Shadow Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Shadow

Read This: Self Quotes And Sayings

The higher the sun ariseth, the less shadow doth he cast; even so the greater is the goodness, the less doth it covet praise; yet cannot avoid its rewards in honours.
~By Lao Tzu ~

There stands the shadow of a glorious name.
~By Lucan ~

Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow.
~By William Blake ~

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
~By Edgar Allan Poe ~

Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and adventures are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes and forgotten.
~By Neil Gaiman ~

It's important to know that if you are dealing with shadows.
~By Conrad Hall ~

I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow; if I fail, or if I succeed at least I did as I believe.
~By Whitney Houston ~

Twice I had been stopped by these jobs, and I thought the role on Dark Shadows would go on for about three or four weeks. And then, the phenomenon began, the role caught on, the mail started to flood in.
~By Jonathan Frid ~

To contemplate is to look at shadows.
~By Victor Hugo ~

There is a shadow on every page.
~By Eugene Ormandy ~

Most people think that shadows follow, precede or surround beings or objects. The truth is that they also surround words, ideas, desires, deeds, impulses and memories.
~By Elie Wiesel ~

To love someone is to isolate him from the world, wipe out every trace of him, dispossess him of his shadow, drag him into a murderous future. It is to circle around the other like a dead star and absorb him into a black light.
~By Jean Baudrillard ~

I have stood on the front lines of the health care system as a doctor, patient and concerned parent. Those experiences have served as my guideposts throughout the struggle to reform America's health care system. And it's those same experiences that tell me that fear and election hysteria should not overshadow the reality of reform.
~By Jim McDermott ~

Love is a trap. When it appears, we see only its light, not its shadows.
~By Paulo Coelho ~

The reputation of a man is like his shadow, gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in its proportions when it follows.
~By Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ~

Ones reputation is like a shadow, it is gigantic when it precedes you, and a pigmy in proportion when it follows.
~By Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ~

The light of lights looks always on the motive, not the deed, the shadow of shadows on the deed alone.
~By William Butler Yeats ~

You're like the girl who left her shadow in the drawer, but when she went to get it, it wasn't there.
~By Wayne Shorter ~

Because it appears to me a hazardous thing to exchange my soul for my shadow.
~By Adelbert von Chamisso ~

My cameraman and I devised a method, which we started using from my second film, which applies mainly to day scenes shot in the studio, where we used bounced light instead of direct light. We agreed with this thing of four or five shadows following the actors is dreadful.
~By Satyajit Ray ~

Every man ought to be inquisitive through every hour of his great adventure down to the day when he shall no longer cast a shadow in the sun. For if he dies without a question in his heart, what excuse is there for his continuance?
~By Frank Moore Colby ~

News is so often a report of conflict, an account of problems, a thing of the day and even of the minute, that sometimes I think we make the background darker and the shadows deeper than they actually are.
~By Arthur H. Sulzberger ~

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition.
~By Rod Serling ~

The essence of life is the smile of round female bottoms, under the shadow of cosmic boredom.
~By Guy de Maupassant ~

Manipulating shadows and tonality is like writing music or a poem.
~By Conrad Hall ~

For centuries, the world has heard the oppressed, the downtrodden and the vulnerable cry out for their freedoms, for their rights and for a chance to emerge from the shadows of the tyranny and bloodshed that they had lived with.
~By Ginny B. Waite ~

Some men by ancestry are only the shadow of a mighty name.
~By Lucan ~

Freedom to differ is not limited to things that do not matter mush. That would be a mere shadow of freedom. The test of its substance is the right to differ as to things that touch the heart of the existing order.
~By Robert Jackson ~

False friends are like our shadow, keeping close to us while we walk in the sunshine, but leaving us the instant we cross into the shade.
~By Christian Nestell Bovee ~

My early influences were the Shadows, who were an English instrumental band. They basically got me into playing and later on I got into blues and jazz players. I liked Clapton when he was with John Mayall. I really liked that period.
~By Tony Iommi ~

Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.
~By Helen Keller ~

Words are but the vague shadows of the volumes we mean. Little audible links, they are, chaining together great inaudible feelings and purposes.
~By Theodore Dreiser ~

Pleasure is a shadow, wealth is vanity, and power a pageant; but knowledge is ecstatic in enjoyment, perennial in frame, unlimited in space and indefinite in duration.
~By DeWitt Clinton ~

I have spent much of my adult life flinching with pain as I tried to pull out the threads that bound the shadows of my past to me.
~By Lorna Luft ~

Beauty is ever to the lonely mind a shadow fleeting; she is never plain. She is a visitor who leaves behind the gift of grief, the souvenir of pain.
~By Christopher Morley ~

If coming events are said to cast their shadows before, past events cannot fall to leave their impress behind them.
~By H. P. Blavatsky ~

Probably the happiest period in life most frequently is in middle age, when the eager passions of youth are cooled, and the infirmities of age not yet begun; as we see that the shadows, which are at morning and evening so large, almost entirely disappear at midday.
~By Eleanor Roosevelt ~

How do you grow up in the shadow of a guy - I want to talk about the movie in a second - but how do you grow up in the shadow of a guy who really is a legend in his own time?
~By Tavis Smiley ~

All that we are is the result of what we have thought. If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a man speaks or acts with a pure thought, happiness follows him, like a shadow that never leaves him.
~By Buddha ~

There is no question but that the laws and principles which Solon laid down both foreshadowed and prepared the way for all republics of later ages, including our own.
~By Robert Welch ~

But on this show, it's a good question because in the 35 shows that we've done now, I've really made a consistent effort to really shadow the directors because in many ways they have to be more prepared than feature directors.
~By Anthony Michael Hall ~

Look not mournfully into the past, it comes not back again. Wisely improve the present, it is thine. Go forth to meet the shadowy future without fear and with a manly heart.
~By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

The whole shadow of Man is only as big as his hat.
~By Elizabeth Bishop ~

I'd come from the bottom of the barrel. Just Owen Hart getting out of the shadow of Bret Hart's little brother. Everyone figured, this is a joke, Owen's going to get squashed.
~By Owen Hart ~

Our sexual lives are maintained by the shadow side and the light side, so the more we can understand and embrace enlightenment, the less need there is for chemical enhancement.
~By Kyan Douglas ~

How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.
~By Joseph Joubert ~

Human rights are not a privilege granted by the few, they are a liberty entitled to all, and human rights, by definition, include the rights of all humans, those in the dawn of life, the dusk of life, or the shadows of life.
~By Kay Granger ~

I wear my shadows where they're harder to see, but they follow me everywhere. I guess that should tell me I'm travelling toward light.
~By Bruce Cockburn ~

If we hope for what we are not likely to possess, we act and think in vain, and make life a greater dream and shadow than it really is.
~By Joseph Addison ~

The greens are so fast I have to hold my putter over the ball and hit it with the shadow.
~By Sam Snead ~

Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving!
~By O. Henry ~

I have been sitting watching that ever since I came back, the continuous variations of light and shadow.
~By Laurie Lee ~

In the domain of cops and robbers, an interdiction serves to structure a black market and a shadow economy.
~By William Irwin Thompson ~

David has asked me, a number of people have asked me and said, What performance do you like best or what's the best film you've made and so on and I don't really have any hesitation that the film I'm least embarrassed by and ashamed of or uneasy about is Shadowlands.
~By Richard Attenborough ~

Words are mere shadows cast by ideas. But the ideas they represent are real.
~By Roy H. Williams ~

The goal is always to make a nice tableau painting with the voice. The more color I can find, the more shadow I can find - the goal is always to make more nuance and colors.
~By Cecilia Bartoli ~

Black people are inferior to Caucasians. Blacks constitute a totally distinct group; they overshadow the country with the germ... of evil.
~By David Wilmot ~

I've seen George Foreman shadow boxing and the shadow won.
~By George Foreman ~

Power may be at the end of a gun, but sometimes it's also at the end of the shadow or the image of a gun.
~By Jean Genet ~

No nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even if it be only the faintest shadow - and if it does not do so it is bad art and false morals.
~By Kenneth Clark ~

All their sport in the park is but a shadow to that pleasure that I find in Plato; alas good folk, they never felt what true pleasure meant.
~By Jane Grey ~

I'm always shy in front of an audience, so I'm always at the back, in the shadows, just doing it. I don't like the front, the adulation.
~By Bill Wyman ~

A people always ends by resembling its shadow.
~By Rudyard Kipling ~

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

Hope is like the sun, which, as we journey toward it, casts the shadow of our burden behind us.
~By Samuel Smiles ~

I'll fill those canyons in your soul, like a river lead you home. And I'll walk a step behind, in the shadows so you shine. Just ask, it will be done and I will prove my love, until you're sure that I'm the one.
~By Gary Allan ~

A person without a shadow should keep out of the sun, that is the only safe and rational plan.
~By Adelbert von Chamisso ~

The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle.
~By Nicolaus Copernicus ~

You don't get to cut that chain of evidence and start over. You're always going to be pursued by your data shadow, which is forming from thousands and thousands of little leaks and tributaries of information.
~By Bruce Sterling ~

Because everything we say and do is the length and shadow of our own souls, our influence is determined by the quality of our being.
~By Dale Turner ~

Afflictions are but the shadows of God's wings.
~By George MacDonald ~

Such a prostitution of judicial power can never occur again under the shadow of the British law, for no jury within the wide circle of the empire would submit to such an infraction of their privilege, even if a judge could be found daring enough to attempt it.
~By Joseph Howe ~

Every where the years bring to all enough of sin and sorrow; but in slavery the very dawn of life is darkened by these shadows.
~By Harriet Ann Jacobs ~

Keep your face always toward the sunshine - and shadows will fall behind you.
~By Walt Whitman ~

Nearly 11 million undocumented immigrants currently live within our borders. That's 11 million people living in the shadows whom we know next to nothing about.
~By Steve Israel ~

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
~By Michelangelo ~

You can make yourself feel better about yourself if you project your shadow side, if you project your own potential for evil onto someone else. By annihilating them and, therefore, your shadow, you bring yourself into some state of purity or reformation.
~By Jennifer Beals ~

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
~By Aesop ~

One can live in the shadow of an idea without grasping it.
~By Elizabeth Bowen ~

There's something about shadows because you make your own mind up about what's lurking in them.
~By Richard O'Brien ~

The repose of sleep refreshes only the body. It rarely sets the soul at rest. The repose of the night does not belong to us. It is not the possession of our being. Sleep opens within us an inn for phantoms. In the morning we must sweep out the shadows.
~By Gaston Bachelard ~

I see that all of us who live are nothing but images or insubstantial shadow.
~By Sophocles ~

Go, forget me - why should sorrow, O'er that brow a shadow fling? Go, forget me - and tomorrow, brightly smile and sweetly sing. Smile - though I shall not be near thee; Sing - though I shall never hear thee.
~By Charles Wolfe ~

Propaganda must appeal to mankind's better judgment and to the necessary belief in a better future. For this belief, the valley of the shadow of death is but a war station on the road to the blessed summit.
~By Christian Lous Lange ~

The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared to Jesus Christ.
~By Oswald Chambers ~

The ordinary man casts a shadow in a way we do not quite understand. The man of genius casts light.
~By George Steiner ~

What difference is there, do you think, between those in Plato's cave who can only marvel at the shadows and images of various objects, provided they are content and don't know what they miss, and the philosopher who has emerged from the cave and sees the real things?
~By Desiderius Erasmus ~

A little man often cast a long shadow.
~By G. M. Trevelyan ~

Getting out from under the shadow of Henry Fonda was difficult.
~By Peter Fonda ~

I will give you three days to seek your shadow. Return to me in the course of that time with a well-fitted shadow, and you shall receive a hearty welcome; otherwise, on the fourth day - remember, on the fourth day - my daughter becomes the wife of another.
~By Adelbert von Chamisso ~

Within two hours of where I live, you have mountains and desert as location. I like the natural elements that abstract into light, texture, shape and shadow.
~By Herb Ritts ~

My paranoia never ends, but I haven't been paranoid about being spied on my shadowy forces for some time now.
~By Jon Ronson ~

When walking through the "valley of shadows," remember, a shadow is cast by a Light.
~By Austin O'Malley ~

Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.
~By Thomas Browne ~

Well actually, some weeks they'll write that I'm jealous of living in her shadow. Then other weeks, they'll write that all I want to do is loaf around on her money! It's ridiculous!
~By Ryan Phillippe ~

Loss and possession, death and life are one, There falls no shadow where there shines no sun.
~By Hilaire Belloc ~

When we see the shadow on our images, are we seeing the time 11 minutes ago on Mars? Or are we seeing the time on Mars as observed from Earth now? It's like time travel problems in science fiction. When is now; when was then?
~By Bill Nye ~

The best history is but like the art of Rembrandt; it casts a vivid light on certain selected causes, on those which were best and greatest; it leaves all the rest in shadow and unseen.
~By Walter Bagehot ~

Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes.
~By Jean Racine ~

Read This: Reincarnation Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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