Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations given habitually, are what preserve the heart and secure comfort. ~By Humphry Davy ~
I'm concerned about the cost, just like everybody else. There's no question that we have an obligation to help the people of Louisiana and Mississippi to rebuild. ~By Saxby Chambliss ~
We as a Congress have a moral obligation to bring justice to the families of these victims. Furthermore, as a society based on laws, we have a responsibility to ensure that criminals don't go unpunished. ~By Bob Filner ~
The great city can teach something that no university by itself can altogether impart: a vivid sense of the largeness of human brotherhood, a vivid sense of man's increasing obligation to man; a vivid sense of our absolute dependence on one another. ~By Seth Low ~
For, quite literally, the whole world today is looking for us to take the lead in carrying out those obligations imposed on the American people as a whole by the beautiful, compassionate and courageous principle of noblesse oblige. ~By Robert Welch ~
National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government. ~By Richard Perle ~
If a policy is wrongheaded, feckless and corrupt, I take it personally and consider it a moral obligation to sound off and not shut up until it's fixed. ~By David Hackworth ~
The moral and constitutional obligations of our representatives in Washington are to protect our liberty, not coddle the world, precipitating no-win wars, while bringing bankruptcy and economic turmoil to our people. ~By Ron Paul ~
I support development and deployment of a limited national missile defense. Few if any of our duties surpass our obligation to provide for the common defense of our nation. ~By Joe Lieberman ~
Government's first duty and highest obligation is public safety. ~By Arnold Schwarzenegger ~
It is an eternal obligation toward the human being not to let him suffer from hunger when one has a chance of coming to his assistance. ~By Simone Weil ~
All of the muscles were gone, so that was a real tough time of rebuilding all of that. But you have a deadline, you have an obligation. You've said that you will commit to this part, and I just can't live with myself for not really giving it as much as I can. ~By Christian Bale ~
You have to pick the stories that you want to be involved with and the end game is you'd like to be a part of a hit. But I think your moral obligation is to follow your own heart. ~By Kevin Costner ~
So I had to be careful. I recognized the responsibility that, whether I liked it or not, I had to accept whatever the obligation was. That was to behave in a manner, to carry myself in such a professional way, as if there ever is a reflection, it's a positive one. ~By Sidney Poitier ~
The international community and Israel have the same opinion regarding the Hamas government. We don't say we are going to boycott it forever. We say the Hamas government must abide by the obligations the Palestinian Authority has signed. ~By Moshe Katsav ~
My obligation as president, and what I promise the country, is that the courts will be able to do their job free of all pressure. ~By Ricardo Lagos ~
As a human rights issue, the effort to end violence against women becomes a government's obligation, not just a good idea. ~By Charlotte Bunch ~
We have, unlike many of our competitors, continued to meet our various financial obligations. ~By Gerard Arpey ~
As though there were a tie And obligation to posterity. We get them, bear them, breed, and nurse: What has posterity done for us. That we, lest they their rights should lose, Should trust our necks to gripe of noose? ~By John Trumbull ~
A democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it. ~By Alexis de Tocqueville ~
Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one. ~By Eleanor Roosevelt ~
In short, it may be said that on paper the obligations to settle international disputes peacefully are now so comprehensive and far-reaching that it is almost impossible for a state to resort to war without violating one or more solemn treaty obligations. ~By Arthur Henderson ~
A coldly rationalist individualist can deny that he has any obligation to make sacrifices for the future. ~By Garrett Hardin ~
Pets are humanizing. They remind us we have an obligation and responsibility to preserve and nurture and care for all life. ~By James Cromwell ~
Our obligation is to give meaning to life and in doing so to overcome the passive, indifferent life. ~By Elie Wiesel ~
I know for certain of only one commandment, one obligation, that God imposes upon us, and that is to be compassionate toward other human beings. ~By Theodore Bikel ~
Scripture makes it clear to me that there is an obligation to speak out on behalf of those being persecuted. ~By Frank R. Wolf ~
A dinner invitation, once accepted, is a sacred obligation. If you die before the dinner takes place, your executor must attend. ~By Ward McAllister ~
Man is created to be God's deputy on earth and it is important to realize the obligation to rid ourselves of all illusions and to make our lives a preparation for the next life. ~By Cat Stevens ~
If an individual is born with the obligation to obey, who is born with the right to command? ~By Tom G. Palmer ~
We have obligations towards the innocent, the dead, towards the living, towards our children and their children. ~By Ricardo Lagos ~
Equality of rights means that some people cannot simply impose obligations on others, for the moral agency and rights of those others would then be violated. ~By Tom G. Palmer ~
Sexuality is a big issue, but there are others - how much you commit to a relationship, to social obligation, to honesty and being honest with yourself. ~By Ang Lee ~
To live forever should not be an obligation. In fact, eternal life should only be for those who wish for it, because if we are depressed and unhappy with our lives, just the idea of living forever is an unbearable source of suffering. ~By Claude Vorilhon ~
It has been, after all, 11 years, more than a decade now, of defiance of U.N. resolutions by Saddam Hussein. Every obligation that he signed onto after the Gulf War, so that he would not be a threat to peace and security, he has ignored and flaunted. ~By Condoleezza Rice ~
The personal thing is something I have never talked about. And I never will. That is prohibited. My job is public. But that's it. When you're not working, you don't have an obligation to be public. ~By Javier Bardem ~
A man must not deny his manifest abilities, for that is to evade his obligations. ~By William Feather ~
Each of us knows that we have an obligation to care for the old, the young and the sick. We stand strongest when we stand with the weakest among us. ~By Sarah Palin ~
I came up in a family oriented towards the sick, so I always felt an obligation for doing something. ~By Eddie Bernice Johnson ~
We cannot cut and run. If we are to ensure freedom and democracy, it is essential that we follow through on our obligation to bring about stability in Iraq. ~By Richard Shelby ~
But the Western countries that link their partnership with the poorest countries with respect for democracy also have to consider that they have obligations towards these countries. ~By Omar Bongo ~
It's the government's obligation to look really to the third parties to get the support to govern. ~By Stephen Harper ~
I have family obligations and all that stuff. I get my kids six weeks in the summer, which is a real intense period of time. I'm with them every minute of the day. ~By Tom Berenger ~
I never thought of losing, but now that it' s happened, the only thing is to do it right. That's my obligation to all the people who believe in me. We all have to take defeats in life. ~By Muhammad Ali ~
I know I have the mental capacity of a thousand bloggers, but because of that, my obligation to serve God is also that of a thousand bloggers. ~By Mickey Kaus ~
Because of their low earnings and family obligations, Latinas would not be putting much money into private investment accounts. An average Latina could wind up losing thousands of dollars under this proposal. ~By Grace Napolitano ~
We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible. ~By Barack Obama ~
All sciences are now under the obligation to prepare the ground for the future task of the philosopher, which is to solve the problem of value, to determine the true hierarchy of values. ~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~
God primes the pump of obligation. ~By A. P. Martinich ~
Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect. ~By Margaret Mitchell ~
The United States have fulfilled in good faith all their treaty stipulations with the Indian tribes, and have in every other instance insisted upon a like performance of their obligations. ~By Martin Van Buren ~
Even without reforms, the Social Security fund will be able to meet 100 percent of its obligations until 2042. ~By Grace Napolitano ~
I think that two people who decide to live together in a marriage situation, they have an obligation to make the marriage work for them. ~By Helen Reddy ~
Those who have prospered and profited from life's lottery have a moral obligation to share their good fortune. ~By Dick Gephardt ~
Second, there were the discussions and drafts leading up to the White Paper on Employment Policy of 1944 in which the UK government accepted the maintenance of employment as an obligation of governmental policy. ~By James Meade ~
But I do believe this - I believe that fundamentally, society is headed in the right direction or wants to head in the right direction, and I think judges have an obligation to try to help it head there. ~By Judge Mills Lane ~
A good word is an easy obligation; but not to speak ill requires only our silence, which costs us nothing. ~By John Tillotson ~
So I think we have an obligation with our size to make sure that we are open to what people have to say to us because the people who criticize us, they're not all mean-spirited. ~By Lee Scott ~
We English are good at forgiving our enemies; it releases us from the obligation of liking our friends. ~By P. D. James ~
I jumped off the wheel of fortune because I wanted to simplify things. Now I've fulfilled my obligations to myself by making my new record. I'd like it to sell millions of copies, but my self - worth is not based on chart positions. ~By Roland Gift ~
I am very proud of the quality of public education in Nebraska, but I believe we have an obligation to continually assess whether our system is meeting 21st Century education needs. ~By Dave Heineman ~
The United States government has the obligation to educate all young people in this country. ~By Al Sharpton ~
Wherefore for the public interest and benefit of human society it is requisite that the highest obligations possible should be laid upon the consciences of men. ~By Isaac Barrow ~
Obligations may be universal or particular. ~By Tom G. Palmer ~
We've had it very clear to the Bosnians that our obligation to equip and train their forces is completely conditional on the foreign forces being gone. ~By Warren Christopher ~
Since the world has existed, there has been injustice. But it is one world, the more so as it becomes smaller, more accessible. There is just no question that there is more obligation that those who have should give to those who have nothing. ~By Audrey Hepburn ~
To know that everything we say and do to this new little human being may have a profound effect on him or her is a daunting obligation. ~By Gloria Estefan ~
Survival is a privilege which entails obligations. I am forever asking myself what I can do for those who have not survived. ~By Simon Wiesenthal ~
One of the problems with even suggesting that purpose of a Federal law is for law enforcement officers to assist in protecting the public outside their jurisdictions is that it may give them encouragement or even a sense of obligation to do so. ~By Bobby Scott ~
I feel in the depths of my soul that it is the highest, most sacred, and most irreversible part of my obligation to preserve the union of these states, although it may cost me my life. ~By Andrew Jackson ~
He who is void of virtuous attachments in private life is, or very soon will be, void of all regard for his country. There is seldom an instance of a man guilty of betraying his country, who had not before lost the feeling of moral obligations in his private connections. ~By Samuel Adams ~
Romania will continue to fulfil its obligations in Afghanistan and Iraq. ~By Traian Basescu ~
Too great haste to repay an obligation is a kind of ingratitude. ~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~
Every right implies a responsibility; Every opportunity, an obligation, Every possession, a duty. ~By John D. Rockefeller ~
There are minds so impatient of inferiority that their gratitude is a species of revenge, and they return benefits, not because recompense is a pleasure, but because obligation is a pain. ~By Samuel Johnson ~
As my dad said, you have an obligation to leave the world better than how you found it. And he also reminded us to be givers in this life, and not takers. ~By Phil Crane ~
Russia under President Putin is less democratic and less free today than when he assumed office. If Russia cannot fulfill its obligation to the G-8 and maintain a high standard of democratic governance then its membership should be suspended. ~By Vito Fossella ~
To impose taxes when the public exigencies require them is an obligation of the most sacred character, especially with a free people. ~By James Monroe ~
If I don't feel like writing today or for a few days, I don't. And I don't think about it. It is not an obligation-it is the greatest privilege. ~By Jonathan Carroll ~
In other words, a democratic government is the only one in which those who vote for a tax can escape the obligation to pay it. ~By Alexis de Tocqueville ~
Understand, when you eat meat, that something did die. You have an obligation to value it - not just the sirloin but also all those wonderful tough little bits. ~By Anthony Bourdain ~
I think celebrities have an obligation to the public to not just sing or act. ~By Clay Aiken ~
Of course the EU and member states must work to ensure that people moving from one country to another understand their obligations and their rights in areas like health, road safety and further education. ~By John Bruton ~
No obligation to do the impossible is binding. ~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~
Confidence... thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live. ~By Franklin D. Roosevelt ~
Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. Being true to anyone else or anything else is not only impossible, but the mark of a fake messiah. ~By Richard Bach ~
The Declaration of Independence says when government fails, the people have the right to replace it. Well, New York State government has failed and the people have the right, indeed the people have the the people have the obligation, to act. ~By Andrew Cuomo ~
In my afternoon walk I would fain forget all my morning occupations and my obligations to society. ~By Henry David Thoreau ~
Given the choice, children who don't want for anything will not save... We have an obligation as parents to give our children what they need. What they want we can give them as a special gift, or they can save their money for it. ~By Barbara Coloroso ~
Talent is a gift that brings with it an obligation to serve the world, and not ourselves, for it is not of our making. ~By Jose Marti ~
While some of them acknowledge the obligation of natural morality in their mode of conducting their cases, and preserve their individual character as gentlemen, there are others who acknowledge no law, human or divine, but the law of Scotland. ~By George Combe ~
If there is to be peace in our industrial life let the employer recognize his obligation to his employees - at least to the degree set forth in existing statutes. ~By John L. Lewis ~
When I hear traditional family values raised, I hear that effort once again to re-establish the man as head and master of his family. Who had the, not only the right, but the obligation to discipline his wife and children to keep them in line? ~By Patricia Ireland ~
And of all illumination which human reason can give, none is comparable to the discovery of what we are, our nature, our obligations, what happiness we are capable of, and what are the means of attaining it. ~By Adam Weishaupt ~
Beside all this I think there was something personal, being Muslim myself who lived in the west I felt that it was my obligation my duty to tell the truth about Islam. It is a religion that has a 700 million following, yet it's so little known about it which surprised me. ~By Moustapha Akkad ~
We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well. ~By Thad Cochran ~
George W. Bush and his administration embarked on a full-scale assault on civil liberties, human rights and the rule of law, walking away from his international obligations, tearing up international treaties, protocols and UN conventions. ~By Bianca Jagger ~
I think you have an obligation to be an optimist. Because if you're not, nothing will change. ~By Ron Silver ~
I have a lot of obligations. ~By Isaac Mizrahi ~
I believe that if you are elderly, physically or mentally handicapped we have an obligation too you, but if you are able-bodied, you should be working. ~By Alphonso Jackson ~