I'm not saying we purposely introduced bugs or anything, but this is kind of a natural result of any complexities of software... that you can't fully test it. ~By Will Wright ~
As the unity of the modern world becomes increasingly a technological rather than a social affair, the techniques of the arts provide the most valuable means of insight into the real direction of our own collective purposes. ~By Marshall McLuhan ~
I think all women in Hollywood are known as sex symbols. That's what our purpose is in this business. You're merchandised, you're a product. You're sold and it's based on sex. But that's okay. I think women should be empowered by that, not degraded. ~By Megan Fox ~
Happiness serves hardly any other purpose than to make unhappiness possible. ~By Marcel Proust ~
FOR a long time the conviction has been dimly felt in the community that, without prejudice to existing institutions, the legal day of weekly rest might be employed to advantage for purposes affecting the general good. ~By Felix Adler ~
You want to enjoy life, don't you? If you get your job done quickly and your job is fun, that's good isn't it? That's the purpose of life, partly. Your life is better. ~By Yukihiro Matsumoto ~
As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being. ~By Carl Jung ~
September 11 impressed upon us that life is a precious gift. Every life has a purpose. And I think we all have a duty to devote at least a small portion of our daily lives to ensuring that neither America nor the world ever forgets September 11. ~By Bill Frist ~
Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit. ~By Khalil Gibran ~
Don't organize for any other purpose than mutual benefit to the employer and the employee. ~By Mark Hanna ~
I see my purpose in life as making the world a happier place to be in . ~By David Niven ~
The purpose firm is equal to the deed. ~By Edward Young ~
Many good purposes lie in the churchyard. ~By Philip Massinger ~
It is only the enlightened ruler and the wise general who will use the highest intelligence of the army for the purposes of spying, and thereby they achieve great results. ~By Sun Tzu ~
The purpose of our lives is to be happy. ~By Dalai Lama ~
But in truth, should I meet with gold or spices in great quantity, I shall remain till I collect as much as possible, and for this purpose I am proceeding solely in quest of them. ~By Christopher Columbus ~
Yes; we have a specific procedure which we follow in all cases where the Agency is in contact, for the purposes of acquiring intelligence or whatever the case may be, with an individual. ~By Richard M. Helms ~
It can have a secular purpose and have a relationship to God because God was presumed to be both over the state and the church, and separation of church and state was never meant to separate God from government. ~By Roy Moore ~
With the supermarket as our temple and the singing commercial as our litany, are we likely to fire the world with an irresistible vision of America's exalted purpose and inspiring way of life? ~By Adlai Stevenson ~
The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows. ~By Sydney J. Harris ~
In 1995, I founded The Molecular Sciences Institute with a gift from the Philip Morris Company where I hoped that we could create an environment where young people could pursue science in an atmosphere of harmonious purpose and high intellectual challenge. ~By Sydney Brenner ~
Quicksilver is used for many purposes; without it, neither silver nor brass can be properly gilt. ~By Marcus V. Pollio ~
The people at the record company had asked me if I could write a song about my life, my relationship with God, and where I'm from. Well, I can't write a song on purpose, my songs come in a moment of inspiration or desperation. ~By Billy Ray Cyrus ~
All revolutions are spiritual at the source. All my activities have the sole purpose of achieving a union of hearts. ~By Vinoba Bhave ~
While goals are chosen, a purpose is discovered. Our purpose is something we have been doing all along, and will continue to do, regardless of circumstances, until the day we die. ~By Peter McWilliams ~
The very idea of true patriotism is lost, and the term has been prostituted to the very worst of purposes. A patriot, sir! Why, patriots spring up like mushrooms! ~By Robert Walpole ~
I like that kind of frantic schedule. It makes me feel like I have a purpose. ~By Sara Gilbert ~
And in fact, I think one of the best guides to telling you who you are, and I think children use it all the time for this purpose, is fantasy. ~By Peter Shaffer ~
Maintaining healthy forests is essential to those who make a living from the land and for those of us who use them for recreational purposes. ~By Cathy McMorris ~
I learned that the purpose of the Twelve Steps is to do the will of God. ~By Keith Miller ~
Consular cards were not designed to be identification and no treaty recognizes them as such. Legal travelers, visitors and long-term residents carried passports, visas or green cards for that purpose. ~By Elton Gallegly ~
What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree? The purpose of the giant sequoia tree is to provide shade for the tiny titmouse. ~By Edward Abbey ~
And ultimately the people who produce my records, they know that they're here to serve the purpose of me expressing who I am at this period of time and augmenting that or pulling it forward and I love that process. ~By Alanis Morissette ~
The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human. ~By Aldous Huxley ~
Bring me men to match my mountains: Bring me men to match my plains: Men with empires in their purpose and new eras in their brains. ~By Sam Walter Foss ~
The purpose of Plan Columbia was to deal with the increased cultivation and illegal activity associated with that cultivation concerning narco trafficking in Columbia. ~By Rand Beers ~
Anyone wishing to communicate with Americans should do so by e-mail, which has been specially invented for the purpose, involving neither physical proximity nor speech. ~By Auberon Waugh ~
We should not look back unless it is to derive useful lessons from past errors, and for the purpose of profiting by dearly bought experience. ~By George Washington ~
The Bible is the only credible guide either as to the real relationship between man and the earth and the great Creator of both or concerning the purpose of the creation of both. ~By Joseph Franklin Rutherford ~
The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~By Pablo Picasso ~
The way to know about championship quality is to learn from champions, and that I did; studying them with professional purpose during my time in the ring and from habitual interest afterward. ~By Gene Tunney ~
We believe it wrong ever to take a dollar from a free citizen without a very necessary public purpose, because each such taking diminishes the freedom to spend that dollar as its owner would prefer. ~By Mitch Daniels ~
Above all be of single aim; have a legitimate and useful purpose, and devote yourself unreservedly to it. ~By James Allen ~
Consumption is the sole end and purpose of all production; and the interest of the producer ought to be attended to, only so far as it may be necessary for promoting that of the consumer. ~By Adam Smith ~
All the charges you enumerate have been made with one purpose in mind-to place our office on the defensive and make us waste valuable time answering allegations that have no basis in fact. ~By Jim Garrison ~
It is not the purpose of the ad or commercial to make the reader or listener say, 'My what a clever ad.' It is the purpose of advertising to make the reader say, 'I believe I'll buy one when I'm shopping tomorrow'. ~By Morris Hite ~
I believe that all the measures of the Government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer. ~By William Henry Harrison ~
I have myself no more doubt that these metals were prepared by the Almighty for this very purpose, than I have that iron and coal were prepared for the purposes in which they are being used. ~By Hugh McCulloch ~
Unconscious Polities emerge independent of conscious purpose. ~By William Irwin Thompson ~
The fundamental purpose of government is to protect its citizens. ~By Arlen Specter ~
When there wasn't any money involved, for all intents and purposes, nobody gave a damn. But now the land, supposedly worthless, is seen for what it really is: an incredibly valuable asset. ~By Neil Abercrombie ~
You try on purpose to get players with different qualities which will rub off on one another. ~By James Levine ~
So for my studio purposes, I know that I'm in my studio with technicians who've done amazing things to my board and to my power amps and I know what I can deliver out of my studio. ~By Billy Sherwood ~
The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is, at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil, no good, nothing but blind, pitiless indifference. ~By Richard Dawkins ~
Profit is not the legitimate purpose of business. The legitimate purpose of business is to provide a product or service that people need and do it so well that it's profitable. ~By James Rouse ~
What is the primary purpose of a political leader? To build a majority. If voters care about parking lots, then talk about parking lots. ~By Newt Gingrich ~
He came by a leap to the goal of purpose, not by the toilsome steps of reason. On the instant his headlong spirit declared his purpose: this was the one being for him in all the world: at this altar he would light a lamp of devotion, and keep it burning forever. ~By Gilbert Parker ~
Because the better an organization is at fulfilling its purpose, the more it attracts people who see the organization as an opportunity to advance themselves. ~By Robert Shea ~
So Ham's wife that was preserved on the Ark was a Negro of the seed of Cain and there was a priestly purpose in it, that the Devil would have a representation as well as God. ~By Warren Jeffs ~
The sole purpose of business is service. The sole purpose of advertising is explaining the service which business renders. ~By Leo Burnett ~
The ruling idea of the politician - stated rather bluntly - is that those who are opposed to him exist for the purpose of being made to serve his ends, if he can get power enough in his hands to force these ends upon them. ~By Auberon Herbert ~
Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure. ~By Abraham Lincoln ~
I am not on this planet to get something done - the things we accomplish are expressions of our purpose. ~By Paul Williams ~
Music is intended and designed for sentient beings that have hopes and purposes and emotions. ~By Jacques Barzun ~
There is no sea more dangerous than the ocean of practical politics none in which there is more need of good pilotage and of a single, unfaltering purpose when the waves rise high. ~By Thomas Huxley ~
The purpose of the UN mechanism, this inspection mechanism, is not to engage in a cat and mouse game with Saddam Hussein and try to find weapons that the Iraqi government is working on concealing. ~By Douglas Feith ~
A categorical imperative would be one which represented an action as objectively necessary in itself, without reference to any other purpose. ~By Immanuel Kant ~
Taught to regard a part of our own Species in the most abject and contemptible Degree below us, we lose that Idea of the dignity of Man which the Hand of Nature had implanted in us, for great and useful purposes. ~By George Mason ~
A journalistic purpose could be someone with a Xerox machine in a basement. ~By Antonin Scalia ~
Providence has nothing good or high in store for one who does not resolutely aim at something high or good. A purpose is the eternal condition of success. ~By Thornton Wilder ~
I am not the only person who uses his computer mainly for the purpose of diddling with his computer. ~By Dave Barry ~
Critics have their purposes, and they're supposed to do what they do, but sometimes they get a little carried away with what they think someone should have done, rather than concerning themselves with what they did. ~By Duke Ellington ~
That's why it has to be a nonprofit, because a nonprofit is required to take monies it receives and use them for the purposes for which it's chartered by the government. It can't be pocketed. ~By Mitch Kapor ~
The purpose of all wars, is peace. ~By Saint Augustine ~
I felt the most intense pleasure in piercing the stone in order to make an abstract form and space; quite a different sensation from that of doing it for the purpose of realism. ~By Barbara Hepworth ~
The sensors have many potential practical uses - in Government buildings, train carriages, cargo containers, on a soldier's lapel - and are a thousand times cheaper than current sensors that are used for the same purpose. ~By Anne Campbell ~
I've spent about that amount of time trying to tell the public that there was purpose in... my business, my career and the roller coaster ride... how the people I associated with worked together. ~By Diahann Carroll ~
The purpose of Compulsory Education is to deprive the common people of their commonsense. ~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~
No lying knight or lying priest ever prospered in any age, but especially not in the dark ones. Men prospered then only in following an openly declared purpose, and preaching candidly beloved and trusted creeds. ~By John Ruskin ~
The most fundamental purpose of government is defense, not empire. ~By Joseph Sobran ~
There is, however, another purpose to which academies contribute. When they consist of a limited number of persons, eminent for their knowledge, it becomes an object of ambition to be admitted on their list. ~By Charles Babbage ~
The ultimate creative capacity of the brain may be, for all practical purposes, infinite. ~By George Leonard ~
The only failure one should fear, is not hugging to the purpose they see as best. ~By George Eliot ~
My reputation is too important to put it aside for purposes of some friendship. We have a job to do. ~By Stephanie Tubbs Jones ~
Whatever you do for the sole purpose of having others admire you, your efforts will most likely be in vain. ~By Dave Pelzer ~
Every program has two purposes: The one for which it was written and another for which it wasn't. ~By Alan Perlis ~
To what purpose is it to be artificially happy on the surface? ~By Anne Parillaud ~
The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live. ~By Ayn Rand ~
But what we're determined to do, and what the reforms will do is to make sure this system goes back to its core purpose of taking the savings of Americans and from investors around the world and allocating those to people with an idea, not just the largest companies in the country, but to small businesses with an idea and a plan for growing. ~By Timothy Geithner ~
Oh, how precious is time, and how it pains me to see it slide away, while I do so little to any good purpose. ~By David Brainerd ~
Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. ~By Garrison Keillor ~
This whole phenomenon of the diversion of organizations from their purposes and ideals does not seem very serious when the scum rise to the top in the bridge club or the offices of a small magazine publisher. ~By Robert Shea ~
Shrinking away from death is something unhealthy and abnormal which robs the second half of life of its purpose. ~By Carl Jung ~
The purpose creates the machine. ~By Arthur Young ~
Words are but the vague shadows of the volumes we mean. Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes. ~By Theodore Dreiser ~
One of the tragedies of modern times is that people have come to believe that something said by someone in the past, perhaps for illustrative or provocation purposes, actually represents that person's beliefs at the time. ~By Idries Shah ~
With honesty of purpose, balance, a respect for tradition, courage, and, above all, a philosophy of life, any young person who embraces the historical profession will find it rich in rewards and durable in satisfaction. ~By Samuel E. Morison ~
If religion had a good purpose, then man would have created something great. But we're man: we mess up everything. We mess up nature. We mess up God. We take what is given to us and make it into what we think it should be. ~By Ziggy Marley ~
Butterfly was certainly a vehicle for me, and if it died, it still would have served its purpose, in spades. We never expected it to give me the visibility it has given me. It was just a small thing as a vehicle, and suddenly the whole world knew about it. ~By Pia Zadora ~
But my method of the pillar, as it throws the horse yet more upon the haunches, is still more effectual to this purpose, and besides always gives him the ply to the side he goes of. ~By William Cavendish ~