Rank Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Rank

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Benjamin Franklin may have discovered electricity, but it was the man who invented the meter who made the money.
~By Earl Wilson ~

I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.
~By Joseph Addison ~

Ronald Reagan is clearly to television what Franklin Roosevelt was to radio.
~By David R. Gergen ~

If their were more Franklin operations it could help the cause much more than right wing activity.
~By Tom Metzger ~

So many other countries have had female leaders, in fact the U.S. ranks 61st in female representation in government and I think it is startling and sign of a change that needs to be made.
~By Geena Davis ~

Some of my other heroes around that time were, oddly enough, Frank Sinatra, Nat Cole and people like that - I was always more inclined to listen to ballads.
~By William Bell ~

When Richie Cunningham drank too many beers, his parents sat him down and explained their concerns. If you live on this earth, you find out that we are all the same.
~By Henry Winkler ~

You need fighters like me to battle, because frankly The New York Times and the Washington Post are not going to fight the fights that I do.
~By Al Goldstein ~

To work with the hands or brain, according to our requirements and our capacities, to do that which lies before us to do, is more honorable than rank and title.
~By Albert Pike ~

There are different kinds of artists and very often, I'll be very frank with you, I wish I were a different kind.
~By Wole Soyinka ~

I thought, frankly, that it would be more pleasant to write a memoir than it was.
~By Jim Harrison ~

I'm a four star general in this thing, and you don't rise to the ranks of a four star general by hanging about the house being the perfect dad.
~By Sam Elliott ~

I was supposed to be the antithesis of Frank.
~By Douglas Wilson ~

Life is too short to be little. Man is never so manly as when he feels deeply, acts boldly, and expresses himself with frankness and with fervor.
~By Benjamin Disraeli ~

I've fallen back on this periodically, although I must say that getting out of the grocery business ranked right up there with getting out of the army as one of the happier experiences of my life.
~By David Eddings ~

Luckily, I'm doing other things besides just modeling, because frankly, I'm a little bored with it.
~By Rebecca Romijn ~

The way that I got involved with microtonal music was, frankly, through jazz.
~By John Eaton ~

I would have told him that I appreciated his friendship through the years and that I had learned a lot from him. I really loved Frank like you do a brother.
~By Jimmy Carl Black ~

I designed all the characters, anyway, and Frank Doyle was doing all the writing. I didn't have any more input on what direction they were going to go with Josie.
~By Dan DeCarlo ~

This continent, an open palm spread frank before the sky.
~By James Agee ~

Every man who says frankly and fully what he thinks is doing a public service.
~By Leslie Stephen ~

Mr. Chairman, the price for continuing this war is too high, not only in budgetary terms, but in American lives, Iraqi civilian casualties blamed on America and in the steady increase in the terrorist ranks that this war is provoking around the globe.
~By John Conyers ~

The great leaders of the second world war alliance, Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, understood the twin sides of destruction and salvation. Their war aims were not only to defeat fascism, but to create a world of shared prosperity.
~By Jeffrey Sachs ~

Franklin Roosevelt was very concerned about environmental issues.
~By Gaylord Nelson ~

I want to keep audiences off balance, so they don't know who I am or how to take me. If I duck and weave, as Frank Bruno might say, I'll have a longer shelf life.
~By Robert Carlyle ~

I'm not Mr. Debonair Suave. I'm just a regular boy who goofs around, pulls pranks, and makes jokes. That doesn't sound very hot to me.
~By Jensen Ackles ~

When I hear that I realize how quickly time passes and how everybody goes on their journeys and they're always unbelievable and they never go where you think they're going to take you and, quite frankly, it also makes me feel a little old.
~By Rob Lowe ~

Has President Bush exceeded his constitutional authority or acted illegally in authorizing wiretaps without a warrant? Benjamin Franklin would not have thought so.
~By Pete du Pont ~

I will use whatever position I have in order to root out hypocrisy. Democrats have strong moral values. Frankly, my moral values are offended by some of the things I hear on programs like "Rush Limbaugh," and we don't have to put up with that.
~By Howard Dean ~

Socially I never was an outsider. I have never thought of the conflict element before frankly, but perhaps it was wanting to belong, and at the same time wanting to retain one's own personality.
~By Carlisle Floyd ~

In the '50s Morris Louis and I were not known, David Smith and Helen Frankenthaler were not much known.
~By Kenneth Noland ~

Women may give lip service to wanting husbands who take on an equal role in raising children, but many will pull rank when an important decision, like how to discipline or what baby sitter to hire, has to be made.
~By Pepper Schwartz ~

If we like a man's dream, we call him a reformer; if we don't like his dream, we call him a crank.
~By William Dean Howells ~

I had a lousy marriage and I drank too much.
~By Pat Travers ~

Even at the United Nations, where legend has it that the building was designed so that there could be no corner offices, the expanse of glass in individual offices is said to be a dead giveaway as to rank. Five windows are excellent, one window not so great.
~By Enid Nemy ~

When we're in a peak, we make a ton of money, and as soon as we make a ton of money, we're desperately looking for a way to spend it. And we diversify into areas that, frankly, we don't know how to run very well.
~By Bill Ford ~

Among my activities was membership in the Boy Scouts; I rose each year through the ranks, eventually achieving the rank of Eagle Scout and undertaking leadership roles in the organization.
~By Frederick Reines ~

I imagine a lot of people tune in simply to watch reporters get bitch-slapped by Mother Nature, and frankly, who can blame them?
~By Anderson Cooper ~

When we contemplate the heroes of Christianity, and compare our feeble efforts with their astonishing performance and self devotion, we should fall into despair, were there not a few softening features, by which they are brought back to the ranks of humanity.
~By John Strachan ~

This man is frank and earnest with women. In Fresno, he's Frank and in Chicago he's Ernest.
~By Henny Youngman ~

Frankly, writing poetry for children is plain old fun, and I consider myself blessed to have such a delightful career.
~By Jack Prelutsky ~

I'm used to working alone. Frankly with some of the actors I've worked with, I've felt like I was working alone.
~By Claudia Christian ~

Falsity cannot keep an idea from being beautiful; there are certain errors of such ingenuity that one could regret their not ranking among the achievements of the human mind.
~By Jean Rostand ~

You know, I think, people of all stripes in California, Republicans, Democrats, conservatives, liberals, frankly, as I have traveled the state, the number one issue is jobs. And they are looking for which candidate can get the economy back on track.
~By Meg Whitman ~

During three decades, along all the highways of my youth, Frank had always been there for me.
~By Sammy Davis, Jr. ~

We met with the poet Frank O'Hara, who was a link between Upper and Lower Bohemia, and who worked at the Museum of Modern Art, where we had hoped to do the readings.
~By David Amram ~

You know honestly I think there's a Dracula, a Wolf Man, and a Frankenstein's Monster in all of us. They are sides of our own character so that's why I think we can relate to them in terms of a 'I know how that feels' kind of thing.
~By Richard Roxburgh ~

Frank Sinatra is the only one that went from teen idol to superstar.
~By Leif Garrett ~

We're not going to pay attention to the silliness and the petty comments. And quite frankly, women have joined me in this effort, and so it's not about appearances. It's about effectiveness.
~By Katherine Harris ~

Frank Marth also played many characters with us, and like George Petrie, he was worth his weight in gold.
~By Audrey Meadows ~

Those who enjoy their own emotionally bad health and who habitually fill their own minds with the rank poisons of suspicion, jealousy and hatred, as a rule take umbrage at those who refuse to do likewise, and they find a perverted relief in trying to denigrate them.
~By Johannes Brahms ~

Frankly, if people aren't going to cast me because I'm queer, than I don't want to work with them.
~By Anthony Rapp ~

If you choose to be Frankenstein with Botox and plastic surgery, you've bought your own private mask.
~By Frances Conroy ~

He ate and drank the precious Words, his Spirit grew robust; He knew no more that he was poor, nor that his frame was Dust.
~By Emily Dickinson ~

I don't think I'm a follower, frankly.
~By Rachel True ~

The main prank that we play with props is for people's birthdays. The special effects people will put a little explosive in the cake so it blows up in their face - that's always fun to play on a guest star, or one of the trainees or someone who's new.
~By Catherine Bell ~

Conservative humor is frankly harder than liberal humor. You get points for just being liberal. You can get more points if you make fun of your own side sometimes.
~By Ted Rall ~

As in the rankest soil the most beautiful flowers are grown, so in the dark soil of poverty the choicest flowers of humanity have developed and bloomed.
~By James Allen ~

The type of music I like to sing is really those classic songs, those Barbara Streisand, Celine Dion, Frank Sinatra, classics.
~By Jacob Lusk ~

Frank is such a great visual storyteller, that if you study his artwork you see that his Sin City books are already the best movies never seen on the big screen.
~By Robert Rodriguez ~

Outside of advertising, the person who's influenced me most is quite possibly Frank Gehry.
~By Jay Chiat ~

I would first recommend we appoint a Police Director that commands the respect of the rank and file.
~By Vincent Frank ~

While it is true that Frank had a great sense of humor, he was also very serious about composing music. In reality there are only a handful of skilled players who can play his most complex pieces. It takes a lot of patience to learn and requires a fantastic memory.
~By Dweezil Zappa ~

I asked Frank what he remembered most about working with Jackie. He said, 'Apart from the fact that he always called me Francis, I always felt like I was going to a party, instead of work. It was such a blast.'
~By Audrey Meadows ~

Frankly, it is clear that we would be better off in the long run without federal funding, and the challenge right now is that if we lost it altogether, we would have a lot of stations go dark.
~By Ron Schiller ~

Whatever ambivalence I felt about my own career, Frankie more than made up for it with his ambition and tenacity.
~By Annette Funicello ~

I wanted to make the kind of records that I heard in the discos that I danced in at that time. Funky, electronic sounds, while the musicians in the band were more rock oriented. This I suppose created the sound we know as Frankie Goes To Hollywood.
~By Holly Johnson ~

First, we did rank everybody by risk, and New York comes out number one.
~By Michael Chertoff ~

Frank liked administrative work and was good at it.
~By Denis Norden ~

And I maintain good relationships with all the studios so I've never been bullied into any cut, frankly.
~By Ridley Scott ~

We appreciate frankness from those who like us. Frankness from others is called insolence.
~By Andre Maurois ~

I hadn't been in Vegas 20 minutes when I got word that the bookmakers were offering three to one that Frank wouldn't show for my wedding.
~By Sammy Davis, Jr. ~

Now, a lot of what we are doing right now, quite frankly, is because of what happened on Christmas. Many of the things were kind of in the works. We were already planning, for example, the purchase and deployment of advanced imaging technology. You call them body scanners. We call them AITs (Advanced Imaging Technologies).
~By Janet Napolitano ~

Meanwhile, the Ice Storm was still in development, And that was something I really wanted to do, and frankly I don't think I was ready to do a big production like this.
~By Ang Lee ~

The young patriots now returning from war in Iraq and Afghanistan and other deployments worldwide are joining the ranks of veterans to whom America owes an immense debt of gratitude.
~By Steve Buyer ~

Frankly, I don't mind not being President. I just mind that someone else is.
~By Edward Kennedy ~

I don't want to write formula. I don't want to crank these books out like sausages. Every book is different, which takes a hell of a lot of ingenuity on my part.
~By Sue Grafton ~

It is important to our friends to believe that we are unreservedly frank with them, and important to friendship that we are not.
~By Mignon McLaughlin ~

Having marshalled the men in battle order, as shown in the first diagram, you will observe that each party has two ranks of men, on the first of which stand the superior Pieces, and on the next the eight Pawns.
~By Howard Staunton ~

Think of Frank Capra and Preston Sturges. They used the same actors over and over again.
~By Matthew Modine ~

Frank and explicit - that is the right line to take when you wish to conceal your own mind and confuse the minds of others.
~By Benjamin Disraeli ~

As the highest ranking American official in the United Nations organization, I came to understand thoroughly that the national constitutional processes of the member states define the status of territories under their sovereignty.
~By Dick Thornburgh ~

It's weird when people start sentences with 'frankly' - as if their other sentences don't count.
~By Doug Coupland ~

I think that we have a responsibility to make certain that we are fiscally responsible in order to assure, frankly, future generations don't have to pay our bills.
~By Carol Moseley Braun ~

The payment made by a manufacturer to a patentee for the privilege of using the patent process, is usually termed, in commercial language, a rent; and under the same head must be ranked all extraordinary qualities of body and mind.
~By Nassau William Senior ~

Franklin Roosevelt had to govern at a time of crisis. If you're going to make changes in the way a nation thinks, you have to have the ability to take the crisis of the moment and use it to shape an agenda.
~By Pete du Pont ~

Audience response to The Man From U.N.C.L.E. back in the '60s - well, I was frankly surprised by the show's success and the attendant publicity for David and myself.
~By Robert Vaughn ~

It was not easy to get all my questions answered, frankly.
~By Richard Ben Veniste ~

No age, sex, or condition is above or below the absolute necessity of modesty; but without it one is vastly beneath the rank of man.
~By Bernard Barton ~

The issues are by some geometric number - 100 or 200 or 500 - times more complicated today than we appreciated them to be when Franklin Roosevelt was around.
~By Gaylord Nelson ~

I want to be the greatest actor that ever lived, frankly. I'd love that. But I don't need to be. I just want to be here. That's it.
~By Jim Carrey ~

Of this they drank half a pint every day, and sometimes more or less, as it operated, by way of gentle physic. Two others had each two oranges and one lemon given them every day. These they ate with greediness, at different times, upon an empty stomach.
~By James Lind ~

To begin to think with purpose, is to enter the ranks of those strong ones who only recognize failure as one of the pathways to attainment.
~By James Allen ~

A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.
~By Alexandre Dumas ~

And I loved Frank Lloyd Wright. I think he was the greatest man I have ever met in my life.
~By Anthony Quinn ~

I only drank for three years of my life, but I drank enough in those three years to last me the rest of my life... It's a religious thing.
~By Marty Robbins ~

I am a rank individualist.
~By Arthur Keith ~

Nobody's irreplaceable, including me. I think for too long we've had a cult of personality in this company and in this industry, and frankly, I'd like to see that diminish.
~By Bill Ford ~

We sat around and I fed them barbecue and whiskey. And pretty soon everyone started to compete with each other on the guitars. It seemed the more everyone drank and ate, the more everyone got into it.
~By Gary Allan ~

We sat here during Irene in '99 with the back door open. We drank and watched all the stuff fly by.
~By John Harrison ~

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July 27 ,2024
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