Obedience Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Obedience

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Strength was the virtue of paganism; obedience is the virtue of Christianity.
~By David Hare ~

My first civil disobedience arrest for social justice was in 1986 for protesting the SDI.
~By Martin Sheen ~

There was a time when we expected nothing of our children but obedience, as opposed to the present, when we expect everything of them but obedience.
~By Anatole Broyard ~

Various are the pleas and arguments which men of corrupt minds frequently urge against yielding obedience to the just and holy commands of God.
~By George Whitefield ~

Public opinion is a permeating influence, and it exacts obedience to itself; it requires us to drink other men's thoughts, to speak other men's words, to follow other men's habits.
~By Walter Bagehot ~

A great work is made out of a combination of obedience and liberty.
~By Nadia Boulanger ~

Obedience of the law is demanded; not asked as a favor.
~By Theodore Roosevelt ~

I shall earnestly and persistently continue to urge all women to the practical recognition of the old Revolutionary maxim. Resistance to tyranny is obedience to God.
~By Susan B. Anthony ~

Punishment may make us obey the orders we are given, but at best it will only teach an obedience to authority, not a self-control which enhances our self-respect.
~By Bruno Bettelheim ~

Woe to him that claims obedience when it is not due; woe to him that refuses it when it is.
~By Thomas Carlyle ~

Satan cannot win. Why not? Because he has denied God's sovereignty and disobeyed God's law. But Moses was told explicitly, God's blessings come only from obedience. Satan will not win because he has abandoned God's tool of dominion, biblical law.
~By Gary North ~

King consciously steered away from legal claims and instead relied on civil disobedience.
~By Constance Baker Motley ~

I know the power obedience has of making things easy which seem impossible.
~By Saint Teresa ~

By his disobedience of God's law, before man had exercised his power to bring children into the earth, not only Adam lost everything for himself, but his children were born as sinners, imperfect, and without the right to live.
~By Joseph Franklin Rutherford ~

I have accordingly considered it, and now appear not only in obedience to your order, but likewise in behalf of the inhabitants of this town, who have presented another petition, and out of regard to the liberties of the subject.
~By James Otis ~

The only positive finding which could be drawn from the first series, was the conclusion that the relationships obviously had a more complicated lay-out than had been thought, for the effects were so varied that no obedience to any law could be discovered.
~By Walter Rudolf Hess ~

If all Church power vests in the clergy, then the people are practically bound to passive obedience in all matters of faith and practice; for all right of private judgment is then denied.
~By Charles Hodge ~

Justice is the insurance which we have on our lives and property. Obedience is the premium which we pay for it.
~By William Penn ~

If men make war in slavish obedience to rules, they will fail.
~By Ulysses S. Grant ~

Force does not constitute right... obedience is due only to legitimate powers.
~By Jean Jacques Rousseau ~

All religions have based morality on obedience, that is to say, on voluntary slavery. That is why they have always been more pernicious than any political organization. For the latter makes use of violence, the former - of the corruption of the will.
~By Alexander Herzen ~

Obedience is the mother of success and is wedded to safety.
~By Aeschylus ~

Obedience to the word in humility of mind never confuses.
~By John Nelson Darby ~

Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

It is with obedience to your call that I take up the burden of government leadership for the final time.
~By Kamisese Mara ~

One act of obedience is better than one hundred sermons.
~By Dietrich Bonhoeffer ~

The name of Jesus, like a secret charm, awakened similar emotions in the hearts of all the converts, and called immediately into action every feeling of moral loveliness, and every desire of dutiful obedience, which constitute Christian purity.
~By John Strachan ~

It is for each of us freely to choose whom we shall serve, and find in that obedience our freedom.
~By Mary Richards ~

When someone demands blind obedience, you'd be a fool not to peek.
~By Jim Fiebig ~

Religion is more like response to a friend than it is like obedience to an expert.
~By Austin Farrer ~

It is my contention that civil disobediences are nothing but the latest form of voluntary association, and that they are thus quite in tune with the oldest traditions of the country.
~By Hannah Arendt ~

The Hungarian ministry begged the king earnestly to issue orders to all troops and commanders of fortresses in Hungary, enjoining fidelity to the Constitution, and obedience to the ministers of Hungary.
~By Lajos Kossuth ~

I have thought about it a great deal, and the more I think, the more certain I am that obedience is the gateway through which knowledge, yes, and love, too, enter the mind of the child.
~By Anne Sullivan ~

I honestly do not know if civil disobedience has any effect on the government. I can promise you it has a great effect on the person who chooses to do it.
~By Martin Sheen ~

Obedience is the fruit of faith.
~By Christina Rossetti ~

The doctrine of blind obedience and unqualified submission to any human power, whether civil or ecclesiastical, is the doctrine of despotism, and ought to have no place among Republicans and Christians.
~By Angelina Grimke ~

Obedience is an act of faith; disobedience is the result of unbelief.
~By Edwin Louis Cole ~

Fits did not go over well in my house. There was a lot of discipline and obedience and you had to be very ladylike. Ladies didn't curse and I still don't curse in front of my parents.
~By Daisy Fuentes ~

I believe that Gandhi was correct. Non-violent civil disobedience is the only way to bring about change that allows people to enjoy the change and not get killed in the process.
~By Edward James Olmos ~

Obedience keeps the rules. Love knows when to break them.
~By Anthony de Mello ~

Crystals grew inside rock like arithmetic flowers. They lengthened and spread, added plane to plane in an awed and perfect obedience to an absolute geometry that even stones - maybe only the stones - understood.
~By Annie Dillard ~

What we call "morals" is simply blind obedience to words of command.
~By Henry Ellis ~

Strengthen the female mind by enlarging it, and there will be an end to blind obedience.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft ~

Common tyrants, and public oppressors, are not intitled to obedience from their subjects, by virtue of any thing here laid down by the inspired apostle.
~By Jonathan Mayhew ~

I'm so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it.
~By John Gresham Machen ~

When obedience to the Divine precepts keeps pace with knowledge, in the mind of any man, that man is a Christian; and when the fruits of Christianity are produced, that man is a disciple of our blessed Lord, let his profession of religion be what it may.
~By Joseph Lancaster ~

I find this proposed amendment very, very, very, very shocking. And immoral. And, you know, if civil disobedience is the way to go about change, then I think a lot of people will be going to San Francisco.
~By Rosie O'Donnell ~

After the knowledge of, and obedience to, the will of God, the next aim must be to know something of His attributes of wisdom, power, and goodness as evidenced by His handiwork.
~By James Prescott Joule ~

Teachability and trust always leads to total obedience.
~By Ed Townsend ~

The drill instructor must have total and complete control. Mindless obedience is what he's after.
~By R. Lee Ermey ~

Let it ever be remembered that genuine faith in Christ will ever be productive of good works; for this faith worketh by love, as the apostle says, and love to God always produces obedience to his holy laws.
~By Adam Clarke ~

Any dictator would admire the uniformity and obedience of the U.S. media.
~By Noam Chomsky ~

Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.
~By William Penn ~

To rest satisfied with existing evils, as if we could do nothing, is not obedience; but neither is it obedience to imitate the actions of the apostles.
~By John Nelson Darby ~

Yes, what has happened is we have moved from responding to these terrorist attacks as acts of civil disobedience to getting to the point after September 11 that we said, no, this is not just civil disobedience, this is an act of war.
~By Marsha Blackburn ~

I don't see success as the goal. Obedience is the goal.
~By Jerry B. Jenkins ~

The virtue of paganism was strength; the virtue of Christianity is obedience.
~By Augustus Hare ~

I have always looked on disobedience toward the oppressive as the only way to use the miracle of having been born.
~By Oriana Fallaci ~

If God creates a world of particles and waves, dancing in obedience to mathematical and physical laws, who are we to say that he cannot make use of those laws to cover the surface of a small planet with living creatures?
~By Martin Gardner ~

Obedience is detachment from the self. This is the most radical detachment of all. But what is the self? The self is the principle of reason and responsibility in us. It is the root of freedom, it is what makes us men.
~By Bede Griffiths ~

Obedience is the primary object of all sound education.
~By Elizabeth Missing Sewell ~

Although the whole man partakes of this grace, it is first and most appropriately in the soul and later progresses to the body, inasmuch as the body of the man is capable of the same obedience to the will of God as the soul.
~By William Ames ~

Obedience to lawful authority is the foundation of manly character.
~By Robert E. Lee ~

Two kinds of men generally best succeed in political life; men of no principle, but of great talent; and men of no talent, but of one principle - that of obedience to their superiors.
~By Wendell Phillips ~

Rules are for the obedience of fools and the guidance of wise men.
~By Douglas Bader ~

Rebellion against tyrants is obedience to God.
~By Benjamin Franklin ~

Whenever there is authority, there is a natural inclination to disobedience.
~By Thomas Chandler Haliburton ~

War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder.
~By Alexander Berkman ~

A boy can learn a lot from a dog: obedience, loyalty, and the importance of turning around three times before lying down.
~By Robert Benchley ~

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July 27 ,2024
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