Sentiment Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Sentiment

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I came to feel very, very sentimental about those sets, which is ludicrous, because they represent everything which is transitory and insubstantial. It's absurd that one should feel sentimental about timber and canvas.
~By Patrick Stewart ~

He who molds the public sentiment... makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

Intellectuals are too sentimental for me.
~By Margaret Anderson ~

My sentiments for the American cause, from the Stamp Act downward, have never changed... I am still of opinion that it is the cause of liberty and of human nature.
~By Christopher Gadsden ~

The important part of the present development is the anti-capitalist sentiment that is permeating our people.
~By Gregor Strasser ~

What a man calls his "conscience" is merely the mental action that follows a sentimental reaction after too much wine or love.
~By Helen Rowland ~

It is my living sentiment, and by the blessing of God it shall be my dying sentiment, independence now and independence forever.
~By Daniel Webster ~

Most people see through these issues but the corporate media doesn't reflect these sentiments.
~By John Hall ~

Sentimentality is the only sentiment that rubs you the wrong way.
~By W. Somerset Maugham ~

Party action should follow, not precede the creation of a dominant popular sentiment.
~By Judith Ellen Foster ~

As with the Princess Di crash, which sent the media on the most insane feeding frenzy. From the moment of the crash, the pornography of sentiment never let up.
~By Barbara Kruger ~

The majority of the senior class of Vassar does not desire my company and I must confess, having read specimens of their thought and sentiments, that I do not desire the company of the majority of the senior class of Vassar.
~By William F. Buckley, Jr. ~

To make the public sentiment, on the side of all that is just and true and noble, is the highest use of life.
~By Lucy Stone ~

LET us honour the King by cherishing respectful Sentiments concerning him; speaking of him with Affection, with Esteem and Reverence; and by promoting a like Spirit and Conduct in others.
~By Charles Inglis ~

No writer, no matter how gifted, immortalizes himself unless he has crystallized into expressive and original phrase the eternal sentiments and yearnings of the human heart.
~By Alfred de Vigny ~

He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.
~By George Sand ~

Architecture arouses sentiments in man. The architect's task therefore, is to make those sentiments more precise.
~By Adolf Loos ~

In the best of all possible worlds, February 14 is a pleasant and sentimental opportunity to lavish your partner with attention or move your relationship to the next level.
~By Pepper Schwartz ~

I try to open up my heart as much as I can and keep a real keen eye out that I don't get sentimental. I think we're all afraid to reveal our hearts. It's not at all in fashion.
~By Paul Simon ~

When Tim Allen made The Santa Clause, I thought that was a delightful film. It took a modern sensibility but layered onto it a kind of sentiment.
~By Leonard Maltin ~

Union of religious sentiments begets a surprising confidence.
~By James Madison ~

The sentimentality of baseball is very deeply rooted in the American baseball fan. It is the one sport that is transmitted from fathers to sons.
~By Michael Lewis ~

The difference between sentiment and being sentimental is the following: Sentiment is when a driver swerves out of the way to avoid hitting a rabbit on the road. Being sentimental is when the same driver, when swerving away from the rabbit, hits a pedestrian.
~By Frank Herbert ~

Between Russia and the United States sentiments of good will continue to be mutually cherished.
~By Martin Van Buren ~

But reason always cuts a poor figure beside sentiment; the one being essentially restricted, like everything that is positive, while the other is infinite.
~By Honore de Balzac ~

I have strong sentiments toward Iran, since I distinguish between the Iranian regime and the Iranian people. I highly esteem Iranian music and culture.
~By Moshe Katsav ~

I'm a romantic; a sentimental person thinks things will last, a romantic person hopes against hope that they won't.
~By F. Scott Fitzgerald ~

Theodore Roethke was a poet I was raised with so he has a lot of sentimental value for me.
~By Krist Novoselic ~

Sentimentality is a form of fatigue.
~By Leonora Carrington ~

No habit or quality is more easily acquired than hypocrisy, nor any thing sooner learned than to deny the sentiments of our hearts and the principle we act from: but the seeds of every passion are innate to us, and nobody comes into the world without them.
~By Bernard de Mandeville ~

I'm in total sympathy with Dick Smith's sentiments; I only wish there were grounds for saying we Australians would never tolerate such appalling treatment of refugees being carried out in our name.
~By Hugh Mackay ~

Sentimentality - that's what we call the sentiment we don't share.
~By Graham Greene ~

It seems difficult, sometimes, to believe that there was a time when sentiments now become habitual, sentiments that imply not only the original imperative of conduct, but the original metaphysic of living, were by no means altogether habitual.
~By Lascelles Abercrombie ~

No matter how full a reservoir of maxims one may possess, and no matter how good one's sentiments may be, if one has not taken advantage of every concrete opportunity to act, one's character may remain entirely unaffected for the better.
~By William James ~

Politicians neither love nor hate. Interest, not sentiment, directs them.
~By Lord Chesterfield ~

In deep sadness there is no place for sentimentality.
~By William S. Burroughs ~

Every known fact in natural science was divined by the presentiment of somebody, before it was actually verified.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

It's good for you to see your friends arrested. It hardens you. There's no place in our New Order for sentimentalists.
~By Curt Siodmak ~

A truly American sentiment recognizes the dignity of labor and the fact that honor lies in honest toil.
~By Grover Cleveland ~

Maxwell is serious, dedicated, awkward, forgetful, pompous to a certain degree, sentimental.
~By Don Adams ~

Even my aunt Joan, hopelessly sentimental about every member of our family, admitted that I was hideous.
~By Sister Parish ~

Happiness consumes itself like a flame. It cannot burn for ever, it must go out, and the presentiment of its end destroys it at its very peak.
~By August Strindberg ~

Everything gets to me. I'm very sentimental.
~By Cornelia Funke ~

I understand the harsh feelings and sentiments from my opponents and their supporters because I myself have been defeated twice in my political life in the past and I understand very well it is hard to accept your own failure.
~By Chen Shui-bian ~

Sentimentalism is the working off on yourself of feelings you haven't really got.
~By David Herbert Lawrence ~

It's with bad sentiments that one makes good novels.
~By Aldous Huxley ~

It's not good to make sentimental journeys. You see the differences instead of the sameness.
~By Mary Astor ~

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat.
~By Rebecca West ~

I am not unaware how unpopular on this floor are the sentiments I am about to advocate.
~By Benjamin F. Wade ~

Capitalism attacks and destroys all the finer sentiments of the human heart; it ruthlessly sweeps away old traditions and ideas opposed to its progress, and it exploits and corrupts those things once held sacred.
~By Daniel De Leon ~

The President, in talking about freedom and democracy, is sparking a wave of very positive democratic sentiment that might help us override both Islamic fundamentalism that has formed in that region, and also some of the hatred for our policies of invading Iraq.
~By Bill Richardson ~

A man's sentiments are generally just and right, while it is second selfish thought which makes him trim and adopt some other view. The best reforms are worked out when sentiment operates, as it does in women, with the indignation of righteousness.
~By Leland Stanford ~

I appreciate the sentiment that I am a popular woman in computer gaming circles; but I prefer being thought of as a computer game designer rather than a woman computer game designer. I don't put myself into gender mode when designing a game.
~By Roberta Williams ~

The ordinary scientific man is strictly a sentimentalist. He is a sentimentalist in this essential sense, that he is soaked and swept away by mere associations.
~By Gilbert K. Chesterton ~

If we have anything kind to say, any tender sentiment to express, we feel a sense of shame.
~By Ugo Betti ~

If you think my music is sentimental and self-absorbed, I agree with you.
~By James Taylor ~

All the beautiful sentiments in the world weigh less than a single lovely action.
~By James Russell Lowell ~

What's the most important thing in the world? It's love, and I look at that as an energy, not a sentiment.
~By Eddie Albert ~

It's a very romantic sentiment, but to think that you would die if you didn't write, well, I would definitely choose to not write and live.
~By Sarah McLachlan ~

I'd never do a film that would hurt anyone's sentiments, be it Indian or not.
~By Akshay Kumar ~

Sometimes it's a little bit like being a politician. We have work to do in understanding our users' sentiments.
~By Meg Whitman ~

I know no subject more elevating, more amazing, more ready to the poetical enthusiasm, the philosophical reflection, and the moral sentiment than the works of nature. Where can we meet such variety, such beauty, such magnificence?
~By James Thomson ~

Love is the only reality and it is not a mere sentiment. It is the ultimate truth that lies at the heart of creation.
~By Rabindranath Tagore ~

What is a child, monsieur, but the image of two beings, the fruit of two sentiments spontaneously blended?
~By Honore De Balzac ~

It's an indication of how cynical our society has become that any kind of love story with a sad theme is automatically ridiculed as sentimental junk.
~By Winona Ryder ~

For me sport was a religion... with religious sentiment.
~By Pierre de Coubertin ~

In dread fear of sentimentality, another thing true is not said-that for its staff the paper is a source of pride and, I do believe, an object of affection and-yes, love.
~By Arthur Ochs Sulzberger ~

People call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.
~By Rebecca West ~

Emotion resulting from a work of art is only of value when it is not obtained by sentimental blackmail.
~By Jean Cocteau ~

Accuracy is, in every case, advantageous to beauty, and just reasoning to delicate sentiment. In vain would we exalt the one by depreciating the other.
~By David Hume ~

To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.
~By Flannery O'Connor ~

Because even at the age of fifteen, I used to go see all the Broadway shows and feel that they were sentimental, that they were pandering to the audience and trying to manipulate the audience. I had no use for practically any of the shows that were hits.
~By Richard Foreman ~

Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

Obviously the first sentiment is disappointment that we didn't get the car home and more disappointment that at the time that it stopped the car was in the lead.
~By John Surtees ~

The poet must decide not to impose his feelings in order to write without sentimentality.
~By John Barton ~

All those who offer an opinion on any doubtful point should first clear their minds of every sentiment of dislike, friendship, anger or pity.
~By Sallust ~

Only a struggle twists sentimentality and lust together into love.
~By E. M. Forster ~

Well it seems to me, that all real communities grow out of a shared confrontation with survival. Communities are not produced by sentiment or mere goodwill. They grow out of a shared struggle. Our situation in the desert is an incubator for community.
~By Larry Harvey ~

I didn't want to be on the losing side. I was fed up with Jewish weakness, timidity and fear. I didn't want any more Jewish sentimentality and Jewish suffering. I was sickened by our sad songs.
~By Lionel Blue ~

A remarkable feature of the humanitarian movement, on both its sentimental and utilitarian sides, has been its preoccupation with the lot of the masses.
~By Irving Babbitt ~

A Country is not a mere territory; the particular territory is only its foundation. The Country is the idea which rises upon that foundation; it is the sentiment of love, the sense of fellowship which binds together all the sons of that territory.
~By Giuseppe Mazzini ~

I believe that the reason why I love painting so much is that it forces one to be objective. There is nothing I hate more than sentimentality.
~By Max Beckmann ~

I think people in Hollywood are afraid of sentiment because they think audiences will reject it.
~By Leonard Maltin ~

Each day a few more lies eat into the seed with which we are born, little institutional lies from the print of newspapers, the shock waves of television, and the sentimental cheats of the movie screen.
~By Norman Mailer ~

It's not the sentiments of men which make history but their actions.
~By Norman Mailer ~

There's been quite a clear upswing in nationalist sentiments. Everyone is talking about it, in Turkey as well.
~By Orhan Pamuk ~

I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute.
~By Rebecca West ~

The world is neither wise nor just, but it makes up for all its folly and injustice by being damnably sentimental.
~By Thomas Huxley ~

For us, sons of France, political sentiment is a passion; while, for the Englishmen, politics are a question of business.
~By Wilfrid Laurier ~

The job of the poet is to render the world - to see it and report it without loss, without perversion. No poet ever talks about feelings. Only sentimental people do.
~By Mark Van Doren ~

From the age of fifteen, dogma has been the fundamental principle of my religion: I know no other religion; I cannot enter into the idea of any other sort of religion; religion, as a mere sentiment, is to me a dream and a mockery.
~By John Henry Newman ~

I like kind of varied songs, not just the same song all the time. And I thought things like "Too Sentimental" is a different thing for us, but it works and we love the way they all came out. There's definitely varied songs on there.
~By Graham Russell ~

And if I have a strong point, it's that I like to believe it's not cheap or schmaltzy sentimentality.
~By Toots Thielemans ~

Poetry does not consist of words alone; there must be sentiment and fancy, combination and arrangement.
~By Samuel Prout ~

Religious suffering is at once the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of the heartless world, as it is the soul of soulless condition. It is the opium of the people.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

I cannot be much pleased without an appearance of truth; at least of possibility I wish the history to be natural though the sentiments are refined; and the characters to be probable, though their behaviour is excelling.
~By Frances Burney ~

I am not here to parade my religious sentiments, but I declare I have too much respect for the faith in which I was born to ever use it as the basis of a political organization.
~By Wilfrid Laurier ~

I find that to be a fool as to worldly wisdom, and to commit my cause to God, not fearing to offend men, who take offence at the simplicity of truth, is the only way to remain unmoved at the sentiments of others.
~By John Woolman ~

When I approach a child, he inspires in me two sentiments; tenderness for what he is, and respect for what he may become.
~By Louis Pasteur ~

It has now become a very common sentiment, that there is some deep and radical wrong somewhere, and that legislators have proved themselves incapable of discovering, or, of remedying it.
~By Josiah Warren ~

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July 27 ,2024
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