Routine Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Routine

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Police officials routinely execute search warrants on private homes and offices, and Congressional offices should not be treated any differently. There cannot be one set of rules for elected officials and another set of rules for everyone else.
~By Bobby Jindal ~

My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.
~By Arthur Conan Doyle ~

War makes strange giant creatures out of us little routine men who inhabit the earth.
~By Ernie Pyle ~

Most middle-class whites have no idea what it feels like to be subjected to police who are routinely suspicious, rude, belligerent, and brutal.
~By Benjamin Spock ~

Leaks and whispers are a daily routine of news-gathering in Washington.
~By William Greider ~

Our assessment of socio-economic worth is largely a sham. We scientists should not lend ourselves to it - though we routinely do. We should, instead, insist on applying the criterion of quality.
~By John Charles Polanyi ~

I wasn't losing my focus but I was getting tired of focusing. What I was focusing on was becoming too routine, too ritual, not something that was interesting, new and exciting.
~By Picabo Street ~

I did study the art of being a barber because I wanted to figure out what my routine would be. Do you start in the front or back? Top or bottom? Swivel the chair or walk around? What I did discover is there's no such thing as the perfect haircut!
~By Sean Patrick Thomas ~

So, to come In with a set routine it's something I've never believed in. It should depend on how you feel, because you play what you feel.
~By Buddy Rich ~

Special-interest magazines are dangerous places for writers to start out in because the writing quickly falls into a routine and people are likely to find themselves artistically exhausted when they want to work on something of their own.
~By Irwin Shaw ~

The essence of a government health care system - for people who have never lived under it and don't know - is waiting, waiting, waiting. You wait for everything. You wait for years for operations that are routine in America.
~By Mark Steyn ~

Soldiers and peasants lived together on friendly terms; they knew each other and their everyday routines, and trusted each other; they shook their heads together over the war.
~By Ernst Toller ~

Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.
~By David Ogilvy ~

Too many would-be executives are slaves of routine.
~By James Cash Penney ~

They have some pretty tough gun laws in Japan, as they do in any other civilized country in the world, and they're not killing each other off with firearms. You have very violent films in Europe, yet it's not causing the mayhem we see in our streets routinely here.
~By Michael D. Barnes ~

In 12 or 15 years, there will be routine, affordable space tourism not just in the U.S. but in a lot of countries.
~By Burt Rutan ~

Some of the routines come back very easily. We do it off the top of our heads.
~By Jerry Stiller ~

Routine physical punishment such as spanking teaches a toddler that might makes right and that it is fine to hit when one is stronger and can get away with it.
~By Alicia F. Lieberman ~

I've worked for four presidents and watched two others up close, and I know that there's no such thing as a routine day in the Oval Office.
~By Dick Cheney ~

Eccentric behavior is not routinely noticed around a movie set.
~By Gene Tierney ~

I have a strong dance background. I danced from age five till 18, and that helps a lot. Doing a fight routine is like doing a dance routine.
~By Yvonne Strahovski ~

Most of life is routine - dull and grubby, but routine is the momentum that keeps a man going. If you wait for inspiration you'll be standing on the corner after the parade is a mile down the street.
~By Ben Nicholas ~

Some men like a dull life - they like the routine of eating breakfast, going to work, coming home, petting the dog, watching TV, kissing the kids, and going to bed. Stay clear of it - it's often catching.
~By Hedy Lamarr ~

It was more that his career was going down again and he was tired of the songs. He was tired of the routine. And there was a point where he just kind of gave up. He couldn't face being 40. And he resorted to stimulants. There's a dark side there, a really dark side.
~By Priscilla Presley ~

My routines come out of total unhappiness. My audiences are my group therapy.
~By Joan Rivers ~

Well, probably having to be away from home. When I come back I kind of feel like there's a routine going on that I'm not a part of, so that can be difficult.
~By Lee Ann Womack ~

I travel a lot; I hate having my life disrupted by routine.
~By Caskie Stinnett ~

We talk about theatre museums filled with old costumes and things. What we also need is a theatre museum of the old routines on videotape. We are only the custodians of those techniques, and they should be preserved.
~By Jim Dale ~

As experimentation becomes more complex, the need for the co-operation in it of technical elements from outside becomes greater and the modern laboratory tends increasingly to resemble the factory and to employ in its service increasing numbers of purely routine workers.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

I hate going to the gym and doing it the old-fashioned way. I hate anything that's too straightforward, too routine, too familiar. I get bored really, really quickly.
~By Rihanna ~

To the extent that the judicial profession becomes the daily routine of deciding cases on the most secure precedents and the narrowest grounds available, the judicial mind atrophies and its perspective shrinks.
~By Irving R. Kaufman ~

Governmental aid is a drawback rather than an assistance, as, although it may facilitate in the routine of artistic production, it is an impediment to the development of true artistic genius.
~By John Philip Sousa ~

The disease which inflicts bureaucracy and what they usually die from is routine.
~By John Stuart Mill ~

We were doing the dance routine and I dislocated my knee. I've been doing stunts for a long time and it's kind of weird that I'd dislocate my knee just dancing.
~By Verne Troyer ~

In gymnastics, the longest routine you do is a minute and a half, and that's pretty tough to get through.
~By Shannon Miller ~

I have been desperate to escape for so many years now, it is routine for me to try to escape.
~By Jack Henry Abbott ~

In sharp contrast to the idea that this stage of life is enviable, we hear high levels of anxiety about getting old, anxieties about health, mobility, access to facilities, simple routine care and attention.
~By Rowan D. Williams ~

I grew up a Catholic and I don't want to talk badly about the Catholic Church but there's a lot of routine stuff going on. You say the same prayers, you sit, you kneel, whatever.
~By Bernhard Langer ~

As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the soul will not emerge.
~By Henry Van Dyke ~

Receiving far less attention are the working class heroes, who go about their solitary work routines with quiet dignity, come home from another grueling day, yet still find time to interact with their children.
~By Armstrong Williams ~

One travels to run away from routine, that dreadful routine that kills all imagination and all our capacity for enthusiasm.
~By Ella Maillart ~

I was always a clown. In the eighth grade I won a city speech contest by doing an Eddie Murphy routine. I'm no good at public speaking, but if I can assume a role and speak as that person, then I'm fine. When I had to give a book report, I always did it in character.
~By Jason Wiles ~

Novelists do not write as birds sing, by the push of nature. It is part of the job that there should be much routine and some daily stuff on the level of carpentry.
~By William Golding ~

The U.S. routinely ranks lower than other countries in health outcomes such as infant mortality.
~By Tammy Baldwin ~

I began to realize how simple life could be if one had a regular routine to follow with fixed hours, a fixed salary, and very little original thinking to do.
~By Roald Dahl ~

We are the children of a technological age. We have found streamlined ways of doing much of our routine work. Printing is no longer the only way of reproducing books. Reading them, however, has not changed.
~By Lawrence Clark Powell ~

Hurricane season routinely strikes the Caribbean harder than the U.S.
~By Charles Rangel ~

The only routine with me is no routine at all.
~By Jackie Kennedy ~

Only one of us would usually sing lead. Which most of the time was, Mickey or Dave. They thought it was perfectly a natural routine, because Mickey and Dave saw themselves as TV actors.
~By Peter Tork ~

The less routine the more life.
~By Amos Bronson Alcott ~

The secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine.
~By Mike Murdock ~

You need a routine, to be able to spend some time with a person, and my lifestyle is constantly on the move.
~By Patricia Velasquez ~

Later on when it became a routine it was not as exciting I'll admit that. The first three years were wonderful, the rest were just money making and having fun.
~By Larry Hagman ~

I think we were all frustrated with our daily routine.
~By Neville Marriner ~

When the war was over and the guys were back to shaving every day, the editor thought the Beetle Bailey strips were hurting their disciplinary efforts to get the guys back to routine.
~By Mort Walker ~

Working in an underdeveloped land for two or three years, the volunteer will often find that his work is routine and full of frustration.
~By Sargent Shriver ~

The FBI, to its credit in a self-serving sort of way, rejects the routine use of the polygraph on its own people.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

Men of routine or men who can do what they are told are not hard to find; but men who can think and plan and tell the routine men what to do are very rare.
~By William Graham Sumner ~

Some very famous directors have started in the mail room, which is just getting inside the studio, getting to know people, getting to know the routine.
~By Kenneth Anger ~

Running through things because you are familiar with them, breeds routine and this is the seed of boredom.
~By James Galway ~

Dancing was always part of my culture growing up in Barbados. When I shot my 1st video I worked really hard with my choreographer to perfect the routines.
~By Rihanna ~

Lest Arab governments be tempted out of sheer routine to rush into impulsive rejection, let me suggest that tragedy is not what men suffer but what they miss.
~By Abba Eban ~

Habit and routine have an unbelievable power to waste and destroy.
~By Henri de Lubac ~

It's not all that different with the orchestra. There are orchestras that seem to be encased in dough, so that first you have to break through the normal routine, and clear out the openings.
~By Dietrich Fischer Dieskau ~

To have no heroes is to have no aspiration, to live on the momentum of the past, to be thrown back upon routine, sensuality, and the narrow self.
~By Charles Horton Cooley ~

I saw my mother in a different light. We all need to do that. You have to be displaced from what's comfortable and routine, and then you get to see things with fresh eyes, with new eyes.
~By Amy Tan ~

Routine is not organization, any more than paralysis is order.
~By Arthur Helps ~

Nothing had changed in my routine, except that when I went down the chippy and got me special fried rice, it would be wrapped in a newspaper that had my picture all over it.
~By Robbie Fowler ~

Without the element of uncertainty, the bringing off of even, the greatest business triumph would be dull, routine, and eminently unsatisfying.
~By J. Paul Getty ~

Alcohol is like love. The first kiss is magic, the second is intimate, the third is routine. After that you take the girl's clothes off.
~By Raymond Chandler ~

For pragmatic reasons, I love the routine. I love the structure of it. I love knowing that my days are free. I know where I'm going at night. I know my life is kind of orderly. I just like that better.
~By Andrea Martin ~

Great cultural changes begin in affectation and end in routine.
~By Jacques Barzun ~

There's a lot of exaggerated talk about CAFTA, but it's actually a fairly routine trade agreement. Although it involves fairly small nations, they're still more important trade partners than places like Australia or many other larger nations.
~By Ernest Istook ~

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October 24 ,2024
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