palette.
~By Minoru Yamasaki ~

You know why we're stuck with the myth that only black people have soul? Because white people don't let themselves feel things.
~By Janis Joplin ~

There have been a number of us working very, very hard to bring myth and fairy tales into public consciousness, through fantasy literature and other media. I hope we're succeeding in some small way.
~By Terri Windling ~

Thus we hope to teach mythology not as a study, but as a relaxation from study; to give our work the charm of a story-book, yet by means of it to impart a knowledge of an important branch of education.
~By Thomas Bulfinch ~

The poem is a little myth of man's capacity of making life meaningful. And in the end, the poem is not a thing we see-it is, rather, a light by which we may see-and what we see is life.
~By Robert Penn Warren ~

Because of my Marxism, I was not into myths or miracles, whether it was the virgin birth, the physical resurrection or casting out demons from an epileptic.
~By Lionel Blue ~

If you dream the proper dreams, and share the myths with people, they will want to grow up to be like you.
~By Ray Bradbury ~

V is like a mythical situation. It's an allegory for what could happen. V has philosophies within it that actually warn against things like that happening.
~By David Lloyd ~

If you take different mythologies from different cultures, the names may change and the story lines may vary but there is always something in common.
~By Maynard James Keenan ~

A myth is the name of a terrible lie told by a smelly little brown person to a man in a white suit with a pair of binoculars.
~By David Antin ~

We must not be hampered by yesterday's myths in concentrating on today's needs.
~By Harold S. Geneen ~

Taste is more to do with manners than appearances. Taste is both myth and reality; it is not a style.
~By Stephen Bayley ~

There's a difference between a failure and a fiasco... a fiasco is a disaster of mythic proportions.
~By Orlando Bloom ~

The point of mythology or myth is to point to the horizon and to point back to ourselves: This is who we are; this is where we came from; and this is where we're going. And a lot of Western society over the last hundred years - the last 50 years really - has lost that. We have become rather aimless and wandering.
~By J. Michael Straczynski ~

From the first place of liquid darkness, within the second place of air and light, I set down the following record with its mixture of fact and truths and memories of truths and its direction toward the Third Place, where the starting point is myth.
~By Janet Frame ~

In the world of language, or in other words in the world of art and liberal education, religion necessarily appears as mythology or as Bible.
~By Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel ~

I grew up under Thatcher. I grew up believing that I was fundamentally powerless. Then gradually over the years it occurred to me that this was actually a very convenient myth for the state.
~By Thom Yorke ~

Artists don't make objects. Artists make mythologies.
~By Anish Kapoor ~

We have a sense that we should be like the mythical cowboy... able to take on and conquer anything and live in the world without the need for other people.
~By Morrie Schwartz ~

But, strictly speaking, this mythology was no essential part of ancient religion, for it had no sacred sanction and no binding force on the worshippers.
~By William Robertson Smith ~

Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, tradition and myth frame our response.
~By Arthur M. Schlesinger ~

I stress the uniqueness of the Australian landscape and its metaphysical and mythic content.
~By Arthur Boyd ~

Let us embrace Science and the new technologies unfettered, for it is these which will liberate mankind from the myth of god, and free us from our age old fears, from disease, death and the sweat of labor.
~By Claude Vorilhon ~

I would be copping out if I stayed in the myth of the '60s.
~By Jerry Rubin ~

If our titles recall the known myths of antiquity, we have used them again because they are the eternal symbols upon which we must fall back to express basic psychological ideas.
~By Mark Rothko ~

It is difficult to separate, at times, the myth from the truth.
~By Bob Kane ~

I am trying to make art that relates to the deepest and most mythic concerns of human kind and I believe that, at this moment of history, feminism is humanism.
~By Judy Chicago ~

I was warned not to do it. Actors who play Jesus are supposed to have a hard time getting other roles to follow, but I felt this was a myth. After all, how can you be typecast as Christ?
~By Jeffrey Hunter ~

Myth is supposed to bring us together, but fantasy alienates us.
~By Dustin Hoffman ~

Once you begin to explain or excuse all events on racial grounds, you begin to indulge in the perilous mythology of race.
~By James Earl Jones ~

Postmodernists believe that truth is myth, and myth, truth. This equation has its roots in pop psychology. The same people also believe that emotions are a form of reality. There used to be another name for this state of mind. It used to be called psychosis.
~By Brad Holland ~

The goal of modern propaganda is no longer to transform opinion but to arouse an active and mythical belief.
~By Jacques Ellul ~

I have a better internal and intuitive understanding of folklore and myth than science and technology, so in that way fantasy is easier.
~By Sarah Zettel ~

There's a myth that Roosevelt gave Stalin Eastern Europe. I was with Roosevelt every day at Yalta.
~By W. Averell Harriman ~

The myths have always condemned those who "looked back." Condemned them, whatever the paradise may have been which they were leaving. Hence this shadow over each departure from your decision.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

Congress acknowledged that society's accumulated myths and fears about disability and disease are as handicapping as are the physical limitations that flow from actual impairment.
~By William J. Brennan, Jr. ~

The myths that are created about the South, about the way we grew up, about black people, are wrong.
~By Clarence Thomas ~

It is a myth, not a mandate, a fable not a logic, and symbol rather than a reason by which men are moved.
~By Irwin Edman ~

You're basing your laws and your whole outlook on natural life on mythology. It won't work. That's why you have all these problems in the world. Name them: India, Pakistan, Ireland. Name them-all these problems. They're all religious problems.
~By Jack Kevorkian ~

Distinctly American poetry is usually written in the context of one's geographic landscape, sometimes out of one's cultural myths, and often with reference to gender and race or ethnic origins.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

The myth of unlimited production brings war in its train as inevitably as clouds announce a storm.
~By Albert Camus ~

The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.
~By John F. Kennedy ~

Myth is, after all, the neverending story.
~By Joan D. Vinge ~

The myth of fascist efficiency has deluded many people.
~By Henry A. Wallace ~

What if the Soviet intervention was a blessing in disguise? It saved the myth that if the Soviets were not to intervene, there would have been some flowering authentic democratic socialism and so on. I'm a little bit more of a pessimist there. I think that the Soviets - it's a very sad lesson - by their intervention, saved the myth.
~By Slavoj Zizek ~

The myth of black women profiting at the expense of black men is the oldest rap around.
~By Johnnetta Betsch Cole ~

A fiction about soft or easy deaths is part of the mythology of most diseases that are not considered shameful or demeaning.
~By Susan Sontag ~

All myths that are something more than fancies gain rather than lose in value with time, by reason of the accretions of human experience.
~By Richard Le Gallienne ~

Well, one of the first things is to restore the rule of law, to place the government back under the cage of law. Another thing is to stop falling for the myth of democracy.
~By James Bovard ~

In our family, as far as we are concerned, we were born and what happened before that is myth.
~By V. S. Pritchett ~

Religion often partakes of the myth of progress that shields us from the terrors of an uncertain future.
~By Frank Herbert ~

We read Greek and Norse mythology until it came out of our ears. And the Bible.
~By Penelope Lively ~

Plato wove historical fact into literary myth.
~By Michael Shermer ~

I've always believed that the facts about dancing are more interesting than the myths, and this was a great chance for me to explore how the human body does such incredible things.
~By Deborah Bull ~

It struck me that what I'd heard about certain celebrities was true: they had It, whatever the hell It was. Star power isn't a myth; it is tangible and forceful.
~By Michael Bergin ~

That religious earnestness forever tends toward fright and hence towards brittleness and inquisition is clear enough in mythology and history.
~By Thomas Howard ~

But because we live in an age of science, we have a preoccupation with corroborating our myths.
~By Michael Shermer ~

I love all of mythology and rules pertaining to all of the monsters, but I like to go the extra step.
~By Stephen Sommers ~

It did remind me of something out of Greek mythology - the richest king who gets everything he wants, but ultimately his family has a curse on it from the Gods.
~By Martin Scorsese ~

In the most important sense a creationist is a person who believes in creation, and that includes people who believe that Genesis is a myth and that creation involved a process called evolution and consumed billions of years.
~By Phillip E. Johnson ~

There is a segment of the American population that has been excluded from the national myth, and that should be redressed.
~By Edward Zwick ~

The myths connected with individual sanctuaries and ceremonies were merely part of the apparatus of the worship; they served to excite the fancy and sustain the interest of the worshipper... no one cared what he believed about its origin.
~By William Robertson Smith ~

As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

In the United States there's a Puritan ethic and a mythology of success. He who is successful is good. In Latin countries, in Catholic countries, a successful person is a sinner.
~By Umberto Eco ~

Nobody in America, in the modern generation, has read their mythology or legends.
~By Kenneth Anger ~

I don't say that the supposed Civil Rights development is a myth, but it's a matter of dealing with reality. It's purely peripheral and, in many cases, it's just a facade.
~By Norman Granz ~

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July 27 ,2024
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