I am saying pornography hurts anyone who reads it, garbage in, garbage out. ~By Jerry Falwell ~
Erotica is using a feather, pornography is using the whole chicken. ~By Isabel Allende ~
Erotica is pornography I am willing to publicly admit I like. ~By Spider Robinson ~
Pornography is pornography, what is there to see? Movies are attempting to destroy something that's supposed to be the most beautiful thing a man and a woman can have by making it cheap and common. It's what you don't see that's attractive. ~By Nancy Reagan ~
Erotica is simply high-class pornography; better produced, better conceived, better executed, better packaged, designed for a better class of consumer. ~By Andrea Dworkin ~
The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries, filth over cable television, and now unlimited internet pornography. ~By Phyllis Schlafly ~
I don't like jokes in speeches. I do like wit and humor. A joke is to humor what pornography is to erotic language in a good novel. ~By James Humes ~
Just because I publish pornography does not mean that I am not concerned about the social ills that all of us are. ~By Larry Flynt ~
My thinking tends to be libertarian. That is, I oppose intrusions of the state into the private realm - as in abortion, sodomy, prostitution, pornography, drug use, or suicide, all of which I would strongly defend as matters of free choice in a representative democracy. ~By Camille Paglia ~
Pornography changes the attitudes and lifestyles of those who consume it, no matter how old a person is. ~By Donna Rice ~
All history is pornography. ~By Francesca da Rimini ~
It only takes five people in black robes to determine such crucial issues for our country as abortion, pornography, same-sex 'marriage,' and religious liberties. ~By Richard Land ~
I think pornography is a scourge on society. ~By Jerry Falwell ~
It's interesting actually, what's gone on with that footage, and also what happened with the footage from the war in Afghanistan, is that our news reporting is pretty much along the lines of pornography now. ~By Alex Cox ~
But that's why there are so few women stars today. Pornography has taken away the mystery. ~By Irene Dunne ~
Women, for centuries not having access to pornography and now unable to bear looking at the muck on the supermarket shelves, are astonished. Women do not believe that men believe what pornography says about women. But they do. From the worst to the best of them, they do. ~By Andrea Dworkin ~
There is a strong correlation between belief in evolution and liberal views on government control, pornography, prayer in schools, abortion, gun control, economic freedom, and even animal rights. ~By Phyllis Schlafly ~
Pornography exists for the lonesome, the ugly, the fearful - it's made for the losers. ~By Rita Mae Brown ~
How do I know pornography depraves and corrupts? It depraves and corrupts me. ~By Malcolm Muggeridge ~
But fantasy kills imagination, pornography is death to art. ~By Iris Murdoch ~
The presentation of hard core pornography, brutality and shocking language, from what I hear, is leaving the public jaded and tired of this kind of film. ~By Pola Negri ~
We've got a major problem in our culture, as it relates to the Internet and pornography and child pornography. ~By John Ashcroft ~
While even pornography is protected as free speech, the courts have consciously undermined religious speech and freedom of religion for years. ~By Ernest Istook ~
At the heart of pornography is sexuality haunted by its own disappearance. ~By Jean Baudrillard ~
Pornography is human imagination in tense theatrical action; its violations are a protest against the violations of our freedom by nature. ~By Camille Paglia ~
Pornography is a theatre of types, never of individuals. ~By Susan Sontag ~
If you want to know who is being hurt in this society, go see what is being done and to whom in pornography and then go look for them other places in the world. ~By Catharine MacKinnon ~
Is there something to be said for the writings of the Marquis? Is there something to be said for pornography? And is there something to be said against both? I hope our film is balanced and rich enough to encourage debate and discussion. ~By Philip Kaufman ~
I have a huge problem with pornography. ~By Sue Johanson ~
I'm not selling sex. I'm selling underwear and jeans, and I'm not trying to do it with pornography. ~By Calvin Klein ~
The most censored speech in America today is not flag-burning, pornography, or the press. ~By Phyllis Schlafly ~
Obscenity is a cleansing process, whereas pornography only adds to the murk. ~By Henry Miller ~
My introduction to the Brady book was an attempt to nail the exact same idea since Brady addressed the point. And since I write pornography, naturally, something of an obsession for me. ~By Peter Sotos ~
A widespread taste for pornography means that nature is alerting us to some threat of extinction. ~By J. G. Ballard ~
Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it. ~By David Herbert Lawrence ~
One camp accepts the Court's limits on contributions but urges the reinstatement of spending caps - even if this requires a constitutional amendment subjecting political speech, if not pornography, to government regulation. ~By James L. Buckley ~
Pornography is rather like trying to find out about a Beethoven symphony by having somebody tell you about it and perhaps hum a few bars. ~By Robertson Davies ~
Political pornography is not unlike the sexual kind: difficult to define, but you know it when you see it. ~By Pat Sajak ~
Pornography is a satire on human pretensions. ~By Angela Carter ~
Pornography is the instruction. Rape is the practice, battered women are the practice, and battered children are the practice. ~By Gloria Steinem ~
As with the Princess Di crash, which sent the media on the most insane feeding frenzy. From the moment of the crash, the pornography of sentiment never let up. ~By Barbara Kruger ~
There's a subterranean impetus towards pornography so powerful that half the business world is juiced by the sort of half sex that one finds in advertisements. ~By Norman Mailer ~
What pornography is really about, ultimately, isn't sex but death. ~By Susan Sontag ~
For the same reason we don't allow kids to buy pornography, for the same reason we don't allow kids to buy cigarettes, for the same reason we don't allow kids to buy alcohol, we shouldn't allow them to go to stores and buy video games. ~By Rod Blagojevich ~
This country consumes more pornography than any other country in the world. ~By Mark Ruffalo ~
There are so many exceptions to free speech: child pornography, cross burning, libel, fighting words. ~By Cliff Stearns ~
Because pornography is a tool of Satan that exploits and distorts our God-given sexuality, women - especially Christian women - need to understand the increasing threat of online pornography. ~By Donna Rice ~
Pornography is about dominance. Erotica is about mutuality. ~By Gloria Steinem ~