Sex Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Sex

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Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement!
~By John Piper ~

Knowing that we were doing good work and the stories were good. They were original and charming. They weren't particularly violent or sexy or any of that. They were just unique and that had a good feel to it.
~By Derek Jacobi ~

It's very liberating to be naked in front of a hundred people, but there's nothing sexual about lovemaking on a movie set.
~By Bill Paxton ~

This is the way I look at sex scenes: I have basically been doing them for a living for years. Trying to seduce an audience is the basis of rock 'n roll, and if I may say so, I'm pretty good at it.
~By Jon Bon Jovi ~

If I was a sex symbol, I would be getting laid a lot more than I am now.
~By Moby ~

The true feeling of sex is that of a deep intimacy, but above all of a deep complicity.
~By James Dickey ~

It was the courts, of course, that took away prayer from our schools, that took away Bible reading from our schools. It's the courts that gave us same-sex marriage. So it is quite a battlefield, and the Supreme Court is the highest court in the land.
~By Rod Parsley ~

The big difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.
~By Brendan Behan ~

The joke that I make is that there are instances on the TV series that happen to me, - except on Sex and the City they always make it better or worse than real life and I am actually saying that in a joking way.
~By Candace Bushnell ~

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality.
~By Patricia Ireland ~

I support non-discrimination for homosexuals, but I think, or at least I have the right to think - without saying whether I think it or not - I have the right to think, along with the catechism of the Catholic Church, that homosexuality is morally wrong.
~By Rocco Buttiglione ~

An acre in Middlesex is better than a principality in Utopia.
~By Thomas B. Macaulay ~

I justified it in so many ways. I had a very, very long and difficult struggle with my sexuality.
~By Portia de Rossi ~

I think one of the things that language poets are very involved with is getting away from conventional ideas of beauty, because those ideas contain a certain attitude toward women, certain attitudes toward sex, certain attitudes toward race, etc.
~By Diane Wakoski ~

Absolute faith can blind you to the consequences of the actions you allow. It can tell you it's okay to drop bombs on another country, or that it's okay to hate a group of people such as homosexuals.
~By Andrew Denton ~

When you get to fifty-two food becomes more important than sex.
~By Tom Lehrer ~

My activism and sexual revolution in New York was a factor.
~By Sally Kirkland ~

The '90s are really the 'Sex and the City' woman, and I think, right now, the new contemporary woman is the 'Lipstick Jungle' woman.
~By Candace Bushnell ~

For the record, I am not an admitted homosexual, nor am I a homosexual, though I do know the lyrics to every show tune ever written, which might perhaps account for the confusion.
~By John Podhoretz ~

For flavor, instant sex will never supersede the stuff you have to peel and cook.
~By Quentin Crisp ~

Valentino was apparently gay or bisexual. And his two lesbian wives. But without any question, he had sex with men. From choice. So he was one or the other.
~By Cesar Romero ~

I don't believe in paying for sex. Which is why I'll never again pay for a woman's dinner.
~By David Wain ~

We hope we are moving toward a world where sexual orientation is not an issue, because we hate the idea of a gay ghetto. I think that it's a real shame that people become restricted by their sexuality or define their whole lives by their sexuality.
~By Neil Tennant ~

In so many interviews, they bring up the sexual aspect of the record. I've had some journalists say it sounds like I'm lying down in bed singing with a microphone. It gets so old!
~By Lucinda Williams ~

The Myth of Male Power dealt much more with the political issues, the legal issues, sexual harassment, date rape, women who kill, and those issues were very much more interfaced with the agendas of feminism.
~By Warren Farrell ~

Christian teaching about sex is not a set of isolated prohibitions; it is an integral part of what the Bible has to say about living in such a way that our lives communicate the character of God.
~By Rowan D. Williams ~

Everyone has people in their lives that are gay, lesbian or transgender or bisexual. They may not want to admit it, but I guarantee they know somebody.
~By Billie Jean King ~

There is no such thing as a homosexual or a heterosexual person. There are only homo- or heterosexual acts. Most people are a mixture of impulses if not practices.
~By Gore Vidal ~

And I always had this idea for making a movie about a femme fatale, because I like these characters. They're a lot of fun, they're sexy, they're manipulative, they're dangerous.
~By Brian De Palma ~

If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to do it?
~By Bette Midler ~

The homosexual community wants me to be gay. The heterosexual community wants me to be straight. Every writer thinks, I'm the journalist who's going to make him talk. I pray for them. I pray that they get a life and stop living mine!
~By Ricky Martin ~

I think we're in a time when everyone's afraid to have sex. But I was raised being beautiful and healthy.
~By Alyssa Milano ~

I think it's sort of disrespectful to the partner you're having sex with to talk about it.
~By Gretchen Mol ~

It won't take 40 years for opposition to same-sex marriage to dissipate.
~By Mary Cheney ~

Love is something far more than desire for sexual intercourse; it is the principal means of escape from the loneliness which afflicts most men and women throughout the greater part of their lives.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

What I find very attractive, what I find sexual, are people who are unapologetic for who they are and comfortable with themselves. And I think with those two things sexual energy does come out because you're not hovering or censoring yourself, you're just being who you are. And being who you are is a very attractive quality in a person.
~By Katherine Moennig ~

Don't marry someone you would not be friends with if there was no sex between you.
~By William Glasser ~

I write about sex, not love. What do I know about love?
~By Sarah Jessica Parker ~

She represented the distilled essence of the battle between the sexes.
~By Anne Edwards ~

If I was in love with someone, I would get their picture out of the school yearbook and do portraits. If I was curious about sex, I would draw pictures of it. There were no books for me to look at. Then I would go find my father's matches to burn the paper.
~By Lynn Johnston ~

The irony is that the more unapologetically sexist men are in movies, the more women tend to be attracted to them in person.
~By Jon Favreau ~

Rose was sexy. It was my fantasy about her. She accomplished so much and came from so little in terms of a background that would have prepared her for the world, let alone the world of entertainment.
~By Linda Lavin ~

Sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder. I think it should be. Absolutely. My sex appeal, whatever it might be, isn't obvious... at least to me.
~By Sharon Tate ~

Thus the genetic basis to the origin of bird species is to be sought in the inheritance of adult traits that are subject to natural and sexual selection.
~By Peter R. Grant ~

What do you mean you don't believe in homosexuality? It's not like the Easter Bunny, your belief isn't necessary.
~By Lea DeLaria ~

I think Henry Miller has had huge influence not because he wrote about sex, but because the memoir or the nonfiction novel has become such a monumental force in American publishing, if not in literature.
~By Leslie Fiedler ~

Sexuality is a big issue, but there are others - how much you commit to a relationship, to social obligation, to honesty and being honest with yourself.
~By Ang Lee ~

I refuse the compliment that I think like a man, thought has no sex, one either thinks or one does not.
~By Clare Boothe Luce ~

Ageism is as odious as racism and sexism.
~By Claude Pepper ~

I'm just a natural flirt, but I don't see it in a sexual way. A lot of the time I'm like an overexcited puppy.
~By Kylie Minogue ~

You know what? I don't care. I'm my own guy. I'm very secure with my sexuality. I can cry anytime I want.
~By Brett Hull ~

I'm not homosexual, I'm not hetrosexual, I'm just sexual.
~By Michael Stipe ~

I like someone who is a little crazy but coming from a good place. I think scars are sexy because it means you made a mistake that led to a mess.
~By Angelina Jolie ~

Years ago I had a house in Sussex, it was like Arcadia, with an old Victorian bridge, a pond and the Downs.
~By Nicolas Roeg ~

Groupies to me, were people who followed you around. Familiar faces who were always there, asking for autographs. We have more of those now, but they're not sexual.
~By Davy Jones ~

It only takes five people in black robes to determine such crucial issues for our country as abortion, pornography, same-sex 'marriage,' and religious liberties.
~By Richard Land ~

Understand that sexuality is as wide as the sea. Understand that your morality is not law. Understand that we are you. Understand that if we decide to have sex whether safe, safer, or unsafe, it is our decision and you have no rights in our lovemaking.
~By Derek Jarman ~

I'm a bit of a slag... Some people don't think it's very nice, but I don't care... I've got hormones, and sex is there, so why not? Sex is good. Everybody does it, and everybody should!
~By Robbie Williams ~

I think that you have to do everything you can do to empower girls when they are young, from their education, to their successful independence, to their sexual self-knowledge.
~By Susie Bright ~

No one will ever win the battle of the sexes; there's too much fraternizing with the enemy.
~By Henry A. Kissinger ~

I think any girl who comes to Hollywood with sex symbol or bombshell hanging over her has a rough road.
~By Kim Basinger ~

I learned from my Adventist upbringing that the biggest sins were sexual.
~By Luke Ford ~

Hollywood is the definition of sexual discrimination.
~By Ally Sheedy ~

The male sex still constitute in many ways the most obstinate vested interest one can find.
~By Francis Aungier ~

Doesn't anyone here think this sounds like a vision of hell? While we are all competing or dying, when will there be time for sex or music or books? Stop the world, I want to get off.
~By Howard Stringer ~

I chose to treat the homosexuality like I would treat any other form of sexuality.
~By Barbet Schroeder ~

I could see myself in a relationship with a girl; Olivia Wilde is so sexy she makes me want to strangle a mountain ox with my bare hands. She's mesmerizing.
~By Megan Fox ~

Managing people's sex lives is something that I don't think is a good role for government.
~By William Weld ~

I'm also interested in the modern suggestion that you can have a combination of love and sex in a marriage - which no previous society has ever believed.
~By Alain de Botton ~

The thing about drugs and sex is that you lose all your inhibitions. I've had sex in trains, planes, wine bars... and quite a few car parks!
~By Robbie Williams ~

"Sex" is as important as eating or drinking and we ought to allow the one appetite to be satisfied with as little restraint or false modesty as the other.
~By Marquis de Sade ~

The best sex I have ever had was with my vibrator.
~By Eva Longoria ~

I had a great many sex and love cases where people were absolutely devastated when somebody with whom they were compulsively in love didn't love them back. They were killing themselves with anxiety and depression.
~By Albert Ellis ~

Honesty is very sexy.
~By Valerie Bertinelli ~

Sex without love is a meaningless experience, but as far as meaningless experiences go its pretty damn good.
~By Woody Allen ~

The Gulf War was like teenage sex. We got in too soon and out too soon.
~By Tom Harkin ~

Ability is sexless.
~By John Henry Newman ~

To hold that the act of homosexual sodomy is somehow protected as a fundamental right would be to cast aside millennia of moral teaching.
~By Warren E. Burger ~

I support allowing homosexuals to serve openly in our military and eliminating the 'don't ask, don't tell' policy.
~By Ed Case ~

Just because society, and government, and whatever was different 100 years ago, doesn't mean that people didn't have sex, pick their nose, or swear.
~By Kate Winslet ~

I don't judge people by their sexual orientation or the color of their skin, so I find it really hard to identify someone by saying that they're a gay person or a black person or a Jewish person.
~By Diana Ross ~

Food, like sex, is one of the principal kinds of human activity that engage people when they wonder about how to account for different kinds of human behaviour.
~By Marvin Harris ~

From a religious point of view, if God had thought homosexuality is a sin, he would not have created gay people.
~By Howard Dean ~

The question of sexual dominance can exist only in the nightmare of that soul which has armed itself, totally, against the possibility of the changing motion of conquest and surrender, which is love.
~By James A. Baldwin ~

All men are homosexual, some turn straight. It must be very odd to be a straight man because your sexuality is hopelessly defensive. It's like an ideal of racial purity.
~By Derek Jarman ~

Forget romantic fiction, a survey has found that most women would rather read a good book than go shopping, have sex, or sleep.
~By Janet Street-Porter ~

It is a sexy country. We are very free with our bodies.
~By Ana Beatriz Barros ~

It's difficult for me to say, but I don't think the sex scenes are particularly erotic.
~By Mark Rylance ~

I don't find any presidents all that sexy. They're not very rock'n'roll.
~By Carmen Electra ~

I was always the sexy bass player in the background while Robin stood centre. Barry and I played it up a bit, gave 'em a bit of thigh.
~By Maurice Gibb ~

The psychology of a complex mind must differ almost as much from that of a simple, mechanized mind as its psychology would from ours; because something that must underlie and perhaps be even greater than sex is involved.
~By John Desmond Bernal ~

Sexual relations, of course, have existed, exist, and will exist. However, this is in no way connected with the indispensability of the existence of the family.
~By Ferdinand Mount ~

A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after.
~By Gloria Steinem ~

In the scattered settlements of this Diocese, schools and Churches are of necessity for many years few in number, and multitudes of both sexes are growing up in great ignorance.
~By John Strachan ~

I'm homosexual... How and why are idle questions. It's a little like wanting to know why my eyes are green.
~By Jean Genet ~

It's not like I was trying to be sexy but I had to get fit because I had to be able to do stunts. Also I wanted that, if Bond took his clothes off, he looked like a man who did what he did, which was kill people for a living. I thought the only way to do that was to work out and get fit and buff and get physically into shape.
~By Daniel Craig ~

The things in my songs are the edited highlights of my life. I don't go seeking out strange sexual experiences every day of the week.
~By Jarvis Cocker ~

Nothing is either all masculine or all feminine except having sex.
~By Marlo Thomas ~

We do most of what we do out of our sexual energy and our sexual needs.
~By Frank Langella ~

The Catholic Church - it's so difficult because I don't want say anything offensive but it makes me very angry that religious leaders from this faith have tried to respond negatively to sexual education and to the promotion of condom use.
~By Emma Thompson ~

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October 22 ,2024
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