Obvious Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Obvious

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Obviously after such a long gap, one itches to get back to the game and score big runs.
~By Sachin Tendulkar ~

The most obvious thing you can't do with a guitar synthesizer is to really sound like a guitar.
~By Andy Summers ~

It is very difficult for people to believe the simple fact that every persecutor was once a victim. Yet it should be very obvious that someone who was allowed to feel free and strong from childhood does not have the need to humiliate another person.
~By Alice Miller ~

Obviously I faced the possibility of not returning when first I considered going. Once faced and settled there really wasn't any good reason to refer to it.
~By Amelia Earhart ~

It pays to be obvious, especially if you have a reputation for subtlety.
~By Isaac Asimov ~

Sides are being divided now. It's very obvious. So if you're on the other side of the fence, you're suddenly anti-American. It's breeding fear of being on the wrong side.
~By Sam Shepard ~

Overall the fundamentals seem to be there and he's obviously got a very mature head on his shoulders. He's got a kind of presence.
~By Nick Price ~

I hate to say it but I think it has become very obvious that our system for devising trade agreements, so very important to this country's functioning around the world, has not only broken, but it has broken completely.
~By Xavier Becerra ~

There is some reason, obviously, that you are drawn to your material, but the way in which you explore it might come to be quite different from what you would expect.
~By Ann Beattie ~

Having seen war, you obviously learned to hate war.
~By Mark Hatfield ~

I've let a lot of things go, and obviously football is one of them. I think the hardest thing to let go is your self-image. That's what I'm working on now.
~By Ricky Williams ~

Obviously, it gave me a chance to see Barcelona. I won't deny that. But I also had a chance to see something in another country in terms of recycling and reusing nuclear material.
~By Ed Pastor ~

Still, most of those effects occur in the context of harmless play and it is patently obvious that children are not normally turned into aggressive little monsters by TV or video games, since most children do not become aggressive little monsters.
~By Hugh Mackay ~

It is pretty obvious that the debasement of the human mind caused by a constant flow of fraudulent advertising is no trivial thing. There is more than one way to conquer a country.
~By Raymond Chandler ~

Obviously, all of us have been influenced by those around us.
~By Tom G. Palmer ~

But quite honestly, personally, I was much more concerned - I mean, there's not much I can do about my appearance obviously other than spending four hours in hair and makeup.
~By Diane Kruger ~

The press Yazoo were receiving were focused on the voice, This obviously was about trends.
~By Alison Moyet ~

Obviously, every child should be given the best possible opportunity to acquire literacy skills.
~By Hugh Mackay ~

Modern man must descend the spiral of his own absurdity to the lowest point; only then can he look beyond it. It is obviously impossible to get around it, jump over it, or simply avoid it.
~By Vaclav Havel ~

We were both very much the same. We were both very impulsive. We both loved life. We both loved shopping. We both had a love of clothes, obviously, because he was the designer that I kind of wore forever and ever.
~By Elton John ~

It came to me then in a flash that obviously the temperature of the water was responsible for the nystagmus.
~By Robert Barany ~

It seems to me that at this time we need education in the obvious more than the investigation of the obscure.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. ~

Don't be too clever for an audience. Make it obvious. Make the subtleties obvious also.
~By Billy Wilder ~

It was obvious what kind of game they were playing on the set of Amityville.
~By Margot Kidder ~

We love Cyclops and as you know, we love James. It's a great team and we'll continue the team, obviously.
~By Avi Arad ~

In saying what is obvious, never choose cunning. Yelling works better.
~By Cynthia Ozick ~

When we violate the law ourselves, whatever short-term advantage may be gained, we are obviously encouraging others to violate the law; we thus encourage disorder and instability and thereby do incalculable damage to our own long-term interests.
~By J. William Fulbright ~

All respect for the office of the presidency aside, I assumed that the obvious and unadulterated decline of freedom and constitutional sovereignty, not to mention the efforts to curb the power of judicial review, spoke for itself.
~By Ruth Bader Ginsburg ~

I don't know where Bush is going - yet. But, Sharon obviously - I wrote somewhere in the last several months, that Sharon has adopted, essentially, the position of the Labor Party: that the Palestinians are here to stay.
~By Arthur Hertzberg ~

Fame obviously has become a premium in everybody's life. Everybody thinks they deserve it, everybody thinks they want it and most people really don't enjoy it once they get it.
~By Kelsey Grammer ~

I think some aspects of writing can be taught. Obviously, you can't teach vision or talent. But you can help with comfort.
~By Toni Morrison ~

Art is about expressing the true nature of the human spirit in whatever way one wishes to express it. If it is honest, it is beautiful. If it is not honest, it is obvious.
~By Corin Nemec ~

I'm quite obviously not the world's most handsome man - I'm the second world's most handsome man!
~By Robbie Williams ~

But Racine's extraordinary powers as a writer become still more obvious when we consider that besides being a great poet he is also a great psychologist.
~By Lytton Strachey ~

You want to do something that shows some type individuality and talent and imagination - at the same time, you want to be truthful to the predecessors, because obviously the audience liked something about them and you have to replicate that experience to a certain extent.
~By Renny Harlin ~

Obviously everyone wants to be successful, but I want to be looked back on as being very innovative, very trusted and ethical and ultimately making a big difference in the world.
~By Sergey Brin ~

I'd been to Memphis before, but we stayed out of Memphis early on in the late 70s for obvious reasons. People were very sensitive about Elvis Presley, and my stage name obviously would be provocative to some people in that area at that time.
~By Elvis Costello ~

It is obvious that taking the country from a state of war to being a lawful state won't be easy.
~By Ahmed Ben Bella ~

I've continued to always keep in mind having a healthy does of that in Hollywood, now that I am part of the system and obviously have to follow the way the system works - you still have to have that crazy determination.
~By Renny Harlin ~

So Liam and movies are obviously big passions, and I read and write.
~By Faye Dunaway ~

Our members are very much maligned. Obviously the average age is 60 something, but they all have children and grandchildren, they understand what we need to do, they want to win.
~By Francis Maude ~

If you put yourself in a group of people you cannot work with it's obviously going to be a disaster.
~By David Cronenberg ~

I'm here because of what I write. Obviously, I must know something.
~By Fiona Apple ~

Obviously in Art of Noise, I'm just part of the group, and when I do film scores, it's always in collaboration with the director and other people involved.
~By Anne Dudley ~

Because obviously the whole purpose of putting records out is purely and simply to make money.
~By Mel Torme ~

I think the toughest part for me was when Herschelle said that he obviously looked up to his Captain, and he felt if his Captain could do it, then so could he, and that to me was when it really struck home.
~By Hansie Cronje ~

Obviously I got known for some other songs early on, and some of those were rock'n'roll songs. Some of them were melodic pop songs. And I've done lots of different things, as you know, but every so often I get drawn back.
~By Elvis Costello ~

The dangers of a concentration of all power in the general government of a confederacy so vast as ours are too obvious to be disregarded.
~By Franklin Pierce ~

I think it's a great document of John Stevens' originality. At that time he was already much more fully formed in his conception than I was. I was sort of struggling to keep up, and sometimes it's pretty obvious.
~By Evan Parker ~

Obviously, in dealing with a relationship, sexuality has to be involved, and jealousy and emotions like that. And I don't know, I've always been intrigued by those emotions.
~By Adrian Lyne ~

Obviously the first roles that you're proud of are the ones that everybody else liked too.
~By Sam Waterston ~

We are personalities in the making, limited, and grappling with things too high for us. Obviously we, at very best, will make many mistakes, but these mistakes need not be sins.
~By E. Stanley Jones ~

I would never play any role in anything that involves the United Nations for obvious reasons.
~By Kojo Annan ~

Well, I know I worked for Governor Rockefeller the last time he ran for his fourth term, and I obviously ran against Governor Cuomo the time he ran for his fourth term.
~By George Pataki ~

I want to take roles that challenge me and I want to like the script and obviously feel connected with the director because the director to me is so important.
~By Amy Smart ~

Obviously talent gets you to a certain point, but it's what you do with it, how you handle.
~By Brett Favre ~

I obviously prefer writing novels but I take my journalism very seriously, and I enjoy doing it between novels. It gives me an opportunity to move in the outside world.
~By Mordecai Richler ~

Everyone recognizes that's a joke because obviously the number and shape of the pieces doesn't affect the size of the pizza. And similarly, the stocks, bonds, warrants, etc., issued don't affect the aggregate value of the firm.
~By Merton Miller ~

So many people say that obviously my game has changed since I arrived here and I say that it's good that it changed, otherwise it would show a lack of intelligence.
~By Thierry Henry ~

Obviously I'd love to work with any of these great directors because every time I've worked with them I've gained a tremendous amount as an actor. Each director has his own way of pushing you towards improving yourself.
~By Zhang Ziyi ~

A new poll shows that Senator Kerry's support in the South is strongest amongst blacks. Kerry's appeal to Southern blacks is obvious. He is a white man who lives far, far away.
~By Dennis Miller ~

The first one, obviously, was walking into my office at eight o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, and being told there was a telephone call saying that there was an incident at Three Mile Island, and that it had shut down and that beyond that we didn't know.
~By William Scranton ~

Flower was a good metaphor for growth. The song is obviously about sexual responsibility, so that was the main metaphor. Also, it's like knowing who someone has been and remembering and appreciating that, but really appreciating what they are now even more.
~By Jody Watley ~

And then of course, obviously as far as issues such as global warming, something has to be done on the corporate side, there has to be some mandate or some legislation.
~By Daryl Hannah ~

Celebrity - I don't even know what that means. Obviously it's the same basic word as celebration, but I don't know what's being celebrated.
~By James Woods ~

We do a lot of light classical programming with that, too... obviously... a lot of Tchaikovsky music, Grieg, things like that which have become less classical with classical concerts.
~By Skitch Henderson ~

A man's character never changes radically from youth to old age. What happens is that circumstances bring out characteristics which have not been obvious to the superficial observer.
~By Hesketh Pearson ~

When I'm ready to make a photograph, I think I quite obviously see in my minds eye something that is not literally there in the true meaning of the word. I'm interested in something which is built up from within, rather than just extracted from without.
~By Ansel Adams ~

If you start using a medication in a person with autism, you should see an obvious improvement in behavior in a short period of time. If you do not see an obvious improvement, they probably should not be taking the stuff. It is that simple.
~By Temple Grandin ~

The great artist is the man who most obviously succeeds in turning his pains to advantage, in letting suffering deepens his understanding and sensibility, in growing through his pains.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

One girl was helped from my appearance on the show, and I swore I would not keep quiet again. When you talk about things that are embarrassing or devastating, obviously you can help people when you do.
~By Hunter Tylo ~

Is the U.S. better or is the world better? Is the U.S. better off today than we were four years ago? Obviously not, economically not. I think our stature in the world is not the same.
~By Montel Williams ~

Obviously, I've seen what the press has done to my cousins. I would never let that rule my life, but I'm not the kind of person to rebel or do things. I don't know. I don't let the potential for bad press dictate who I am, but I keep that in mind. How can you not?
~By Lauren Bush ~

Ulysses, obviously. It was an elaborate prank, and our supposed intellectual elite continue to fall for it.
~By Orson Scott Card ~

Obviously, if the commander makes certain decisions that the reporter thinks is inhibiting his right to report a legitimate story, he has to appeal to the commander's boss to get that changed.
~By Bob Schieffer ~

When certain branches of the economy become obsolete, as in the case of the steel industry, not only do jobs disappear, which is obviously a terrible social hardship, but certain cultures also disappear.
~By Peter L. Berger ~

Obviously there will be a backlash. If you believe the hype you have to believe a backlash too. Any criticism we get, is always stuff we've already criticised ourselves.
~By Johnny Greenwood ~

I would love to try to win another game. Obviously, it's more fun when you win. I'd rather try and not win than not try at all.
~By Greg Maddux ~

If words are not things, or maps are not the actual territory, then, obviously, the only possible link between the objective world and the linguistic world is found in structure, and structure alone.
~By Alfred Korzybski ~

Obviously classical music tends to be stuff that is usually at least a hundred years old.
~By Steve Hackett ~

It's nice to know about something as soon as it happens, and obviously a newspaper can't provide that.
~By Tabitha Soren ~

I was always drawn to Broadway musicals, and obviously composers like Gershwin, Rodgers, Berlin and Porter were writing music that I found wildly impressive.
~By Marvin Hamlisch ~

I joined Walt Disney, went to work, December 2nd 1935, so obviously, I'm not too young!
~By Marc Davis ~

I've never set out consciously to write American music. I don't know what that would be unless the obvious Appalachian folk references.
~By Carlisle Floyd ~

This autocue was obviously written for someone else and I've been brought in at the last minute.
~By Johnny Vegas ~

What information consumes is rather obvious: it consumes the attention of its recipients. Hence a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention, and a need to allocate that attention efficiently among the overabundance of information sources that might consume it.
~By Herbert Simon ~

If it's really so wonderful that both partners have to work to make a living to pay for their house, for health insurance, someone is obviously going to get the short end of the stick.
~By Eric Braeden ~

I think the obvious answer is I was raised in New York City, so growing up, not only myself but my family, like my father, we would watch a lot of Scorsese films.
~By Anthony Michael Hall ~

Then I came up with this crazy idea just to walk out on the stage with no band at all and just start singing whatever came to mind. I actually fought the idea for a while because it seemed almost too radical, but it became obvious what I was supposed to be doing.
~By Bobby McFerrin ~

Without sounding too pretentious, I was sort of a slave to the narrative. When the narrative cracks in, I have to go where it takes me. I had to go to the Bohemian Grove. It was the obvious end to the book.
~By Jon Ronson ~

These kids understood what is not immediately obvious; that they were going to pay the bills for tax cuts that had been passed today or in the last 4 years, and for the war in Iraq, because essentially we are borrowing money to do those things.
~By Tom Allen ~

Speakers are not supposed to waste time on platitudes, but the capacity of this generation for ignoring the obvious and concentrating on the negative and the obscure is immense.
~By Arthur H. Sulzberger ~

You always try to work for your audience, to entertain them, but that being said, obviously, within the studio system you feel the sense of responsibility to the bank.
~By Phillip Noyce ~

What I loved about playing the corpse is that obviously somebody else got to do the physical part. It appeals to the part of me that likes playing character parts and getting the chance to get away from my own physicality.
~By Helena Bonham Carter ~

People are naming it the Third Wave, the Information Age, etc. but I would say those are basically technological descriptions, and this next shift is not about technology - although obviously it will be influenced and in some cases expressed by technologies.
~By Paul Hawken ~

The most important things to say are those which often I did not think necessary for me to say - because they were too obvious.
~By Andre Gide ~

I like to listen to mellow stuff on the road like Travis, as we are constantly surrounded by rock music on tour and so its nice listening to mellow stuff. Obviously back at home I listen to a lot more rock music.
~By Ville Valo ~

Because if you don't have a great workforce, a great higher education system, you're not going to have the next eBay, the next AmGen, the next, you know, Miasole, and not only California but America is going to fall behind a whole new competitive context which is obviously China, India, and other countries.
~By Meg Whitman ~

Nobody wants you to stop, obviously because you're a moneymaking machine. But you have to make the decision and you have to move forward. So I took time off to have babies and do all that.
~By Donna Summer ~

Art is a step from what is obvious and well-known toward what is arcane and concealed.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

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July 27 ,2024
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