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New Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About New

Read This: Vertigo Quotes And Sayings

Any new technology tends to go through a 25-year adoption cycle.
~By Marc Andreessen ~

I'm of a fearsome mind to throw my arms around every living librarian who crosses my path, on behalf of the souls they never knew they saved.
~By Barbara Kingsolver ~

The New York Times published the guest list on the front page. The masks were a brilliant concept.
~By George Plimpton ~

We don't have to stand on a soap-box and preach because hopefully we're channelling it through the new record.
~By Thom Yorke ~

As long as sixty years ago, when I first started to read newspapers, I read of floods on the Yellow River and the Yangtze. Who rushed in with men and money to help? The Americans did.
~By Gordon Sinclair ~

If all men knew what others say of them, there would not be four friends in the world.
~By Blaise Pascal ~

Newman has it all worked out. I get a million. He gets a million two, but that includes $200,000 expenses.
~By Lee Marvin ~

I don't think you can rely on Iran. I don't think you can rely on other radicals like the Taliban. They dispatched Al Qaida to bomb New York and Washington. What were they thinking? Were they that stupid? They weren't stupid. There is an irrationality there, and there is madness in this method.
~By Benjamin Netanyahu ~

Although computer memory is no longer expensive, there's always a finite size buffer somewhere. When a big piece of news arrives, everybody sends a message to everybody else, and the buffer fills.
~By Benoit Mandelbrot ~

But we also think that we've got more quite alot more support than any new format has ever had.
~By Trip Hawkins ~

I always thought security was a joke at New York airports, and in U.S. airports to begin with. You can go through any European or Middle Eastern airport and things are a lot tougher.
~By Richard Drew ~

When I'm out hustling up new industries, I can offer Louisiana's many selling points. We have unmatched natural resources, a unique culture and fantastic workers.
~By Kathleen Blanco ~

Mixing one's wines may be a mistake, but old and new wisdom mix admirably.
~By Bertolt Brecht ~

My parents moved back to New York from Florida when I was in the ninth grade.
~By Sanford I. Weill ~

Anybody who has stood on the prairie in North Dakota has felt the force of the wind and knows that our state has an inexhaustible supply of wind power. The potential here to create jobs and draw millions of dollars in new investment to North Dakota is enormous.
~By Kent Conrad ~

Life would be so wonderful if we only knew what to do with it.
~By Greta Garbo ~

Whitney and I have fun reading the newspaper sometimes. You'd be amazed at the places they say I've been.
~By Bobby Brown ~

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
~By Eleanor Roosevelt ~

The bad news is that 50 people died in a hotel fire; the good news is that we got exclusive footage.
~By Jessica Savitch ~

We used to speak familiarly of an agent, now do more, who was accustomed to manufacture evidence, and to invent facts in his cases, or at least to alter the aspects of facts to such an extent that they might fairly be viewed as new.
~By George Combe ~

I find it very hard to sit down and create an idea or especially a new character on command. Usually my characters evolve by accident out of some story context.
~By John Kricfalusi ~

A new kind of mind thus beings to come into being which is based on the development of a common meaning that is constantly transforming in the process of the dialogue.
~By David Bohm ~

It was tough for him in that newsroom with Ted Baxter getting all the glory and this poor guy doing all the work. Murray worried so much he worried his hair off!
~By Gavin MacLeod ~

I just love the sheer mess of New York.
~By Carter Burwell ~

For me retiring wasn't hard once I knew that that was the decision I was going to make.
~By Gabriela Sabatini ~

The American soldier is quick in adapting himself to a new mode of living. Outfits which have been here only three days have dug vast networks of ditches three feet deep in the bare brown earth. They have rigged up a light here and there with a storage battery.
~By Ernie Pyle ~

Francisco Garcia could have been a high draft choice last year, probably in the 20s. He's the best wing player I've ever coached. But he's done it the right way. He knew he had to work on his body to become a good pro. When he goes into the pros, he'll be physically ready.
~By Rick Pitino ~

I mean, what Fiat had it was not very big, it was something like forty or fifty million dollars, but it's enough to get revolving credit, to get starting away again, the buying of new machinery.
~By Gianni Agnelli ~

I hope we never get to the point that we put ourselves in Jesus' place. But when I read the New Testament basically, we get three mandates: to love God, to love each other, and to take care of the least among us. And I think this is at least a step in the right direction.
~By Bob Riley ~

All the action, in semiconductors at the present time is in the new consumer applications, and that's where we have focused our activities since we started doing our own products in the late '90s.
~By David Milne ~

Of course for many years directors have had to go on the road with their movies and promote them and I've done that since the beginning. So that's not new but the forms of it are different such as with the internet.
~By David Cronenberg ~

It's to surprise people about something that is extremely well known. I mean human reproduction, the human body, nature and so on. To surprise them with a new technique.
~By Lennart Nilsson ~

We have a set of sensible policies that are appropriate for the 21st century and which strike a chord of appeal with the silent majority. Perhaps that is why we are welcoming new members every week who have never before been involved in politics.
~By Steve Blake ~

I knew Anais Nin, who called me after I had been away for a few years. She was seeking help because at that time no one would give her a decent review. She was made fun of.
~By Marguerite Young ~

I realized what Led Zeppelin was about around the end of our first U.S. tour. We started off not even on the bill in Denver, and by the time we got to New York we were second to Iron Butterfly, and they didn't want to go on!
~By Robert Plant ~

From the top of the quarry cliffs, one could see the New Jersey suburbs bordered by the New York City skyline.
~By Robert Smithson ~

Accuracy to a newspaper is what virtue is to a lady; but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

News is the first rough draft of history.
~By Philip L. Graham ~

I certainly wanted to write a book that was honest about New Orleans without explaining it to death, so much so that the first draft contained references absolutely incomprehensible to anyone who hasn't lived here for several years.
~By Poppy Z. Brite ~

There is no pleasing New Englanders, my dear, their soil is all rocks and their hearts are bloodless absolutes.
~By John Updike ~

He did not know what love was. And he did not know what good it was. But he knew he carried it around with him, a scabrous spot of rot, of contagion, for which there was no cure.
~By Harry Crews ~

When the government picked companies and gave them monopoly rights to frequencies in San Francisco and Los Angeles and New York and Chicago, it was picking the winners of the competition; it wasn't setting the terms of the competition.
~By Robert McChesney ~

This brought on the news media, TV crews, interviews, and numerous public appearances.
~By Ryan White ~

We may think there is willpower involved, but more likely... change is due to want power. Wanting the new addiction more than the old one. Wanting the new me in preference to the person I am now.
~By George A. Sheehan ~

I was amazed at the support that I got when I was in there. And when I came out people knew that I was back on track. I was interested in working again.
~By Kate Moss ~

I knew at an early age I wanted to act. Acting was always easy for me. I don't believe in predestination, but I do believe that once you get where ever it is you are going, that is where you were going to be.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

So many of the sounds that contemporary composers were trying to create were to be found in the traditional musics of the world. That was encouraging but also little daunting to think that you had to work so hard to be new and yet it was old.
~By Robert Morris ~

On the last morning of Virginia's bloodiest year since the Civil War, I built a fire and sat facing a window of darkness where at sunrise I knew I would find the sea.
~By Patricia Cornwell ~

Marxism is a revolutionary worldview that must always struggle for new revelations.
~By Rosa Luxemburg ~

None of us knew what this power plant looked like. We had no schematic drawing.
~By William Scranton ~

What moves those of genius, what inspires their work is not new ideas, but their obsession with the idea that what has already been said is still not enough.
~By Eugene Delacroix ~

I have newspapers coming to me and saying, 'Can we get in on the TARP?'.
~By Nancy Pelosi ~

I had a financial page to write in the Mail on Sunday where I'd give tips on shares. I worked there for two and a half years. Nothing compares to the burst of energy felt on a newsroom floor when a big story breaks.
~By Adam Faith ~

I am writing about people who are alive in the city of New York during mid-20th-century America. And these people are like a character in a play or they are figures in a short story or a novel.
~By Gay Talese ~

I also got a chance to go to the American Museum in New York, which helped my interest.
~By Robert T. Bakker ~

Every single day of making a movie is going to bring new problems.
~By Marguerite Moreau ~

I always knew that I wanted to be an artist.
~By Maynard James Keenan ~

Road racing at the moment because it's still so new to me. I like the fact that they are longer and teamwork is important. I guess the same is true for track, it's just that I have used track this year as a training device to improve my sprinting in road racing.
~By Mark-Paul Gosselaar ~

I think the New Bohemians' inability to say no was a big part of our problem.
~By Edie Brickell ~

Jimi was always at The Scene when he was in New York and we played many times together. He was just everywhere - he went out and jammed everywhere he was.
~By Johnny Winter ~

The worst mistake of first contact, made throughout history by individuals on both sides of every new encounter, has been the unfortunate habit of making assumptions. It often proved fatal.
~By David Brin ~

What great thing would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?
~By Robert H. Schuller ~

I really think that's the key, part of the spiritual renewal that America needs to have, the notion that we really can have confidence in a better tomorrow.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

I'd work to make it hip again to spend time in our fabled and fabulous land. But with a Puerto Rican father and a Jewish mother, I would probably be better suited as mayor of New York.
~By Geraldo Rivera ~

If you're doing something new you've got to have a vision. You've got to have a perspective. You've got to have some north star you're aiming for, and you just believe somehow you'll get there, which kind of gets to the passion point.
~By Steve Case ~

What I think is highly inappropriate is what's going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad against Dan Rather and CBS News that's quite outrageous.
~By Tom Brokaw ~

For me, acting was a way of releasing all of this stuff that I had inside - and a way for me to tell the stories of the people I knew, so that their spirit could live through me.
~By Ving Rhames ~

In Goddess religion death is not feared, but is understood to be a part of life, followed by birth and renewal.
~By Carol P. Christ ~

So no one should rely on television either for their knowledge of music or for news. There's just more going on. It's an adjunct to the written word, which I think is still the most important thing.
~By Kurt Loder ~

I'm a native New Yorker. Everything to do with New York feels like my family.
~By Susan Sarandon ~

Well of course New Zealand isn't anti-American.
~By Helen Clark ~

The proud man counts his newspaper clippings, the humble man his blessings.
~By Fulton J. Sheen ~

It is impossible to disregard such an important medium as television. We should know how to use it, learn to work in it and express new values in it.
~By Tahar Ben Jelloun ~

Suddenly a mist fell from my eyes and I knew the way I had to take.
~By Edvard Grieg ~

It's part of the general global hypnotism to accept lies as the new truth.
~By Alan Rudolph ~

There's no such thing as the United Nations. If the U.N. secretary building in New York lost 10 stories, it wouldn't make a bit of difference.
~By John Bolton ~

When I go to farms or little towns, I am always surprised at the discontent I find. And New York, too often, has looked across the sea toward Europe. And all of us who turn our eyes away from what we have are missing life.
~By Norman Rockwell ~

What old people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can. Old deeds for old people, and new deeds for new.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

History is malleable. A new cache of diaries can shed new light, and archeological evidence can challenge our popular assumptions.
~By Ken Burns ~

A new word is like a fresh seed sown on the ground of the discussion.
~By Ludwig Wittgenstein ~

It was so strange. I knew that Josephine Baker had performed on the same stage but that night I felt it. Many of the same people who worked with Josephine Baker are still here. They know what they're doing. And that was a very comfortable feeling.
~By LaToya Jackson ~

When something is new to us, we treat it as an experience. We feel that our senses are awake and clear. We are alive.
~By Jasper Johns ~

The need to be right all the time is the biggest bar to new ideas.
~By Edward de Bono ~

Low unemployment numbers are clear indicators that Republican tax relief and economic policies are spurring growth and helping businesses hire new workers while providing American families with job security.
~By J. D. Hayworth ~

The growth of Stewart Airport creates new jobs for area residents, brings new business and new travelers to the region, and brings new convenient travel options to those of us living in the Hudson Valley.
~By Sue Kelly ~

As New Zealanders, we've been in on the United Nations from the very beginning, played a role in the drafting of the charter - it means a lot to us that those processes are followed.
~By Helen Clark ~

The grandest thing has been the lifting up of the gates and the opening of the doors to the women of America, giving liberty to twenty-seven million women, thus opening to them a new and larger life and a higher ideal.
~By Olympia Brown ~

New Hampshire state government is a big customer for prescription drug companies. Just as businesses do, we should take advantage of the bargaining power we have as a big customer.
~By John Lynch ~

The great weight of the ship may indeed prevent her from acquiring her greatest velocity; but when she has attained it, she will advance by her own intrinsic motion, without gaining any new degree of velocity, or lessening what she has acquired.
~By William Falconer ~

I've always felt happy at Newcastle. But things have gone a bit differently for me since we got a new manager.
~By Robert Laurent ~

Every new adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

Of all the stars whom I worked with, I think Steve knew better what worked for him on the screen than any other. He had such a sense of what he could register, and that helped a lot in terms of shaping the character and the script.
~By Robert Wise ~

The poets whom I knew then were all men and all seemed dauntingly sure of themselves - although I am sure that really they were as uncertain as I was.
~By Helen Dunmore ~

The greatest and noblest pleasure which we have in this world is to discover new truths, and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
~By Frederick II ~

We haven't played that many of them because all our gear was over here waiting for us when we could get here. So we didn't get to rehearse any of the new stuff, so we have planned to play 3 or 4 new ones.
~By Kerry King ~

It makes sense to invest in new work. It's almost like having a research department in a scientific laboratory. You have to try things out. You'll make some bad mistakes. Some things will fail but at least you'll energise the organisation.
~By Gavin Bryars ~

When I was 18, I joined the Screen Actors Guild, and after college I came to New York.
~By Marla Maples ~

You know when there's someone new on the rise and there's too much hype? I didn't want that to be me.
~By Shannyn Sossamon ~

I would hate to be a new artist or writer in town today. But somehow the cream continues to rise. If there's one who's great, he just jumps out of the pack like you can't believe.
~By Steven Curtis Chapman ~

I know that New York City remains the highest density urban area in the country and by far dedicates more of its own funds to fighting terrorism than any other municipality.
~By Jose Serrano ~

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July 27 ,2024
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