Numbers Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Numbers

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Individually, museums are fine institutions, dedicated to the high values of preservation, education and truth; collectively, their growth in numbers points to the imaginative death of this country.
~By Robert Hewison ~

I never saw anything more like real warfare in my life - only the attack was all on one side. The police, in spite of their numbers, apparently thought they could not cope with the crowd.
~By Walter Crane ~

President Bush says he is concerned about the Iraqi people, but if Iraqi people are dying in numbers, then American policy will be challenged very strongly.
~By Peter Arnett ~

I'm probably one of the worst people with numbers you've ever met. My brothers always kid that they think I'm counting cards in Vegas, but I'm just trying to add things up.
~By Luke Wilson ~

The opposition has moved from a blaming the victim to blaming the victim's advocate's statistics. Irrespective of what the numbers are, it's far too many.
~By Patricia Ireland ~

How vivid is the suffering of the few when the people are few and how the suffering of nameless millions in two world wars is blurred over by numbers.
~By Edwin Way Teale ~

Think of the earth as a living organism that is being attacked by billions of bacteria whose numbers double every forty years. Either the host dies, or the virus dies, or both die.
~By Gore Vidal ~

Adam and Eve are like imaginary numbers, like the square root of minus one... If you include it in your equation, you can calculate all manners of things, which cannot be imagined without it.
~By Philip Pullman ~

We will have more Internet, larger numbers of users, more mobile access, more speed, more things online and more appliances we can control over the Internet.
~By Vinton Cerf ~

The Congressman ascertained that the consulate in Havana had numbers to feed the pigs.
~By Erich Leinsdorf ~

I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.
~By John Wayne ~

Now, if we look at the way in which the labor movement itself has evolved over the last couple of decades, we see increasing numbers of black people who are in the leadership of the labor movement and this is true today.
~By Angela Davis ~

Fully 57 percent of American college students are women. Life insurance companies sell more policies to women than to men. As women continue to draw on experience and education, they're accelerating their numbers in upper management, too.
~By Suzanne Fields ~

I was the dork in high school who sang musical numbers up and down the hallways.
~By Amy Adams ~

The most perfect political community is one in which the middle class is in control, and outnumbers both of the other classes.
~By Aristotle ~

Of the first seven novels I wrote, numbers four and five were published. Numbers one, two, three, six, and seven, have never seen the light of day... and rightly so.
~By Sue Grafton ~

In numbers warmly pure and sweetly strong.
~By William Collins ~

People have to understand what my game is. It's not all about numbers. There's a bigger picture here. I don't create off the dribble. I rely on my teammates; my role is to set screens and get rebounds.
~By Rebecca Lobo ~

Mathematicians have tried in vain to this day to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers, and we have reason to believe that it is a mystery into which the human mind will never penetrate.
~By Leonhard Euler ~

The war is dreadful. It is the business of the artist to follow it home to the heart of the individual fighters - not to talk in armies and nations and numbers - but to track it home.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

We're all fascinated by the numbers, as we were about the 100 points.
~By Wilt Chamberlain ~

The accumulation of numbers always augments in some measure moral corruptions, and the consequences to health of the various vices incident thereto, are well known.
~By William Falconer ~

The evidence that things are changing fast can be seen in the dramatic increase in the influence of blogging. We should be collecting emails as we used to collect telephone numbers and using them to better communicate our message to key voters.
~By Adam Rickitt ~

Their elegant shape, showy colours, and slow, sailing mode of flight, make them very attractive objects, and their numbers are so great that they form quite a feature in the physiognomy of the forest, compensating for the scarcity of flowers.
~By Henry Walter Bates ~

Falling little wind, it was five before I could form my line, or distinguish any of the enemy's motions; and could not judge at all of their force, more than by numbers, which were seventeen, and thirteen appeared large.
~By John Byng ~

I've always been fascinated by numbers. Before I was seventeen years old, I had lived in twenty-one different houses. In my mind, each of those houses had a number.
~By Robert Indiana ~

I'm tired of people questioning me because of my age. If you looked at my numbers and watched me throw and covered my birthdate, would age be an issue?
~By Randy Johnson ~

I was always a visual person. I could see things visually. I had a harder time with numbers and logic, and I always had more of an artistic sensibility. So that I could do. And it was something that I really loved.
~By Bruce Davison ~

The success of any great moral enterprise does not depend upon numbers.
~By William Lloyd Garrison ~

I support immediate financial assistance to the newly elected Palestinian president. Now, I don't know what those numbers will be, and I don't know how it's going to be framed.
~By Joe Biden ~

Mediocrity would always win by force of numbers, but it would win only more mediocrity.
~By Ellen Glasgow ~

If you look closely, there is no book more visual than Three Trapped Tigers, in that it is filled with blank pages, dark pages, it has stars made of words, the famous magical cube made of numbers, and there is even a page which is a mirror.
~By Guillermo Cabrera Infante ~

When I was in college, I was the editor of the literary magazine and insisted neither the editors nor the writers be specifically identified-only our student numbers appeared on the title page. I love that idea and still do.
~By Jonathan Carroll ~

God may not play dice with the universe, but something strange is going on with the prime numbers.
~By Paul Erdos ~

Courage is poorly housed that dwells in numbers; the lion never counts the herd that are about him, nor weighs how many flocks he has to scatter.
~By Aaron Hill ~

Nevertheless, the number of farmers, small as well as large, who are adopting the new seeds and new technology is increasing very rapidly, and the increase in numbers during the past three years has been phenomenal.
~By Norman Borlaug ~

When large numbers of men are unable to find work, unemployment results.
~By Calvin Coolidge ~

Well I was always a hustler... I ran numbers; I wasn't a stick up kid, but I was a fence for them. I used to sell weed; and was kicked out of Music and Art for that.
~By Kurtis Blow ~

The majority of people who buy homes in golf course communities don't play golf. Golf is way down at the bottom in terms of total numbers and growth.
~By Ed McMahon ~

I think my numbers speak for themselves.
~By Jack Youngblood ~

France is the only nation in which astoundingly small numbers of civilized patrons reside.
~By Gustave Courbet ~

All the mathematical sciences are founded on relations between physical laws and laws of numbers, so that the aim of exact science is to reduce the problems of nature to the determination of quantities by operations with numbers.
~By James C. Maxwell ~

A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers.
~By Plato ~

I am woman, hear me roar, in numbers too big to ignore, and I know too much to go back and pretend.
~By Helen Reddy ~

What matters to me is that I do what I think is right and I see, I'm a numbers guy, that's my attitude. I know we have a debt tsunami coming, we are bankrupting this country and I'm in a position where I can actually advance ideas to prevent that from happening. That's exactly what I should be doing.
~By Paul Ryan ~

Baseball people, and that includes myself, are slow to change and accept new ideas. I remember that it took years to persuade them to put numbers on uniforms.
~By Branch Rickey ~

It is absolutely true in war, were other things equal, that numbers, whether men, shells, bombs, etc., would be supreme. Yet it is also absolutely true that other things are never equal and can never be equal.
~By J. F. C. Fuller ~

We must memorize nine numbers and deny we have a soul.
~By Conor Oberst ~

At the end of the day, the numbers that we're hearing are not going to be totally correct or not correct at all.
~By Eugene Levy ~

Naturally, I have compensated in my adult years by owning very large numbers of books.
~By Martin Lewis Perl ~

If you don't tour, you cannot expect to sell a huge numbers of your albums either. It was both a business - and an economical decision and we wanted to play anyway. We just wanted to get out for the tour when it was safe enough for us.
~By Kerry King ~

Our numbers have increased in Vietnam because the aggression of others has increased in Vietnam. There is not, and there will not be, a mindless escalation.
~By Lyndon B. Johnson ~

The game has a cleanness. If you do a good job, the numbers say so. You don't have to ask anyone or play politics. You don't have to wait for the reviews.
~By Sandy Koufax ~

Large-scale public projects require the agreement of large numbers of people.
~By Thom Mayne ~

I think we have a number of young people - like yourself - who want to make a difference. I'm not sure the numbers are as large because I think the burden of getting elected to public office at the national level has become astronomically expensive.
~By Birch Bayh ~

As long as I can sing halfway decent, I'd rather sing than act. There's nothing like being in good voice, feeling good, having good numbers to do and having a fine orchestra.
~By Howard Keel ~

You could put on monkeys jumping up and down and get bigger numbers than MSNBC.
~By Bill O'Reilly ~

In an effort to provide my constituents with information on how they can make contributions to a number of relief and humanitarian organizations, I have posted a short list of these groups and contact numbers on my Internet website.
~By Jo Bonner ~

So why sign your name in blood for more? It seemed like a sensible arrangement for me. I didn't sell large numbers of records and the record company paid advances they rarely recouped.
~By David Knopfler ~

Now, I feel that if somebody looks through all the numbers through all those years, they will find one for Julius Rosenberg, and it is worth finding if it is such an important issue.
~By Julius Rosenberg ~

The problem of distinguishing prime numbers from composite numbers and of resolving the latter into their prime factors is known to be one of the most important and useful in arithmetic.
~By Carl Friedrich Gauss ~

What TV is extremely good at - and realize that this is "all it does" - is discerning what large numbers of people think they want, and supplying it.
~By David Foster Wallace ~

No one can fail to see that the power of the Church among large numbers in many communities is today diminishing, or has already ceased.
~By Felix Adler ~

As leaders, we become whole when we see that our focused, singular commitment to making the numbers and the metrics cannot be effective on its own, but only when it is part of the whole picture - only when we see that it takes more than metrics to make up the whole.
~By Lance Secretan ~

And what sort of philosophical doctrine is thi - that numbers confer unlimited rights, that they take from some persons all rights over themselves, and vest these rights in others.
~By Auberon Herbert ~

Twenty years and $40 billion. They seem like good round numbers.
~By Michael Dell ~

What I find very interesting about the mutual funds managers is that here are people who are the new masters of the universe. They're managing billions, yet they're subject to this quiet daily tyranny of numbers.
~By Ron Chernow ~

There is a shortage of teachers but the January 2001 schools census showed that teacher numbers were at their highest level than at any time since 1984 - and 11,000 higher than 1997.
~By Estelle Morris ~

We can't afford as a nation - not because of money but because of our social fabric - to have large numbers of people who are not working.
~By Donna Shalala ~

We don't know what we're writing until it just comes out. We don't sit around crunching numbers.
~By Dustin Diamond ~

It takes a long, hard effort and sustained determination to reduce crime. We will stay the course and we are confident that the numbers will continue to go down.
~By Jack Johnson ~

If al Qaeda or any other enemy of our country manages to create a situation or explode a bomb or murder or incapacitate large numbers of our people, we cannot wait for 7 weeks of a special election in order to deal with that.
~By Dana Rohrabacher ~

I figured the people who liked the sort of thing I was doing would come see it. If it was only 200 then that was alright and if it was 2000 then that is alright as well. I wasn't really interested in the big numbers; I was just interested in some numbers.
~By George Thorogood ~

I don't know about liberal bias, but people of a liberal mentality are probably attracted in greater numbers to the arts than people of a conservative mentality.
~By Sydney Pollack ~

So long as the opposing forces are at the outset approximately equal in numbers and moral and there are no flanks to turn, a long struggle for supremacy is inevitable.
~By Douglas Haig ~

There is no safety in numbers, or in anything else.
~By James Thurber ~

Numbers of snipes breed every summer in some moory ground on the verge of this parish.
~By Gilbert White ~

I always looked up there, because I remember a time when the only things on the walls in Fenway were the Jimmy Fund sign and the retired numbers. Never in a million years did you think you'd ever be up there with those guys.
~By Carlton Fisk ~

The Indians kept increasing in numbers until it was estimated that we were fighting from 800 to 1,000 of them.
~By Buffalo Bill ~

It just happened that the course of the campaign went negative we actually went positive for a little over a week and you do the tracking of poll numbers and it hurt us. So the public responded to those type of ads.
~By Scott McCallum ~

Until we respect bin Laden, we are going to die in numbers that are probably unnecessary.
~By Michael Scheuer ~

Originality exists in every individual because each of us differs from the others. We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves.
~By Jean Guitton ~

We procured from an Indian a weasel perfectly white except the extremity of the tail which was black: great numbers of wild geese are passing to the south, but their flight is too high for us to procure any of them.
~By Meriwether Lewis ~

It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets.
~By Voltaire ~

My first few films were institutional comedies, and you're on pretty safe ground when you're dealing with an institution that vast numbers of people have experienced: college, summer camp, the military, the country club.
~By Harold Ramis ~

What is the use of physicians like myself trying to help parents to bring up children healthy and happy, to have them killed in such numbers for a cause that is ignoble?
~By Benjamin Spock ~

Many later commented on the fact that large numbers of those engaged in the most senseless acts of destruction were left well alone by cops, indeed people dressed as Black Block members were seen freely making their way across police lines and talking to cops.
~By John Blair ~

Maybe it's just my own chronic morbidity and melancholia, but I really do think about it a great deal and quite often in the small hours of the night when, it is said, the greatest numbers of people die.
~By Brian Sibley ~

I didn't go to high school. I think that after you learn to read and write and do your numbers and flush the toilet behind yourself, you don't need no more schoolin'. You need to get out in the water and swim.
~By Wilford Brimley ~

We find them smaller and fainter, in constantly increasing numbers, and we know that we are reaching into space, farther and farther, until, with the faintest nebulae that can be detected with the greatest telescopes, we arrive at the frontier of the known universe.
~By Edwin Powell Hubble ~

You know, the music business is like the Lotto. Just put your numbers down and sometimes they hit, and sometimes they don't. There's just no rhyme or reason.
~By Barry McGuire ~

If you're a good numbers person, you're a bad language person.
~By Frank Luntz ~

We've got fuel prices coming down and good travel numbers coming out, so it's not surprising airline stocks are going up.
~By Andrew Sullivan ~

I was the guy that told Bill Clinton he was going to win. I had gotten the final polling numbers. He had a comfortable lead. He was not going to lose.
~By Paul Begala ~

The methods of theoretical physics should be applicable to all those branches of thought in which the essential features are expressible with numbers.
~By Paul Dirac ~

There was one public school for boys, and one for girls, but Jewish children were admitted in limited numbers - only ten to a hundred; and even the lucky ones had their troubles.
~By Mary Antin ~

We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves.
~By Jean Guitton ~

Early numbers are always wrong.
~By Mary Cheney ~

Along a series of lines running from longer to shorter wavelengths the effect of the electric field becomes greater as the serial numbers increase - that is, as the wavelength decreases.
~By Johannes Stark ~

As experimentation becomes more complex, the need for the co-operation in it of technical elements from outside becomes greater and the modern laboratory tends increasingly to resemble the factory and to employ in its service increasing numbers of purely routine workers.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

Read This: Preparation Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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