Options Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Options

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At the time, the only options were playing the local county fair. Now with American Idol and younger recording artists that have come out, there is more of an opportunity.
~By Marla Sokoloff ~

It's easy to make good decisions when there are no bad options.
~By Robert Half ~

With scientific advances, Congress must now make changes to reflect new therapeutic options.
~By Nathan Deal ~

As the GAO report recognizes, the long-term health of our forests relies on additional fuel reduction options and funding to reduce the risks that catastrophic fire poses to our nation's ecosystems, communities and federal budgetary resources.
~By Greg Walden ~

Really, what are the options? Levi's or Wranglers. And you just pick one. It's one of those life choices.
~By Harrison Ford ~

One of our key strategies has been to restructure traditional high schools into small learning communities with personalized attention and a range of options.
~By Thomas Menino ~

I'm a free agent. I haven't allowed any promoters to have exclusive options on my fight. I don't need a promoter.
~By Sugar Ray Leonard ~

It's an infinite creative universe to explore so why chase conservative options?
~By Yahoo Serious ~

My research interests since then have shifted strongly towards the economic and regulatory problems of the financial services industry, and especially of the securities and options exchanges.
~By Merton Miller ~

I was the first spokesperson for the Better Hearing Institute in Washington. And that's the message we tried to send out - there is hearing help out there, and the technology and options are amazing.
~By Norm Crosby ~

Starting off, all options are always open, but as soon as you choose something, you inevitably limit yourself. If you go for B, A is out.
~By Alva Noto ~

There were no strategic mistakes that could affect Russia's history and it further development. No, there were no such mistakes. Tactical errors were made in some less significant options, problems and so on. But, on the whole, Russia embarked on a correct path and it changed.
~By Boris Yeltsin ~

We can make a commitment to promote vegetables and fruits and whole grains on every part of every menu. We can make portion sizes smaller and emphasize quality over quantity. And we can help create a culture - imagine this - where our kids ask for healthy options instead of resisting them.
~By Michelle Obama ~

The growth of Stewart Airport creates new jobs for area residents, brings new business and new travelers to the region, and brings new convenient travel options to those of us living in the Hudson Valley.
~By Sue Kelly ~

When the federal government spends more each year than it collects in tax revenues, it has three choices: It can raise taxes, print money, or borrow money. While these actions may benefit politicians, all three options are bad for average Americans.
~By Ron Paul ~

And a tiny number of people in a few states make these decisions, and we're left with these options that are increasingly not attractive to the American people.
~By Hamilton Jordan ~

Usually that's going into biology in a certain way. There's certain strengths and weaknesses to both of the sexes. And I'm not against employing those nor am I against denying those, what I am looking for is a very large array of options.
~By Mark Morris ~

We'll look at a bunch of deals that are being offered to us, and we decide where to go and continue on I guess. It's not too early to start considering our options with other labels.
~By Josh Silver ~

I've got to play free agency out, and I've got to look at all of my options.
~By Jason Kidd ~

The drug plans our seniors choose will define their health care options for years to come. If they do not make a decision and wait until the May 15 deadline passes, they will face penalties and higher prices for the drugs that they need.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

I have reached a place in my life where I need to sit down and say, 'Well, what do I do? What's best for me?' I need to look into options for the future.
~By Michael Phelps ~

A man is only as faithful as his options.
~By Chris Rock ~

Everybody needs history but the people who need it most are poor folks - people without resources or options.
~By Henry Hampton ~

Men are only as loyal as their options.
~By Bill Maher ~

In the last few years, the very idea of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth is dredged up only as a final resort when the alternative options of deception, threat and bribery have all been exhausted.
~By Michael Musto ~

Preserve the President's options. He may need them.
~By Donald Rumsfeld ~

I don't make demands. I don't tell you how it should be. I'll give you options, and it's up to you to select or throw 'em away. That should be the headline: If you're insecure, don't call.
~By Russell Crowe ~

We must dare to think 'unthinkable' thoughts. We must learn to explore all the options and possibilities that confront us in a complex and rapidly changing world.
~By James W. Fulbright ~

I work with the options I have in front of me and my reasons for choosing a job can vary enormously depending on the circumstances. Sometimes I take a job because it's a group of people I'm dying to work with, and sometimes it can be a desire to shake things up a bit and not to take myself too seriously.
~By Colin Firth ~

The attempt to redefine the family as a purely voluntary arrangement grows out of the modern delusion that people can keep all their options open all the time.
~By Christopher Lasch ~

I always say don't make plans, make options.
~By Jennifer Aniston ~

We provide many options in many product areas that they seem to want to adopt, and that's working well for us.
~By Jim Barksdale ~

Coping with the demands of everyday life would be exceedingly trying if one could arrive at solutions to problems only by actually performing possible options and suffering the consequences.
~By Albert Bandura ~

The Steve Allen Sunday night show had the right to two options after my first performance.
~By Shelley Berman ~

In addressing a task, one almost always has several possible options, sometimes only a few, and they may all be practical and functional. But they lack the aesthetic aspect that raises it to architecture.
~By Arne Jacobsen ~

Many of America's historical cornbreads were staple breads for people who didn't have many other options.
~By Jeremy Jackson ~

Providing patients and consumers with solid information on the cost and quality of their healthcare options can literally make the difference between life or death; and play a decisive role in whether a family or employer can afford healthcare.
~By Timothy Murphy ~

One of the things I'm most proud of about my career is the fact I've managed to keep options open.
~By Clive Owen ~

We work in an environment where your options are to do, you know, Batman 10, so when you get to do a movie that's a really great film like this, people really step up to the plate and enjoy it.
~By James Woods ~

While the political debate over abortion will continue for a very long time, the federal government can and should be doing more to support programs and services that provide women with better options.
~By Tim Ryan ~

By increasing the use of renewable fuels such as ethanol and bio-diesel, and providing the Department of Energy with a budget to create more energy efficiency options, agriculture can be the backbone of our energy supply as well.
~By John Salazar ~

I had dropped out of school and was a runaway, so I didn't have family to fall back on if I didn't work. I didn't have a lot of other options of making money other than modeling.
~By Carre Otis ~

Presidential leadership needn't always cost money. Look for low- and no-cost options. They can be surprisingly effective.
~By Donald Rumsfeld ~

The holidays are also a time when people freak out about their finances. If you don't want to spend the money, why not try some of the other options instead of killing a bunch of animals?
~By Christina Applegate ~

You sign for a sequel for everything these days, just in case, options. In the past, you avoided them like the plague because it meant somewhere down the road you couldn't take a job because you had to do a sequel. Now it's a feature of pretty much any feature you do.
~By Mark Strong ~

I don't have a particular recommendation other than that we base decisions on as much hard data as possible. We need to carefully look at all the options and all their ramifications in making our decisions.
~By Dorothy Denning ~

I tend to be attracted to characters who are up against a wall with very few alternatives. And the film then becomes an examination of how they cope with very few options. And that's, I guess, what interests me in terms of human behavior.
~By William Friedkin ~

And to stick our head in the sand and pretend that we are somehow safer if we do not know or to pretend we are somehow safer if we limit our options seems to me not only foolish but actually dangerous.
~By Mac Thornberry ~

With options thus foreclosed, in order to protect and defend the nation and clear the obstacles that stood in its path, a decisive appeal to arms was made.
~By Hideki Tojo ~

There's not a single business model, and there's not a single type of electronic content. There are really a lot of opportunities and a lot of options and we just have to discover all of them.
~By Tim O'Reilly ~

I gambled and I lost. I failed in securing my options for this choice for myself, but I succeeded in verifying the Dark Age is still with us.
~By Jack Kevorkian ~

It is vital that we communicate to seniors their options regarding prescription drug assistance.
~By Jim Gerlach ~

I have always been of the mind that good work is good work, whether performed on stage, on television or in film and, like any reasonable actor, I keep my options open.
~By Benjamin Bratt ~

In the meantime, I just have to create those realistic goals about the fact that I don't have a ton of options as an actor who's been on a science fiction show for 8 years.
~By Michael Shanks ~

The depths of the Depression. You didn't ask what the job was, what the pay was, you didn't ask about stock options, or - you said yes.
~By Art Linkletter ~

Even now, we make no apologies for the choice we made. The sacrifices we made were selfless. The options we offered were patriotic while the paths we chose were well thought out.
~By Ibrahim Babangida ~

Right now the focus is the album that is released and then the tour coming up. After the tour they will let us know about the options and offers that came in for us.
~By LaToya London ~

It's good to give seniors more choices and more options, let them choose a plan that's best for them and target assistance to the lowest income people.
~By John Sununu ~

The more we exploit nature, The more our options are reduced, until we have only one: to fight for survival.
~By Mo Udall ~

Money is only a vehicle that provides you with options, and I say there's only one thing that money can't buy - poverty.
~By Jerry Doyle ~

With my time in the limelight, I regret that I didn't use it more to push vegetarianism. I support vegetarian options in the school lunch program.
~By Bernhard Goetz ~

As mayor of San Francisco, I will provide the vision and work hard to make San Francisco a beautiful, well-planned city with excellent housing and transportation options.
~By Gavin Newsom ~

But once you allow yourself to recognize necessity, you find two things: One you find your options so restricted that the only course of action is obvious, and, two, that a great sense of freedom comes with the decision.
~By Steven Brust ~

A lot of people at Shearson ended up making a lot of money because they had stock or stock options. Their kids were able to go to college, and it changed a lot of people's lives.
~By Sanford I. Weill ~

In the interest rate area, traders have for a long time used a version of what is known as Black's model for European bond options; another version of the same model for caps and floors; and yet another version of the same model for European swap options.
~By John Hull ~

If children have the ability to ignore all odds and percentages, then maybe we can all learn from them. When you think about it, what other choice is there but to hope? We have two options, medically and emotionally: give up, or Fight Like Hell.
~By Lance Armstrong ~

There are other options out there, after all, like read a book, go on the Internet, rent a movie.
~By Dick Wolf ~

You have got to attract the brightest and the best, but the brightest and best won't stay unless they see real career options.
~By Estelle Morris ~

This is a government takeover of our healthcare system. It is the government basically running the entire healthcare system, turning large insurers into de facto public utilities, depriving people of choice, depriving people of options, raising people's prices, raising taxes when we need new jobs.
~By Paul Ryan ~

Things slow down, the ball seems a lot bigger and you feel like you have more time. Everything computes - you have options, but you always take the right one.
~By John McEnroe ~

Information can bring you choices and choices bring power - educate yourself about your options and choices. Never remain in the dark of ignorance.
~By Joy Page ~

We are a coalition government, and that limits our options in some ways. Privatization happens to be one such area.
~By Manmohan Singh ~

We must reinvent a future free of blinders so that we can choose from real options.
~By David Suzuki ~

Read This: Optimism Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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