People Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About People

Read This: Mind Quotes And Sayings

I never wanted to become an actress because I'd read great literature or seen great Shakespeare. It was more just wanting to understand what the people were really like, why they said all the strange things they did.
~By Julie Walters ~

Every one says: 'Listen, I'd love to reinvest. I'd love to hire people. But I have no idea what this healthcare bill is going to do to my bottom line. I have no idea what this financial reform bill is going to do... I'm not going to step out a limb and do any of those until I know what this government is going to do to me.'
~By Kristi Noem ~

People who don't use the tools given to them only injure themselves.
~By Debra Wilson ~

If you have enough people sitting around telling you you're wonderful, then you start believing you're fabulous, then someone tells you you stink and you believe that too!
~By Angelina Jolie ~

I like the club. It looks nice with all the tables out. They were freaking out, the Gilly's people.
~By Kim Deal ~

I often think you bring unhappiness on yourself, because if you don't like yourself very much, you allow yourself to be influenced by people who reinforce that.
~By Lynn Johnston ~

We believe a renewed commitment to limited government will unshackle our economy and create millions of new jobs and opportunities for all people, of every background, to succeed and prosper. Under this approach, the spirit of initiative - not political clout - determines who succeeds.
~By Paul Ryan ~

Some people might say I need to learn how to relax.
~By Taryn Manning ~

And it's also producing a growth in debt to the United States that will weight very heavily in a country that has to address issues like having more old people to be covered by Social Security or by pension in the future.
~By Rodrigo Rato ~

The White House used to belong to the American people. At least that's what I learned from history books and from covering every president starting with John F. Kennedy.
~By Helen Thomas ~

Now, mark it. This may be strong language, but heed it. The people mean it, and, my friends of the Eastern Democracy, we bid farewell when you do that thing.
~By Richard Parks Bland ~

I was instructed by people in higher rank to stand there and hold this leash and look at the camera. We were doing what we were told.
~By Lynndie England ~

This empire, unlike any other in the history of the world, has been built primarily through economic manipulation, through cheating, through fraud, through seducing people into our way of life, through the economic hit men. I was very much a part of that.
~By John Perkins ~

There is a great satisfaction in building good tools for other people to use.
~By Freeman Dyson ~

Well, I have an interest in power. I have an interest in people who find themselves in the position to exercise absolute power.
~By Boyd Rice ~

I was not someone who participated in other people's castles.
~By Stephan Jenkins ~

Nothing is more repugnant to me than brotherly feelings grounded in the common baseness people see in one another.
~By Milan Kundera ~

At every party there are two kinds of people - those who want to go home and those who don't. The trouble is, they are usually married to each other.
~By Ann Landers ~

Many peoples' tombstones should read 'Died at 30, burried at 60.'
~By Nicholas M. Butler ~

The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do.
~By Joseph Stalin ~

I do love the films I've done in the past. I work hard in my movies and my friends work hard and we're trying to make people laugh and I'm very proud of that.
~By Adam Sandler ~

I do not subscribe to the doctrine that the people are the slaves and property of their government. I believe that government is for the use of the people, and not the people for the use of the government.
~By Gerrit Smith ~

I speak my mind. If it offends some people, well, there's not much I can do about that. But I'm going to be honest. I'm going to continue to speak my mind, and that's who I am.
~By Jesse Ventura ~

Religion is the masterpiece of the art of animal training, for it trains people as to how they shall think.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

And you have a record company behind it, this is a key too, you need people to fight for your records, at least a little bit. So if you have a great song, it's catchy, and you've got a little bit of help, I think that's all you need. But there hasn't been that in music.
~By Joan Jett ~

Don't matter what they throw at us. Only angry people win football games.
~By Darrell Royal ~

People feel like they know me from the work I have done, but it's not me.
~By Michael C. Hall ~

My lord, I will tell you what the case was. I was coming up within a league of the Dutchman, and some of my men were making a mutiny about taking her, and my gunner told the people he could put the captain in a way to take the ship, and be safe.
~By William Kidd ~

The unsaved people will be cast into utter darkness forever.
~By Tim LaHaye ~

The theatre was created to tell people the truth about life and the social situation.
~By Stella Adler ~

My belief is that no movie, nothing in life, leaves people neutral. You either leave them up or you leave them down.
~By David Puttnam ~

I'm manipulating the audience. I'm making sure people sympathize.
~By Melinda Clarke ~

I came up with American Splendor. Some people think it's American Squalor.
~By Harvey Pekar ~

But people ought to be proud to be Democrats right now. You know, we're a happy warrior party. And this Congress has every reason to be very, very proud of the heavy lifting that they have done.
~By Tim Kaine ~

People love talking about when they were young and heard Honky Tonk Women for the first time. It's quite a heavy load to carry on your shoulders, the memories of so many people.
~By Mick Jagger ~

I know that when Terry and I were together, 10 years ago, he did not appreciate it when people would ask him what it is like being partnered with a celebrity. Precisely because it suggested that he had no value.
~By Armistead Maupin ~

People recognize intellectual property the same way they recognize real estate. People understand what property is. But it's a new kind of property, and so the understanding uses new control surfaces. It uses a new way of defining the property.
~By Michael Nesmith ~

It's hard for bands to stick it out because people grow up, and it never really pays off. If you're looking for some sort of payoff, it's not gonna happen.
~By Thurston Moore ~

I left Motown because of the regime of people who were there.
~By Smokey Robinson ~

I don't want to appear hostile, like I'm hostile to L.A. or that I feel that the people don't appreciate jazz. I don't think it's that. I think it's something more. It's something a little bit more complicated than that.
~By Sonny Rollins ~

He doesn't make it so complicated but just really allows the lyric to come through even though there's a lot of production going on. I think that's the key and that's the magic, it's making sure that people could still connect with the lyrics while they're on the dance floor.
~By Deborah Cox ~

My audience is the baby-boomers, the bulk of the population. This is also a group that is being ignored by most record companies because they're not the Top 40 hit singles market. They forget these people still listen to music.
~By Helen Reddy ~

The three main sources of scepticism are first, that not every people desires freedom; second, that democracy in certain parts of the world would be dangerous; and third, that there is little the world's democracies can do to advance freedom outside their countries.
~By Natan Sharansky ~

In our excessive involvement in the affairs of other countries, we are not only living off our assets and denying our own people the proper enjoyment of their resources; we are also denying the world the example of a free society enjoying its freedom to the fullest.
~By J. William Fulbright ~

What's the challenge in writing a novel that few people will read? I'm more than happy writing what I do and have no plans to change that.
~By Nicholas Sparks ~

Americans admire a people who can scratch a desert and produce a garden. The Israelis have shown qualities that Americans identify with: guts, patriotism, idealism, a passion for freedom. I have seen it. I know. I believe that.
~By Richard M. Nixon ~

It's like first grade where you make all your mistakes and people see it and yet some people see that there's something there that's really valuable. That's the way it went for more than 2 years almost 3 years of playing.
~By Tom Verlaine ~

I was put off by people at school - my cabbage wasn't as good as other people's, you know, so that put me off.
~By Roger McGough ~

To me, watching a movie is like going to an amusement park. My worst fear is making a film that people don't think is a good ride.
~By Darren Aronofsky ~

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people.
~By Yakov Smirnoff ~

Among them, there were Muslims, Christians, and Jews living together. But then violent organizations came, bringing with them many large groups of people from various parts of the world to Palestine.
~By Hassan Nasrallah ~

Up until 35 I had a slightly skewed world view. I honestly believed everybody in the world wanted to make abstract paintings, and people only became lawyers and doctors and brokers and things because they couldn't make abstract paintings.
~By Frank Stella ~

When you're out of sight for as long as I was, there's a funny feeling of betrayal that comes over people when they see you again.
~By Esther Williams ~

I'm not comfortable being around too many people. I don't like being out in public too much. I don't like going to bars. I don't like doing celebrity stuff. So most of the characters I play are people who don't always feel comfortable beyond their small circle of friends.
~By Adam Sandler ~

People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong. Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?
~By Nhat Hanh ~

On the steps is a machine-gun ready for action. The square is empty; only the streets that lead into it are jammed with people. It would be madness to go farther - the machine-gun is covering the square.
~By Erich Maria Remarque ~

You can't have personal investors anymore because it's too expensive, so you have to have corporate investment or a lot of rich people.
~By Stephen Sondheim ~

When an American heiress wants to buy a man, she at once crosses the Atlantic. The only really materialistic people I have ever met have been Europeans.
~By Mary McCarthy ~

It's queer how ready people always are with advice in any real or imaginary emergency, and no matter how many times experience has shown them to be wrong, they continue to set forth their opinions, as if they had received them from the Almighty!
~By Anne Sullivan ~

I want a world without war, a world without insanity. I want to see people do well. I don't even think it's as much as what I want for myself. It's more what I want for the people around me. That's what I want.
~By Tom Cruise ~

Pretending to be other people is my game and that to me is the essence of the whole business of acting.
~By John Hurt ~

Men, who are rogues individually, are in the mass very honorable people.
~By Charles de Secondat ~

We have so many people retiring that we do not have enough people paying into the system to be able to provide the benefits for those collecting those benefits.
~By Chris Chocola ~

I think the industry is oblivious to the fact that most people listen to all kinds of stuff. I personally don't know of anyone who listens to only one genre of music. It's vanity because no one does.
~By Keith Urban ~

I'm from Brooklyn. I grew up very poor- seven people, four rooms. My dad had no education.
~By Peter Criss ~

The obvious types of American fascists are dealt with on the air and in the press. These demagogues and stooges are fronts for others. Dangerous as these people may be, they are not so significant as thousands of other people who have never been mentioned.
~By Henry A. Wallace ~

To me, that means getting back to the point where our Constitution means that you don't tap people's phones and poke into their e-mail and you don't arrest people and keep them hidden for a year and a half without charging them.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

Remarkable is the greater openness of the Catholic Church towards people of other religious traditions and persuasions. The development has not been without problems, since some people have resisted it and others have pushed openness beyond the desirable point.
~By Francis Arinze ~

You have to study your field and you have to find out how other people do it, and you have to keep working and learning and practicing and ultimately, you would be able to do it.
~By Theodore Sturgeon ~

If a film doesn't play, people aren't going to be that nice.
~By John Turturro ~

We have made people in the industry and the people that see us aware that God loves them.
~By Della Reese ~

People who abhor solitude may abhor company almost as much.
~By Mason Cooley ~

So people think I'm lying about my age all the time? It's the records that are wrong. I've never told anyone how old I am. The minute they ask me, I say 'That's none of your business.' So that means I've never once lied about my age. Now that's true!
~By Calista Flockhart ~

I've met Nicole Kidman, Elton John, loads of people.
~By Allan Carr ~

It is a weird feeling to have people go, "Hey Chris" like they know me. But, number one, 99 percent of my experiences have been really cool. People couldn't be nicer and more positive.
~By Christopher Meloni ~

I like to create the music I hear in my interior. As a conductor, you have the ability to squeeze the sounds and interpretation you asked for from 50 to 80 people.
~By Eberhard Weber ~

We're taught to take care of people we love, but sometimes you can't.
~By Mariel Hemingway ~

But for the children of the poorest people we're stripping the curriculum, removing the arts and music, and drilling the children into useful labor. We're not valuing a child for the time in which she actually is a child.
~By Jonathan Kozol ~

It's just that some people are lucky and people still seem to enjoy the music.
~By Johnny Mathis ~

I went into the business for the money, and the art grew out of it. If people are disillusioned by that remark, I can't help it. It's the truth.
~By Charlie Chaplin ~

We collaborate together. We work with other people. We work by ourselves.
~By John Oates ~

We had four years of world war which the peoples endured only because they were told that their sufferings would free humanity forever from the scourge of war.
~By Arthur Henderson ~

I think it takes people to get to know you and the recognition comes over time.
~By Steffi Graf ~

When you do a movie in the studio system, there's a committee. A committee of six or seven people you answer to. There's two or three producers, a studio executive and one or two people above that studio executive.
~By Thomas Lennon ~

It really comes down to the fact that, because I was perceived as a bad guy for leaving the show, I think people were rooting against the movies. That was really unfortunate.
~By David Caruso ~

I think and hope there are far more people aware of the need to look after our future.
~By Robin Day ~

Obviously there are times with acting when exactly what is required is just going through the motions, and when doing nothing is the best thing. But at other times, you have to make that leap beyond the immediate environment of people putting up lights on the set.
~By Christian Bale ~

I work for the public, for the people who are paying to go to the cinema, rather than for the critics.
~By Kevin Costner ~

I don't think success arrives and you're suddenly happy. It's not like that. If people think that they'll be very disappointed.
~By Michael Hutchence ~

All Americans and freedom-loving people around the world owe President Reagan our deepest gratitude for his strong, principled leadership that ended the Cold War and brought freedom to millions of people.
~By Jim Ramstad ~

We have our own history, our own language, our own culture. But our destiny is also tied up with the destinies of other people - history has made us all South Africans.
~By Mangosuthu Buthelezi ~

If the courts are making the decisions, it matters who the judge is and, of course, people are concerned with what is the bottom line.
~By John Harrison ~

I don't think that people should wear dresses two sizes too small. I just think that sexiness is better left to the imagination. It's just more tasteful.
~By Rachel Zoe ~

Americans want grungy people, stabbing themselves in the head on stage. They get a bright bunch like us, with deodorant on, they don't get it.
~By Liam Gallagher ~

People in Hollywood don't have that much sex, or at least I don't.
~By Rosario Dawson ~

I'm not at all fed up with British films, but I am fed up with playing upper-class people.
~By Kristin Scott Thomas ~

I don't have any formula for ousting a dictator or building democracy. All I can suggest is to forget about yourself and just think of your people. It's always the people who make things happen.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

Where I come from, a lot of people didn't have money, but they didn't have gangs or drugs either.
~By Kristin Davis ~

A people that wants to be free must arm itself with a free press.
~By George Seldes ~

People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding.
~By Van Wyck Brooks ~

Read This: Nobility Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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