Planning Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Planning

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There is no planning. On the night it is really great, it's euphoria and if it is not so great there is always tomorrow night. That was his attitude.
~By Ed McMahon ~

We've certainly learned a lot of lessons from Katrina, from Rita. Rita was better than Katrina. We're doing a better job planning. We're closer - more closely aligned with the Department of Defense. These things would be positive things if we were to have another attack.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

My personal view is that such total planning by the state is an absolute good and not simply a relative good... I do not myself think of the attitude I take as deriving from Marx - though this undoubtedly will be suggested - but from Fichte and Hegel.
~By John Grierson ~

Failing to plan is planning to fail.
~By Alan Lakein ~

I wish I knew what was next. I got this movie without planning to. I'm really excited to be continuing in film because it's a great job but I have my portfolio and resume for any other opportunity.
~By Colleen Haskell ~

Why do I need succession planning? I'm very alert, I'm very vibrant. I have no intention to retire.
~By Sheldon Adelson ~

But as soon as we got that higher speed access to the home there?s going to be a tremendous crunch on the backbones for a much higher speed bandwidth. People really ought to be planning for that.
~By Jon Postel ~

Now, a lot of what we are doing right now, quite frankly, is because of what happened on Christmas. Many of the things were kind of in the works. We were already planning, for example, the purchase and deployment of advanced imaging technology. You call them body scanners. We call them AITs (Advanced Imaging Technologies).
~By Janet Napolitano ~

As a planning board commissioner, I have to review the applications for development throughout the city, and the bulk of those applications have been for the waterfront. I think the progress the waterfront has made is amazing.
~By Vincent Frank ~

It's true that I have spoken about doing a book before, but then everyone you speak to is planning to write a book.
~By Dylan Moran ~

Our community is like many around the country that have, as the gentleman from New York referenced, sophisticated planning and zoning regulations. These are elements that are developed as a result of local community pressure to balance interests.
~By Earl Blumenauer ~

What we set out to do was to ensure that this system of fair shares and the planning and controls continued after the war, and when we won, that's what we did.
~By Barbara Castle ~

I was planning to go into architecture. But when I arrived, architecture was filled up. Acting was right next to it, so I signed up for acting instead.
~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

Planning to play: that's what saving for retirement is today - and it is antithetical to the nature of play, fully within the definition of work, and blissfully ignorant of the reality of death.
~By John Thorn ~

There was a man who was an associate of jimmy Hoffa, who testified against Hoffa in his trial down in Tennessee. We had information from him that he and Hoffa did, in fact, discuss the planning of an assassination conspiracy against Bobby Kennedy.
~By Louis Stokes ~

We know we cannot underestimate the importance of emergency planning in our region, nor can we assume we'll have ample warning time. If an earthquake or terrorist attack hits, we won't necessarily have advance alerts or opportunities to double- and triple-check our plans.
~By Ellen Tauscher ~

For this reason, it is essential that our Nation's rural transportation professionals be provided with the necessary tools and support to promote and showcase the value, benefits, and accomplishments of rural transportation planning and development.
~By Kit Bond ~

Temporary teams of trusted people are generally sent to all Departments and to major agencies of government to assist in planning and to acquaint the incoming administration with the civil servants and bureaucracy that will remain in place in the new Administration.
~By Richard V. Allen ~

We wanted to solve robot problems and needed some vision, action, reasoning, planning, and so forth. We even used some structural learning, such as was being explored by Patrick Winston.
~By Marvin Minsky ~

I was planning, I told everybody, to take him on the road with me. At the very least I fully expected to keep up my hectic pace, and my passion as a war correspondent.
~By Christiane Amanpour ~

Jimmy Carter began his planning in the early summer of 1976, Ronald Reagan a year prior. The Clinton Administration, elected in 1992, lingered in naming its team, and as a result, took almost a year to staff its ranks.
~By Richard V. Allen ~

I was planning to remain an amateur for a while.
~By Tracy Austin ~

I loved planning 'The Tyra Show' more than actually having to do it. I loved coming up with show ideas, honing each program and crafting it. I'm more excited being in a meeting than being on TV.
~By Tyra Banks ~

Success is blocked by concentrating on it and planning for it... Success is shy - it won't come out while you're watching.
~By Tennessee Williams ~

We're planning on being married for a long, long time.
~By Nick Lachey ~

You cannot have maternal health without reproductive health. And reproductive health includes contraception and family planning and access to legal, safe abortion.
~By Hillary Clinton ~

It's been a strange day - a day when I thought I was on top of the world, planning my life. I planned all of my courses for the rest of the semester at Smith, and talked to my advisor about honoring in History.
~By Julie Nixon Eisenhower ~

Prior to the PATRIOT Act, the ability of government agencies to share information with each other was limited, which kept investigators from fully understanding what terrorists might be planning and to prevent their attacks.
~By Chris Chocola ~

There's a bit of debate about that; some say it was really Matthew, but the popular consensus is that Mark was the first one, so that's why I did that one first. And I was planning on doing all four.
~By Chester Brown ~

We must have more union members in this country to fight the political and business forces that are undermining workers in this country. The AFL-CIO has chosen the opposite approach by planning to throw even more money at politicians.
~By James P. Hoffa ~

We are busy planning the launch of the channel. I am busy planning all kinds of events that go on the channel without me. I have started producing a sound for the channel.
~By Howard Stern ~

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.
~By Paul J. Meyer ~

But the delights of solitude don't only consist of dreaming. Next in enjoyment, I think, comes planning.
~By Anna Neagle ~

If anything is certain, it is that change is certain. The world we are planning for today will not exist in this form tomorrow.
~By Phil Crosby ~

When I was planning Family Viewing, the Ontario Film Development Corporation came into existence.
~By Atom Egoyan ~

I did six years of planning to win the championship from Jack Dempsey.
~By Gene Tunney ~

Adventure is just bad planning.
~By Roald Amundsen ~

The current stage does not allow the entrance of everyone into a military conflict, however everyone must be ready for the day in which it might take place, as the Zionist enemy is planning to attack our people and to control our land once again.
~By Ahmed Yassin ~

Any sensible family has a budget that lays out how much will be spent for household and other purposes. Without such planning, things would quickly go awry.
~By Walter Ulbricht ~

Well, you give me too much credit for foresight and planning. I haven't got a clue what the hell I'm doing.
~By Robert B. Parker ~

Well, I'm not excusing the fact that planning and preparedness was not where it should be. We've known for 20 years about this hurricane, this possibility of this kind of hurricane.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

Our struggle is to identify the sources of revenue and the means to obtain the funds.Without funds, all the planning and research studies can't help us.
~By John Breaux ~

Clearly the Secretary of Defense, my boss, would like nothing better than to get Osama bin Laden and to get... to ensure the complete defeat of al-Qaida, because we know that al-Qaida is planning operations against the United States even as we speak here.
~By John Abizaid ~

One item on my agenda is simply planning trips, setting them as goals, something to look forward to.
~By Paul Parker ~

Beware of the man who will not engage in idle conversation; he is planning to steal your walking stick or water your stock.
~By William Emerson ~

In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

I've always done food that can work in a set time frame. The message I'm trying to get across is, it doesn't have to take three days to do this. With planning, you can do a lot and really have quality food every day.
~By Emeril Lagasse ~

I was planning to be a baseball player until I ran into something called a curveball. And that set me back.
~By Ben Chandler ~

They called themselves an army. They were planning on recruiting more armies. They were planning on splitting up and forming smaller cells and going into different areas, recruiting more members and just growing until they had started a full scale war in this country.
~By Patty Hearst ~

Meekness: Uncommon patience in planning a revenge that is worth while.
~By Ambrose Bierce ~

Men often oppose a thing merely because they have had no agency in planning it, or because it may have been planned by those whom they dislike.
~By Alexander Hamilton ~

I got into law school to supplement my business background. I'm not planning to practice law.
~By Shannon Miller ~

And I think that still is true of this business - which is basically research and development - that you probably spend more time in planning and training and designing for things to go wrong, and how you cope with them, than you do for things to go right.
~By Alan Shepard ~

A lot of films need planning in order to survive at all. It's part of the dog and pony show.
~By John Turturro ~

And it seems to me correct then, and I think it's correct now, that job one is get the planning done, make sure the buses are there. When that's done, it's completely appropriate to go around and tour around and look at the damage.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

It is a process of finding the right music then planning a costume to fit that style of music.
~By Nancy Kerrigan ~

Never look back unless you are planning to go that way.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

The agreement to place the binational planning group at our new Northern Command was also signed in December.
~By Paul Cellucci ~

For many years, I have lived uncomfortably with the belief that most planning and architectural design suffers for lack of real and basic purpose. The ultimate purpose, it seems to me, must be the improvement of mankind.
~By James Rouse ~

My view... would be that we are entering upon a new and interim society which is neither capitalist nor socialist, but in which we can achieve central planning without loss of individual initiative, by the mere process of absorbing initiative in the function of planning.
~By John Grierson ~

Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.
~By Winston Churchill ~

Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now.
~By Alan Lakein ~

The West German population would protest passionately if it knew what secret meetings between the federal chancellor, McCoy, and foreign and Nazi generals are planning.
~By Walter Ulbricht ~

Plans are nothing; planning is everything.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

Think ahead. Don't let day-to-day operations drive out planning.
~By Donald Rumsfeld ~

Planning ahead is a measure of class. The rich and even the middle class plan for future generations, but the poor can plan ahead only a few weeks or days.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

I was critical of the Israeli government, however, for not being prepared for the move. One does not uproot thousands of people without planning in advance what will be done with them. This was a political and human error in which the government functioned poorly.
~By Norman Lamm ~

If there were a major earthquake in Los Angeles, with bridges and highways and railroads and airports all shut down and huge buildings collapsing, I don't care how much planning you do, the first 72 hours is going to be chaotic.
~By Warren Rudman ~

To talk about planning an economic system is to talk in old terms, and I find myself sometimes having to teach Westers about what the market really means.
~By Vaclav Klaus ~

I had to start being aware of what I ate, what I'm planning to eat and take my twice-daily medication accordingly. That's not so difficult now, but when you're 10 years old, it's tough, let me tell you.
~By Dana Hill ~

At the University of Maryland, my first year I started off planning to major in art because I was interested in theatre design, stage design or television design.
~By Jim Henson ~

Half of all women who are sexually active, but do not want to get pregnant, need publicly funded services to help them access public health programs like Medicaid and Title X, the national family planning program.
~By Louise Slaughter ~

When I appointed the Minister of the Environment to major cabinet status, the Planning and Priorities committee, the signals that that sent through Ottawa were major, because that's what the bureaucracy understands.
~By Brian Mulroney ~

Thinking well to be wise: planning well, wiser: doing well wisest and best of all.
~By Malcolm Forbes ~

Without leaps of imagination, or dreaming, we lose the excitement of possibilities. Dreaming, after all, is a form of planning.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

I went into this job to do plays, but that's here for 10 weeks, and the rest of the year I do a lot of other things-the administrative work of planning, reading plays.
~By Michael Ritchie ~

I'm planning a different show, though for obvious reasons some of the material will be the same, and of course I will perform material from the new CD.
~By George Duke ~

Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing.
~By Thomas A. Edison ~

New rumors that Saddam Hussein is planning to flee to a castle in Libya with 10 billion dollars. Now President Bush doesn't know whether to nuke him or give him a tax cut.
~By Craig Kilborn ~

I am not afraid of much. I kill all the spiders in my house, and I'm planning to go skydiving. I am into girl power, and I'm very self-sufficient.
~By Elizabeth Banks ~

Our enemy is motivated by hatred and will not stop planning more plots against until they are ultimately defeated. Today was an important and necessary victory in the war, but there is a long road ahead. We must remain committed if we are to succeed and protect our liberty.
~By Timothy Murphy ~

Under capitalism each individual engages in economic planning.
~By George Reisman ~

I think we have the same goals in mind. We are not planning on just all of a sudden taking a film and separating. Hopefully one day she can direct me in something, or I will direct her. Or we'll produce a movie under our company's name.
~By Mary-Kate Olsen ~

The intellectual force of the West is still dominant, but other cultures are getting stronger. I expect that we will develop a new way of thinking in architecture and urban planning, and that less will be based on our models.
~By Rem Koolhaas ~

Planning to write is not writing. Outlining, researching, talking to people about what you're doing, none of that is writing. Writing is writing.
~By E. L. Doctorow ~

It's just really hard to work and get better, building and planning for the future with the new Monte Carlo and keeping the race team intact and keeping them healthy.
~By Dale Earnhardt ~

During last night's debate, John Kerry and John Edwards were so friendly to each other some political experts think that they may end up running together. In fact Kerry and Edwards were so friendly, President Bush accused them of planning a gay marriage.
~By Conan O'Brien ~

The director is planning on titling the film 'Yummy Fur' so we are probably planning on changing the title of the book to 'Yummy Fur' to match the film.
~By Chester Brown ~

We've always had a love for other places outside the US. I would be right with him. Now that Michael's been vindicated, we all have to be careful... you never know what someone's plotting and planning.
~By Jermaine Jackson ~

The Menzies Government, by its participation in the plans for the development of other nations, can see the virtue of planning for them but apparently cannot see the virtue of a plan for Australia.
~By Lionel K. Murphy ~

Meticulous planning will enable everything a man does to appear spontaneous.
~By Mark Caine ~

By creating a Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District, we will give local governments a framework for working together on an issue that affects our whole state.
~By Roy Barnes ~

Able Danger was a top-secret military planning operation, established in '99 by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to identify cells of al-Qaida worldwide and to take out al Qaida terrorists. They identified five cells worldwide, one of them in Brooklyn.
~By Curt Weldon ~

My assignment was exclusively in the research field, and my first published paper, On the Optimal Use of Winds for Flight Planning, was the outgrowth of that work.
~By Kenneth Joseph Arrow ~

The reason that everybody likes planning is that nobody has to do anything.
~By Jerry Brown ~

But actually, I'm planning on moving to New York this year and I can tell you one reason why I think New York is incredible: I think things happen to you that you don't expect have happen to you.
~By Jason Schwartzman ~

There's some new evidence that has just come out about the CIA planning terrorist attacks on U.S. soil in the '60s and how they were going to set up Castro for it in order to get America behind a war in Cuba.
~By Aaron McGruder ~

Even military ministers have no more than a certain amount of control. It is customary that they have the right and the power to participate, from a political and military point of view, in the planning of actual operations.
~By Hideki Tojo ~

This most dangerous enemy is the American counterpart of the British Fabian Socialist, who denies that he is a Socialist and operates behind a mask which he calls National Planning.
~By John T. Flynn ~

Strategic planning is worthless - unless there is first a strategic vision.
~By John Naisbitt ~

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July 27 ,2024
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