Right Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Right

Read This: Separation Quotes And Sayings

And right now I may just be living inside the heart of the body, and I one day hope to move to the brain.
~By Terrence Howard ~

'Tis hard to comprehend how one man can come to be master of many, equal to himself in right, unless it be by consent or by force.
~By Algernon Sydney ~

I'd like to design something like a city or a museum. I want to do something hands on rather than just play golf which is the sport of the religious right.
~By Brad Pitt ~

Providing working Minnesotans with at least seven days of paid sick leave every year is the right thing to do to. It benefits our families and helps our businesses become more worker friendly and family friendly.
~By Mark Dayton ~

When you love a man, he becomes more than a body. His physical limbs expand, and his outline recedes, vanishes. He is rich and sweet and right. He is part of the world, the atmosphere, the blue sky and the blue water.
~By Gwendolyn Brooks ~

I have now reached the happy age of 23. No, happy is not quite the right word. At this particular moment I am certainly not happy.
~By Eva Braun ~

Compromise is but the sacrifice of one right or good in the hope of retaining another - too often ending in the loss of both.
~By Tryon Edwards ~

People think I have courage. The courage in my family are my wife Pam, my three daughters, here, Nicole, Jamie, LeeAnn, my mom, who's right here too.
~By Jim Valvano ~

The poor child was the drudge of the household, and was always in the wrong. He was, however, the most bright and discreet of all the brothers; and if he spoke little, he heard and thought the more.
~By Charles Perrault ~

Maybe someone will step up, but they don't have anyone right now.
~By Earl Monroe ~

The radio even weren't allowed to say there was a Holocaust and people were being killed right, left and center in these terrible camps.
~By Patrick Macnee ~

Genuine tragedies in the world are not conflicts between right and wrong. They are conflicts between two rights.
~By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel ~

Superior strength is found in the long run to lie with those who had right on their side.
~By James Anthony Froude ~

Any of these Vietnam vets that have been there and know the deal, they don't feel that any Hollywood endeavor about the Vietnam era has ever gotten it right yet.
~By Sam Elliott ~

Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.
~By John D. Rockefeller ~

Well, they had to have me in the G-string because this is PG-13, right?
~By Kelly Hu ~

We couldn't be making as much money, if we had to deal with stranger behaviour. And right now, anybody who slows down our economic productivity, off they go. We have a place for them, the psychiatric institution. That's the main thing, they slow things down.
~By Chester Brown ~

If, for example, all the codons are triplets, then in addition to the correct reading of the message, there are two incorrect readings which we shall obtain if we do not start the grouping into sets of three at the right place.
~By Francis Crick ~

In the Federal Government, electronic records are as indispensable as their paper counterparts for documenting citizens' rights, the actions for which officials are accountable, and the nation's history.
~By Allen Weinstein ~

The really frightening thing about middle age is the knowledge that you'll grow out of it.
~By Doris Day ~

Liberty is the right of doing whatever the laws permit.
~By Charles de Secondat ~

We've always had a love for other places outside the US. I would be right with him. Now that Michael's been vindicated, we all have to be careful... you never know what someone's plotting and planning.
~By Jermaine Jackson ~

When the civil rights battle was won, all the Jews and hippies and artists were middle class white people and all the blacks were still poor. Materially, not much changed.
~By Jonathan Lethem ~

I do smoke in real life. A lot. We're all smoking right now in fact.
~By Michael Imperioli ~

Our pre-9/11 gun laws allow our enemies in the War on Terror to arm themselves right here in our own country.
~By Carolyn McCarthy ~

When you consider what Tony Blair was saying about liberty, human rights and that sort of thing, it would be terribly revolutionary to sell the speeches he and Jack Straw made in 1994.
~By Rory Bremner ~

Bipartisanship isn't an option anymore; it is a requirement. The American people have divided responsibility for leadership right down the middle.
~By Tom Daschle ~

Nothing could be more insulting to me than the concept of civil rights. It means perpetual second-class citizenship for me and my kind.
~By James H. Meredith ~

A hundred years ago, when Richard Strauss, who has already been quoted and already been heard today, and other creative people, laid the foundation stone for the joint assertion of their rights and interests, they had pioneering work ahead of them in Germany.
~By Johannes Rau ~

But, you know, the issues of humanity and what is fair treatment and good treatment of a fellow human being should not really be based on a personal sense of right and wrong or judgment.
~By Debbie Harry ~

Do you ever get the feeling that the only reason we have elections is to find out if the polls were right?
~By Robert Orben ~

A country grows in history not only because of the heroism of its troops on the field of battle, it grows also when it turns to justice and to right for the conservation of its interests.
~By Aristide Briand ~

The woman who thinks she is intelligent demands equal rights with men. A woman who is intelligent does not.
~By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette ~

No endeavor that is worthwhile is simple in prospect; if it is right, it will be simple in retrospect.
~By Edward Teller ~

It's very important to have the right clothing to exercise in. If you throw on an old T-shirt or sweats, it's not inspiring for your workout.
~By Cheryl Tiegs ~

We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely.
~By E. O. Wilson ~

Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.
~By Taslima Nasrin ~

The right name is an advertisement in itself.
~By Claude C. Hopkins ~

It is especially important to encourage unorthodox thinking when the situation is critical: At such moments every new word and fresh thought is more precious than gold. Indeed, people must not be deprived of the right to think their own thoughts.
~By Boris Yeltsin ~

I admit it: I had fun watching right-wingers go wild as health reform finally became law.
~By Paul Krugman ~

Yes, I see the Mobile Base System really is the shoulder of the arm. The arm is right there, like a human arm. It's really funny to look at the similarities between a human arm and the Canadian robotics arm.
~By Philippe Perrin ~

It's not vanity to feel you have a right to be beautiful. Women are taught to feel we're not good enough, that we must live up to someone else's standards. But my aim is to cherish myself as I am.
~By Elle Macpherson ~

If you practice an art, be proud of it and make it proud of you It may break your heart, but it will fill your heart before it breaks it; it will make you a person in your own right.
~By Maxwell Anderson ~

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high. No government, no legislature, has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.
~By Jesse Jackson ~

This is not the most right I've ever been.
~By Paul Reiser ~

Later, I made a movie with him, 'That Touch of Mink,' and we became good friends but any woman's initial meeting with Cary is right up there with the big moments of her world history.
~By Audrey Meadows ~

Even in the realest American cinema that I see, there's still not that sense that this is reality. There's still that sense that you are watching a movie. And hopefully, if we did get our jobs right, that sense disappears when you watch this movie.
~By Joshua Leonard ~

You've got to get good habits of working hard so that when that play comes up during the regular season that you're able to complete it and do it the right way.
~By Al Kaline ~

What is right for one soul may not be right for another. It may mean having to stand on your own and do something strange in the eyes of others.
~By Eileen Caddy ~

TV does not care about you or what happens to you. It's downright bad for your health now, and that's not a far-out concept. I think watching the TV news is bad for you. It is bad for your physical health and your mental health.
~By Tom Petty ~

I think it better that in times like these a poet's mouth be silent, for in truth we have no gift to set a statesman right.
~By William Butler Yeats ~

It's a sad moment, really, when parents first become a bit frightened of their children.
~By Ama Ata Aidoo ~

You know it's very difficult to be an actor, and to have people depending on you to say the right line, at the right time, and to not be able to hear your cues! I can't tell you how many times I would've had to have said What? if I didn't have my hearing aids. So my hearing aids are a life saver, and they allow me to practice my craft.
~By Leslie Nielsen ~

Later in my life, I'm going to look back and smile and be very fulfilled. I know that if I don't give it my all right now I'll regret it later. That's very important to me, because I've worked all my life to have this.
~By Shania Twain ~

Democracy is the common pursuit of mankind, and all countries must earnestly protect the democratic rights of the people.
~By Jinato Hu ~

You really have to soak up the culture of the people to get it right. If you're making a fiction film, it's entertainment, but you want it to be as real as possible.
~By Robert Duvall ~

As far as my street cred goes, I'll always have that, because I always hang with the kids. I'll jump right off the stage and buy them a beer. I'll be a star on stage, but I'll always hang with the kids.
~By Kid Rock ~

Of course I have the odd bad game like other players. But I can't accept that. Especially when things don't go right for United. It all means so much to me to be succesful here. It drives me crazy at times.
~By Ruud van Nistelrooy ~

For the first time ever I was taking the family on the road. We stayed with my in-laws, which on life's list of experiences ranks right below sitting in a tub full of scissors.
~By Jeff Foxworthy ~

You have to imagine it possible before you can see something. You can have the evidence right in front of you, but if you can't imagine something that has never existed before, it's impossible.
~By Rita Dove ~

The door might not be opened to a woman again for a long, long time, and I had a kind of duty to other women to walk in and sit down on the chair that was offered, and so establish the right of others long hence and far distant in geography to sit in the high seats.
~By Frances Perkins ~

If you're cast right you can actually just let yourself go because all your gestures will be right, all your intonations will be right because you just somewhere understand who this person is.
~By Susan Sullivan ~

'My country, right or wrong' is a thing no patriot would ever think of saying except in a desperate case. It is like saying 'My mother, drunk or sober.'
~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

People seldom refuse help, if one offers it in the right way.
~By A. C. Benson ~

I felt Brighton was a perfect ending to a really interesting career.
~By Harold Budd ~

I don't think the Hollywood community is interested in what I can do. That's all right. I've never looked for a job in my life, and I'm not going to start now. I have plenty to keep me busy.
~By Mercedes McCambridge ~

I tend to think of all the songs the same - I give them all kind of equal rights.
~By Jules Shear ~

I find its attention to living this life rather than the next one exhilarating because I think even independently of Judaism that that's the right way to go about life.
~By Janet Suzman ~

Right now a lot of people are still choosing to go to Toronto instead of shooting in New York City, something I haven't done and something I hope I'll never have to do.
~By Spike Lee ~

With the Truman book, I wrote the entire account of his experiences in World War I before going over to Europe to follow his tracks in the war. When I got there, there was a certain satisfaction in finding I had it right - it does look like that.
~By David McCullough ~

As though there were a tie And obligation to posterity. We get them, bear them, breed, and nurse: What has posterity done for us. That we, lest they their rights should lose, Should trust our necks to gripe of noose?
~By John Trumbull ~

What is the value of sticking a microphone in a man's face right after he has learned of his wife's death?
~By Jessica Savitch ~

We have to be aware that the scientific community throws up tons of different hypotheses and at a certain point we'll find out who was right and who was wrong. But we have to go with the best information right now, which I would claim to be the IPCC reports.
~By Bjorn Lomborg ~

We are on the lookout for criminal and terrorist activity but we do not - nor will we ever - monitor ideology or political beliefs. We take seriously our responsibility to protect the civil rights and liberties of the American people, including subjecting our activities to rigorous oversight from numerous internal and external sources.
~By Janet Napolitano ~

Giving people what they want isn't just good radio; it's also the right way to run a country.
~By Adrian Cronauer ~

Don't wait. If it's not right, move on.
~By Andy Lau ~

An action doesn't have to be wrong just because it is not logical. It doesn't have to be right just because it has its logic.
~By Lion Feuchtwanger ~

Jehovah created the earth and therefore it is his by right of creation.
~By Joseph Franklin Rutherford ~

We are turning against boys and forgetting a simple truth: that the energy, competitiveness, and corporal daring of normal, decent males is responsible for much of what is right in the world.
~By Christina Hoff Sommers ~

Far better an approximate answer to the right question, which is often vague, than the exact answer to the wrong question, which can always be made precise.
~By John Tukey ~

Right now I'm listening to a lot of different things but I listen to a lot of classical music. Eventually I would like to compose and perform classical.
~By Ben Harper ~

Wasim and Waqar were amazing bowlers. I would put them right up there with the best in the world.
~By Sachin Tendulkar ~

Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom, to see everything through the filter of right and left.
~By Arianna Huffington ~

Nudity, in the right way, can enhance a film or a TV program or a TV commercial. If it's done tastefully it can make it more of an interesting product.
~By Mark Roberts ~

It is right to be contented with what we have, never with what we are.
~By James Mackintosh ~

Besides a happy policy as to civil government, it is necessary to institute a system of law and jurisprudence founded in justice, equity, and public right.
~By Ezra Stiles ~

Prior to any questioning, the person must be warned that he has a right to remain silent, that any statement he does make may be used as evidence against him and that he has a right to the presence of an attorney, either retained or appointed.
~By Earl Warren ~

I knew I had the right material and I knew what I was going after.
~By George Thorogood ~

Eternal truth, eternal righteousness, eternal love; these only can triumph, for these only can endure.
~By Joseph Barber Lightfoot ~

Animals... don't have a sense of time. You just have to do things over and over with animals until they happen to do it right because they don't really know what you want.
~By Bruce Greenwood ~

There must be possible a fiction which, leaving sociology and case histories to the scientists, can arrive at the truth about the human condition, here and now, with all the bright magic of the fairy tale.
~By Ralph Ellison ~

Writers are not always right however, but then again, I've been on shows where the actors have complete control and change everything and it's terrible.
~By William Devane ~

My best album is called In Search Of A Song. That was my best shot right there. My finest hour, as they say. I could listen to the whole thing all the way through. There's nothing really crammed into it.
~By Tom T. Hall ~

To that movement, consecrated by religious principle, sustained by an awful sense of justice, and cheered by the brightest hopes of future good, all our powers, talents, and attainments are devoted.
~By George Ripley ~

It's very important to vote. People died for this right.
~By Lenny Kravitz ~

Integration is a man's ability to want to move in there by himself. If someone wants to live in a white neighborhood and he is black, that is his choice. It should be his rights. It is not because white people will not allow him.
~By Stokely Carmichael ~

If I could drop dead right now, I'd be the happiest man alive.
~By Samuel Goldwyn ~

Property is surely a right of mankind as real as liberty.
~By John Adams ~

People are rapidly losing hope and trust. They believe their government has been captured by special interests and no longer cares about them, and they are right.
~By Marcy Kaptur ~

Usually I throw away what I don't get right the first time.
~By Kenneth Noland ~

Read This: Necessity Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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