Shadow Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Shadow

Read This: Examination Quotes And Sayings

Many miles away there's a shadow on the door of a cottage on the Shore of a dark Scottish lake.
~By Walter Scott ~

The repose of sleep refreshes only the body. It rarely sets the soul at rest. The repose of the night does not belong to us. It is not the possession of our being. Sleep opens within us an inn for phantoms. In the morning we must sweep out the shadows.
~By Gaston Bachelard ~

To contemplate is to look at shadows.
~By Victor Hugo ~

The memory of my own suffering has prevented me from ever shadowing one young soul with the superstition of the Christian religion.
~By Elizabeth Cady Stanton ~

The earth together with its surrounding waters must in fact have such a shape as its shadow reveals, for it eclipses the moon with the arc of a perfect circle.
~By Nicolaus Copernicus ~

For 24 hours a day, for 10 years, all I thought about was being in a band. That's all I did. I had no other social life. I don't want my life to be like that now. I've spent the past 10 years having a real life as well. But Spandau Ballet is such a difficult shadow to outrun.
~By Gary Kemp ~

Beauty deprived of its proper foils and adjuncts ceases to be enjoyed as beauty, just as light deprived of all shadows ceases to be enjoyed as light.
~By John Ruskin ~

The ordinary man casts a shadow in a way we do not quite understand. The man of genius casts light.
~By George Steiner ~

Time flies over us, but leaves it shadow behind.
~By Nathaniel Hawthorne ~

Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes.
~By Jean Racine ~

Part of every misery is, so to speak, the misery's shadow or reflection: the fact that you don't merely suffer but have to keep on thinking about the fact that you suffer. I not only live each endless day in grief, but live each day thinking about living each day in grief.
~By C. S. Lewis ~

The very substance of the ambitious is merely the shadow of a dream.
~By William Shakespeare ~

These greens are so fast I have to hold my putter over the ball and hit it with the shadow.
~By Sam Snead ~

Nations, like plants and human beings, grow. And if the development is thwarted they are dwarfed and overshadowed.
~By Claude McKay ~

Wherefore the mere practical architect is not able to assign sufficient reasons for the forms he adopts; and the theoretic architect also fails, grasping the shadow instead of the substance.
~By Marcus V. Pollio ~

I look out the window sometimes to seek the color of the shadows and the different greens in the trees, but when I get ready to paint I just close my eyes and imagine a scene.
~By Grandma Moses ~

Under the ominous shadow which the second World War and its attendant circumstances have cast on the world, peace has become as essential to civilized existence as the air we breathe is to life itself.
~By Cordell Hull ~

Do we not all spend the greater part of our lives under the shadow of an event that has not yet come to pass?
~By Maurice Maeterlinck ~

Words are mere shadows cast by ideas. But the ideas they represent are real.
~By Roy H. Williams ~

Shadow is a colour as light is, but less brilliant; light and shadow are only the relation of two tones.
~By Paul Cezanne ~

It was a rich and gorgeous sunset - an American sunset; and the ruddy glow of the sky was reflected from some extensive pools of water among the shadowy copses in the meadow below.
~By Francis Parkman ~

Getting out from under the shadow of Henry Fonda was difficult.
~By Peter Fonda ~

My dark side, my shadow, my lower companion is now in the back room blowing up balloons for kids' parties.
~By Gary Busey ~

The best history is but like the art of Rembrandt; it casts a vivid light on certain selected causes, on those which were best and greatest; it leaves all the rest in shadow and unseen.
~By Walter Bagehot ~

Every man ought to be inquisitive through every hour of his great adventure down to the day when he shall no longer cast a shadow in the sun. For if he dies without a question in his heart, what excuse is there for his continuance?
~By Frank Moore Colby ~

Beauty is ever to the lonely mind a shadow fleeting; she is never plain. She is a visitor who leaves behind the gift of grief, the souvenir of pain.
~By Christopher Morley ~

Shadow owes its birth to light.
~By John Gay ~

No failure in America, whether of love or money, is ever simple; it is always a kind of betrayal, of a mass of shadowy, shared hopes.
~By Greil Marcus ~

I'd come from the bottom of the barrel. Just Owen Hart getting out of the shadow of Bret Hart's little brother. Everyone figured, this is a joke, Owen's going to get squashed.
~By Owen Hart ~

Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow.
~By Marcus Tullius Cicero ~

I think people would actually be surprised by what we put out. Unfortunately the shadow that the original founders cast was that they were just artists that can't write books so people swept the whole of Image with that paintbrush.
~By Todd McFarlane ~

Sexism, like racism, goes with us into the next century. I see class warfare as overshadowing both.
~By Constance Baker Motley ~

It is, then, by those shadows of the hoary Past and their fantastic silhouettes on the external screen of every religion and philosophy, that we can, by checking them as we go along, and comparing them, trace out finally the body that produced them.
~By H. P. Blavatsky ~

I see the state of all of us who live, nothing more than phantoms or a weightless shadow.
~By Sophocles ~

You don't get to cut that chain of evidence and start over. You're always going to be pursued by your data shadow, which is forming from thousands and thousands of little leaks and tributaries of information.
~By Bruce Sterling ~

I saw old Autumn in the misty morn stand shadowless like silence, listening to silence.
~By Thomas Hood ~

Find beauty not only in the thing itself but in the pattern of the shadows, the light and dark which that thing provides.
~By Junichiro Tanizaki ~

Race prejudice is not only a shadow over the colored it is a shadow over all of us, and the shadow is darkest over those who feel it least and allow its evil effects to go on.
~By Pearl S. Buck ~

News is so often a report of conflict, an account of problems, a thing of the day and even of the minute, that sometimes I think we make the background darker and the shadows deeper than they actually are.
~By Arthur H. Sulzberger ~

There is a shadow on every page.
~By Eugene Ormandy ~

Love and business and family and religion and art and patriotism are nothing but shadows of words when a man's starving!
~By O. Henry ~

We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves.
~By Buddha ~

Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
~By William Shakespeare ~

Liza is in the tabloids almost as much as our mother was. She has struggled with her own ghosts and shadows.
~By Lorna Luft ~

To light a candle is to cast a shadow.
~By Ursula K. Le Guin ~

Power may be at the end of a gun, but sometimes it's also at the end of the shadow or the image of a gun.
~By Jean Genet ~

Because it appears to me a hazardous thing to exchange my soul for my shadow.
~By Adelbert von Chamisso ~

Such a prostitution of judicial power can never occur again under the shadow of the British law, for no jury within the wide circle of the empire would submit to such an infraction of their privilege, even if a judge could be found daring enough to attempt it.
~By Joseph Howe ~

Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.
~By Carl Jung ~

In this world, full often, our joys are only the tender shadows which our sorrows cast.
~By Henry Ward Beecher ~

A child can escape the shadows.
~By Steve Largent ~

The black shadow cares for itself, not for you.
~By Julius Streicher ~

A little man often cast a long shadow.
~By G. M. Trevelyan ~

There stands the shadow of a glorious name.
~By Lucan ~

Thoughts are the shadows of our feelings - always darker, emptier and simpler.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

What difference is there, do you think, between those in Plato's cave who can only marvel at the shadows and images of various objects, provided they are content and don't know what they miss, and the philosopher who has emerged from the cave and sees the real things?
~By Desiderius Erasmus ~

We stand in the shadow of Jefferson who believed that a society founded upon the rule of law and liberty was dependent upon public education and the diffusion of knowledge.
~By Matt Blunt ~

What is life? A madness. What is life? An illusion, a shadow, a story. And the greatest good is little enough; for all life is a dream, and dreams themselves are only dreams.
~By Pedro Calderon de la Barca ~

Ronald Reagan used to alarm other constituencies by speaking freely about the End Times foreshadowed in the Bible.
~By Christopher Hitchens ~

It's very easy to say that something is a shadow of itself, and it may be true in some senses.
~By Sydney Schanberg ~

If coming events are said to cast their shadows before, past events cannot fall to leave their impress behind them.
~By H. P. Blavatsky ~

Life itself is but the shadow of death, and souls departed but the shadows of the living.
~By Thomas Browne ~

My early influences were the Shadows, who were an English instrumental band. They basically got me into playing and later on I got into blues and jazz players. I liked Clapton when he was with John Mayall. I really liked that period.
~By Tony Iommi ~

Twice I had been stopped by these jobs, and I thought the role on Dark Shadows would go on for about three or four weeks. And then, the phenomenon began, the role caught on, the mail started to flood in.
~By Jonathan Frid ~

The myths have always condemned those who "looked back." Condemned them, whatever the paradise may have been which they were leaving. Hence this shadow over each departure from your decision.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

The reputation of a man is like his shadow, gigantic when it precedes him, and pigmy in its proportions when it follows.
~By Charles Maurice de Talleyrand ~

A human being is only breath and shadow.
~By Sophocles ~

Not the torturer will scare me, nor the body's final fall, nor the barrels of death's rifles, nor the shadows on the wall, nor the night when to the ground the last dim star of pain, is hurled but the blind indifference of a merciless, unfeeling world.
~By Roger Waters ~

I see that all of us who live are nothing but images or insubstantial shadow.
~By Sophocles ~

Michael Ralph brilliantly plays the street prophet, a West Indian who foreshadows the Harlem riot.
~By Debbie Allen ~

Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality.
~By Hermann Minkowski ~

When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon.
~By Thomas Paine ~

The whole shadow of Man is only as big as his hat.
~By Elizabeth Bishop ~

We are involved in youth testing internationally. We want to try to prove without a shadow of a doubt the relationship between physical fitness and health, not just physical fitness and ability to perform.
~By Kenneth H. Cooper ~

No nude, however abstract, should fail to arouse in the spectator some vestige of erotic feeling, even if it be only the faintest shadow - and if it does not do so it is bad art and false morals.
~By Kenneth Clark ~

I have been sitting watching that ever since I came back, the continuous variations of light and shadow.
~By Laurie Lee ~

Go, forget me - why should sorrow, O'er that brow a shadow fling? Go, forget me - and tomorrow, brightly smile and sweetly sing. Smile - though I shall not be near thee; Sing - though I shall never hear thee.
~By Charles Wolfe ~

Beware that you do not lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
~By Aesop ~

I'll often rush out from Dark Shadows, having made a 5.30PM appointment, working for a couple of hours.
~By Thayer David ~

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.
~By Michelangelo ~

My children, as long as you live, the shadow of the Hiss Case will brush you. In every pair of eyes that rests on you, you will see pass, like a cloud passing behind a woods in winter, the memory of your father - dissembled in friendly eyes, lurking in unfriendly eyes.
~By Whittaker Chambers ~

Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

I have stood on the front lines of the health care system as a doctor, patient and concerned parent. Those experiences have served as my guideposts throughout the struggle to reform America's health care system. And it's those same experiences that tell me that fear and election hysteria should not overshadow the reality of reform.
~By Jim McDermott ~

They say that shadows of deceased ghosts Do haunt the houses and the graves about, Of such whose life's lamp went untimely out, Delighting still in their forsaken hosts.
~By Joshua Sylvester ~

When we see the shadow on our images, are we seeing the time 11 minutes ago on Mars? Or are we seeing the time on Mars as observed from Earth now? It's like time travel problems in science fiction. When is now; when was then?
~By Bill Nye ~

I have spent much of my adult life flinching with pain as I tried to pull out the threads that bound the shadows of my past to me.
~By Lorna Luft ~

Nothing in the universe can travel at the speed of light, they say, forgetful of the shadow's speed.
~By Howard Nemerov ~

The way of a man's heart will be foreshadowed by what goodness lies in him - coming from above, and from around; but a way foreshadowed is not a way made.
~By Donald G. Mitchell ~

One is forever throwing away substance for shadows.
~By Jennie Churchill ~

Human rights are not a privilege granted by the few, they are a liberty entitled to all, and human rights, by definition, include the rights of all humans, those in the dawn of life, the dusk of life, or the shadows of life.
~By Kay Granger ~

How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.
~By Joseph Joubert ~

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
~By Edgar Allan Poe ~

Maybe the preoccupation with technological progress has overshadowed our concern with human progress.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

Suffering has roused them from the sleep of gentle life, and every day fills them with a terrible intoxication. They are now something more than themselves; those we loved were merely happy shadows.
~By Georges Duhamel ~

Afflictions are but the shadows of God's wings.
~By George MacDonald ~

I am not the flag: not at all. I am but its shadow.
~By Franklin Knight Lane ~

Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow.
~By Aesop ~

When walking through the "valley of shadows," remember, a shadow is cast by a Light.
~By Austin O'Malley ~

I will give you three days to seek your shadow. Return to me in the course of that time with a well-fitted shadow, and you shall receive a hearty welcome; otherwise, on the fourth day - remember, on the fourth day - my daughter becomes the wife of another.
~By Adelbert von Chamisso ~

One can live in the shadow of an idea without grasping it.
~By Elizabeth Bowen ~

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July 26 ,2024
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