Pretty Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Pretty

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The foibles of my body are pretty much out there in the work I do.
~By Philip Seymour Hoffman ~

But sometimes in the midst of worry, anxiety and hard work, it has been pretty hard to bear all these false reports going about the country - to see my friends alienated and being made to believe things that were absolutely false.
~By John Harvey Kellogg ~

Right now I'm pretty single... My career is my boyfriend.
~By Christina Aguilera ~

I often quote Ronald Reagan, who is pretty close to my favorite President ever, I will have to say that, but one of my favorite remarks he ever made was that when you look at Federal programs, there is nothing so close to eternal life on Earth as a Federal Government program.
~By Marsha Blackburn ~

I mean, you have a general tone of it but it's pretty much you get to come in and you're going to flip this car and it's going to blow up and you're going to come out on fire and you go oh, that's cool, and then you get paid a lot of money.
~By David R. Ellis ~

No, I'm not a comic book guy. I'm pretty fascinated with the subculture though and I do think that the world of comic books is such a natural transition into film.
~By Donal Logue ~

If they want to talk about aliens and anything like that... that's part of the gift God gave us. That's what makes life exciting. We're pretty stuck, you know. What gives flight to our life is our imagination.
~By Michael Moriarty ~

You sign for a sequel for everything these days, just in case, options. In the past, you avoided them like the plague because it meant somewhere down the road you couldn't take a job because you had to do a sequel. Now it's a feature of pretty much any feature you do.
~By Mark Strong ~

And the first rude sketch that the world had seen was joy to his mighty heart, till the Devil whispered behind the leaves "It's pretty, but is it Art?"
~By Rudyard Kipling ~

These days I'm pretty much a businessman.
~By Wellington Mara ~

This was in '79. I got pretty restless there, sitting around with a lot of people sitting around smoking cigarettes and talking about films, but nobody really doing anything.
~By Renny Harlin ~

When this space walk will be completed, then the arm will be fully operational and ready for the next activity that will be pretty much the testing, the first flight testing of the space station arm.
~By Umberto Guidoni ~

In actuality, there was casting for the show and it was pretty difficult.
~By Ted Allen ~

Rock fans are pretty fickle, too, you know.
~By Bubba Sparxxx ~

I'm pretty outspoken.
~By Miley Cyrus ~

Any time you put a cast like this in compromising circumstances or shake it up a little bit, I think we're all pretty close so we draw on real emotion.
~By George Eads ~

We have a pretty tough schedule coming up. We have to stay strong mentally and must focus on getting better.
~By Tony Parker ~

For the past couple of years I've been pretty bored with music in general... just bored with it.
~By Les Claypool ~

I write a lot, and very often I write a couple of lines that are particularly revealing in some kind of way. And then as a few more lines get added and a piece gets added, eventually the song pretty much takes over and you can't really find a way to change those things.
~By Nick Cave ~

It proved to be pretty impossible to get funds for a feature film in Finland. It's still small, but the film industry was miniscule at that point in the early '80s.
~By Renny Harlin ~

I don't get to go to the super fancy stores unless I am in L.A. so you stay pretty real and normal that way.
~By Kelly Preston ~

I can pretty much get in touch with my evil side pretty easily.
~By Kelly Hu ~

Anyone who thinks that people can be fooled or pushed around has an inaccurate and pretty low estimate of people - and he won't do very well in advertising.
~By Leo Burnett ~

Well, Steve Vai joined my dad's band right around the time when I actually started playing guitar. So he gave me a couple of lessons on fundamentals, and gave me some scales and practice things to work on. But I pretty much learned everything by ear.
~By Dweezil Zappa ~

I think it's pretty obvious to most people that Napster is not media specific, but I could see a system like Napster evolving into something that allows users to locate and retrieve different types of data other than just MP3s or audio files.
~By Shawn Fanning ~

A pretty wife is something for the fastidious vanity of a rougue to retire upon.
~By Thomas Moore ~

I get pretty much all the exercise I need walking down airport concourses carrying bags.
~By Guy Clark ~

My mother wanted me to understand that as a woman I could do pretty much whatever I wanted to, that I didn't have to use sex or sexuality to define myself.
~By Suzanne Vega ~

But if the vision is strong enough, and your goals are steady, and you believe, pretty soon you bring other people with you.
~By Mike Rounds ~

Heather and I decided we were going to be pretty low-key at the convention.
~By Mary Cheney ~

I've always done 20 things at once. It's my way of staying alive, not to keep one dish cooking, but several dishes going. And I'm pretty organized.
~By Patrice Leconte ~

I think we have to believe in things we don't see. That's really important for all of us, whether it's your religion or Santa Claus, or whatever. That's pretty much what it's about.
~By James Caan ~

If China wants to be a constructive, active player in the world economy, it's got to respect intellectual property rights or it makes it pretty impossible to do business with them.
~By Dan Glickman ~

Obviously it's my second senior event, and I'm tired obviously coming back from the British Open, from surgery, which was priority No. 1, did that successfully, and each week since the British Open I've felt in pretty good control of my golf game.
~By Greg Norman ~

Say there's a white kid who lives in a nice home, goes to an all-white school, and is pretty much having everything handed to him on a platter - for him to pick up a rap tape is incredible to me, because what that's saying is that he's living a fantasy life of rebellion.
~By Eminem ~

The other was the best recovered in his condition; and being now pretty well, was appointed nurse to the rest of the sick. Next to oranges, I thought the cyder had the best effects.
~By James Lind ~

The trouble with organizing a thing is that pretty soon folks get to paying more attention to the organization than to what they're organized for.
~By Laura Ingalls Wilder ~

I think it was one of the better meetings that I've had with those guys, because I was honestly able to say everything I wanted to say, and I pretty much aired out the dirty laundry. So from that point on, I thought all of that was behind us.
~By Latrell Sprewell ~

It's pretty hard to make out what's going to be a commercial success and what's not.
~By Gavin Rossdale ~

I do a pretty good job at casting actually.
~By Ridley Scott ~

I've seen a dead body, I've seen some pretty gruesome fist fights, I've been a hunter since I was a child, though I don't anymore, I've gutted wild game.
~By George Eads ~

She says that I wore some pretty sexy leather pants to that first meeting, but I don't remember.
~By Dick Ebersol ~

Almost all the fans I meet are pretty cool people. They're intelligent and tend to think about things a bit more than your average rock'n'roll fans: sensible people I wouldn't mind having a drink with.
~By Peter Buck ~

Like anyone who goes to college, you're leaving a familiar surrounding and a comfortable environment and your friends and everything, and you're starting fresh. It can be pretty daunting.
~By Jason Biggs ~

I think we did a pretty good role, linking, being a sounding board really and a driving force, especially from the bottom up. I think that part of this is bottom up as well as top down.
~By Richard Rogers ~

We live in downtown Manhattan and we have pretty big windows that looked right at the World Trade Center. I was home along with Kai and we watched it all happen. I was holding him in my arms and we were looking out the window when the second plane hit.
~By Jennifer Connelly ~

The alternative scene, for a couple years now, has been taken seriously and that's a cool thing. I don't think it's exploded or anything, but I think it's pretty cool that it still exists, it's still affecting people.
~By Bob Odenkirk ~

If you have to have a job in this world, a high-priced movie star is a pretty good gig.
~By Tom Hanks ~

Overall, I think I'm in pretty good shape, but I'm not really someone that is gung-ho or a fitness fanatic.
~By Cobi Jones ~

If you take life at face value, it loses its luster pretty quickly. If you go after it, you get more out of it.
~By Christopher Meloni ~

The story that I wanna tell is pretty much about the way I grew up. Being bi-racial, growing up in a big city and being an artist.
~By Lenny Kravitz ~

I hear a lot of bad TV commercials that try to sound like Where It's At. That pretty much turned me off from using the electric piano for a lot of years.
~By Beck ~

Well, the years from 10 to 20, when your body, mind and everything is like changing every five minutes, can be pretty torturing. And most of the interesting characters, I think, are somewhat tortured or torturous. I'm 20 now, so I'm only just an adult.
~By Anna Paquin ~

I think that I've got some pretty bad reviews on albums or songs that later proved themselves.
~By Carly Simon ~

So I went out and bought myself a copy of the Writer and Artist Yearbook, bought lots of magazines and got on the phone and talked to editors about ideas for stories. Pretty soon I found myself hired to do interviews and articles and went off and did them.
~By Neil Gaiman ~

At boarding school you had to wear your name across your chest and your back, and obviously I had a pretty funny name. It wasn't Brown or Smith or Hughes.
~By Diane Cilento ~

I have no complaints on any level. I'm pretty happy about the way everything has turned out.
~By Martin Milner ~

The first year or so on The Daily Show is pretty intense in terms of travel. You're going to the worst places in the country, talking to the craziest people in the world.
~By Rob Corddry ~

For over a year I continued to submit mss, and have them rejected - the last few with rejection letters indicated the story was pretty good, but I was American.
~By Nora Roberts ~

You know, we have to take these characters - who, granted, have their separate personalities but, on a lot of levels, are pretty two-dimensional - and make them into people with flaws, with insecurities.
~By Rachael Leigh Cook ~

I think I am pretty much melancholic.
~By Juliette Binoche ~

I don't know if I would qualify as mainstream. I think I have managed to function pretty successfully on the fringes of the music world and have been able to play exactly what I have wanted the way I have wanted.
~By Pat Metheny ~

My Latin temper blows up pretty fast, but it goes down just as fast. Maybe that's why you seldom hear of ulcers in Latin America.
~By Desi Arnaz ~

I mean, the people who run Guantanamo, the military, pretty much dismiss complaints by the detainees because they say that they're all created as part of a political process to sort of fake complaints and get public support.
~By Jane Mayer ~

In the Chili Peppers I'm a part of that world in a pretty big world and that's just the way it is.
~By John Frusciante ~

I always try to keep a pretty conservative demeanor on the court.
~By Julius Erving ~

I think I have handled things pretty well last year and this. What I have to do now is try do it even better.
~By Amelie Mauresmo ~

I'm always honored, but I think for every 100 of those that come along, one of them is actually going to happen. And, the fact that this was an offer on a major film that had a start date, was pretty impressive.
~By Adam Arkin ~

I've always felt so different from how I look. I meet so many pretty girls who are like, 'Here I am! Don't you want me because I look good?' That concept is so weird to me. I want to know, 'What else do you have going on?'
~By Malin Akerman ~

A trillion here, a trillion there and pretty soon you're talking about real money.
~By Daniel Hannan ~

Life goes on pretty much the same way. I've been working on a couple of films on the side. You may see some more. You may even see another television show.
~By Norman Lear ~

I think Desperate Housewives is a pretty good show, I watch it, I like it and I don't love reality tv that much. I do watch some, I've got three daughters so we'll watch the good stuff, the fun stuff.
~By Bob Saget ~

So by the time I taught myself the bass guitar at the age of 14, my hands were already pretty nimble.
~By John Entwistle ~

I mean, movies are like your kids or your fingers and toes or something, it's pretty hard to pick favorites.
~By Sydney Pollack ~

It's pretty refreshing to be in a situation where the spotlight is on someone else.
~By Marion Cotillard ~

If you're an underdog, mentally disabled, physically disabled, if you don't fit in, if you're not as pretty as the others, you can still be a hero.
~By Steve Guttenberg ~

I got about 6037 songs I wrote myself and I'm trying to get them on the market and I just wish people could hear them and stuff but they'll do pretty good.
~By Hasil Adkins ~

I think in New York we had respect and we would pretty much fill up the places where we went, but I never got the sense that we really were Number 1 here in New York among the Latin crowds.
~By Ruben Blades ~

Something about being projected on a 70 foot screen makes you more attractive and appealing to the opposite sex, which is pretty scary.
~By Jason Biggs ~

It was more freeing, mainly because he's so free anyway. He just is in his performance. So to mimic someone doing a free performance, well, that's pretty freeing within itself.
~By Michael Welch ~

Drugs were pretty easy to quit taking. I was never addicted to anything to begin with. But then, liquor - I had to wait about another six years before I finally got around to quitting that. I'm sure glad I did.
~By Alex Chilton ~

Some people come to our shows and think they're gonna spend the night just listening to love songs, and they're pretty much surprised cause we do a lot of rock and roll.
~By Bobby Hatfield ~

It's an amazing luxury to say I'm 31 years old and I'm gonna take a year off. That's pretty amazing.
~By Sarah McLachlan ~

So we are pretty convinced we don't want to play huge stadiums unless we can play them well.
~By Jerry Garcia ~

I don't know if younger poets read a lot of, you know, the poets - the established poets. There was a lot of pretty boring stuff to sort of put up with and to add to, to make something vital from.
~By Robert Adamson ~

A lot was happening, plus there were an enormous number of people in the industry that were going to conventions, so it was a pretty fun time. Also there was a lot of controversy and I was at the forefront of some of that.
~By Todd McFarlane ~

My style has been pretty much like a newspaper. It's got politics in it, it's got media, sports, family relations, you know, all the sections you would expect, and wonderful religion things.
~By Kate Clinton ~

You have to compete with others in the field. Sometimes the competition gets pretty fierce because you're competing for funds or grants to do your work, the financial work.
~By Clyde Tombaugh ~

I think I'd make a pretty good girlfriend.
~By Vanessa Hudgens ~

As a physician and as a pilot, I think it lets me be a pretty good translator having one foot in the medical world and one foot in the flying world. Sometimes when the medical guys come in and speak medical stuff to the pilots, the pilots really don't know what they're saying.
~By David M. Brown ~

You know, I eat, I ate pretty well anyway so, I'm basically living the same, I just curtailed the stupidity.
~By John Newcombe ~

I think I've done pretty well. I've had about 46, or 47 nominations from my movies, and my films have won about 12 awards, so I don't have any complaints.
~By Norman Jewison ~

I was a pretty insecure kid, didn't have a lot of friends, and was picked on a lot, and music gave me confidence.
~By Sarah McLachlan ~

When I was on the air a lot my throat and vocal chords got tired. If you don't vary your tones you can't get pretty tired of your own voice.
~By Alan Ladd ~

In the early '90s, New York was a pretty depressing place.
~By Christine Baranski ~

I don't know, I think people who meet me just get pretty much what I am.
~By Melissa George ~

When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package.
~By John Ruskin ~

When we finally got to play that and we had a great show there, well I can tell it was pretty awesome. Y'know, we probably did bigger festivals since then; we probably headlined bigger festivals since then, but I will always remember that.
~By Kerry King ~

On the other hand, when I give it closer thought, I realize I'm not enough of a dictator to conduct an orchestra because it requires a pretty awful person. When you read these biographies of famous conductors, they are all awful people who fail in their private relationships.
~By Eberhard Weber ~

Serenity is knowing that your worst shot is still pretty good.
~By Johnny Miller ~

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July 27 ,2024
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