Respect Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Respect

Read This: Radical Quotes And Sayings

The first few games that we played against some of the teams, the young guys, you know, want a stick sign or photo sign, and I think that they respect what I have achieved throughout my career.
~By Mario Lemieux ~

There is no calamity which a great nation can invite which equals that which follows a supine submission to wrong and injustice and the consequent loss of national self-respect and honor, beneath which are shielded and defended a people's safety and greatness.
~By Eldridge Cleaver ~

The willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life is the source from which self-respect springs.
~By Joan Didion ~

In the mass of mankind, I fear, there is too great a majority of fools and knaves; who, singly from their number, must to a certain degree be respected, though they are by no means respectable.
~By Philip Stanhope ~

I love Age of Empires and I play RTS games all the time, I respect what they've accomplished.
~By Sid Meier ~

Science without respect for human life is degrading to us all and reflects a hollow and deceptive philosophy, a philosophy that we as a people should never condone.
~By Nathan Deal ~

When I was young there was no respect for the young, and now that I am old there is no respect for the old. I missed out coming and going.
~By J. B. Priestley ~

If man doesn't learn to treat the oceans and the rain forest with respect, man will become extinct.
~By Peter Benchley ~

The Brady Bunch is a live action modern fairytale of family. In this context it's less odd that it's lasted for over thirty years; and why it may last in some respects as long as Mother Goose!
~By Christopher Knight ~

In fact I am quite snappy and irritable, and I don't know if I'd like to make myself worse in that respect.
~By Nigella Lawson ~

I felt devalued and disrespected. The energy behind it felt disingenuous and motivated by corporate profit.
~By Lisa Bonet ~

Respect is not ever assigned; it's earned.
~By Linda Tripp ~

There is no need to worry about mere size. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man. Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus, but we do not on that account value him less.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

At sea a fellow comes out. Salt water is like wine, in that respect.
~By Herman Melville ~

Between richer and poorer classes in a free country a mutually respecting antagonism is much healthier than pity on the one hand and dependence on the other, as is, perhaps, the next best thing to fraternal feeling.
~By Charles Horton Cooley ~

Self-respect is the cornerstone of all virtue.
~By John Herschel ~

Great authors are admirable in this respect: in every generation they make for disagreement. Through them we become aware of our differences.
~By Andre Gide ~

Why couldn't Obama have picked somebody respectable as his running mate, you know, like John Kerry did?
~By Ann Coulter ~

The great thing in the world is not so much to seek happiness as to earn peace and self-respect.
~By Thomas Huxley ~

I respect people who can do both careers, like Will Smith and a couple of other people who have done it, but I just don't know when they sleep.
~By Val Kilmer ~

Self-respect: the secure feeling that no one, as yet, is suspicious.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

It is the safeguard of the strongest that he lives under a government which is obliged to respect the voice of the weakest.
~By Robert Purvis ~

I'm free. I just do what I want, say what I want, say how I feel, and I don't try to hurt nobody. I just try to make sure that I don't compromise my art in any kind of way, and I think people respect that.
~By Erykah Badu ~

So now I feel I'm lucky in the respect that I can sort of pick a little more carefully, which is tricky because as a black actress, there aren't that many roles to pick from.
~By Rachel True ~

I have said, with respect to authorization bills, that I do not want the Congress or the country to commit fiscal suicide on the installment plan.
~By Everett Dirksen ~

I wanted to be an actress. In college I was a serious feminist and very political. I was determined to get one thing out of my career and that was respect. I didn't want money. I didn't care about fame.
~By Christine Lahti ~

For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.
~By Nelson Mandela ~

Who could look on these monuments without reflecting on the vanity of mortals in thus offering up testimonials of their respect for persons of whose very names posterity is ignorant?
~By Marguerite Gardiner ~

Respect yourself if you would have others respect you.
~By Baltasar Gracian ~

Respect for ourselves guides our morals, respect for others guides our manners.
~By Laurence Sterne ~

I've got a collection of songs that I've had, I keep adding to and they're all great American composers. I wanted to showcase American composers and I've done that on a lot of my records and played things by American composers that I really respect.
~By Charlie Haden ~

I undertake that, in the exercise of my functions of that office I will have regard to any guidance with respect to ethical standards issued by the secretary of state under Section 66 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.
~By Kenneth Robert Livingstone ~

One, I have a wonderful publisher, Black Sparrow Press; as long as they exist, they will keep me in print. And they claim they sell very respectable numbers of my books, so I guess, and it's true, every place I go, my books are in libraries and on bookshelves.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

It will give them the opportunity to show themselves worthy of the respect and friendship of peace-loving nations, and in time, to take an honorable place among members of the United Nations.
~By James F. Byrnes ~

A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone.
~By Billy Graham ~

Managers have very tough jobs. I always respected their job but demanded respect in return.
~By Jim Evans ~

I submit, on the other hand, most respectfully, that the Constitution not merely does not affirm that principle, but, on the contrary, altogether excludes it.
~By William H. Seward ~

Throughout the years, many Christian women have told me of their great respect for the bravery and courage evident in my work, perhaps even gesturing to their own Isis earrings or a Nile River Goddess pendants.
~By Carol P. Christ ~

Respect a man, he will do it the more.
~By James Howell ~

I have a huge respect for writers and realise that this is not an area that I find easy. I doubt that I would have the patience in front of a blank sheet of paper to become a writer.
~By Jenny Agutter ~

I will always support legislation which respects and values life.
~By Gresham Barrett ~

Perhaps the surest test of an individual's integrity is his refusal to do or say anything that would damage his self-respect.
~By Thomas S. Monson ~

Don't tell your kids you had an easy birth or they won't respect you. For years I used to wake up my daughter and say, 'Melissa you ripped me to shreds. Now go back to sleep.'.
~By Joan Rivers ~

Thus, it was to seek true civilization and true justice for all the peoples of the world, and to view this as the destruction of personal freedom and respect is to be assailed by the hatred and emotion of war, and to make hasty judgments.
~By Hideki Tojo ~

More than anything, I think as our country matures, we recognize that women deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

If the individual is to be happy in the contemporary order, he must be open-minded with respect to new values and new arrangements.
~By Thomas Cochrane ~

Well, I went through some emotionally abusive relationships and allowed myself to not be properly respected as a lady, as a human being even, though I tried everything I knew to be a lady.
~By Gloria Gaynor ~

In the ordinary church, it is suppressed by respectability, by a desire to appear better than we really are.
~By E. Stanley Jones ~

By deafness one gains in one respect more than one loses; one misses more nonsense than sense.
~By Horace Walpole ~

We hope President Obama will now respect the will of the people, change course, and commit to making the changes they are demanding. To the extent he is willing to do this, we are ready to work with him.
~By John Boehner ~

General Musharraf needs my participation to give credibility to the electoral process, as well as to respect the fundamental right of all those who wish to vote for me.
~By Benazir Bhutto ~

The duty of man is the same in respect to his own nature as in respect to the nature of all other things, namely not to follow it but to amend it.
~By John Stuart Mill ~

The message of music was also the first thing what I learned from my first teacher. She was an organist too and she was very devoted to what she played, so she had a respect for every piece and she felt that she is not allowed to add something of her own.
~By Kurt Masur ~

I believe that, like most writers, my personality comes through in the fiction. So in that respect my writing can't be like any other author's really.
~By Paul Kane ~

Peace, of course, is different from divorce; indeed, in essential respects, divorce is the opposite of peace.
~By Douglas Feith ~

We will not agree on every issue. But let us respect those differences and respect one another. Let us recognize that we do not serve an ideology or a political party; we serve the people.
~By John Lynch ~

An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for the law.
~By Martin Luther King, Jr. ~

Ideas are not thoughts; the thought respects the boundaries that the idea ignores thereby failing to realize itself.
~By Franz Grillparzer ~

American officials have bent over backwards to show how sensitive they are to Muslim culture. It didn't seem very effective. They seem to be worried about winning the respect of other people.
~By Tucker Carlson ~

Other times you can get showy for three minutes, and that's OK with certain films. But that isn't right with an Ang Lee movie, you have to fit right in. You have to understand Ang, respect him and be part of the team and not be in charge of it - he is in charge of it.
~By Dennis Muren ~

Now I feel like whatever I do, no one can hurt me. I cannot be violated, I cannot be humiliated, I cannot be disregarded, I cannot be disrespected.
~By Fiona Apple ~

We will work with industrial or Dept. Of Defence sponsorship as long as we keep our principals of openness firm we're proud to work with the military, and they respect that in turn.
~By Charles Vest ~

If I did not have for him the warm affection a son feels toward a less austere and preoccupied father, I at least had an immense respect for him, and a great admiration.
~By Lincoln Ellsworth ~

The conqueror is regarded with awe; the wise man commands our respect; but it is only the benevolent man that wins our affection.
~By William Dean Howells ~

A man's respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck.
~By Adam Clayton ~

Every American deserves to live in freedom, to have his or her privacy respected and a chance to go as far as their ability and effort will take them - regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or economic circumstances.
~By Christopher Dodd ~

I have a feeling that being in love sometimes means the projection of your desires onto another person. The important thing is that you like the other person, respect the other person and want to raise children with the other person.
~By Eric Braeden ~

I don't have any respect at all for the scum-bags who went to Canada to avoid the draft or to avoid doing their fair share.
~By R. Lee Ermey ~

People respect you more if you just play and blow something out than if you take the easier road. That's how we think. You get more respect and people play harder for you. Just play till you blow it. Just play till it goes.
~By Terry Bradshaw ~

We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future.
~By Joseph Joubert ~

There exist only three beings worthy of respect: the priest, the soldier, the poet. To know, to kill, to create.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

If you respect the audience enough, they can take onboard many things.
~By Nick Park ~

So far I, at least, have no fault to find with implications of Hamilton's Federalism, but unfortunately his policy was in certain other respects tainted with a more doubtful tendency.
~By Herbert Croly ~

In this respect I suppose I'm the total opposite of Garry. With his very emotive body language at the board he shows and displays all his emotions. I don't.
~By Vladimir Kramnik ~

In this respect early youth is exactly like old age; it is a time of waiting for a big trip to an unknown destination. The chief difference is that youth waits for the morning limited and age waits for the night train.
~By Bruce Catton ~

I believe in a lively disrespect for most forms of authority.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

I can remember when I was a baby and my mother was there watching the show. I went and bought 100 episodes and watched them. I respect it so much that the sitcom itself and Ed Norton; I'm not playing Ed Norton but my version of it, cause I'm a black man.
~By Mike Epps ~

So I really would like to see both parties respond to the poor with greater commitment. But I've got to tell you, the Democrats, I feel, are doing a better job in that respect than Republicans are.
~By Tony Campolo ~

Reasoned arguments and suggestions which make allowance for the full difficulties of the state of war that exists may help, and will always be listened to with respect and sympathy.
~By Stafford Cripps ~

It remains to consider what attitude thoughtful men and Christian believers should take respecting them, and how they stand related to beliefs of another order.
~By Asa Gray ~

Let us make a pledge now to help Fiji through this very important next stage of its journey. We can do this by promising to be patient, calm and tolerant and by respecting the views of others, even if we disagree with them.
~By Josefa Iloilo ~

I always have one or two, sometimes more, Navajo or other tribes' cultural elements in mind when I start a plot. In Thief of Time, I wanted to make readers aware of Navajo attitude toward the dead, respect for burial sites.
~By Tony Hillerman ~

All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

Like anywhere, we had to make people understand that we were there with good intentions, and that we were there with respect. We started making contacts with the people in the neighborhood three months before shooting began, so that everyone involved was comfortable.
~By Mathieu Kassovitz ~

I will not speak with disrespect of the Republican Party. I always speak with respect of the past.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

Americans have been conditioned to respect newness, whatever it costs them.
~By John Updike ~

I've always had great respect for Paddington because he is amusingly English and eccentric. He is a great British institution and my generation grew up with the books and then Michael Horden's animations.
~By Stephen Fry ~

We respect the role of the Senate. We respect the authority of the Senate to look at the qualifications of Judge Roberts, and at the end of the day I'm optimistic that if given a fair hearing and a fair opportunity, that he will be confirmed.
~By Alberto Gonzales ~

It is not the money but the self-respect and wanting to create good music.
~By Barry Gibb ~

It's the only way we can lose, irrespective of the result.
~By Graham Taylor ~

I listened to Kelley's record with pleasure. Great to hear real music with respect for the righteous roots. Her singing is outstanding - no frills, down to the bone and intense.
~By Jerry Wexler ~

I tell myself that God gave my children many gifts - spirit, beauty, intelligence, the capacity to make friends and to inspire respect. There was only one gift he held back - length of life.
~By Rose Kennedy ~

In order to be respected, authority has got to be respectable.
~By Tom Robbins ~

When a woman removes her garment, she also removes the respect that is hers.
~By Herodotus ~

The twentieth century has exhibited a barbarism and lack of respect for human life on a massive scale just about unknown before.
~By Ron Silver ~

You can't buy back your respect; you can't buy back your career. You only get one, so I don't want to mess that up.
~By Shia LaBeouf ~

You couldn't pay me enough to be a law enforcement officer. Their job is a tough job. You have to solve people's problems, you have to baby-sit people, you have to always be doing this cat-and-mouse game with the bad guys. My respect for them is immense.
~By Christopher Meloni ~

The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life.
~By Richard Bach ~

I believe that the fight against crime starts in the home. Parents must take responsibility for their children and show them love and guidance from an early age so they learn to respect the rights of others.
~By Blanche Lincoln ~

I think soccer is more respected now than it ever has been. You can see that in the numbers of young kids who are playing and the numbers of people who are coming to watch.
~By Brandi Chastain ~

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July 27 ,2024
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