Privilege Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Privilege

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Access to the Vedas is the greatest privilege this century may claim over all previous centuries.
~By J. Robert Oppenheimer ~

I love to look at The Graduate, or Lawrence of Arabia, or things I had nothing to do with. But you could not get me to go back and watch movies that it was a privilege just to be around them when they were being made.
~By Jeffrey Katzenberg ~

Mischief springs from the power which the moneyed interest derives from a paper currency which they are able to control, from the multitude of corporations with exclusive privileges... which are employed altogether for their benefit.
~By Andrew Jackson ~

Everything, everything, everything! I want to know everything. I want the privilege of being a crone.
~By Susan Powter ~

I therefore set to work, and after two and a half years of not inconsiderable labour I now have the privilege and the satisfaction of accompanying the early volumes of the series with this preface.
~By James Loeb ~

The house built on the sand may oftentimes be built higher, have more fair parapets and battlements, windows and ornaments, than that which is built upon the rock; yet all gifts and privileges equal not one grace.
~By John Owen ~

When we lose the right to be different, we lose the privilege to be free.
~By Charles Evans Hughes ~

It would be nice to say the rich people, the fancy people, all behaved like bastards and the poor slobs all came through like heroes. But as a matter of fact, sometimes the poor slobs behave like slobs and the great, noble, privileged characters come off very well, indeed.
~By Walter Lord ~

Basically I am a private individual who has concerns about his country and who has resources that give me the privilege - and responsibility - to do something to help my country if I can.
~By Richard Scaife ~

A privilege may not be a right, but, under the constitution of the country, I do not gather that any broad distinction is drawn between the rights and the privileges that were enjoyed and that were taken away.
~By Charles Tupper ~

A tiny and closed fraternity of privileged men, elected by no one, and enjoying a monopoly sanctioned and licensed by government.
~By Spiro T. Agnew ~

There were loads of plays which were very popular before and after the war, where everybody wore a dinner jacket in the third act and it was in a house that you wished you'd owned with people that you wish you knew. It was life seen through a very privileged way.
~By Timothy West ~

I had the honor and privilege of working with John Ritter.
~By Will Friedle ~

The privilege of being at the university for four years is something I'll always treasure.
~By Hank Brown ~

Common sense, in so far as it exists, is all for the bourgeoisie. Nonsense is the privilege of the aristocracy. The worries of the world are for the common people.
~By George Jean Nathan ~

One of the privileges of the great is to witness catastrophes from a terrace.
~By Jean Giraudoux ~

The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.
~By Charles Kuralt ~

Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too.
~By Voltaire ~

It is a great privilege for any man to become a member of the Senate.
~By Lionel K. Murphy ~

We are not going to damage our safety and our security. We're not going to give those extremists the privilege to come so freely to Israel in order to carry out more attacks against us and kill us one day after another.
~By Silvan Shalom ~

It is the privilege of genius that life never grows common place, as it does for the rest of us.
~By James Russell Lowell ~

It is the privilege of the gods to want nothing, and of godlike men to want little.
~By Diogenes ~

Rank does not confer privilege or give power. It imposes responsibility.
~By Peter Drucker ~

I mean, you know, I get a tremendous positive charge every day just from knowing these kids and who they are. I mean, Larry, my 12-year-old son is my hero in life. Could there be a greater privilege than that? I mean, I can't imagine anything that would be more exciting.
~By Jim Lampley ~

Laughter is one of the very privileges of reason, being confined to the human species.
~By Thomas Carlyle ~

We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world.
~By Hugo Chavez ~

We work hard on the show. We really believe in the show. It's an enormous privilege to work on a show that has the power to touch people's lives in such a positive way. The fan mail and the e-mail certainly reflect that.
~By Roma Downey ~

Everywhere among the English-speaking race criminal justice was rude, and punishments were barbarous; but the tendency was to do away with special privileges and legal exemptions.
~By Albert Bushnell Hart ~

I am infinitely grateful to the life which privileged me.
~By Jacky Ickx ~

No government fights fascism to destroy it. When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their privileges.
~By Buenaventura Durruti ~

Such a prostitution of judicial power can never occur again under the shadow of the British law, for no jury within the wide circle of the empire would submit to such an infraction of their privilege, even if a judge could be found daring enough to attempt it.
~By Joseph Howe ~

I suppose I have had more advantages and privileges than most of you, who are slaves have ever known, and I believe more than many white people have enjoyed, for which I desire to bless God, and pray that he may bless those who have given them to me.
~By Jupiter Hammon ~

Anybody who's ever had the privilege of seeing me play knows that I am the greatest pitcher in the world.
~By Dizzy Dean ~

Women ought to feel a peculiar sympathy in the colored man's wrong, for, like him, she has been accused of mental inferiority, and denied the privileges of a liberal education.
~By Angelina Grimke ~

During my 8 years as chairman, I had the privilege to peer into the future to see dynamic citizen astronauts returning to and from the heavens which we can expect in the future.
~By Dana Rohrabacher ~

Father, we thank you, especially for letting me fly this flight - for the privilege of being able to be in this position, to be in this wondrous place, seeing all these many startling, wonderful things that you have created.
~By Gordon Cooper ~

Our responsibility as privileged human beings is to pay back for the opportunities we've received.
~By Kathryn Anastos ~

Leadership is a privilege to better the lives of others. It is not an opportunity to satisfy personal greed.
~By Mwai Kibaki ~

I don't think we should be deprived of the privilege of free speech.
~By Loretta Swit ~

The man of the house can destroy the pleasure of the household, but he cannot make it. That rests with the woman, and it is her greatest privilege.
~By Arthur Helps ~

Career is too pompous a word. It was a job, and I have always felt privileged to be paid for what I love doing.
~By Barbara Stanwyck ~

Sometimes I get a little tired of it. But you know, what a privilege, to get tired of working with Ingmar Bergman.
~By Liv Ullmann ~

I just did a play in New York which has been my best experience that I've had for maybe ever. It was Paul Weitz's play called Privilege and I was in New York for three months.
~By Bob Saget ~

We must never forget that many around the globe are denied the basic rights we enjoy as Americans. If we are to continue enjoying these privileges and freedoms we must accept our mission of expanding democracy around the globe.
~By James Inhofe ~

We want a world where life is preserved, and the quality of life is enriched for everybody, not only for the privileged.
~By Isabel Allende ~

Lives in previous centuries for women are largely a matter of class. It would have been fun to have been a rich, privileged woman in the 18th century, but no fun at all to be her maid.
~By Antonia Fraser ~

I want to set up orphanages for underprivileged and abused children.
~By Lindsay Lohan ~

I've been very lucky in my long life. On three continents, in diverse cultures, through happy moments, not-so-happy moments, and moments as marvelous as this one, I've had the privilege of working with the cinema's greatest masters.
~By Dino De Laurentiis ~

To whom does design address itself: to the greatest number, to the specialist of an enlightened matter, to a privileged social class? Design addresses itself to the need.
~By Charles Eames ~

During the first 10 years of my life, while my parents were married, I enjoyed a privileged upbringing. After their divorce, my life was difficult.
~By Bianca Jagger ~

I have been privileged to have the opportunity to work with many of African American fraternal and social organizations that are active in my congressional district. They all do important work that makes a tangible difference to the quality of life in our community.
~By Chris Van Hollen ~

The epoch of Customary Law, and of its custody by a privileged order, is a very remarkable one.
~By Henry James Sumner Maine ~

What men prize most is a privilege, even if it be that of chief mourner at a funeral.
~By James Russell Lowell ~

What a privilege it is to be an American!
~By Thomas Starr King ~

I am proud to be in the Senate. I have always been proud to be a part of our political system. It is a remarkable privilege to participate in this system of ours.
~By Byron Dorgan ~

First of all it's usually women who run these higher primate sanctuaries, rarely men. They are white. They come from privileged backgrounds. They are educated.
~By Russell Banks ~

They call me corrupt, frivolous. I am not at all privileged. Maybe the only privileged thing is my face. And corrupt? God! I would not look like this if I am corrupt. Some ugliness would settle down on my system.
~By Imelda Marcos ~

Those who suffer are not those at the top, but are the less privileged members of society.
~By Bianca Jagger ~

The word knight, which originally meant boy or servant, was particularly applied to a young man after he was admitted to the privilege of bearing arms.
~By Thomas Bulfinch ~

Singing is not indulged in by Rotary clubs of some countries and all clubs are given full privilege to do as they please about including it in their programs.
~By Paul Harris ~

I oppose any attempt to grant homosexual unions the same legal privileges that civil government affords to traditional marriage and family life.
~By Todd Akin ~

Millions of public workers have become a kind of privileged new class - a new elite, who live better than their private sector counterparts. Public servants have become the public's masters. No wonder the public is upset.
~By Mortimer Zuckerman ~

If money, education, and honesty will not bring to me as much privilege, as much equality as they bring to any American citizen, then they are to me a curse, and not a blessing.
~By John Hope ~

One of the great privileges of being a part of the Senate, it being the greatest deliberative body in the world, is out of the discussions of ideas, hopefully truth can ultimately be achieved.
~By Bill Nelson ~

I'm always conscious of the fact that I am part of a profession that is 80% permanently unemployed. So, to be working in any sense is to be privileged.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

We are united in the hope that every individual will someday enjoy at least the intellectual privileges we have had, if not always the material advantages.
~By Sidney Altman ~

When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.
~By Thomas Paine ~

In the long run, Women's Liberation will of course free men-but in the short run it's going to COST men a lot of privilege, which no one gives up willingly or easily.
~By Robin Morgan ~

There's no question that we need tougher drunk-driving laws for repeat offenders. We need to take a lesson from European countries where driving isn't a right but a privilege.
~By Jesse Ventura ~

Survival is a privilege which entails obligations. I am forever asking myself what I can do for those who have not survived.
~By Simon Wiesenthal ~

The responsibilities which are imposed by rank and privilege and good fortune can... become very onerous indeed.
~By Robert Welch ~

It's a terrific privilege to be able to see into somebody else's life.
~By Helen Garner ~

For the last 12 years, I've felt really privileged to be living such a normal life. It's so a part of who I am.
~By Kate Bush ~

Right now, I love the fact that I have so many opportunities, but I know this privileged position cannot last. That doesn't mean that I'll stop working. I picture myself as an old actress doing cameos in films with people saying: "Isn't that that Bening woman?"
~By Annette Bening ~

I knew that I could vote and that that wasn't a privilege; it was my right. Every time I tried I was shot, killed or jailed, beaten or economically deprived.
~By Stokely Carmichael ~

Membership in the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions.
~By Benjamin Cardozo ~

ERA means abortion funding, means homosexual privileges, means whatever else.
~By Phyllis Schlafly ~

Privilege is the greatest enemy of right.
~By Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach ~

I don't think I'm really in a situation to complain, because I consider myself to be privileged to be doing what I do.
~By David Beckham ~

I think actors are privileged. Acting feeds you.
~By Alan Bates ~

Thought is subversive and revolutionary, destructive and terrible, Thought is merciless to privilege, established institutions, and comfortable habit. Thought is great and swift and free.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

I was privileged to be able to study a year with Martha Graham, the last year she was teaching.
~By Twyla Tharp ~

Health care is not a privilege. It's a right. It's a right as fundamental as civil rights. It's a right as fundamental as giving every child a chance to get a public education.
~By Rod Blagojevich ~

I am so thrilled by the privilege of life, and yet at the same time I know that I have to let it go.
~By William Hurt ~

My life has been a continuous fulfillment of dreams. It appears that everything I saw and did has a new, and perhaps, more significant meaning, every time I see it. The earth is good. It is a privilege to live thereon.
~By Liberty Hyde Bailey ~

But love, like the sun that it is, sets afire and melts everything. what greed and privilege to build up over whole centuries the indignation of a pious spirit, with its natural following of oppressed souls, will cast down with a single shove.
~By Jose Marti ~

Admittedly great though these reasons be, they are not the principal grounds, that is, those which may rightfully claim for themselves the privilege of the highest admiration.
~By Giovanni Pico della Mirandola ~

The true privilege of being Mayor is that I have the opportunity to be everyone's neighbor.
~By Thomas Menino ~

Postmodernism refuses to privilege any one perspective, and recognizes only difference, never inequality, only fragments, never conflict.
~By Elizabeth Wilson ~

I feel, first of all, very privileged that these people think enough of me that they made me commissioner. And it's almost like, as Yogi Berra said, 'deja vu all over again.'
~By Bobby Hull ~

It's the generally accepted privilege of theologians to stretch the heavens, that is the Scriptures, like tanners with a hide.
~By Desiderius Erasmus ~

When I competed, it was for honor and country. It was a privilege to be a part of the U.S. team.
~By Bill Toomey ~

I privilege the music over the lyrics.
~By Duncan Sheik ~

On the show, we are not trying to get people to eat their vegetables; we are not trying to get people to become Democrats. We are basically trying to encourage people to get involved with public life so that politics isn't left to the wealthy and privileged.
~By Martin Sheen ~

The privileged man, whether he be privileged politically or economically, is a man depraved in intellect and heart.
~By Mikhail Bakunin ~

You look at it as a privilege. So you really decide that you're going to put the time in and work really hard to get to the point where you're ready.
~By Mark Kelly ~

I came from such a simple origin, without any great privilege, and I would say I also wanted to make a mark. It wasn't until I was about 15 that I appeared in a race.
~By Roger Bannister ~

It was an honor and privilege to arrive to this country 16 years ago with almost no money in my pocket. A lot has happened since then.
~By Antonio Banderas ~

I wanted to look at the upper-middle-class scene since the war, and in particular my generation's part in it. We had spent our early years as privileged members of a privileged class. How were we faring in the Age of the Common Man? How ought we to be faring?
~By Simon Raven ~

I sometimes think that Thomas Cook should be numbered among the secular saints. He took travel from the privileged and gave it to the people.
~By Robert Runcie ~

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July 27 ,2024
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