Names Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Names

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They put their feelers out for all the names and then they'll cast you up to the point a name steps up, and then it doesn't matter how much they love you, there's a certain marketing value on that name, and there you go.
~By Josh Holloway ~

My little scam in April '85 went like this: Give me $50,000; here's some names of some people we've recruited.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

With me it was that defending the Communist Party was something worse than naming the names.
~By Edward Dmytryk ~

I couldn't begin to name names... in general I have found racers to be some of the most competitive people on the planet... and some of the nicest as well.
~By John Oates ~

We loved being in Russia and would love to go back again, especially to visit my namesake.
~By Eric Roberts ~

There were also some cruel reviews by women, but the tone of the male reviewers, sometimes hysterical, was different. I have suffered, but I don't want to name names-but there have been men who have seemed to want to destroy me or my writing, men I don't even know.
~By Marguerite Young ~

I know acts and I'm not going to name names but these people sold ten million copies the first time and the second album sells three million and it's considered a failure and they're dropped and that's really a shame.
~By Gerry Beckley ~

It's gotten out of control. It's taking bigger and bigger names to make smaller and smaller films. I worry that important films without a big name attached won't get made at all.
~By Glenn Close ~

I printed a list of Irish names from the Internet and my husband, Dave, saw Finley on the list. I really liked it but didn't want to scare Dave off with my enthusiasm. So I used a little reverse psychology and let him think it was his idea.
~By Holly Marie Combs ~

The market for short stories is hard to break into, but a magazine editor isn't always looking for big names with which to sell his magazine - they're more willing to try stories by newcomers, if those tales are good.
~By Eric Brown ~

I am not making spiteful assertions now but merely stating the facts-that, for instance, among Hungarian generals there is such a considerable percentage of men of German origin, who of course had, in most cases, to alter their names if they wanted to get anywhere.
~By Heinrich Himmler ~

I could give you some names of Workshop participants who are as good as many who are being published but haven't had the right editor recognize their merit or have not been adequately published.
~By James Gunn ~

Nicknames stick to people, and the most ridiculous are the most adhesive.
~By Thomas Chandler Haliburton ~

We are trying to remake Vietnamese society, a task which certainly cannot be accomplished by force and which probably cannot be accomplished by any means available to outsiders.
~By J. William Fulbright ~

It was a requirement by the veterans to list the 57,000 names. We're reaching a time that we'll acknowledge the individual in a war on a national level.
~By Maya Lin ~

I confused things with their names: that is belief.
~By Jean-Paul Sartre ~

The great problem of the concert hall is that the shoebox is the ideal shape for acoustics but that no architect worth their names wants to build a shoebox.
~By Rem Koolhaas ~

I'm very influenced by landscapes, not so much the way places look as the way the names sound. In this country we've got so many cultures, and the place names - the Spanish names and the Indian names, which are so incredibly musical.
~By Emmylou Harris ~

Call it Nature, Fate, Fortune; all these are names of the one and selfsame God.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

The two principles referred to are Authority and Liberty, and the names of the two schools of Socialistic thought which fully and unreservedly represent one or the other of them are, respectively, State Socialism and Anarchism.
~By Benjamin Tucker ~

I've had many nicknames over the years: V, Nessa, Nessy Poo, Nessy Bear and Van. Only my parents call me Van, though, and I hate it. I get embarrassed.
~By Vanessa Hudgens ~

I made a list of people who needed just a little bit of money. And when the list was complete, there were 42 names. The total amount of money they needed was $27. I was shocked.
~By Muhammad Yunus ~

Those who cultivate moral confusion for profit should understand this: we will name their names and shame them as they deserve to be shamed.
~By Bob Dole ~

There are, in the King case in particular, e names of confidential informants, persons to whom we promised confidentiality in return for their testimony. We have put their testimony in the public domain, but feel that their names should continue to be anonymous.
~By Louis Stokes ~

Between Scott on the earlier side and Dickens and Thackeray on the other, there was an immense production of novels, illustrated by not a few names which should rank high in the second class, while some would promote more than one of them to the first.
~By George Saintsbury ~

They certainly give very strange names to diseases.
~By Plato ~

My mind is vacant on names, but I know him as well as anything. When I need names they drop out of my head; when I don't need them they drop back.
~By Imogen Cunningham ~

They do certainly give very strange, and newfangled, names to diseases.
~By Plato ~

Know the names of past and current artists who are most famous for playing their instruments.
~By Marilyn vos Savant ~

A Harris poll I've seen says only 12 percent of the electorate names taxes as one of the most important issues facing the nation. Voters put tax cuts dead last, behind education, Social Security, health care, Medicare and poverty.
~By Lane Evans ~

And I will do everything that I can as long as I am President of the United States to remind the American people that we are one nation under God, and we may call that God different names but we remain one nation.
~By Barack Obama ~

If I could remember the names of all these particles, I'd be a botanist.
~By Enrico Fermi ~

The Eskimos had fifty-two names for snow because it was important to them: there ought to be as many for love.
~By Margaret Atwood ~

Names are what people sometimes use to excuse their thoughts and actions towards you.
~By Simon Travaglia ~

I keep lists of names of people that I have met, a list of things to do day by day as well as a log of how my time is consumed throughout the day. It's a very important part of my personal discipline.
~By Bob Graham ~

Biblical names are hot again.
~By Anita Diament ~

Rich kids gave us their old clothes. They were the best clothes we ever had. We were these very pure, naive, poor children. The rich kids called us a lot of names but it never bothered us because we didn't know what the words meant.
~By River Phoenix ~

I also administer the Internet Assigned Names Authority, which is the central coordinator for the Internet address space, domain names and Internet protocol conventions essential to the use and operation of the Internet.
~By Jon Postel ~

Many Japanese painters and calligraphers would change their names intentionally to keep their relationship to the art always fresh. This way, others' expectations can be avoided.
~By Tina Weymouth ~

The Vietnamese people deeply love independence, freedom and peace. But in the face of United States aggression they have risen up, united as one man.
~By Ho Chi Minh ~

We had the boy's name picked out, but we didn't have a girl's. When he turned out to be a boy, we were so relieved. Literally, in the middle of contracting and pushing, and with my wife being drugged - out and half - lucid, we were still coming up with names.
~By Paul Reiser ~

We moved in to help the Vietnamese defend their country and confront the Viet Cong.
~By William Westmoreland ~

An art whose medium is language will always show a high degree of critical creativeness, for speech is itself a critique of life: it names, it characterizes, it passes judgment, in that it creates.
~By Thomas Mann ~

Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist.
~By Moshe Dayan ~

Were I more conversant with literature and its great names, I could go on quoting them ad infinitum and acknowledge my debt for the merit you have been generous enough to find in my work.
~By Knut Hamsun ~

I am financing the recording myself. So I have no big names to drop.
~By Holly Johnson ~

The names are bigger, the show is worldwide, but I get a royal pass into life in the broadcasting business.
~By Larry King ~

President Johnson did not want the Vietnam War to broaden. He wanted the North Vietnamese to leave their brothers in the South alone.
~By William Westmoreland ~

I have fallen in love with American names, the sharp names that never get fat.
~By Stephen Vincent Benet ~

Pure phenomenology claims to be the science of pure phenomena. This concept of the phenomenon, which was developed under various names as early as the eighteenth century without being clarified, is what we shall have to deal with first of all.
~By Edmund Husserl ~

In English we must use adjectives to distinguish the different kinds of love for which the ancients had distinct names.
~By Mortimer Adler ~

But the best thing Washington can do for education is realize that our role is limited. Washington must keep its promises, but let those who know our childrens' names- parents, teachers and school board members- make education decisions.
~By Mark Kennedy ~

I think knowing people by first names, not by what they do sexually, is really what it's about. Not being afraid. Fear is the enemy. I've always been comfortable with being gay.
~By Herb Ritts ~

All British people have plain names, and that works pretty well over there.
~By Paris Hilton ~

The economic picture in the States today doesn't allow for jazz concerts in a tour fashion. People now are too used to the Festival, which gives them more names for the same price.
~By Norman Granz ~

The only thing I ever withheld from the KGB were the names of two agents whom I personally had known and handled and had a particular feeling for.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

I could have stopped it after they paid me the $50,000. I wouldn't even have had to go on to do more than I already had: just the double agents' names that I gave.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

What's really fun is to write under different names.
~By Tom Verlaine ~

The latest horror to hit the U.S. looks to have been caused by people of Middle Eastern origin, bearing Muslim names. Again, shame. This fuels more hatred for a religion and a people who have nothing to do with these events.
~By Cat Stevens ~

The crimes committed by the North Vietnamese regime against the Vietnamese people were minor compared to the crimes committed by the Khmer Rouge against the Cambodians, but for us on the left they were emotionally far more significant.
~By James Donald ~

I believe that a long step toward public morality will have been taken when sins are called by their right names.
~By Billy Sunday ~

When I need names they drop out of my head; when I don't need them they drop back.
~By Imogen Cunningham ~

Ella can work nightclubs that Duke might not be able to work, because of having the big band. Where they go now is strictly a matter of their own names and talents.
~By Norman Granz ~

Indian names were either characteristic nicknames given in a playful spirit, deed names, birth names, or such as have a religious and symbolic meaning.
~By Charles Eastman ~

The Renaissance is studded by the names of the artists and architects, with their creations recorded as great historical events.
~By Arthur Erickson ~

It's easy to set a story anywhere if you get a good guidebook and get some basic street names, and some descriptions, but, for me, yes, I am indebted to my travels to India for several of the stories.
~By Jhumpa Lahiri ~

They have all different names for music. I think the music I'm going to change the style with is going to be really, really big-years and years after I'm gone.
~By Ike Turner ~

The thing about influence is that any composer worth anything will give you the same names.
~By Harrison Birtwistle ~

Although I wasn't able to get a visa for Vietnam, I was able to talk with swift boat veterans to get a feel for the time and place, and I visited a tropical prison in the Philippines to get a sense of what a Vietnamese prison might have been like.
~By Tony Hillerman ~

Though the names karma yoga and sannyasa are different, the truth at the heart of both is the same.
~By Vinoba Bhave ~

Kids are great. That's one of the best things about our business, all the kids you get to meet. It's a shame they have to grow up to be regular people and come to the games and call you names.
~By Charles Barkley ~

Every human being has hundreds of separate people living under his skin. The talent of a writer is his ability to give them their separate names, identities, personalities and have them relate to other characters living with him.
~By Mel Brooks ~

I'm not called Jude Law, I have three names; I'm called 'Hunk Jude Law' or 'Heartthrob Jude Law'. In England anyway, that's my full name. That's the cheap language that's thrown around, that sums you up in one little bracket. It doesn't look at your life. But if one looks beyond, there is actually a little bit more.
~By Jude Law ~

As he is one, so we call Him God, the Deity, the Divine Nature, and other names of the same signification.
~By John Hales ~

Who could look on these monuments without reflecting on the vanity of mortals in thus offering up testimonials of their respect for persons of whose very names posterity is ignorant?
~By Marguerite Gardiner ~

I used to make up names when I used to catalog my stuff.
~By Richard D. James ~

I don't want to name names, but the least I can say about rock and roll is that I'm suspicious.
~By Manuel Puig ~

A lot of names in America and Europe have their roots in Latin and Greek words. A lot of them go back to archetypes and their stories.
~By Maynard James Keenan ~

If I can procure three hundred good substantial names of persons, or bodies, or institutions, I cannot fail to do well for my family, although I must abandon my life to its success, and undergo many sad perplexities and perhaps never see again my own beloved America.
~By John James Audubon ~

Names are changed more readily than doctrines, and doctrines more readily than ceremonies.
~By Thomas Love Peacock ~

I never heard of an old man forgetting where he had buried his money! Old people remember what interests them: the dates fixed for their lawsuits, and the names of their debtors and creditors.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

What she did was to open our eyes to details of country life such as teaching us names of wild flowers and getting us to draw and paint and learn poetry.
~By Laurie Lee ~

I never heard nobody in my audience call me any kind of names.
~By Little Richard ~

Though we may know Him by a thousand names, He is one and the same to us all.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

I always have trouble remembering three things: faces, names, and - I can't remember what the third thing is.
~By Fred Allen ~

I'll name names, you know I won't hold back.
~By Steven Cojocaru ~

Why don't the names of Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius offend people? The reason is that these others didn't claim to be God, but Jesus did.
~By Josh McDowell ~

I wanted to make a human monster. His name is Coffin Baby. The idea is based on a group of people from Pasadena whose names I can't mention. His mother died and during the funeral, this baby came out of her in the coffin.
~By Tobe Hooper ~

We all agree that manufacturers have a right to ensure that fake goods are not marketed in their names and that their own goods are not marketed under fake names.
~By John Conyers ~

Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams - they all have different names, but they all contain water. Just as religions do - they all contain truths.
~By Muhammad Ali ~

The fact is that the Vietnamese held Americans after 1973.
~By Bo Gritz ~

And I always read the English translation and always have conversations with my translator, for example about the names. I always have to approve it.
~By Cornelia Funke ~

You know you're getting old when all the names in your black book have M. D. after them.
~By Harrison Ford ~

Names were not so much dropped as thrown in a perpetual game of catch.
~By Robert Morley ~

In real life, there are names that surprise us because they don't seem to suit the person at all.
~By Krzysztof Kieslowski ~

First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down.
~By George Burns ~

Call things by their right names - Glass of brandy and water! That is the current, but not the appropriate name; ask for a glass of liquid fire and distilled damnation.
~By Robert Hall ~

I was with some Vietnamese recently, and some of them were smoking two cigarettes at the same time. That's the kind of customers we need!
~By Jesse Helms ~

It's a clique and I think a clique exists in every business. There's a circle of people that are guaranteed to open a movie and we all know their names and whether they're right or wrong for the role.
~By Elizabeth Pena ~

Fame is the inheritance not of the dead, but of the living. It is we who look back with lofty pride to the great names of antiquity.
~By William Hazlitt ~

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July 27 ,2024
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