News Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About News

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We're going to try to create some programs that are going to generate viewer interest and appointment viewing. We still will have news on Headline News.
~By Jim Walton ~

I'm Kevin Nealon, and that's news to me.
~By Kevin Nealon ~

Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.
~By Thomas Jefferson ~

My knowledge of the state of President Roosevelt's health was derived entirely from conversations, from newspaper articles and from photographs.
~By David Bruce ~

Another thing that's quite different in writing a book as a practicing newspaperman is that if you look at what you've written the next morning and you think you didn't get it quite right, you can fix it.
~By Adam Clymer ~

Whether you're a newspaper journalist, a lawyer, a doctor. You have to organize your thoughts.
~By Frederick Wiseman ~

I had - all my life, everybody who knew me thought that I would probably grow up to be a reporter, a newspaper reporter because we didn't have much television in those days.
~By Bob Schieffer ~

I was on the Oprah Winfrey Show once. It was a really slow news day for Oprah, and there were several of us on 'cause none of us was sufficiently interesting by his or herself.
~By Robert B. Parker ~

Accuracy to a newspaper is what virtue is to a lady; but a newspaper can always print a retraction.
~By Adlai E. Stevenson ~

Habit with it's iron sinews, clasps us and leads us day by day.
~By Alphonse de Lamartine ~

I have had only two men in four years while he appears every week on the newspapers with another woman.
~By Michelle Hunziker ~

We live in such a sheltered environment in the United States. I've been fortunate enough to have traveled all over the world, and I've seen things you only read about and see on the news.
~By Payne Stewart ~

Any newspaper, from the first line to the last, is nothing but a web of horrors, I cannot understand how an innocent hand can touch a newspaper without convulsing in disgust.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

Frankly, despite my horror of the press, I'd love to rise from the grave every ten years or so and go buy a few newspapers.
~By Luis Bunuel ~

Europe has a press that stresses opinions; America a press, radio, and television that emphasize news.
~By James Reston ~

Let's give the conventions back to the politicians. If we think there's any news, we can tack it on afterward as commentary. But the conventions should be their show, not ours.
~By Don Hewitt ~

In the past ABC has made half-hearted efforts or, worse, cosmetic efforts, to do something about news and I wasn't certain about what their real aim was - nor am I now.
~By Roone Arledge ~

Tell us exactly - certainly our listeners - why does it appear that some folks, certainly in the Democratic Party and in the news media - seem to be afraid of you?
~By Tony Brown ~

We've had a series of major news stories that have brought in viewers who either were sampling to see what else was available or were normal news watchers. The Florida recount and the end of the election was a huge development. And then 9/11 came along.
~By Brit Hume ~

There is an urgent need for Americans to look deeply into themselves and their actions, and musical poetry is perhaps the most effective mirror available. Every newspaper headline is a potential song.
~By Phil Ochs ~

Don't count out other amazing programming like Frontline. You will still find more hours of in-depth news programming, investigative journalism and analysis on PBS than on any other outlet.
~By Gwen Ifill ~

I watch sitcoms like Seinfeld, and here's a newsflash, but what a great show.
~By Scott Wolf ~

Rage is the only quality which has kept me, or anybody I have ever studied, writing columns for newspapers.
~By Jimmy Breslin ~

The vast majority of Americans agree with us. We're doing everything that we can. We're advertising, right now we're on television with an advertisement running in the Washington area. We've got newspaper ads.
~By Michael D. Barnes ~

I have to watch the news or my day is not complete.
~By Patricia Clarkson ~

I read the newspapers avidly. It is my one form of continuous fiction.
~By Aneurin Bevan ~

In my view, far from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting, the New York Times, the Washington Post and other newspapers should be commended for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly.
~By Hugo Black ~

I am encouraged by the news today that United States special operations personnel found, identified and killed the terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the operational commander of the al-Qaeda led insurgency in Iraq. Al-Zarqawi was the public face of the insurgency.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

The first writing I did was short short stories for a newspaper syndicate for which I was paid five dollars a piece on publication.
~By Theodore Sturgeon ~

The discoloration is very minimal. I have not turned blue. The extent of skin discoloration is not even remotely near what the news media are saying. It is barely noticeable.
~By Stan Jones ~

Ancient recipients of instant news probably couldn't do very much about it, for instance. Xerxes would still need three months to get his army together, and he might not get home for years.
~By Peter Singer ~

I think they are paying a lot more attention to news now, by the way, in part because of national-security issues. A lot of young people have friends or family in the military today.
~By Tom Brokaw ~

The greatest felony in the news business today is to be behind, or to miss a big story. So speed and quantity substitute for thoroughness and quality, for accuracy and context.
~By Carl Bernstein ~

Local television and local TV news isn't telling the voters about local candidates.
~By Reed Hundt ~

It was tough for him in that newsroom with Ted Baxter getting all the glory and this poor guy doing all the work. Murray worried so much he worried his hair off!
~By Gavin MacLeod ~

It's like tabloid news programs that talk about how horrible something is, while at the same time they're glorifying it as their top story.
~By Daisy Berkowitz ~

And so there are so many good things going on all across Iraq and unfortunately that's not what the American people see on TV or they don't read a lot about it in the newspapers.
~By Donald Evans ~

There have been many cases in which stars have come to us first to break the news because they knew the pressure was on. They wanted to have it on the air so that they could give their honest evaluation of the situation.
~By Mary Hart ~

One little person, giving all of her time to peace, makes news. Many people, giving some of their time, can make history.
~By Peace Pilgrim ~

The news today that Bush has vowed to veto any legislation that reviews the security implications of the Dubai Port World's potential management of our ports is ludicrous and the entire Democratic Party is calling him to task for it.
~By John Conyers ~

A news organization has a much different responsibility. I might not be telling you the whole story. I might not be telling you a story in a manner that is properly sophisticated.
~By Aaron Sorkin ~

The sinews of art and literature, like those of war, are money.
~By Samuel Butler ~

I remember driving home one evening while they were reviewing the papers on the radio. One of the articles was about me separating from my wife. It's a weird thing to listen to a news report about the break-up of your marriage.
~By Rory Bremner ~

There is no such thing as national advertising. All advertising is local and personal. It's one man or woman reading one newspaper in the kitchen or watching TV in the den.
~By Morris Hite ~

For many years I was engaged in journalism, writing articles and chronicles for the daily press without ever joining the staff of any newspaper.
~By Johannes Vilhelm Jensen ~

The mainstream press and television do a very soft job of covering the press, either as corporate entities or as news organizations.
~By Sydney Schanberg ~

A lot of newspapers say, Terence Stamp is playing himself and we're as bored as he is.
~By Terence Stamp ~

The work is with me when I wake up in the morning; it is with me while I eat my breakfast in bed and run through the newspaper, while I shave and bathe and dress.
~By C. S. Forester ~

There are those who believe we have need of more literature, of a large international publishing house, of a great peace newspaper, or the like. I am rather skeptical about this idea.
~By Fredrik Bajer ~

I want the news delivered unbiased. I thought that was the whole point with journalism.
~By Aaron McGruder ~

My name was on the list very early after these announcements were made through the newspapers in Europe.
~By Claude Nicollier ~

I read in the newspapers they are going to have 30 minutes of intellectual stuff on television every Monday from 7:30 to 8. to educate America. They couldn't educate America if they started at 6:30.
~By Groucho Marx ~

Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I had better news for you but we are facing a storm that most of us have feared. This is a threat that we've never faced before.
~By Ray Nagin ~

The recent history of Ukraine is replete with dead journalists, beaten journalists, news agencies being shut down, and politicians being injured or killed. Most are killed in mysterious auto accidents.
~By Bob Schaffer ~

I got a phone call saying we are from the News of the World, and we're exposing you and David Beckham. My heart did not beat for a minute.
~By Rebecca Loos ~

Newspaper readership is declining like crazy. In fact, there's a good chance that nobody is reading my column.
~By Dave Barry ~

The news is staged, anticipated, reported, analyzed until all interest is wrung from it and abandoned for some new novelty.
~By Thomas Griffith ~

I have always had strong maternal instincts. Even when I was still a child I cut out pictures of prams from newspapers and imagined the feeling of pushing my own pram through fresh winter snow and seeing the wheels' tracks behind me in the snow.
~By Agnetha Faltskog ~

Ideological warriors whether from the Left or the Right are bad news for the bench. They tend to make law, not interpret law. And that's not what any of us should want from our judges.
~By Charles Schumer ~

If you value a man's regard, strive with him. As to liking, you like your newspaper - and despise it.
~By Andre Maurois ~

The simultaneous reactions elicited all over the world by the reading of newspaper dispatches about the same events create, as it were, a common mental pulse beat for the whole of civilized mankind.
~By Christian Lous Lange ~

The doctor told Phil, my then husband, that my condition was really bad news. They had found an artery tearing and said I could die. They said they could try to patch it up but it could go horribly wrong. It all turned out okay in the end but it was touch and go.
~By Sharon Stone ~

I can't think of any other job in journalism where the newsmakers come to you.
~By Bob Schieffer ~

When we make a mistake, it becomes front-page news. We don't need any reporter telling us how badly we played.
~By Willie Stargell ~

While it's wonderful that investors have access to all the data now available to them, it has become a full-time job to sift through it and separate out the valuable news from the useless noise.
~By Maria Bartiromo ~

At the White House, everybody works for the same person. They're all part of the same company. But on Capitol Hill, they're all independent contractors. They all work for themselves. That's a formula for getting news.
~By Bob Schieffer ~

The confusing thing, I thought, was that most of America already knew that we were overly reliant on oil, especially on foreign oil. But it was news that this administration had begun to at least acknowledge that problem.
~By Chris Van Hollen ~

Newspapers always excite curiosity. No one ever puts one down without the feeling of disappointment.
~By Charles Lamb ~

When you're watching the news, how many days in a row can you watch that and feel good about yourself and the world?
~By Sandra Bernhard ~

I wasn't for Vietnam. When I told that to the hippie newspaper, all my people got nervous.
~By Loretta Lynn ~

Although computer memory is no longer expensive, there's always a finite size buffer somewhere. When a big piece of news arrives, everybody sends a message to everybody else, and the buffer fills.
~By Benoit Mandelbrot ~

Men still control the news, both on and off camera.
~By Jessica Savitch ~

Frankly, no newspaper is set up to monitor for cheats and fabricators.
~By Howell Raines ~

The Iraq War marked the beginning of the end of network news coverage. Viewers saw the juxtaposition of the embedded correspondents reporting the war as it was actually unfolding and the jaundiced, biased, negative coverage of these same events in the network newsrooms.
~By Dick Morris ~

I started writing and photographing for different publications and finally ended up being the correspondent in South Asia, for the Geneva-based Journal de Geneve, which at one time used to be one of the best international newspapers in Europe.
~By Francois Gautier ~

What I think is highly inappropriate is what's going on across the Internet, a kind of political jihad against Dan Rather and CBS News that's quite outrageous.
~By Tom Brokaw ~

We don't have access to a national forum that we had in those days, through the news magazines which were the television news of the time. It's very disturbing to me that we've sort of been pushed to the corners.
~By Carlisle Floyd ~

I can't turn on the television without seeing me, or open the newspaper without seeing me and, honestly, I'm sick to death of me.
~By Elizabeth Edwards ~

The film's success so far involves winning a couple of prizes at Cannes and Sundance, and getting some very nice reviews in newspapers and magazines. That hasn't had a big impact on my life yet.
~By Harvey Pekar ~

When you are thrown onto the stage at 17 in such an enormous way, it becomes living on the edge because every step you take, every word you speak, every action you do becomes headline news. And it became, for me, life or death.
~By Boris Becker ~

The perception is that more important people watch news in the evenings than in the mornings.
~By Reese Schonfeld ~

The good news, though, is that I find in my political travels that people, as regular citizens, are more interested than ever in getting together and having discussions. They want to hear about other viewpoints that differ entirely from what the administration is putting out.
~By Jim Hightower ~

I feel that I belong to the 19th century. Some composers' music is very topical. It almost says, 'This is about what I read in newspapers yesterday.' Not mine.
~By Gordon Getty ~

When was the last time you heard news accounts of a boatload of American refugees arrive on the shores of another country?
~By Marco Rubio ~

With a fascist the problem is never how best to present the truth to the public but how best to use the news to deceive the public into giving the fascist and his group more money or more power.
~By Henry A. Wallace ~

After this, I took private lessons in Italian from an elementary school teacher. He gave me themes to write about, and some of them turned out so well that he told me to publish them in a newspaper.
~By Grazia Deledda ~

We have newsreaders behaving like actors, lowering their voices if it's a sad story, as if we didn't know it's a sad story. There isn't a single cool newsreader.
~By Tom Baker ~

It's always better to deliver the news yourself rather than allow your boss to be surprised.
~By Mary Cheney ~

We cannot make good news out of bad practice.
~By Edward R. Murrow ~

I wrote a lot of stuff quickly: pages and pages of notes that seemed pretty incoherent at first. Most of it was taken from the radio because -suddenly being a parent- I'd be confronted by the radio giving a news report every hour of the day.
~By Thom Yorke ~

The fact that a man is a newspaper reporter is evidence of some flaw of character.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

'm thrilled to be joining the incredible team at ABC News. Being asked to anchor 'This Week' and the superb tradition started by David Brinkley, is a tremendous and rare honor, and I look forward to discussing the great domestic and international issues of the day.
~By Christiane Amanpour ~

The votes of 60,000 Floridians were not counted. The Court threw out all 60,00 votes. And that's what the newspapers around the country are counting now.
~By Vincent Bugliosi ~

I want to be an advocate for the people who don't have time to read the newspaper... or the money to make a political contribution.
~By Richard J. Codey ~

News represents another form of advertising, not liberal propaganda.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

It is commonly said that men are forward to believe whatever is connected with their own interest. This in common cases is true; but it is also true, that when some very great and unexpected good news is brought to us, we find it very difficult to credit it.
~By Archibald Alexander ~

Far more thought and care go into the composition of any prominent ad in a newspaper or magazine than go into the writing of their features and editorials.
~By Marshall McLuhan ~

Since I arrived at CNN, it has grown into one of the largest and most trusted news organizations in the world.
~By Jim Walton ~

At MTV, although the audience is smaller, I found it more interesting to deliver news to a specific group of people, because my story then did not have to try to be all things to all people.
~By Tabitha Soren ~

In the case of news, we should always wait for the sacrament of confirmation.
~By Voltaire ~

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July 27 ,2024
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