Praise Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Praise

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Virtues are acquired through endeavor, Which rests wholly upon yourself. So, to praise others for their virtues Can but encourage one's own efforts.
~By Thomas Paine ~

No man deserves to be praised for his goodness, who has it not in his power to be wicked. Goodness without that power is generally nothing more than sloth, or an impotence of will.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

What a person praises is perhaps a surer standard, even than what he condemns, of his own character, information and abilities.
~By Augustus Hare ~

The winds that blow our billions away return burdened with themes of scorn and dispraise.
~By Garet Garrett ~

Few governments in the world, for example, praise human rights more ardently than does the government of France, and few have a worse record of supporting tyrants and killers.
~By Richard Perle ~

You might as well praise a man for not robbing a bank.
~By Bobby Jones ~

I praise the Lord, the Sovereign of the royal realm, Who has extended his sway over the tract of the world.
~By Taliesin ~

When we had to do book reports, I would pick a book that no one read and just make it up and turn that in. I got praised for my imagination.
~By Ahmet Zappa ~

I like to praise and reward loudly, to blame quietly.
~By Catherine II ~

When you've grown sick of reading and bug-eyed from watching TV, when your friends are all visited out, no words can adequately praise the link to the outside world provided by your parents and family.
~By Lance Loud ~

Wonder is involuntary praise.
~By Edward Young ~

There is no praise to bear the sort that you put in your pocket.
~By Moliere ~

What 'multiculturalism' boils down to is that you can praise any culture in the world except Western culture - and you cannot blame any culture in the world except Western culture.
~By Thomas Sowell ~

It is salutary to train oneself to be no more affected by censure than by praise.
~By W. Somerset Maugham ~

There are some who praise a man free from disease; to me no man who is poor seems free from disease but to be constantly sick.
~By Sophocles ~

Praises for our past triumphs are as feathers to a dead bird.
~By Paul Eldridge ~

Fondly we think we honor merit then, When we but praise ourselves in other men.
~By Alexander Pope ~

I question the value of stars. I think they're overrated. They get too much money, too much praise.
~By Elia Kazan ~

All praise to the masters indeed, but we too could produce a Kant or a Hugo.
~By Jose C. Orozco ~

It is one thing to praise discipline, and another to submit to it.
~By Miguel de Cervantes ~

A man desires praise that he may be reassured, that he may be quit of his doubting of himself; he is indifferent to applause when he is confident of success.
~By Alec Waugh ~

I have been both praised and criticized. The criticism stung, but the praise sometimes bothered me even more. To have received such praise and honors has always been puzzling to me.
~By Billy Joel ~

Almost anything that can be praised or advocated has been put to some disgusting use. There is no principle, however immaculate, that has not had its compromising manipulator.
~By Wyndham Lewis ~

If anything, if you can get somebody interested in something and get them excited, that's great. You should be praised for having opened the debate and having asked the right questions.
~By Oliver Stone ~

Our high respect for a well read person is praise enough for literature.
~By T. S. Eliot ~

Neither praise or blame is the object of true criticism. Justly to discriminate, firmly to establish, wisely to prescribe, and honestly to award. These are the true aims and duties of criticism.
~By William Gilmore Simms ~

Anything in any way beautiful derives its beauty from itself and asks nothing beyond itself. Praise is no part of it, for nothing is made worse or better by praise.
~By Marcus Aurelius ~

Reprove your friends in secret, praise them openly.
~By Publilius Syrus ~

Praise now is one of the great duties of the redeemed. It will be their employment for ever.
~By Albert Barnes ~

Instead of yelling and spanking, which don't work anyway, I believe in finding creative ways to keep their attention - turning things into a game, for instance. And, when they do something good, positive reinforcement and praise.
~By Patricia Richardson ~

As to judging our own time, and thereby gaining some basis for a judgment of future possibilities, we are doubtless not only too close to it to appraise it but too much formed by it and enclosed within it to do so.
~By Emily Greene Balch ~

All that a husband or wife really wants is to be pitied a little, praised a little, and appreciated a little.
~By Oliver Goldsmith ~

Modesty is the only sure bait when you angle for praise.
~By Lord Chesterfield ~

I will praise any man that will praise me.
~By William Shakespeare ~

Our dependency makes slaves out of us, especially if this dependency is a dependency of our self-esteem. If you need encouragement, praise, pats on the back from everybody, then you make everybody your judge.
~By Fritz Perls ~

Among the smaller duties of life I hardly know any one more important than that of not praising where praise is not due.
~By Sydney Smith ~

Happiness is within. It has nothing to do with how much applause you get or how many people praise you. Happiness comes when you believe that you have done something truly meaningful.
~By Martin Yan ~

We are apt to love praise, but not deserve it. But if we would deserve it, we must love virtue more than that.
~By William Penn ~

The higher the sun ariseth, the less shadow doth he cast; even so the greater is the goodness, the less doth it covet praise; yet cannot avoid its rewards in honours.
~By Lao Tzu ~

Some old men, continually praise the time of their youth. In fact, you would almost think that there were no fools in their days, but unluckily they themselves are left as an example.
~By Alexander Pope ~

I want to praise activists through the years. I praise those of the past as well, to have them honored.
~By Studs Terkel ~

Praise the sea, on shore remain.
~By John Florio ~

You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one.
~By John Wooden ~

You do ill if you praise, but worse if you censure, what you do not understand.
~By Leonardo da Vinci ~

It is great happiness to be praised of them who are most praiseworthy.
~By Philip Sidney ~

It is simpler and easier to flatter people than to praise them.
~By Jean Paul ~

The praise of ancient authors proceeds not from the reverence of the dead, but from the competition and mutual envy of the living.
~By Thomas Hobbes ~

In praise there is more obtrusiveness than in blame.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Once in a century a man may be ruined or made insufferable by praise. But surely once in a minute something generous dies for want of it.
~By John Masefield ~

Praise out of season, or tactlessly bestowed, can freeze the heart as much as blame.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

Some are made modest by great praise, others insolent.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Men sometimes feel injured by praise because it assigns a limit to their merit; few people are modest enough not to take offense that one appreciates them.
~By Marquis De Vauvenargues ~

In my ballets, woman is first. Men are consorts. God made men to sing the praises of women. They are not equal to men: They are better.
~By George Balanchine ~

Praise those of your critics for whom nothing is up to standard.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

According to my principles, every master has his true and certain value. Praise and criticism cannot change any of that. Only the work itself praises and criticizes the master, and therefore I leave to everyone his own value.
~By Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach ~

It is a sign of creeping inner death when we can no longer praise the living.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

Praise and criticism seem to me to operate exactly on the same level. If you get a great review, it's really thrilling for about ten minutes. If you get a bad review, it's really crushing for ten minutes. Either way, you go on.
~By Ann Patchett ~

If our countries had war the one with the other, that was no cause that he should put us to death; with which they were out of heart that their cruel pretense failed them. For which God be forever-more praised.
~By Will Adams ~

A negative judgment gives you more satisfaction than praise, provided it smacks of jealousy.
~By Jean Baudrillard ~

Admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly.
~By Publilius Syrus ~

To the house of a friend if you're pleased to retire, You must all things admit, you must all things admire; You must pay with observance the price of your treat, You must eat what is praised, and must praise what you eat.
~By George Crabbe ~

Self-praise is for losers. Be a winner. Stand for something. Always have class, and be humble.
~By John Madden ~

Many a man is praised for his reserve and so-called shyness when he is simply too proud to risk making a fool of himself.
~By J. B. Priestley ~

The important thing to me is that I'm not driven by people's praise and I'm not slowed down by people's criticism. I'm just trying to work at the highest level I can.
~By Russell Crowe ~

A new philosophy generally means in practice the praise of some old vice.
~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

He who does without the praise of the crowd will not deny himself an opportunity to be his own adherent.
~By Karl Kraus ~

The pat on the back, the arm around the shoulder, the praise for what was done right and the sympathetic nod for what wasn't are as much a part of golf as life itself.
~By Gerald R. Ford ~

When we disclaim praise, it is only showing our desire to be praised a second time.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Having the critics praise you is like having the hangman say you've got a pretty neck.
~By Eli Wallach ~

Neither a life of anarchy nor one beneath a despot should you praise; to all that lies in the middle a god has given excellence.
~By Aeschylus ~

History is the story of events, with praise or blame.
~By Cotton Mather ~

But was there ever dog that praised his fleas?
~By William Butler Yeats ~

Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of praise or encouragement - and we will make the goal.
~By Robert Collier ~

The writer wants to be understood much more than he wants to be respected or praised or even loved. And that perhaps, is what makes him different from others.
~By Leo Rosten ~

There are two way of establishing a reputation, one to be praised by honest people and the other to be accused by rogues. It is best, however, to secure the first one, because it will always be accompanied by the latter.
~By Charles Caleb Colton ~

Let America first praise mediocrity even, in her children, before she praises... the best excellence in the children of any other land.
~By Herman Melville ~

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise Him, all creatures here below! Praise Him above, ye heavenly host! Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost!
~By Thomas Ken ~

I praise the Lord here today. I know that all my talent and all my ability comes from him, and without him I'm nothing and I thank him for his great blessing.
~By Ernie Harwell ~

In my writing, as much as I could, I tried to find the good, and praise it.
~By Alex Haley ~

Their silence is praise enough.
~By Terence ~

In almost everything that touches our everyday life on earth, God is pleased when we're pleased. He wills that we be as free as birds to soar and sing our maker's praise without anxiety.
~By Aiden Wilson Tozer ~

I love to ride horses, hike in the woods with Juliette and appraise Longhorns.
~By Janine Turner ~

So far as I can remember, there is not one word in the Gospels in praise of intelligence.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

There's no praise or acknowledgment paid to women who raise the babies.
~By Sharon Gless ~

God was treated like this powerful, erratic, rather punitive father who has to be pacified and praised. You know, flattered.
~By John Cleese ~

It is easy enough to praise men for the courage of their convictions. I wish I could teach the sad young of this mealy generation the courage of their confusions.
~By John Ciardi ~

God be praised for his gracious long suffering towards me in sparing my life so long. Grant, gracious God, that I may make a good use of the time that thou mayest be pleased yet to grant me for repentance.
~By Patrick Gordon ~

Usually we praise only to be praised.
~By Francois de La Rochefoucauld ~

Let us not listen to those who think we ought to be angry with our enemies, and who believe this to be great and manly. Nothing is so praiseworthy, nothing so clearly shows a great and noble soul, as clemency and readiness to forgive.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

In every age and every man there is something to praise as well as to blame.
~By James Beattie ~

Praise or blame has but a momentary effect on the man whose love of beauty in the abstract makes him a severe critic on his own works.
~By John Keats ~

We are motivated by a keen desire for praise, and the better a man is the more he is inspired by glory. The very philosophers themselves, even in those books which they write in contempt of glory, inscribe their names.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

There is no Pleasure like that of receiving Praise from the Praiseworthy.
~By Richard Steele ~

He who praises you for what you lack wishes to take from you what you have.
~By Don J. Manuel ~

The men who made the war were profuse in their praises of the man who kicked the P.M. out of his office and now degrades by his disloyal, dishonest and lying presence the greatest office in the State.
~By John Burns ~

So, to praise others for their virtues can but encourage one's own efforts.
~By Nagarjuna ~

Praise is warming and desirable. But it is an earned thing. It has to be deserved, like a hug from a child.
~By Phyllis McGinley ~

He who praises everybody, praises nobody.
~By Samuel Johnson ~

There are two things people want more than sex and money... recognition and praise.
~By Mary Kay Ash ~

Sometimes we deny being worthy of praise, hoping to generate an argument we would be pleased to lose.
~By Cullen Hightower ~

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October 10 ,2024
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