Provocative Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Provocative

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I think photographs should be provocative and not tell you what you already know. It takes no great powers or magic to reproduce somebody's face in a photograph. The magic is in seeing people in new ways.
~By Duane Michals ~

I don't think Fox News or Rush Limbaugh need Clinton it turns out. I think there's a hunger out there for - whether it's on the left or right - a more lively and provocative type of political journalism. I think Salon and Fox on the other side have both benefited from that.
~By David Talbot ~

I'd been to Memphis before, but we stayed out of Memphis early on in the late 70s for obvious reasons. People were very sensitive about Elvis Presley, and my stage name obviously would be provocative to some people in that area at that time.
~By Elvis Costello ~

It is true that I am often startled and even angered and repulsed by the strange directions and provocative content of new forms that seem to pop up every few months.
~By David Rockefeller ~

I think that as I continue to write, my writing I hope will become more controversial and more provocative.
~By Christopher Darden ~

Sean's movies are provocative and challenging without being slick.
~By Robin Wright Penn ~

I think the first album cover was considered most provocative. I think that contributed a great deal.
~By Julie London ~

So there's nothing more provocative than taking a genre that everybody who's cool hates - and then making it cool.
~By Lady Gaga ~

To find a script that works with provocative ideas is hard to find.
~By John McTiernan ~

I think a newspaper should be provocative, stir 'em up, but you can't do that on television. It's just not on.
~By Rupert Murdoch ~

Well, Well, Well, its certainly a compelling provocative exciting delicious to think about idea, smart people say the universe is so big there must be something statistically it could be likely there could be something happening on some other world.
~By Jeff Goldblum ~

Written poetry is different. Best thing is to see it in performance first, then read it. Performance is more provocative.
~By Adrian Mitchell ~

The use of military force against Iran would be very dangerous. It would be very provocative. The only thing worse would be Iran being a nuclear power.
~By Rudy Giuliani ~

I am provocative, and I admit this. It isn't as if I'm only on the receiving end, a poor, frail little creature. I can be thoroughly nasty when I get going, and I don't pull my punches.
~By Helen Suzman ~

No sight that human eyes can look upon is more provocative of awe than is the night sky scattered thick with stars.
~By Llewelyn Powys ~

Let us consider that swearing is a sin of all others peculiarly clamorous, and provocative of Divine judgment.
~By Isaac Barrow ~

It has been very erotic and provocative for people to wonder about my feelings for women.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

There was really nothing shocking in what Brigitte did, what was provocative was her natural sensuality.
~By Roger Vadim ~

Read This: Idea Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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