Personal Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Personal

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To this end the greatest asset of a school is the personality of the teacher.
~By John Strachan ~

People with insufficient personalities are fond of cats. These people adore being ignored.
~By Henry Morgan ~

When I first met my agent, I said, If something comes up and it fits my age range and personality, I would like you to send me up for it, even if it specifies blonde or brunette.
~By Tia Carrere ~

Books were my pass to personal freedom. I learned to read at age three, and soon discovered there was a whole world to conquer that went beyond our farm in Mississippi.
~By Oprah Winfrey ~

It's always been my personal feeling that unless you are married, there is something that is not very dignified about talking about who you are dating.
~By Luke Wilson ~

Among those who are satisfactory in this respect it is desirable to have represented as great a diversity of intellectual tradition, social milieu and personal character as possible.
~By Talcott Parsons ~

My personal philosophy is I'm running a 100-yard dash, and I haven't reached the end.
~By Bill Kurtis ~

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
~By Jim Rohn ~

Well it kind of is project to project because as a writer I think you always write to some degree about things that you know or things that happened - but my favourite filmmakers, my favourite movies of theirs tend to be the personal movies.
~By Cameron Crowe ~

It can feel like an invasion of privacy, involving an employer in a personal matter.
~By Frank Murphy ~

Personality is only ripe when a man has made the truth his own.
~By Soren Kierkegaard ~

My personal belief is that you carry your own water in a relationship. If you see a girl and you think she's hot, that's a very human reaction, but you don't go and tell your spouse that, you know? So in one way it's how you behave.
~By Mark Ruffalo ~

I remember the day tDr. King died. I wasn't angry at the beginning. It was like something very personal in my life had been touched and finished.
~By Lena Horne ~

Positive feelings come from being honest about yourself and accepting your personality, and physical characteristics, warts and all; and, from belonging to a family that accepts you without question.
~By Willard Scott ~

I would say that American poetry has always been a poetry of personal testimony.
~By Mark Strand ~

The personal right to acquire property, which is a natural right, gives to property, when acquired, a right to protection, as a social right.
~By James Madison ~

Drawing on President Bush's reform plan, which would allow citizens to transfer part of their Social Security contributions into personal accounts, an alteration of the current system is needed to make necessary change.
~By James A. Leach ~

And yet because of my attempt at sincerity I have been condemned, hooted at, reviled; filthy rumors have been circulated about me, not about my characterizations but about me personally, my private self.
~By Erich von Stroheim ~

Power is not of a man. Wealth does not center in the person of the wealthy. Celebrity is not inherent in any personality. To be celebrated, to be wealthy, to have power requires access to major institutions.
~By C. Wright Mills ~

Everyone needs a warm personal enemy or two to keep him free from rust in the movable parts of his mind.
~By Gene Fowler ~

A particular shot or way of moving the ball can be a player's personal signature, but efficiency of performance is what wins the game for the team.
~By Pat Riley ~

Well if you were asking my personal opinion on that I think the answer can only be yes but it was missed. Much as I know I'm responsible for a lot of things, I can't wear any responsibility for that.
~By John Anderson ~

An artist is a man of action, whether he creates a personality, invents an expedient, or finds the issue of a complicated situation.
~By Joseph Conrad ~

I'm very happy with the way I look. I wake up some morning, catch myself in the bathroom mirror, and go, 'hey girl, you're alright'. But on the other hand, I find the website stuff, and the polls, something completely removed from my own personal life. You can't take anything like that too seriously, otherwise you'd end up in the loony bin.
~By Cameron Diaz ~

For me, I can only do that from my own experience with people I've known and things that I've lived and experienced. That's what good pop music is all about, pop music that does reach out to people. It's very personalized and very real, honest and sincere.
~By Jon Secada ~

My career decisions have nothing to do with my personal life.
~By Justin Timberlake ~

We'd like to think that our music will always be bigger than any one of our individual personalities.
~By Chester Bennington ~

Better than anything else in our culture, it enables fathers and sons to speak on a level playing field while building up from within a personal history of shared experience - a group history - that may be tapped into at will in years to come.
~By John Thorn ~

American poetry, like American painting, is always personal with an emphasis on the individuality of the poet.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

A hit for me is if I enjoy the movie, if I personally enjoy the movie.
~By Ridley Scott ~

Of course it's difficult to turn anything down when Mike Nichols calls you personally.
~By Andrea Martin ~

I don't like traditions, I am very personal, very independent, I don't like intimate ladies, I mean in German lieder there's a lot of copy, a lot of imitation, a lot of tradition, and this I have put it aside.
~By Victoria de los Angeles ~

Much is written about the Batman because he is publicly exposed in print. Very little is known personally about his creator, because I haven't given out that many interviews.
~By Bob Kane ~

People care about my personal life. But really I'm dorky! I drink beer and go to football games. And ya know, sit in my house in a t-shirt on the weekends and play with my dog!
~By Sophia Bush ~

A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
~By John Stuart Mill ~

My significant other right now is myself, which is what happens when you suffer from multiple personality disorder and self-obsession.
~By Joaquin Phoenix ~

006 was such an interesting character and the film really explored his friendship with Bond and how it all went wrong, so it was a very personal journey for both characters.
~By Sean Bean ~

The loneliness you get by the sea is personal and alive. It doesn't subdue you and make you feel abject. It's stimulating loneliness.
~By Anne Morrow Lindbergh ~

No, I feel like my personality probably influenced the character, more than the character influenced me.
~By Sara Gilbert ~

While people out there on the spot certainly have to be held accountable for what they've done personally, the chain of command responsibility for this strikes me as just as important and should be dealt with.
~By William Odom ~

Nobody's irreplaceable, including me. I think for too long we've had a cult of personality in this company and in this industry, and frankly, I'd like to see that diminish.
~By Bill Ford ~

I have to choose songs that represent my personality.
~By Peabo Bryson ~

Cute is when your personality shines through your looks. Like, when you see someone's personality in the way they walk and you just feel like hugging them every time you see them.
~By Natalie Portman ~

I think the only boundaries are individual and personal. A writer should be free to write about anything he or she wants to, including the twin towers. I have made small references to 9/11 in my past two books.
~By Michael Connelly ~

The price I have personally paid for these extra Sisyphean years has been prohibitive.
~By Caryl Chessman ~

If I wasn't bound to Brooklyn, due to my own personal reasons like taking care of my mother and the fact that this is where the band is based, I would probably move to Iceland.
~By Peter Steele ~

Personally, in my home, the district in central New York, the Air National Guard base, not 5 years ago, the commandant came through and said, This is one of the sorriest looking bases I have ever seen.
~By Jim Walsh ~

Even on a personal note, my dressing table downstairs is crowded with things, like a mini landscape. It's a city with buildings and towers and roads. There's a pool and a little park. When I move something around it becomes a different tableau.
~By Tony Curtis ~

I would like to state that my personal opinions are that the people of every country should decide by themselves what kind of government they want.
~By Julius Rosenberg ~

More personal films, you could make them, but your budgets would be cut down.
~By Martin Scorsese ~

An album is such a personal thing. It's something I always wanted to do. It's me doing me, singing as me.
~By Danny Aiello ~

Nixon was kind of a loner, he had a cold personality.
~By Earl Butz ~

I know that sounds selfish, but you have to look at what it's doing to you personally - are you frustrated because of the way people perceive you, or are you happy enough about the things you've realized about yourself that you can tolerate the way people perceive you?
~By Shannon Hoon ~

When I follow the finals of the European Cups, I look at all the aspects surrounding protocol, to get some ideas. I am interested in personalities, sponsors and the stands. But as soon as the whistle goes, it's all on the pitch.
~By Michel Patini ~

Acting is the most personal of our crafts. The make-up of a human being - his physical, mental and emotional habits - influence his acting to a much greater extent than commonly recognized.
~By Lee Strasberg ~

Of private differences personal to himself, my brother had none.
~By John Sergeant Wise ~

The memory, experiencing and re-experiencing, has such power over one's mere personal life, that one has merely lived.
~By Rebecca West ~

A quiet personality sure isn't what you need to attract attention.
~By Bill Budge ~

At our college we were taught a universal approach to find out about a person: what problems the person has, what difficulties, what personal tendencies and likings.
~By Markus Wolf ~

I sometimes lie, especially about personal things, because what does it matter? I am a kind of minute commodity, my name is no longer my own.
~By River Phoenix ~

The people I chose to work with me on this album are there because I have a personal relationship with them.
~By Angie Martinez ~

Just as we have had great working lives, we have also had good personal lives. For instance, we have made school our number one priority. We have been in school our entire lives with kids our own age. We guess that's pretty regular.
~By Mary-Kate Olsen ~

Think of success as a game of chance in which you have control over the odds. As you begin to master concepts in personal achievement, you are increasing your odds of achieving success.
~By Bo Bennett ~

The process of composition, messing around with paragraphs and trying to make really good prose, is hardwired into my personality.
~By Rick Moody ~

I never go to funerals. To me a person is dead when he breathes for the last time. After that, your memories should be personal.
~By Hedy Lamarr ~

The fact that I have such a problem that people... that that has to, you know, be on people's mind, what my personal background is. To me, to be very frank with you, is a totally irrelevant thing.
~By Werner Klemperer ~

I am not going to talk about my personal life anymore. You have to learn that lesson sometime.
~By Mandy Moore ~

Before the boat docked, however, he confessed because he was contemplating running for president, he couldn't separate from his wife. I believed him when he told me he faced a difficult choice between pursuing personal happiness and his political destiny.
~By Donna Rice ~

I love Jay personally and as an artist; I think he's incredible.
~By Angie Martinez ~

But you don't get into a business because of personal tastes.
~By Peter Munk ~

I like that totally mixed up kind of eclectic group of personal props and bits of costume and I think the fun of doing that is where I was very lucky with Doctor Who.
~By Lalla Ward ~

My personal philosophy of life is one of ethics.
~By Alva Myrdal ~

On the one hand, life is made infinitely easy for the personality in that stimulations, interests, uses of time and consciousness are offered to it from all sides. They carry the person as if in a stream, and one needs hardly to swim for oneself.
~By Georg Simmel ~

People will always need love, romance, a tender touch, and really personal and deeply felt music.
~By Susannah McCorkle ~

Parrots make great pets. They have more personality than goldfish.
~By Chevy Chase ~

The Nobel Prize is given as a personal award but it also honors the field of research in which I have worked and it also honors my students and colleagues.
~By Robert Hofstadter ~

I want to be an actress, not a personality.
~By Jill Clayburgh ~

I'm glad I have an outlet. I don't think I would put my aggression elsewhere, but working on the projects I have worked on, you tend to benefit personally from trying to wrap your head around the way other people look at the world.
~By Ryan Gosling ~

Devout believers are safeguarded in a high degree against the risk of certain neurotic illnesses; their acceptance of the universal neurosis spares them the task of constructing a personal one.
~By Anatole France ~

I would not be opposed to devising a new system of pensions, in which one part was based on collective provision, but which also gave incentives for people to take out an additional, personal plan.
~By Jacques Delors ~

As for ABC you can't take it personally. We had three good years.
~By Sela Ward ~

Forget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and you especially have to be hurt like hell before you can write seriously. But when you get the damned hurt, use it-don't cheat with it.
~By Ernest Hemingway ~

To this congress the poet speaks not of peculiar and personal things, but of what in himself is most common, most anonymous, most fundamental, most true of all men.
~By Richard Wilbur ~

They are very personal, emotional songs - people react to them very strongly.
~By Sarah McLachlan ~

I had not got over the prejudice against Lincoln with which my personal contact with him in 1858 imbued me.
~By Henry Villard ~

But there's still an avenue for smaller comics and personal expression.
~By Bill Sienkiewicz ~

Whenever he saw a dollar in another man's hands he took it as a personal grudge, if he couldn't take it any other way.
~By O. Henry ~

This show has been a major revitalization of my family life and personal life. It gave my family an avenue to speak to me honestly.
~By Willie Aames ~

Personality is immediately apparent, from birth, and I don't think it really changes.
~By Meryl Streep ~

Style is a reflection of your attitude and your personality.
~By Shawn Ashmore ~

I am a private person and that has always been my personality.
~By Grete Waitz ~

I am very averse to bringing myself forward in print, but as my account will only appear as an appendage to a former production, and as it will be confined to such topics as have connection with my authorship alone, I can hardly accuse myself of a personal intrusion.
~By Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley ~

Moral justification is a powerful disengagement mechanism. Destructive conduct is made personally and socially acceptable by portraying it in the service of moral ends. This is why most appeals against violent means usually fall on deaf ears.
~By Albert Bandura ~

I have personally seen statements that were longer than some books I have read.
~By Wendell H. Ford ~

The puppet characters were combinations of people I had known and to some degree aspects of my own personality. Weird was based on someone I knew in Chicago. Dirty Dragon was based on a good friend I had in Indianapolis.
~By William Jackson ~

Although the evidence at this trial shows that Charles Manson was the leader of the conspiracy to commit these murders, there is no evidence that he actually personally killed any of the seven victims in this case.
~By Vincent Bugliosi ~

I think it's really important to design things with a kind of personality.
~By Marc Newson ~

Freedom comes only to those who no longer ask of life that it shall yield them any of those personal goods that are subject to the mutations of time.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

America is not just a democracy, it represents a certain culture of competitive mobility and personality aspirations, politics is not merely a clash of interests, but a clash of dreams.
~By David Brooks ~

The music is a personal expression, like art. It is something that you like doing that comes from within, and is an expression that comes from God. That is why artists are beautiful and why people who copy are not really artistic.
~By Michael Schenker ~

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July 27 ,2024
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