Past Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Past

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You can't undo the past... but you can certainly not repeat it.
~By Bruce Willis ~

We should not forget, no matter how we quantify it: 'Freedom is not free.' It is a painful lesson, but one from which we have learned in the past and one we should never forget.
~By Paul Gillmor ~

With Fellini, the fear dropped out of my work because it was such a happy experience... hanging out with Fellini, having pasta on the set with Fellini, and going out with Fellini!
~By Terence Stamp ~

I always wrote about things that were important to me. I think our past success showed that it was also important for a lot of others.
~By Gavin Rossdale ~

The second is that the role of China trade in Japanese economy, important as it is, has often been exaggerated, as proven by our experience of the past 6 years.
~By Shigeru Yoshida ~

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
~By Gerald Jampolsky ~

Only fools live in the past or carry envy to the present.
~By Chi Chi Rodriguez ~

The past is but the past of a beginning.
~By H. G. Wells ~

If you are carrying strong feelings about something that happened in your past, they may hinder your ability to live in the present.
~By Les Brown ~

In the past the man has been first; in the future the system must be first... The first object of any good system must be that of developing first class men.
~By Frederick W. Taylor ~

Liberals in Congress have spent the past three decades pandering to environmental extremists. The policies they have put in place are in large part responsible for the energy crunch we are seeing today. We have not built a refinery in this country for 30 years.
~By Marsha Blackburn ~

The form of my poem rises out of a past that so overwhelms the present with its worth and vision that I'm at a loss to explain my delusion that there exist any real links between that past and a future worthy of it.
~By Hart Crane ~

All comparisons between America's current place in the world and anything legitimately called an empire in the past reveal ignorance and confusion about any reasonable meaning of the concept empire, especially the comparison with the Roman Empire.
~By Donald Kagan ~

During my life I have seen, known, and lost too much to be the prey of vain dread; and, as for the hope of immortality, I am as weary of that as I am of gods and kings. For my own sake only I write this; and herein I differ from all other writers, past and to come.
~By Mika Waltari ~

I can't tell you where a poem comes from, what it is, or what it is for: nor can any other man. The reason I can't tell you is that the purpose of a poem is to go past telling, to be recognised by burning.
~By A. R. Ammons ~

I've devoted a lot of my time and effort during the past few years to developing my advertising copywriting business to the point of where I can support my family and don't have to depend on writing fiction for my income.
~By George Stephen ~

Education in the past has been too much inspiration and too little information.
~By E. Franklin Frazier ~

When I begin a book, I inevitably discover many things along the way, about the characters, their past histories and the political intrigues that surround them. This discovery process is vital, and I would not prejudice it by deciding too much in advance.
~By David Brin ~

The promise given was a necessity of the past: the word broken is a necessity of the present.
~By Niccolo Machiavelli ~

In the past ABC has made half-hearted efforts or, worse, cosmetic efforts, to do something about news and I wasn't certain about what their real aim was - nor am I now.
~By Roone Arledge ~

We make way for the man who boldly pushes past us.
~By Christian Nestell Bovee ~

If the past has been an obstacle and a burden, knowledge of the past is the safest and the surest emancipation.
~By John Acton ~

Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.
~By Melody Beattie ~

A body of work such as Pasteur's is inconceivable in our time: no man would be given a chance to create a whole science. Nowadays a path is scarcely opened up when the crowd begins to pour in.
~By Jean Rostand ~

The day when the scientist, no matter how devoted, may make significant progress alone and without material help is past. This fact is most self-evident in our work.
~By Ernest Lawrence ~

It is correct that I overlooked the contamination of the party, not just now but also in the past.
~By Bela Kun ~

Very few fighters get the consideration of racehorses, which are put out to pasture to grow old with dignity and comfort when they haven't got it anymore.
~By Budd Schulberg ~

In America, the photographer is not simply the person who records the past, but the one who invents it.
~By Susan Sontag ~

One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.
~By Golda Meir ~

During the past two decades, inflation has fallen to a low level in major industrial countries.
~By Toshihiko Fukui ~

We all know, the ones who play golf, know what a wonderful game it is and what a great past-time it is.
~By Bernhard Langer ~

I have spent much of my adult life flinching with pain as I tried to pull out the threads that bound the shadows of my past to me.
~By Lorna Luft ~

Some years I'm the coolest thing that ever happened, and then the next year everyone's so over me, and I'm just so past my sell date.
~By Cher ~

Any creator owes a debt to past creation.
~By Lukas Foss ~

The conventional notions of art have changed, and a lot of things done today are considered works of art that would have been rejected in the past.
~By David Rockefeller ~

Speaks cheerful English and in the past has written this language with a paintbrush that talks.
~By Jimmy Breslin ~

The director's who want to be innovative use the DVD as a tool to see what people have done in the past and you have other people who will actually take from better directors and that makes them better directors.
~By Jerry Bruckheimer ~

Much of my high-jinx have been drug-related. When you're under 30, whatever, but once you're past 40 it's just ugly.
~By Courtney Love ~

I wanted to make connections between Whale's past and present.
~By Bill Condon ~

Each party steals so many articles of faith from the other, and the candidates spend so much time making each other's speeches, that by the time election day is past there is nothing much to do save turn the sitting rascals out and let a new gang in.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

We are all part of a tradition, at least we depend on the past.
~By Klaus Schulze ~

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

There was a lot of Southern Baptist preachers and some yelling ones but mostly we had a pastor who didn't scream and I found a lot of comfort and joy and peace as a child hearing the Bible.
~By Victoria Jackson ~

APL is a mistake, carried through to perfection. It is the language of the future for the programming techniques of the past: it creates a new generation of coding bums.
~By Edsger Dijkstra ~

You know when you're young you think you will always be. As you become more fragile, you reflect and you realize how much comfort can come from the past. Hymns can carry you into the future.
~By Andy Griffith ~

Fear of death has been the greatest ally of tyranny past and present.
~By Sidney Hook ~

All the sculptures of today, like those of the past, will end one day in pieces... So it is important to fashion ones work carefully in its smallest recess and charge every particle of matter with life.
~By Alberto Giacometti ~

It can be rebuilt if other countries with selfish interests will not meddle, as has been done in the past.
~By Bulent Ecevit ~

Never revisit the past, that's dangerous. You know, move on.
~By Robert Redford ~

But I've always believed that Christine Cagney shouldn't be played past a certain age.
~By Sharon Gless ~

The world we see that seems so insane is the result of a belief system that is not working. To perceive the world differently, we must be willing to change our belief system, let the past slip away, expand our sense of now, and dissolve the fear in our minds.
~By William James ~

Paradoxically, the people and state of Japan living on such moral props were not innocent but had been stained by their own past history of invading other Asian countries.
~By Kenzaburo Oe ~

Through all the relationship stuff I've gone through in the past few years, I know there are fundamental differences in how men and women view sex and how they view their futures.
~By Aaron Eckhart ~

Did you know that the word "tsunami," which is now being used worldwide, is a Japanese word? This is indicative of the extent to which Japan has been subject to frequent tsunami disasters in the past.
~By Junichiro Koizumi ~

When someone has a strong intuitive connection, Buddhism suggests that it's because of karma, some past connection.
~By Richard Gere ~

The current state of knowledge is a moment in history, changing just as rapidly as the state of knowledge in the past has ever changed and, in many instances, more rapidly.
~By Jean Piaget ~

Creation is all space, all time - all things past, present, and future.
~By Matthew Fox ~

We, who are the living, possess the past. Tomorrow is for our martyrs.
~By James L. Farmer, Jr. ~

Your successful past will block your visions of the future.
~By Joel A. Barker ~

Well, I think we still have to verify whatever declaration we will get and make sure that it is comprehensive and accurate. So, that would take care of the past activities.
~By Mohamed ElBaradei ~

The past several months I have been able to meet with people across this country. One thing is clear: America craves for real solutions to the problems we face. That's why I'm running for President of the United States.
~By Herman Cain ~

I say that I can't make anything up. I think of myself as a collage artist. I'm cutting and pasting memories of my life. And I say, I have to live a life in order to tell a life. I would prefer to tell it because telling you're always in control, you're like God.
~By Spalding Gray ~

The fact is that we as a party at the Republican National Committee registered 3.4 million new voters in the past two years and brought them into the political process. The president won by 3.5 million votes.
~By Ed Gillespie ~

We are always acting on what has just finished happening. It happened at least 1/30th of a second ago. We think we're in the present, but we aren't. The present we know is only a movie of the past.
~By Tom Wolfe ~

If we learn the art of yielding what must be yielded to the changing present, we can save the best of the past.
~By Dean Acheson ~

A novelist is, like all mortals, more fully at home on the surface of the present than in the ooze of the past.
~By Vladimir Nabokov ~

I firmly believe that you live and learn, and if you don't learn from past mistakes, then you need to be drug out and shot.
~By R. Lee Ermey ~

Every journey into the past is complicated by delusions, false memories, false namings of real events.
~By Adrienne Rich ~

Everybody past a certain age, regardless of how they look on the outside, pretty much constantly dreams of being able to escape from their lives.
~By Doug Coupland ~

But in the past, US companies have been able to increase their profits through downsizing in the US, through colonizing other people's resources, and through the increase of globalization.
~By David Korten ~

The idea is that there is a kind of memory in nature. Each kind of thing has a collective memory. So, take a squirrel living in New York now. That squirrel is being influenced by all past squirrels.
~By Rupert Sheldrake ~

I have spent the past ten years in just about every war zone there was.
~By Christiane Amanpour ~

I had said to some pastor that I was having thoughts, and the church turned on me. They went to my mom and said, So sorry about your son.
~By Jai Rodriguez ~

Golf appeals to the idiot in us and the child. Just how childlike golf players become is proven by their frequent inability to count past five.
~By John Updike ~

Whatever I do, I attempt to do it fully. I try, and don't always succeed, to be thorough. There are musicians who do not know their worth, and if they knew it at one time, it has eluded them. I know my worth. You try not to dwell in the past.
~By Bill Dixon ~

I don't linger on the fact that Dawn Fraser was a great swimmer 40 years ago. That was in the past. I did break 41 world records, but I don't live on that today.
~By Dawn Fraser ~

They spend their time looking forward to the past.
~By John Osborne ~

One faces the future with one's past.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

I made a big mistake with him the first day I shot. We're shooting the scene where I come back from the party, the dance, in the sleigh with Julie Christie and we turn the corner and go past the camera and the camera follows us just a little bit and we disappear.
~By Rod Steiger ~

One of the tragedies of modern times is that people have come to believe that something said by someone in the past, perhaps for illustrative or provocation purposes, actually represents that person's beliefs at the time.
~By Idries Shah ~

I love New York City. Everyone is busy with their own lives - and no one is interested in some Hollywood celebrity walking past in downtown Manhattan.
~By James Van Der Beek ~

The very purpose of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is to protect minority rights against majority voters. Every court decision that strikes down discriminatory legislation, including past Supreme Court decisions, affirming the fundamental rights to marry the person you love, overrules a majority decision.
~By David Boies ~

No, I think the future of humanity will be like the past, we'll do what we've always done and there will still be human beings. Granted, there will always be people doing something different and there are a lot of possibilities.
~By Octavia Butler ~

In a way, my past gives me a little credibility. Not that anybody cares what I did nineteen years ago, but I did have a career, and a legitimate one, before I met my husband.
~By Pia Zadora ~

Our greatest responsibility is not to be pencils of the past.
~By Robert A. M. Stern ~

Children have neither a past nor a future. Thus they enjoy the present, which seldom happens to us.
~By Jean de la Bruyere ~

Are we like late Rome, infatuated with past glories, ruled by a complacent, greedy elite, and hopelessly powerless to respond to changing conditions?
~By Camille Paglia ~

If the only new thing we have to offer is an improved version of the past, then today can only be inferior to yesterday. Hypnotized by images of the past, we risk losing all capacity for creative change.
~By Robert Hewison ~

What you don't want to do is to hang on to the aging superstar past his prime and take resources away you can otherwise use to build a better overall team.
~By Tom Hicks ~

I believe the future is only the past again, entered through another gate.
~By Arthur W. Pinero ~

There is a lack of critical assessment of the past. But you have to understand that the current ruling elite is actually the old ruling elite. So they are incapable of a self-critical approach to the past.
~By Ryszard Kapuscinski ~

I knew I could not cope with the future unless I was able to rediscover the past.
~By Gene Tierney ~

Life has brought me work to do on myself these past two years.
~By Isabelle Adjani ~

Our specious present as such is very short. We do, however, experience passing events; part of the process of the passage of events is directly there in our experience, including some of the past and some of the future.
~By George Herbert Mead ~

The more anger towards the past you carry in your heart, the less capable you are of loving in the present.
~By Barbara de Angelis ~

We saw hundreds of programs to redevelop the central city, the neighborhoods, in the past.
~By Jane Byrne ~

In reality, the past is preserved by itself automatically.
~By Henri Bergson ~

I never answer if someone knocks on my door and only the band and my manager have my phone number. In any case my phone doesn't ring so I never notice it. I occasionally just walk past and pick it up to see if anyone's there.
~By Robert Smith ~

Modern as the style of Pascal's writing is, his thought is deeply impregnated with the spirit of the Middle Ages. He belonged, almost equally, to the future and to the past.
~By Lytton Strachey ~

Have you noticed in your past experience that your kind interpretations were almost always truer than you harsh one?
~By Lawrence G. Lovasik ~

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July 27 ,2024
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