When from our better selves we have too long been parted by the hurrying world, and droop. Sick of its business, of its pleasures tired, how gracious, how benign in solitude. ~By William Wordsworth ~
The choicest pleasures of life lie within the ring of moderation. ~By Benjamin Disraeli ~
Luxury is an enticing pleasure, a bastard mirth, which hath honey in her mouth, gall in her heart, and a sting in her tail. ~By Francis Quarles ~
I believe scientists have a duty to share the excitement and pleasure of their work with the general public, and I enjoy the challenge of presenting difficult ideas in an understandable way. ~By Antony Hewish ~
The goal towards which the pleasure principle impels us - of becoming happy - is not attainable: yet we may not - nay, cannot - give up the efforts to come nearer to realization of it by some means or other. ~By Sigmund Freud ~
To go back and read Swift and Defoe and Samuel Johnson and Smollett and Pope - all those people we had to read in college English courses - to read them now is to have one of the infinite pleasures in life. ~By David McCullough ~
Sinful and forbidden pleasures are like poisoned bread; they may satisfy appetite for the moment, but there is death in them at the end. ~By Tryon Edwards ~
I love the feel of hitting the ball hard, the pleasure of a rally. It is these things that make tennis the delightful game that it is. ~By Helen Wills Moody ~
There is a pleasure in being mad which none but madmen know. ~By John Dryden ~
I was always a great bundle of energy. As a child, instead of walking, I would run. And so running, which is a pain to a lot of people, was always a pleasure to me because it was so easy. ~By Roger Bannister ~
It is not known precisely where angels dwell whether in the air, the void, or the planets. It has not been God's pleasure that we should be informed of their abode. ~By Voltaire ~
There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more. ~By George Byron ~
Novelty is the great parent of pleasure. ~By Robert South ~
The greatest pleasures are only narrowly separated from disgust. ~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~
Oh absolutely. I had the pleasure to get to know a lot of really talented young actors before they even really hit it big. And yet what we all had and shared in common was a love for movies. ~By Chad Lowe ~
I believe that every human mind feels pleasure in doing good to another. ~By Thomas Jefferson ~
Great eagerness in the pursuit of wealth, pleasure, or honor, cannot exist without sin. ~By Desiderius Erasmus ~
My mother also had us take piano lessons, and this had a similar effect. I hated those lessons, but I now play regularly for pleasure and have even tried my hand at composing. ~By Robert B. Laughlin ~
I derive no pleasure from prosecuting a man, even though I know he's guilty; do you think I could sleep at night or look at myself in the mirror in the morning if I hounded an innocent man? ~By Jim Garrison ~
I know my corn plants intimately, and I find it a great pleasure to know them. ~By Barbara McClintock ~
This self-love is the instrument of our preservation; it resembles the provision for the perpetuity of mankind: it is necessary, it is dear to us, it gives us pleasure, and we must conceal it. ~By Voltaire ~
The essence of all art is to have pleasure in giving pleasure. ~By Dale Carnegie ~
I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure. ~By Clarence Darrow ~
Music can also be a sensual pleasure, like eating food or sex. But its highest vibration for me is that point of taking us to a real understanding of something in our nature which we can very rarely get at. It is a spiritual state of oneness. ~By Terry Riley ~
The philosophy of the common man is an old wife that gives him no pleasure, yet he cannot live without her, and resents any aspersions that strangers may cast on her character. ~By George Santayana ~
Film is fragmented and gets into lots of other people's hands. There are a lot of pleasures that theatre gives me. You get to perform uninterrupted. ~By Willem Dafoe ~
Man is so muddled, so dependent on the things immediately before his eyes, that every day even the most submissive believer can be seen to risk the torments of the afterlife for the smallest pleasure. ~By Joseph de Maistre ~
People who have been made to suffer by certain things cannot be reminded of them without a horror which paralyses every other pleasure, even that to be found in reading a story. ~By Stendhal ~
I give so much pleasure to so many people. Why can I not get some pleasure for myself? ~By John Belushi ~
I love making people laugh. It's an addiction and it's probably dysfunctional, but I am addicted to it and there's no greater pleasure for me than sitting in a theater and feeling a lot of people losing control of themselves. ~By Jay Roach ~
I'm doing a book, 'Chasing Science,' about the pleasures of science as a spectator sport. ~By Frederik Pohl ~
Surely a King who loves pleasure is less dangerous than one who loves glory? ~By Nancy Mitford ~
The two most common charges against the older fiction, that it pleased wickedly and that it taught nothing, had broken down before the discovery, except in illiberal sects, that the novel is fitted both for honest use and for pleasure. ~By Carl Clinton Van Doren ~
This moment in time, on this tour, you know, I'm discovering a lot of new things. And to be 45 and doing that, it's a mixture of pleasure and pain, I can assure you. ~By Eric Clapton ~
I never went to a John Wayne movie to find a philosophy to live by or to absorb a profound message. I went for the simple pleasure of spending a couple of hours seeing the bad guys lose. ~By Mike Royko ~
Next to enjoying ourselves, the next greatest pleasure consists in preventing others from enjoying themselves, or, more generally, in the acquisition of power. ~By Bertrand Russell ~
After having won a scepter, few are so generous as to disdain the pleasures of ruling. ~By Pierre Corneille ~
I enjoy my work. I haven't been an actor for 30 years without getting pleasure out of the profession. ~By Bela Lugosi ~
However, the difficulties and pleasures of the writing itself are similar for a novel with a historical setting and a novel with a contemporary setting, as far as I'm concerned. ~By Helen Dunmore ~
They eat the dainty food of famous chefs with the same pleasure with which they devour gross peasant dishes, mostly composed of garlic and tomatoes, or fisherman's octopus and shrimps, fried in heavily scented olive oil on a little deserted beach. ~By Luigi Barzini ~
Actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness; wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. By happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain. ~By John Stuart Mill ~
A string of excited, fugitive, miscellaneous pleasures is not happiness; happiness resides in imaginative reflection and judgment, when the picture of one's life, or of human life, as it truly has been or is, satisfies the will, and is gladly accepted. ~By George Santayana ~
I would say that the surest measure of a man's or a woman's maturity is the harmony, style, joy, and dignity he creates in his marriage, and the pleasure and inspiration he provides for his spouse. ~By Benjamin Spock ~
If one oversteps the bounds of moderation, the greatest pleasures cease to please. ~By Epictetus ~
It seems to me that if you or I must choose between two courses of thought or action, we should remember our dying and try so to live that our death brings no pleasure on the world. ~By John Steinbeck ~
There is some pleasure even in words, when they bring forgetfulness of present miseries. ~By Sophocles ~
Speed, it seems to me, provides the one genuinely modern pleasure. ~By Aldous Huxley ~
To torture a man you have to know his pleasures. ~By Stanislaw Lem ~
It is with an old love as it is with old age a man lives to all the miseries, but is dead to all the pleasures. ~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~
For Pleasure, Delight, Peace and Felicity live in method and temperance. ~By Margaret Cavendish ~
A babe at the breast is as much pleasure as the bearing is pain. ~By Marion Zimmer Bradley ~
A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species must become his own. ~By Percy Bysshe Shelley ~
If I had my choice, I'd pick a song that tells a story every time. There is a great deal of pleasure in doing the vocal on a number that you can put feeling into. ~By Vaughn Monroe ~
But for Muslims, everything that they don't have on earth is what they get in heaven. They can drink, they can have sex. All of the forbidden pleasures on earth, you can have in paradise. ~By Barbara Walters ~
Besides merely some pleasure that we get out of the combinations of pitches together and lines, I think that there is some satisfaction that we get in the fact of having this diffuse thing organized very concretely and put onto a frame and have it actually decided. ~By Leo Ornstein ~
One declaims endlessly against the passions; one imputes all of man's suffering to them. One forgets that they are also the source of all his pleasures. ~By Denis Diderot ~
I've got to be honest, there's no pleasure when you're working. ~By Dana Plato ~
To kill a relative of whom you are tired is something. But to inherit his property afterwards, that is genuine pleasure. ~By Honore de Balzac ~
The truth is that we can learn to condition our minds, bodies, and emotions to link pain or pleasure to whatever we choose. By changing what we link pain and pleasure to, we will instantly change our behaviors. ~By Tony Robbins ~
Writers are in the entertainment business, and it gives me lots of pleasure to entertain my readers. ~By Brian Lumley ~
Pleasures are always children, pains always have wrinkles. ~By Joseph Joubert ~
I despise making the most of one's time. Half of the pleasures of life consist of the opportunities one has neglected. ~By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. ~
Pleasure and freedom from pain, are the only things desirable as ends. ~By John Stuart Mill ~
Animation offers a medium of story telling and visual entertainment which can bring pleasure and information to people of all ages everywhere in the world. ~By Walt Disney ~
No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting. She will not want new fashions nor regret the loss of expensive diversions or variety of company if she can be amused with an author in her closet. ~By Mary Wortley ~
One should take good care not to grow too wise for so great a pleasure of life as laughter. ~By Joseph Addison ~
I confess that reading proofs is a pleasure. It stimulates and inspires me. ~By Zane Grey ~
Pleasure becomes a value, a teleological end in itself. It's probably more Western than U.S. per se. ~By David Foster Wallace ~
Pleasure is often spoiled by describing it. ~By Stendhal ~
I felt the most intense pleasure in piercing the stone in order to make an abstract form and space; quite a different sensation from that of doing it for the purpose of realism. ~By Barbara Hepworth ~
The vine bears three kinds of grapes: the first of pleasure, the second of intoxication, the third of disgust. ~By Diogenes ~
At Princeton I gained a great deal of pleasure from success in my classes. knowing that I could accomplish those things, and I realized that my success was directly proportionate to the work I put in. ~By Brooke Shields ~
I never wanted to see anybody die, but there are a few obituary notices I have read with pleasure. ~By Clarence Darrow ~
It is twice the pleasure to deceive the deceiver. ~By Jean de La Fontaine ~
It is love rather than sexual lust or unbridled sexuality if, in addition to the need or want involved, there is also some impulse to give pleasure to the persons thus loved and not merely to use them for our own selfish pleasure. ~By Mortimer Adler ~
What our children have to fear is not the cars on the highways of tomorrow but our own pleasure in calculating the most elegant parameters of their deaths. ~By J. G. Ballard ~
The life of a man who deliberately runs through his fortune often becomes a business speculation; his friends, his pleasures, patrons, and acquaintances are his capital. ~By Honore De Balzac ~
Old age is the supreme evil, for it deprives man of all pleasures while allowing his appetites to remain, and it brings with it every possible sorrow. Yet men fear death and desire old age. ~By Giacomo Leopardi ~
Thought is the labor of the intellect, reverie is its pleasure. ~By Victor Hugo ~
I think a lot of people have a misconception of what the kitchen is about, but you know the grueling part of it is also the pleasure of it. That's why I think you have to have a certain mentality to understand what that is and be able to handle it. ~By Todd English ~
Business is difficult. But it could be approached two ways: Seriously, or with the same way you're doing your job, with entertainment aspect, with pleasure, with fun. And we decided to try to make it as fun that we do our creativity. ~By Guy Laliberte ~
What grieves me most in my past offenses, O my loving God, is not so much the punishment I have deserved, as the displeasure I have given You, Who are worthy of infinite love. ~By Alphonsus Liguori ~
Old books that have ceased to be of service should no more be abandoned than should old friends who have ceased to give pleasure. ~By Bernard Baruch ~
I never learned anything at all in school and didn't read a book for pleasure until I was 19 years old. ~By Stanley Kubrick ~
Prosperity is the measure or touchstone of virtue, for it is less difficult to bear misfortune than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure. ~By Tacitus ~
Free will is an illusion. People always choose the perceived path of greatest pleasure. ~By Scott Adams ~
Incredulity robs us of many pleasures, and gives us nothing in return. ~By James Russell Lowell ~
One of the many pleasures of old age is giving things up. ~By Malcolm Muggeridge ~
I want to thank all of the fans and media who made playing in the NFL such a wonderful experience. I have had the pleasure of meeting many of them. ~By Barry Sanders ~
Just got back from a pleasure trip: I took my mother-in-law to the airport. ~By Henny Youngman ~
Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified. ~By Samuel Johnson ~
If people could understand how much pleasure they could have by themselves, I think everyone would be a lot saner. I think that people really need a dose of quality time with one's self. ~By Lydia Lunch ~
Beauty and brains, pleasure and usability - they should go hand in hand. ~By Donald Norman ~
Never write anything that does not give you great pleasure. Emotion is easily transferred from the writer to the reader. ~By Joseph Joubert ~
The arts are not just instantaneous pleasure - if you don't like it, the artist is wrong. I belong to the generation which says if you don't like it, you don't understand and you ought to find out. ~By Ethel Barrymore ~
The knowledge and understanding of the world which science gives us and the magnificent opportunity which it extends to us to control and use the world for the extension of our pleasure in it has never been greater than it now is. ~By Polykarp Kusch ~
Universities should be safe havens where ruthless examination of realities will not be distorted by the aim to please or inhibited by the risk of displeasure. ~By Kingman Brewster, Jr. ~
The Pleasure Seekers eventually turned into Cradle, when we started writing our own material. My younger sister Nancy was brought in as singer and I kind of stepped aside as main lead singer and concentrated on my instrument. ~By Suzi Quatro ~
Happiness is different from pleasure. Happiness has something to do with struggling and enduring and accomplishing. ~By George A. Sheehan ~
Literature is my calling To hold up the mirror to my countrymen comes natural to me; and in the open field of invention I am not without hopes of giving them pleasure. ~By Thomas Edward Brown ~