Parents Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Parents

Read This: Weekend Quotes And Sayings

I received my parents' permission and went into the Navy on June 3, 1941.
~By Jack Adams ~

I've had many nicknames over the years: V, Nessa, Nessy Poo, Nessy Bear and Van. Only my parents call me Van, though, and I hate it. I get embarrassed.
~By Vanessa Hudgens ~

After that I couldn't show my face outside. I lost my identity and balance. I was still living with my parents, and they were my only friends. For so many people, this thing with the nurse was confirmation that I must be mad or mentally ill.
~By Mathias Rust ~

I think my parents see my life now as very conservative.
~By Radha Mitchell ~

In many Asian households, to not go on to higher education, that's like a big no-no. I know my parents' discouragement was for my own protection, and I'm really close to them now, but they didn't understand that there is value in this. That's because they didn't know.
~By Sandra Oh ~

More than ever, we as parents and a nation must do something about the growth of obesity in our children. We must do more than just talk, we must be concerned enough to act.
~By Lee Haney ~

When you're the youngest and the only boy, you get spoilt but you get told you're spoilt so you don't get to enjoy it very much. I was the only man in the house because my parents divorced and my dad moved away when I was 13.
~By Eddie Marsan ~

I shall lend credit to nothing against my people which parents would not believe against their own children.
~By Elizabeth I ~

I have my parents to thank for that, they raised me to be active and play all sports. They taught me the importance of staying healthy, being focused and setting goals in whatever I do.
~By Kiana Tom ~

At NBC I wasn't really sure if the grandparents were going to get my sense of humor on a particular topic.
~By Tabitha Soren ~

Both parents were very encouraging - especially my father. My father thought the sun rose and set with me. Neither one had a musical background or any musical talent. They liked classical music, but neither could carry a tune.
~By Gordon Getty ~

Charles Laughton signed me to my first movie contract at 17. He later asked my parents if he could adopt me.
~By Maureen O'Hara ~

You wouldn't think it would but my parents were really balanced about that. When it came time for me to be out of the house and out on my own they were very supportive.
~By Elmer Bernstein ~

There's lots of institutions and lots of different cultures, and so that's the kind of thing that parents need to be able to evaluate, and students themselves, when they make a selection.
~By Margaret Spellings ~

If both parents must work, I think it is more important that the mother has proximity to the child to therefore establish a childcare situation at the big corporations not once a day, but many times a day.
~By Eric Braeden ~

Children aren't happy with nothing to ignore, and that's what parents were created for.
~By Ogden Nash ~

Because my parents, growing up, they worked hard. Everyone in my family woke up early in the morning. I used to see my mother and my father go off to work, and come back and, no matter what, they had time for the kids.
~By Herschel Walker ~

Because these kids get away from their parents, and they binge drink until they are sick. Dozens of them are going to the hospital, and some of them dying. This is a problem, a big problem that needs to be addressed, and we need accurate information.
~By Zach Wamp ~

I enjoyed my grandparents very much. My mother and father would always allow me to stay with them.
~By Dominic Chianese ~

I was born in Manhattan on West 12th. My parents were kind of hippies and they did a home birth.
~By Ethan Suplee ~

The first half of our lives are ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.
~By Clarence Darrow ~

The young always have the same problem - how to rebel and conform at the same time. They have now solved this by defying their parents and copying one another.
~By Quentin Crisp ~

We owe our existence to our parents, but we actually didn't have a choice.
~By Leon Kass ~

I didn't think any amount of money was worth something that would take away what you believed in or what you stood for. I didn't want to do something my parents and daughter couldn't be proud of.
~By Tippi Hedren ~

The way I was brought up by my parents and guided through my football life by the influences of various managers means that in some ways I am black and white.
~By Stuart Pearce ~

It's different today than it was then. In those days we were strictly amateurs. If I had wanted to stay in for the '80 Olympics, my parents couldn't have afforded it.
~By Dorothy Hamill ~

I feel like I almost didn't grow up in the business, because my parents worked so hard at sheltering us from that. I was raised in Connecticut. And I honestly wasn't aware that my dad was a celebrity until I moved to Los Angeles a year ago.
~By Bryce Dallas Howard ~

I feel very lucky because of my parents and then my education, the opportunities that I've had, so I would like to continue working to improve lives for others.
~By Hillary Clinton ~

If your parents never had children, chances are... neither will you.
~By Dick Cavett ~

That other saying, I'm a part of all that I have met, I think that would have to begin with my wonderful parents back in Atlanta when I was a youngster five years old I was tongue tied.
~By Ernie Harwell ~

I was an adopted child of my grandparents, and I don't know how I can ever express my gratitude for that, because my parents would have been a mess, you know.
~By James Earl Jones ~

Most children turn out badly because they have the wrong parental image. This doesn't mean their parents are criminal. It means they are boring and cruel.
~By Hedy Lamarr ~

I wasn't the high-school play queen or anything. And my parents would let not me act until I graduated from college.
~By Gwyneth Paltrow ~

A slavish bondage to parents cramps every faculty of the mind.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ~

No one, however powerful and successful, can function as an adult if his parents are not satisfied with him.
~By Frank Pittman ~

A woman always has her man, but the man unconsciously leans on his roots, his heritage. He feels like an orphan without his parents.
~By Raj Kapoor ~

I used to work, part time, in a deli, in those days when your parents made you work just so you should know what work was like. And you'd make 4, 5, 6, ten dollars.
~By Hector Elizondo ~

Both of my parents are professors and everyone in my family has some fabulous degree of something or another and I couldn't get into college because I didn't know a language.
~By Camryn Manheim ~

The deep, personal material of the latter half of your life is your children. You can write about your parents when they're gone, but your children are still going to be here, and you're going to want them to come and visit you in the nursing home.
~By Alice Munro ~

Happy Days was about a family... although the show was shot in the 70s, it was about a family in the 50s. I realized that kids were watching their parents grow up and the parents were watching themselves grow up. That was the key to the success of our show.
~By Tom Bosley ~

My parents, and especially my mother, encouraged by the director of the local school which I was attending, wanted in spite of everything to send me to a National School of Arts and Crafts so that I could later become an engineer.
~By Leon Jouhaux ~

The 1960s were big for folk music, and the Kingston Trio led the way. They were the ones who started it all. The music was fresh and alive. College kids loved it and their parents did, too.
~By George Grove ~

Don't hold your parents up to contempt. After all, you are their son, and it is just possible that you may take after them.
~By Evelyn Waugh ~

My parents were political, so it's definitely in my bones. Wherever I am, I always seem to get involved with politics. I think, once it's in your bloodstream, it's always there. I love it.
~By Saffron Burrows ~

I'm more married to Sandy now than when we were married with the legal document. We're still married as parents.
~By Bobby Darin ~

Our ages ranged from 22, down to 18, and we had a 6 month contract to go to Bogata, Columbia. And of course, it was during the depression, we were still with our parents, and things were still pretty tough on them back in the United States.
~By Martin Denny ~

More than 1.1 million taxpayers in Pennsylvania will enjoy a lower tax rate, more than 1.4 million married couples will benefit from the reduction in the marriage penalty, and more than 1.1 million parents will have the advantage of an increased child tax credit.
~By Tim Murphy ~

On Halloween, the parents sent their kids out looking like me.
~By Rodney Dangerfield ~

No one can compare us to the apartheid regime. It's not like in South Africa between the blacks and the whites who belong to the same nation, or in Berlin where you find parents living on the eastern side and their children in the western side.
~By Silvan Shalom ~

When I was a little kid, I used to really embarrass my parents.
~By Russell Crowe ~

Parents are the last people on earth who ought to have children.
~By Samuel Butler ~

Thus the castle of each feudal chieftain became a school of chivalry, into which any noble youth, whose parents were from poverty unable to educate him to the art of war, was readily received.
~By Horatio Alger ~

Talking with other parents really gave me some lessons that I try to hold on to now, as a parent of two boys.
~By Joe Lando ~

We all agree that parents have the primary responsibility of filtering the material that reaches children. However, children are often lured onto websites containing obscene material through the devious manipulation of search engines.
~By Robert A. Brady ~

My parents love each other. They work through their problems.
~By Brian Austin Green ~

I'd experienced the '40s and '50s by looking at my grandparents' old clothes, books, and magazines.
~By Christian Lacroix ~

My parents were very pleased that I was in the army. The fact that I hated it somehow pleased them even more.
~By Barry Humphries ~

I think anybody over 30 plays parents because it happens in your thirties and so that's kind of a natural progression. But I'm definitely drawn to it. It's probably the most intense, passionate thing that happens to you as you get older.
~By Jodie Foster ~

The first big break was winning a scholarship to go to Cambridge University. I was very lucky, because my parents couldn't have afforded a university education for me. Without a scholarship I couldn't possibly have gone.
~By Trevor Nunn ~

I'm doing naughty things, I'm drinking too much, I'm going to clubs. It really didn't matter to me, other than the fact that some parents wouldn't let their kids hang out with me.
~By Macaulay Culkin ~

It was a mixed blessing to have famous parents. It was tough to go to auditions and be bad, since I couldn't be anonymous.
~By Ben Stiller ~

Excuse me if I'm clinging on to life, but my parents wove me from tight thread.
~By Jeanne Calment ~

I think because my parents died in their early 50s, mid 50s, I always thought I would die young. And that's been both a useful thing and I suspect something that's haunted me a little bit.
~By Stephen Dunn ~

I think my parents were happy that I'd gone to university and gotten a degree in history so they thought, 'Well if acting doesn't work for him, he can always become a history teacher or something.' Fortunately, the acting worked out.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

I did start reading quite young but I was always read to by my parents, who are both actors. Bedtime stories from when I was about two/three to when I was about 15. In fact they didn't stop until I eventually kind of kicked them out of my bedroom.
~By Samuel West ~

I can think of no one that my grandparents knew, that told me stories and that I experienced myself, had any sense of social inferiority growing up in segregated Washington. None whatsoever.
~By Ed Smith ~

Kids are all computer-savvy. Sit down and write to your parents on the computer. And just say, I have some questions and I'm scared. There's some stuff I don't know and I really need to talk to you about sex. Tear it off and put it on their pillow. They'll read it.
~By Sue Johanson ~

Three thousand people died at ground zero. Their families are entitled to a little bit of respect, to respect the memory of those poor people that died there. And how about the families of all those soldiers that died in the two ensuing wars? Aren't they entitled to a little bit of respect - the kids, the wives, the parents?
~By Carl Paladino ~

By offering an education centered on values, the faculty in Catholic schools can create an interactive setting between parents and students that is geared toward long-term healthy character and scholastic development for all enrolled children.
~By Mark Foley ~

Parents should conduct their arguments in quiet, respectful tones, but in a foreign language. You'd be surprised what an inducement that is to the education of children.
~By Judith Martin ~

Internet safety begins at home and that is why my legislation would require the Federal Trade Commission to design and publish a unique website to serve as a clearinghouse and resource for parents, teachers and children for information on the dangers of surfing the Internet.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

My parents were music lovers and collectors. It was around.
~By Boz Scaggs ~

As Plotinus tells us, we elected the body, the parents, the place, and the circumstances that suited the soul and that, as the myth says, belongs to its necessity.
~By James Hillman ~

Yes, and when I had Aaron, he left me, and I didn't know how to raise a child. And I wasn't close to my parents, and because I was too proud to go to my parents for help, I mistreated that little baby. I didn't want a baby.
~By Lynn Johnston ~

It is long overdue for parents to realize they have the right and duty to protect our children against the intolerant evolutionists.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

My family, my parents are hippies.
~By Shia LaBeouf ~

Bruce Wayne is Batman. He became Batman the instant his parents were murdered. Batman needs Bruce, however hollow that identity feels to him from time to time. Bruce keeps Batman human.
~By Kevin Conroy ~

My acting career began at age three and my parents got me into it. I was in a McDonald's commercial.
~By Corey Feldman ~

My parents have been there for me, ever since I was about 7.
~By David Beckham ~

She had called in the debt that parents owe a child for bringing her, unasked, into a strange world. One should never make an offer without knowing full well what will happen if it is accepted.
~By David Brin ~

My mother, who was professional schoolteacher, was particularly concerned about our formal education and even went so far as to start a private school together with some other parents so that our intellectual needs would be met.
~By Robert B. Laughlin ~

But I also like to shower my parents with presents. I bought them a beautiful car and a house.
~By Eva Herzigova ~

So no, it's not all in the genes, but what isn't in the genes isn't in the family environment either. It can't be explained in terms of the overall personalities or the child-rearing practices of parents.
~By Steven Pinker ~

I have a great relationship with my parents. I have not been on lithium.
~By Zach Braff ~

The relation between parents and children is essentially based on teaching.
~By Gilbert Highet ~

It was just expected that I would go to college. Both my parents are teachers and they tolerated acting, but I was going to go to a school of quality or bust. Which made my downshifting back to acting afterward a little difficult.
~By Wentworth Miller ~

If your parents didn't have any children, there's a good chance that you won't have any.
~By Clarence Day ~

So when I told my parents I wanted to go into acting because I was flunking out of my first year of junior college, they were relieved that I had picked something other than joining the army. But I can't imagine how they had high hopes for me.
~By Dustin Hoffman ~

The entertainment industry is encouraging young people to defy and deceive their parents.
~By Mike DeWine ~

The fate of a child is in the hands of his parents.
~By Shinichi Suzuki ~

I lived in LA for a few months. It seemed like no one there had parents. Or if they did have parents, they would deny it.
~By Catherine O'Hara ~

We are all members of a single humanity, inside our hearts we all speak the same language, we all love our children and our parents, we all live in the same world.
~By Marc Forne Molne ~

My grandparents knew it was important that I understood Christianity and the Bible. But they never took me to church; they sent me to church.
~By Lee Greenwood ~

My parents regarded school teachers as higher beings, as did many immigrants.
~By Martin Lewis Perl ~

My father's parents were Irish. Only a year before my father died, he and I went back to Ireland for a week to look at the old homestead.
~By John C. Hawkes ~

Wrinkles are hereditary. Parents get them from their children.
~By Doris Day ~

My parents had been involved in the labor movement; if we'd grown up in the city, we would have been red-diaper babies.
~By Holly Near ~

Parents know how to push your buttons because, hey, they sewed them on.
~By Camryn Manheim ~

It was a lot of fun being a child actress. It suited me. I don't think it suits everybody, but I was in it because I had a passion, not because my parents wanted me to make money. If other kids want to do it, and they really like acting, go for it.
~By Alanna Ubach ~

I had the luck that my parents educated me in three languages. With my mother I spoke Dutch, with my father Italian, and in the school I learned German. But my host language is Italian.
~By Michelle Hunziker ~

Read This: Praise Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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