Rights Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Rights

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Individuality is the aim of political liberty. By leaving the citizen as much freedom of action and of being as comports with order and the rights of others, the institutions render him truly a freeman. He is left to pursue his means of happiness in his own manner.
~By James F. Cooper ~

I came at age in the '60s, and initially my hopes and dreams were invested in politics and the movements of the time - the anti-war movement, the civil rights movement. I worked on Bobby Kennedy's campaign for president as a teenager in California and the night he was killed.
~By David Talbot ~

In a society where the rights and potential of women are constrained, no man can be truly free. He may have power, but he will not have freedom.
~By Mary Robinson ~

This conviction brought me, in the summer of 1978, to the Free Trade Unions - formed by a group of courageous and dedicated people who came out in the defense of the workers' rights and dignity.
~By Lech Walesa ~

It is admitted by everybody that rights and privileges enjoyed by the Roman Catholic minority in Manitoba down to 1890, were taken away by legislation of 1890.
~By Charles Tupper ~

Gun control means being able to hit your target. If I have a 'hot button' issue, this is definitely it. Don't even think about taking my guns. My rights are not negotiable, and I am totally unwilling to compromise when it comes to the Second Amendment.
~By Michael Badnarik ~

Good breeding differs, if at all, from high breeding only as it gracefully remembers the rights of others, rather than gracefully insists on its own rights.
~By Thomas Carlyle ~

We know no document is perfect, but when we amend the Constitution, it would be to expand rights, not to take away rights from decent, loyal Americans. This great Constitution of ours should never be used to make a group of Americans permanent second-class citizens.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

What are we having this liberty for? We are having this liberty in order to reform our social system, which is full of inequality, discrimination and other things, which conflict with our fundamental rights.
~By B. R. Ambedkar ~

There's never been a nation like the United States, ever. It begins with the principles of our founding documents, principles that recognize that our rights come from God, not from our government.
~By Marco Rubio ~

When this boy was brought to Dr. Young, his name being William, the same as mine, my mother was ordered to change mine to something else. This, at the time, I thought to be one of the most cruel acts that could be committed upon my rights.
~By William Wells Brown ~

I believe public education is the new civil rights battle and I support charter schools.
~By Andrew Cuomo ~

It is precisely because the issue raised by this case touches the heart of what makes individuals what they are that we should be especially sensitive to the rights of those whose choices upset the majority.
~By Harry A. Blackmun ~

I extend that to the abortion issue, I extend that to the so-called gay rights issue, I think this is a freedom principle and consistent with the analysis in the economic area as well.
~By William Weld ~

I want each and every West Virginian to have bragging rights. I want to stop playing defense and start playing offense. So, together, let us grab the reins of history.
~By Joe Manchin III ~

It is distressing to me that we live in an age in which we still must fight to protect our civil rights as Americans, in which a hate crime perpetrated against someone based their sexual orientation can go unpunished, and in which discrimination is being written into our laws.
~By John Conyers ~

The most important element of a free society, where individual rights are held in the highest esteem, is the rejection of the initiation of violence.
~By Ron Paul ~

Relativism should be confronted where it damages fundamental human rights, because we're not relativists if we believe that the human being should be at the centre of society and the rights of every human being should be respected.
~By Rocco Buttiglione ~

Eyes is the attempt to tell the story of the Civil Rights movement and to create an emotional, intellectual constituency. But what do you do after that? The black community doesn't have institutions that pick up such moments and preserve them.
~By Henry Hampton ~

We will never have true civilization until we have learned to recognize the rights of others.
~By Will Rogers ~

The only ground on which a neutral State can claim respect at the hands of belligerents is, that, so far as she is concerned, their rights are protected.
~By Gerrit Smith ~

For my part, I do not feel that the scheme of future happiness, which ought by rights to be in preparation for me, will be at all interfered with by my not meeting again the man I have in my. mind.
~By James Payn ~

Everything happens for a reason. I'm used to it, I prepare for it. Like I say, at the end of the day, those in charge of their own destiny are going to do what's rights for them and their family.
~By Shaquille O'Neal ~

National sovereignty is an obligation as well as an entitlement. A government that will not perform the role of a government forfeits the rights of a government.
~By Richard Perle ~

Martin Luther King Jr. is remembered as our prince of peace, of civil rights. We owe him something major that will keep his memory alive.
~By Morgan Freeman ~

I am the inferior of any man whose rights I trample underfoot.
~By Horace Greeley ~

It is time in the West to defend not so much human rights as human obligations.
~By Alexander Solzehnitsyn ~

Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.
~By Taslima Nasrin ~

If you forgive people enough you belong to them, and they to you, whether either person likes it or not squatter's rights of the heart.
~By James Hilton ~

From the equality of rights springs identity of our highest interests; you cannot subvert your neighbor's rights without striking a dangerous blow at your own.
~By Carl Schurz ~

That's what the Senate is about. It's the last bastion of minority rights, where a minority can be heard, where a minority can stand on its feet, one individual if necessary, and speak until he falls into the dust.
~By Robert Byrd ~

We are men, and propose to live like men in this free land, without the contamination of slave labor, or die like men, if need be, in asserting the rights of our race, our country, and our families.
~By Denis Kearney ~

So what we're talking about here is human rights. The right to live like a human. The right to live, period. And what we're facing in Africa is an unprecedented threat to human dignity and equality.
~By Bono ~

And it's one thing to give people freedom and something else to deny the rights of Christians to assert their faith in order to keep Hindus from feeling upset.
~By Pat Robertson ~

A man will fight harder for his interests than for his rights.
~By Napoleon Bonaparte ~

Their prejudice allowed white Southerners to look the other way when blacks were denied their most basic human rights, and it encouraged the worst of them to engage in unspeakable acts of cruelty and violence.
~By Linda Chavez ~

For a while we were chasing a book by Graham Greene to do Brighton Rock as a musical. We didn't get the rights, so we decided to create something from scratch, with Jonathan. By that time we were big fans of his work.
~By Neil Tennant ~

The demand for equal rights in every vocation of life is just and fair; but, after all, the most vital right is the right to love and be loved.
~By Emma Goldman ~

The E.U. is more than just a trade organization or a common market; it is a guarantee of democracy, freedom, justice, and human rights. Nations cannot stay in the E.U. if they do not respect these guarantees.
~By John Bruton ~

The Arab representatives and their followers were not interested in the persecuted millions throughout the world; they were fixed on a political agenda that distracted the world from their own serious shortcomings in the human-rights department.
~By Jack Schwartz ~

In this context, the church supports and favors every effort today to seek the full development of the personality of all human beings, and to promote their fundamental rights, their dignity and liberty.
~By Claudio Hummes ~

In a few decades, the relationship between the environment, resources and conflict may seem almost as obvious as the connection we see today between human rights, democracy and peace.
~By Wangari Maathai ~

Some values must be universal, like human rights and the equal worth of every human being.
~By Bjorn Ulvaeus ~

John Brown first swam into my vision in the 1960s when I was a political activist in the civil rights movement and the anti-war movement at Chapel Hill, where I went to university.
~By Russell Banks ~

We would, however, perform an injustice to the bourgeois women's rights movement if we would regard it as solely motivated by economics. No, this movement also contains a more profound spiritual and moral aspect.
~By Clara Zetkin ~

Finally, fighting for gay rights, speaking out in various places and making friends, men and women, was great.
~By George Weinberg ~

Marching with over a million women in support of our reproductive rights was one of the most empowering things I have done, both as a woman and as a Member of Congress.
~By Sheila Jackson Lee ~

By ratifying the Convention, governments become legally bound to implement the rights therein.
~By Carol Bellamy ~

We also intend to deal with the issue of incorporating basic human rights into our new constitution.
~By Chen Shui-bian ~

And occasionally some of the nations that will be partners in this would probably not be, in terms of passing a pure human rights check, have everything going for them that you would like to have.
~By Hugh Shelton ~

It's a hard thing to legislate. You can't legislate good taste and you can't put a number on it in terms of square footage,... It's a question of where individual rights end and community rights begin.
~By Ann Robinson ~

Our funding is based on our support of ideas like limited government, individual rights and a strong defense.
~By Richard Scaife ~

I believe all Americans who believe in freedom, tolerance and human rights have a responsibility to oppose bigotry and prejudice based on sexual orientation.
~By Coretta Scott King ~

Liberty, freedom and democracy are very fuzzy words, but human rights is very specific.
~By Joichi Ito ~

The last struggle for our rights, the battle for our civilization, is entirely with ourselves.
~By William Wells Brown ~

Close by the Rights of Man, at the least set beside them, are the Rights of the Spirit.
~By Victor Hugo ~

I liked the name of the amendment. I couldn't help feeling uneasy that the church was opposing something with a name as beautiful as the Equal Rights Amendment.
~By Sonia Johnson ~

The only sound approach to collective bargaining is to work out an agreement that clarifies the rights and responsibilities of the parties, establishes principles and operates to the advantage of all concerned.
~By Charles E. Wilson ~

Our economic freedom is founded on individual property rights; government should never be permitted to take those away.
~By Ernest Istook ~

I'm pretty political when it comes to human rights and things like that.
~By Peter Krause ~

Maya Angelou, the famous African American poet, historian, and civil rights activist who is hailed be many as one of the great voices of contemporary literature, believes a struggle only makes a person stronger.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

Rights that do not flow from duty well performed are not worth having.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

I believe that the fight against crime starts in the home. Parents must take responsibility for their children and show them love and guidance from an early age so they learn to respect the rights of others.
~By Blanche Lincoln ~

Any Human Rights Council reform that allows countries that sponsor terrorism to remain as members, such as Cuba, is not real reform. And in the past, countries such as Libya, Iran and Syria have participated on this council.
~By Michael McCaul ~

And I think to be in NATO for the countries of our region, it means more guarantees for us, it means more responsibility for our common security, but it means fulfillment of all standards of civilized world, like protection of human rights and democratic mechanisms.
~By Aleksander Kwasniewski ~

Similarly, the problem of the rights of the state in the disposition of inheritances left by individuals presents social aspects of the first importance.
~By Rene Cassin ~

All governments should be pressured to correct their abuses of human rights.
~By Richard Stallman ~

Being a humanitarian, supporting animal rights activists, human rights activists, it's all the same.
~By Daryl Hannah ~

What men value in this world is not rights but privileges.
~By H. L. Mencken ~

Prejudice and passion and suspicion are more dangerous than the incitement of self-interest or the most stubborn adherence to real differences of opinion regarding rights.
~By Elihu Root ~

At the Carter Center we work with victims of oppression, and we give support to human rights heroes.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

I don't believe in quotas. America was founded on a philosophy of individual rights, not group rights.
~By Clarence Thomas ~

We oppose occupation of land by force and we believe in dialogue as the method for regaining Arab rights. This is the spirit of the Great Arab Revolt.
~By King Hussein I ~

Get up, stand up, Stand up for your rights. Get up, stand up, Don't give up the fight.
~By Bob Marley ~

I stand for simple justice, equal opportunity and human rights. The indispensable elements in a democratic society - and well worth fighting for.
~By Helen Suzman ~

All that I can tell you is, that I used my humble powers to the uttermost, and raised my voice in behalf of Human Rights in general, and the elevation and Rights of Woman in particular, nearly all my life.
~By Ernestine L. Rose ~

Some of them, in accepting the proposed plan of government, coupled their acceptance with a recommendation of various additions to the Constitution, which they deemed essential to the preservation of the rights of the States, or of the People.
~By Caleb Cushing ~

At various times during the last four thousand years God has asserted his rights and endeavoured to establish his own authority, his own laws, and his own government among the children of men.
~By Orson Pratt ~

I'm just glad that I have bragging rights to working with Bugs and Daffy.
~By Brendan Fraser ~

I didn't say 'former president,' I said 'president,' and I have the constitutional rights according to the constitution, including immunity from prosecution.
~By Saddam Hussein ~

A woman who thinks she is intelligent demands the same rights as man. An intelligent woman gives up.
~By Sidonie Gabrielle Colette ~

The Republic of Macedonia is being built on democratic ideals and values, not on ethnic groups. Those ideals and values include economic opportunities, language and educational opportunities, religious rights, and political processes.
~By Boris Trajkovski ~

When it came to political power, blacks need not apply. Add to this steaming stew the growing tensions over the Vietnam War and the movement for civil rights, and you had plenty of elements to fire the imagination of a novice journalist.
~By Andrea Mitchell ~

Saddam Hussein wrote the book on human rights violations.
~By Curt Weldon ~

Any law which violates the inalienable rights of man is essentially unjust and tyrannical; it is not a law at all.
~By Maximilien Robespierre ~

In Finland we have equal political rights for women and men. We do not regard ourselves according to sex.
~By Harri Holkeri ~

Mrs. Parks was a shy, soft spoken woman who was uncomfortable being revered as a symbol of the civil rights movement. She only hoped to inspire young people to achieve great things.
~By Jim Costa ~

I'm a child of the Civil Rights Movement.
~By Danny Glover ~

In our monogamous part of the world, to marry means to halve one's rights and double one's duties.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

Emancipation from every kind of bondage is my principle. I go for recognition of human rights, without distinction of sect, party, sex, or color.
~By Ernestine L. Rose ~

My office has been one of the most scrupulous in the country with regard to the protection of individual rights. I've been on record for years in law journals and books as championing the rights of the individual against the oppressive power of the state.
~By Jim Garrison ~

These are all voluntary resources which help parents sort out the choices without infringing on the artists' rights to free speech, which is something that we respect.
~By Tipper Gore ~

It was to carry the American democratic journey beyond these failings that Black citizens and civil rights workers risked unemployment, violence and death.
~By Elijah Cummings ~

I am a technological activist. I have a political agenda. I am in favor of basic human rights: to free speech, to use any information and technology, to purchase and use recreational drugs, to enjoy and purchase so-called 'vices', to be free of intruders, and to privacy.
~By Bram Cohen ~

I think Democrats are right. We fight for the American dream, for the environment, for privacy rights, a woman's right to choose, a good public education system.
~By Barbara Boxer ~

I think Col. North is first a U.S. citizen and he has the same rights as you yourself do, sir.
~By Fawn Hall ~

America's support for human rights and democracy is our noblest export to the world.
~By William Bennett ~

The word democracy has no meaning. Duty has gone. Only rights remain.
~By Fiona Shaw ~

It would be easy to define terrorism as attacks against human rights and international humanitarian law forbids attacks against innocent non-combatants which is often the definition used for terrorism.
~By Joichi Ito ~

The real or supposed rights of man are of two kinds, active and passive; the right in certain cases to do as we list; and the right we possess to the forbearance or assistance of other men.
~By William Godwin ~

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July 27 ,2024
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