Remarkable Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Remarkable

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In the span of three years, the Iraqi people participated in three elections, drafted a constitution, and elected a new government. While more work remains, this is remarkable progress.
~By Tim Murphy ~

Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.
~By David Ogilvy ~

Children are remarkable for their intelligence and ardor, for their curiosity, their intolerance of shams, the clarity and ruthlessness of their vision.
~By Aldous Huxley ~

It is remarkable by how much a pinch of malice enhances the penetrating power of an idea or an opinion. Our ears, it seems, are wonderfully attuned to sneers and evil reports about our fellow men.
~By Eric Hoffer ~

On my passage thither, I discovered nothing remarkable in the features of the country.
~By William Henry Ashley ~

It is remarkable how closely the history of the apple tree is connected with that of man.
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

My mother's been married many, many times and grew up believing in love like that. It's remarkable.
~By Sherilyn Fenn ~

This ceremony and the intellectual aura associated with the Nobel Prizes have grown from the wisdom of a practical chemist who wrote a remarkable will.
~By Stanford Moore ~

Nothing is so common-place as to wish to be remarkable.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes ~

Whenever I found out anything remarkable, I have thought it my duty to put down my discovery on paper, so that all ingenious people might be informed thereof.
~By Antonie van Leeuwenhoek ~

The Senate is a remarkable institution. It is unique. There is no other body, no other political body, no other democratic legislature in the world quite like the U.S. Senate.
~By Max Baucus ~

There's something about the Irish that is remarkable.
~By Fiona Shaw ~

Our all-volunteer force continues to prove itself with a great level of professionalism, personal commitment and a technical competence that is quite remarkable.
~By Geoff Davis ~

What goes on between a father and a son, which is usually such a private matter, is that they are able to be honest with each other, and be honest with me, as a director. It's just remarkable.
~By Lee Grant ~

The Department of Cell Biology at Johns Hopkins was founded and directed by Tom Pollard, an engaging young scientist with remarkable energy and enthusiasm.
~By Peter Agre ~

It is remarkable how many misconceptions there are here about life in the developing world and I think that that knowledge gap has done a lot to contribute to the imbalance quite frankly.
~By Emma Thompson ~

There have been two Geraldo Riveras through his long career. One of them was a reporter who has done some remarkable work. The other was a television show host who did what it took to get an audience.
~By Brit Hume ~

The Parent Trap wouldn't have been as special without the remarkable performances by Hayley Mills.
~By Maureen O'Hara ~

Chris was a friend of mine, I loved him. I didn't see him for 18 months before he died, but I'd met him several times after the accident. What was remarkable was his personal growth in his interior life.
~By Margot Kidder ~

The British have a remarkable talent for keeping calm, even when there is no crisis.
~By Franklin P. Jones ~

We've persevered because of a belief we share with the Iraqi people - a belief that out of the ashes of war, a new beginning could be born in this cradle of civilization. Through this remarkable chapter in the history of the United States and Iraq, we have met our responsibility. Now, it's time to turn the page.
~By Barack Obama ~

Language is remarkable, except under the extreme constraints of mathematics and logic, it never can talk only about what it's supposed to talk about but is always spreading around.
~By Howard Nemerov ~

Remarkable is the greater openness of the Catholic Church towards people of other religious traditions and persuasions. The development has not been without problems, since some people have resisted it and others have pushed openness beyond the desirable point.
~By Francis Arinze ~

The cosmical importance of this conclusion is profound and the possibilities it opens for the future very remarkable, greater in fact than any suggested before by science in the whole history of the human race.
~By Francis William Aston ~

Shun no toil to make yourself remarkable by some talent or other; yet do not devote yourself to one branch exclusively. Strive to get clear notions about all. Give up no science entirely; for science is but one.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

Americans are far more remarkable than we give ourselves credit for. We've been so busy damning ourselves for years. We've done it all, and yet we don't take credit for it.
~By Ray Bradbury ~

I will only observe, that that ethereal sense - sight, and touch, which is at the other extremity of the scale, have from time acquired a very remarkable additional power.
~By Jean Anthelme Brillat Savarin ~

Some of those drawn into the holy war had been secular nationalists only a few years before. If one looks at the biographies of these people, remarkable continuities are revealed.
~By Jurgen Habermas ~

I met Jesse Owens once. He was a remarkable individual, and I have tremendous respect for what he did in the Olympics under the circumstances.
~By Lee Trevino ~

As we celebrate President Reagan's remarkable career and historic legacy, we also celebrate a man of strong character, deep conviction, unforgettable charm, and wonderful wit.
~By Jim Ramstad ~

I have never known a person to live to be one hundred and be remarkable for anything else.
~By Josh Billings ~

Through persistent dedication, Susan B. Anthony, and other remarkable leaders, women were finally granted the right to vote in 1920.
~By Louise Slaughter ~

The epoch of Customary Law, and of its custody by a privileged order, is a very remarkable one.
~By Henry James Sumner Maine ~

This is a value-added college education if I have heard one described. And what is the most remarkable about Delaware State University graduates - is they just keeping giving back.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

And 'tis remarkable that they talk most who have the least to say.
~By Matthew Prior ~

The remarkable thing is, we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
~By Charles R. Swindoll ~

What is so remarkable about the success of affirmative action is that it has been accomplished despite the Justice Department and the policies of the federal government.
~By Harold Washington ~

The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.
~By Calvin Trillin ~

If Solomon counts the day of one's death better than the day of one's birth, there can be no objection why that also may not be reckoned amongst one's remarkable and happy days.
~By John Aubrey ~

While many of us never knew Ronald Reagan personally, we felt close to him because we shared his lighthearted sense of humor, admired his uncommon virtue, and were moved by his remarkable wisdom.
~By Randy Forbes ~

I love working with children and this young boy, Thomas Sangster, is quite a remarkable young actor. He raises your game, you know. He certainly raised mine.
~By Liam Neeson ~

The New York City Ballet is always about the realm of possibilities, the realm of what the human body can do, what the human spirit can do. And it's about listening, it's about listening to remarkable music and how we respond to that.
~By John Guare ~

The year 1826 was remarkable for the commencement of one of those fearful droughts to which we have reason to believe the climate of New South Wales is periodically subject.
~By Charles Sturt ~

A kitten is chiefly remarkable for rushing about like mad at nothing whatever, and generally stopping before it gets there.
~By Agnes Repplier ~

A remarkable thing about Shakespeare is that he is really very good in spite of all the people who say he is very good.
~By Robert Graves ~

Not only is it not remarkable to be a single woman, there's no stigma attached. You see more and more women choosing to be single as well as happenstance.
~By Pepper Schwartz ~

It is very remarkable, that in the book of life, we find some almost of all kinds of occupations, who notwithstanding served God in their respective generations, and shone as so many lights in the world.
~By George Whitefield ~

A man's desire for a son is usually nothing but the wish to duplicate himself in order that such a remarkable pattern may not be lost to the world.
~By Helen Rowland ~

Arles is certainly one of the most interesting towns I have ever seen, whether viewed as a place remarkable for the objects of antiquity it contains, or for the primitive manners of its inhabitants and its picturesque appearance.
~By Marguerite Gardiner ~

It is a remarkable honor to receive a Nobel Prize, because it not only recognizes discoveries, but also their usefulness to the advancement of fundamental science.
~By Peter Agre ~

When people use your brand name as a verb, that is remarkable.
~By Meg Whitman ~

It is curious to reflect, for example, upon the remarkable legend of the Philosopher's Stone, one of the oldest and most universal beliefs, the origin of which, however far back we penetrate into the records of the past, we do not probably trace its real source.
~By Frederick Soddy ~

The life of a dancer is tragically short. What is remarkable about the New York City Ballet is that it makes us forget that. Because it keeps the ballet alive.
~By John Guare ~

I wish that every player could feel what I've felt in visiting ballparks. The receptions I've received, it's blown me away. It's absolutely remarkable.
~By Mark McGwire ~

The lawlessness of frontier life in America has been pictured as a remarkable phenomenon. In reality, it was the natural consequence of indiscriminate mixing of volatile substances.
~By Paul Harris ~

We can sit around and go, okay, is there really a plan, does somebody really know what's happening, is it all planned out, because sometimes it just seems too remarkable to me the things that have happened to me.
~By Andie MacDowell ~

In fact, things are moving along rather well in Iraq. Nothing is perfect, of course, and freedom is messy work. The cooperation of the three major interests in Iraq has been remarkable.
~By John Linder ~

One of the remarkable things about my career is that it has been marked by steady, incremental progress. No sudden spikes up, and no sudden downfalls, either.
~By Phil Hartman ~

In some instances, the accuracy of past-life memories can be objectively verified, sometimes with remarkable detail.
~By Stanislav Grof ~

Chemists employed by the police can do remarkable things with blood. They can weave it into a rope to hang a man.
~By Margery Allingham ~

I was born into the most remarkable and eccentric family I could possibly have hoped for.
~By Maureen O'Hara ~

The nationalist not only does not disapprove of atrocities committed by his own side, but he has a remarkable capacity for not even hearing about them.
~By George Orwell ~

Despite Arizona's remarkable growth in recent years, we have met the current federal health standards for ozone pollution and the Environmental Protection Agency recently approved our dust control plan.
~By Jane D. Hull ~

His ignorance was as remarkable as his knowledge.
~By Arthur Conan Doyle ~

There is a very remarkable inclination in human nature to bestow on external objects the same emotions which it observes in itself, and to find every where those ideas which are most present to it.
~By David Hume ~

You can find the entire cosmos lurking in its least remarkable objects.
~By Wislawa Szymborska ~

The strike of the miners in Arizona was one of the most remarkable strikes in the history of the American labor movement. Its peaceful character, its successful outcome, were due to that most remarkable character, Governor Hunt.
~By Mary Harris Jones ~

My diminished girth, in tailor phraseology, was hardly conceivable even by my own friends, or my respected medical adviser, until I put on my former clothing, over what I now wear, which is a thoroughly convincing proof of the remarkable change.
~By William Banting ~

The development of new instrumental and vocal idioms has been one of the remarkable phenomena of recent music.
~By George Crumb ~

The colors live a remarkable life of their own after they have been applied to the canvas.
~By Edvard Munch ~

It really is quite remarkable that Darfur has become a household name. I am gratified that's the case.
~By Nicholas D. Kristof ~

Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so.
~By Douglas Adams ~

The remarkable position in which we find ourselves is that we don't actually know what we actually know.
~By Bill Bryson ~

It's a remarkable exercise to sit and look at your own work over the years.
~By Vera Wang ~

It is remarkable that this people, though unarmed, dares attack an armed foe; the infantry defy the cavalry, and by their activity and courage generally prove victors.
~By Giraldus Cambrensis ~

The amount of things I have been through and the remarkable ways in which the body has reacted is just phenomenal. No wonder I became religious, because you don't know why something's happening to you and you don't know how you bounced back.
~By Amitabh Bachchan ~

It is remarkable that jealousy of individual property in land often goes along with very exaggerated doctrines of tribal or national property in land.
~By William Graham Sumner ~

I have lost someone I loved as a brother, as a closest friend, and a remarkable human being. We have also lost one of the best damn actors we'll ever see.
~By Jack Lemon ~

I am proud to be in the Senate. I have always been proud to be a part of our political system. It is a remarkable privilege to participate in this system of ours.
~By Byron Dorgan ~

San Francisco is a mad city - inhabited for the most part by perfectly insane people whose women are of a remarkable beauty.
~By Rudyard Kipling ~

Every man is more than just himself; he also represents the unique, the very special and always significant and remarkable point at which the world's phenomena intersect, only once in this way, and never again.
~By Hermann Hesse ~

What we don't talk about enough is Ohio's unique and remarkable quality of life. We are a state of cities, small towns and growing suburbs where life is affordable and destinations within reach. There is no better place to raise a family.
~By Bob Taft ~

It wasn't like it is now. But for the types of teams we had, the fans were very good here. On some Thursday afternoon games, we'd get 25,000 fans. That was remarkable. This has always been a great Red Sox city.
~By Curt Gowdy ~

It is truly a privilege to be able to support all women's causes on a global level. It is remarkable that something as simple as television can empower us to create change and awareness in the world.
~By Teri Hatcher ~

Nothing is so commonplace has the wish to be remarkable.
~By Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. ~

Despite these hurdles, manufacturers in the U.S. and their employees are doing remarkable work.
~By John Engler ~

A remarkable feature of the humanitarian movement, on both its sentimental and utilitarian sides, has been its preoccupation with the lot of the masses.
~By Irving Babbitt ~

What we know is that Shakespeare wrote perhaps the most remarkable body of passionate love poetry in the English language to a young man.
~By Stephen Greenblatt ~

But I certainly made mistakes, for which I regret, I think most human beings in their lifetime make mistakes, mine ended up in two years prison - two very remarkable years from which I learnt a lot.
~By Jeffrey Archer ~

By the time we reached Virginia City I was considered a remarkable good shot and a fearless rider for a girl of my age.
~By Calamity Jane ~

I therefore named this isolated and remarkable feature Swan Hill.
~By Thomas Mitchell ~

It is hardly surprising that the Georgian domestic style emerges as the most remarkable in the world.
~By Stephen Gardiner ~

I have learned, as a rule of thumb, never to ask whether you can do something. Say, instead, that you are doing it. Then fasten your seat belt. The most remarkable things follow.
~By Julia Cameron ~

As a reward of their clean living and good habits these great stars have been able to withstand the rigorous test of stamina and physical exertion and have thus successfully extended their most remarkable careers over a period of many strenuous years.
~By Major Taylor ~

We started filming in 1993 which was only four years after the fall of communism. The difference in Budapest over the last five years has been remarkable.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

But my dad also was a remarkable man, a good person, a principled individual, a man of integrity.
~By Sidney Poitier ~

Well, T Bone's had a remarkable career as a producer since the time that we first worked together. He was dividing his time between recording and producing when we first met, and touring. We toured together and we were great friends.
~By Elvis Costello ~

Don't live down to expectations. Go out there and do something remarkable.
~By Wendy Wasserstein ~

The thing about hip-hop today is it's smart, it's insightful. The way they can communicate a complex message in a very short space is remarkable.
~By Barack Obama ~

But it is impossible to divide a cube into two cubes, or a fourth power into fourth powers, or generally any power beyond the square into like powers; of this I have found a remarkable demonstration. This margin is too narrow to contain it.
~By Pierre de Fermat ~

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July 27 ,2024
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