Sound Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Sound

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We wrote what sounded good to us and hoped it would find a home.
~By Cynthia Weil ~

There's a lot of music that sounds like it's literally computer-generated, totally divorced from a guy sitting down at an instrument.
~By Aimee Mann ~

From here it sounds great to say we'll all get together soon, but all I know is this: you can call me fifty days or fifty years from now and I'll be glad to see you.
~By Richard Hooker ~

I guess many game music fans prefer original soundtrack albums.
~By Nobuo Uematsu ~

I think if you're writing from the heart, very often, the subject matter will adjust as you age... but you try to write the best song you can possibly write. For us, we have the same basic elements that make up the America sound.
~By Gerry Beckley ~

Once I should have been, if not satisfied, partially, at least, contented with suffrage for the intelligent and those who have been soldiers; now I am convinced that universal suffrage is demanded by sound policy and impartial justice.
~By Salmon P. Chase ~

It starts with a single sound. If there's something in that sound, then it's worth continuing.
~By Steve Lacy ~

If Bill jumps into something that relies on a lot of cymbals, I'll jump into something that relies on a lot of skin sounds; if he goes into metal tones, I'll go into wood, and so on. I basically play in his holes.
~By Pat Mastelotto ~

Night, the beloved. Night, when words fade and things come alive. When the destructive analysis of day is done, and all that is truly important becomes whole and sound again. When man reassembles his fragmentary self and grows with the calm of a tree.
~By Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~

Apart from a few simple principles, the sound and rhythm of English prose seem to me matters where both writers and readers should trust not so much to rules as to their ears.
~By F. L. Lucas ~

Whether I sound like Sammy or not is purely coincidence. You have got to hand it to him, he sings his ass off. There is no moss on that stone.
~By Gary Cherone ~

One of my sensory problems was hearing sensitivity, where certain loud noises, such as a school bell, hurt my ears. It sounded like a dentist drill going through my ears.
~By Temple Grandin ~

Well in the book Carrie was my alter ego. In real life, Sarah Jessica and I don't look anything alike. But people do say that we sound alike. Sarah Jessica is an adorable girl and she is very funny.
~By Candace Bushnell ~

The Apple has the fewest bells and whistles. It has simple sound and few graphics special effects. In a way, that is a weakness because markets for the other machines are getting bigger.
~By Bill Budge ~

Yazoo was Vince's sound ultimately. At the time Vince and I got together he had only recorded one album with Depeche and Depeche were to go on to greater things.
~By Alison Moyet ~

The REM and Nirvana successes don't mean much to me except as a potential distraction for bands who want to cash in on the trend. Don't try to sound like someone else. REM and Nirvana don't sound like anyone else.
~By Greg Ginn ~

For the sound we produce, everybody is equally important. Each of us has a very different personality and that is what keeps Bush alive.
~By Gavin Rossdale ~

Experience taught me a few things. One is to listen to your gut, no matter how good something sounds on paper. The second is that you're generally better off sticking with what you know. And the third is that sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make.
~By Donald Trump ~

Composers are the only people who can hear good music above bad sounds.
~By John Philip Sousa ~

I don't think anyone has exhausted the range of sound possible in a conventional rock band, but people do become slaves to their own easiest techniques.
~By Steve Albini ~

A lot of the fun lies in trying to penetrate the mystery; and this is best done by saying over the lines to yourself again and again, till they pass through the stage of sounding like nonsense, and finally return to a full sense that had at first escaped notice.
~By Anthony Hecht ~

We wanted to get everyone back focused on the fact we are playing live again. It really does sound great.
~By Andy Taylor ~

I am a fan of today's sound as long as we don't get too slick, and yet I am very reverent of my roots.
~By Wynonna Judd ~

It goes back to a style of moviemaking I remember seeing as a child, in movies like The Man With The Golden Arm, which I think was shot all on a sound stage.
~By Debbie Allen ~

I love a visceral sound, the kind that hits you in the belly.
~By Esa-Pekka Salonen ~

I was 17 and just learning what high fidelity was, what good sound was, and learning the mechanics of tape machines. It was a real education, going right from the consumer end to the record factory.
~By Alan Parsons ~

We should read music in the same way that an educated adult will read a book: in silence, but imagining the sound.
~By Zoltan Kodaly ~

Most sermons sound to me like commercials - but I can't make out whether God is the Sponsor or the Product.
~By Mignon McLaughlin ~

Nothing makes it easier to resist temptation than a proper bringing-up, a sound set of values - and witnesses.
~By Franklin P. Jones ~

If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on.
~By Alfred Hitchcock ~

This happens to be that the power of laughter and love would beat out the power of fear every time. You know, I hate to sound corny about it but it's true, and I think that's what this movie is about.
~By John Goodman ~

I found my first novel difficult. I don't want to make it sound like it's any more difficult than driving a cab or going to any other job, but there are so many opportunities for self-doubt, that you just kind of need to soldier on.
~By Anthony Doerr ~

Men are very competent in their workplace - and this is going to sound sexist - women are better at running households and juggling lots of things, kids and scheduling and that kind of thing.
~By Patricia Heaton ~

We should be the natural home for young mothers. But we're not. Because too often we sound like people who think the only good mother is a married mother.
~By Francis Maude ~

Even in the beginning, when we knew there was a legal argument about how much our song sounds like his song, as one songwriter to another, I wasn't sure that Cat Stevens would take that as bad.
~By Wayne Coyne ~

In horror movies today it's lots of fast cut shot and lots of loud noises on the soundtrack. I tried to do the opposite. Playing with silence for instance.
~By Alejandro Amenabar ~

Doubt yourself and you doubt everything you see. Judge yourself and you see judges everywhere. But if you listen to the sound of your own voice, you can rise above doubt and judgment. And you can see forever.
~By Nancy Lopez ~

Linguistic sounds, considered as external, physical phenomena have two aspects, the motor and the acoustic.
~By Roman Jakobson ~

We may always depend on it that algebra, which cannot be translated into good English and sound common sense, is bad algebra.
~By William Kingdon Clifford ~

It's not about retro or modern, it's about this note or that note, which sounds better?
~By Dan Hicks ~

I wonder what all those Chinese poets sound like in Chinese. I like their distilled quality.
~By Tom Verlaine ~

People who share the same language, French or Chinese or whatever, have the same vocal cords and emit sounds which are basically the same, as they come from the same throats and lungs.
~By Pierre Schaeffer ~

It's not about how loud you turn the amp up. That's not what makes it sound big. What makes it sound big is fooling around with different delays and reverb settings.
~By Brian Setzer ~

Every now and then, when you're on stage, you hear the best sound a player can hear. It's a sound you can't get in movies or in television. It is the sound of a wonderful, deep silence that means you've hit them where they live.
~By Shelley Winters ~

I don't even know what sound is, much less what it's for. It isn't to make money that's for sure. I've never made any.
~By Don Van Vliet ~

A mate of mine said recently said a lot of stuff sounds like you're listening to it outside, but also like you're surrounded by it, and I think that's quite similar.
~By Sean Booth ~

I love the music, I love the times, so to me that was exciting personally just to play something that starts in 1986 with graduating high school, we've got a great soundtrack in the pilot.
~By Will Estes ~

But when you have to deal with notes, and to be able to make a full definition of what a sound is - if you are not around that environment, then you'll find you lose that feel, that momentum, you lose all that.
~By Dennis Brown ~

The last sound on the worthless earth will be two human beings trying to launch a homemade spaceship and already quarreling about where they are going next.
~By William Faulkner ~

Brute animals have the vowel sounds; man only can utter consonants.
~By Samuel Taylor Coleridge ~

If you're dealing with a musical in which you're trying to tell a story, it's got to sound like speech. At the same time it's got to be a song.
~By Stephen Sondheim ~

Ultimately I am happy that everybody is embracing hip hop and the sounds from the streets.
~By Ice T ~

I could stop and say, Well that was a D minor, G seven, but I really don't want to know that. I just want to know that there's a combination of notes that makes a sound.
~By Lee Konitz ~

Out of the simple consonants of the alphabet and our eleven vowels and diphthongs all possible syllables of a certain sort were constructed, a vowel sound being placed between two consonants.
~By Hermann Ebbinghaus ~

The task is to investigate speech sounds in relation to the meanings with which they are invested, i.e., sounds viewed as signifiers, and above all to throw light on the structure of the relation between sounds and meaning.
~By Roman Jakobson ~

All of nature begins to whisper its secrets to us through its sounds. Sounds that were previously incomprehensible to our soul now become the meaningful language of nature.
~By Rudolf Steiner ~

Political language... is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.
~By George Orwell ~

The wind is a very difficult sound to get. It's always changing.
~By Don Van Vliet ~

When you're standing in front of an audience like this that is so enthusiastic and so much behind you, it is very hard to give a bad speech. Even a bad speech sounds good in a convention hall like this.
~By Susan Estrich ~

Thing, body, matter, are nothing apart from the combinations of the elements, - the colours, sounds, and so forth - nothing apart from their so-called attributes.
~By Ernst Mach ~

At the risk of sounding hopelessly romantic, love is the key element. I really love to play with different musicians who come from different cultural backgrounds.
~By John McLaughlin ~

My uncle gave me a trumpet, but I loved the Louis Armstrong sound and the Harry James sound and I played by ear and I played always soulful or very direct from the gut.
~By Dick Dale ~

Yeah, I think the common denominator - and this is probably going to sound like Acting 101 - but the common denominator is belief in the character in the moment.
~By Jenna Elfman ~

Melville brought to the task a sound knowledge of actual whaling, much curious learning in the literature of the subject, and, above all, an imagination which worked with great power upon the facts of his own experience.
~By Carl Clinton Van Doren ~

Lean your body forward slightly to support the guitar against your chest, for the poetry of the music should resound in your heart.
~By Andres Segovia ~

I know it sounds hokey but I think, ultimately, on television you can't hide who you are.
~By Robert Urich ~

I think I have a basic sound aesthetic that is in most of what I do.
~By Pat Metheny ~

If you listen to nature, all the sounds are done in a confident way. I'm trying to do that.
~By Roscoe Mitchell ~

For me, a hearty "belly laugh" is one of the beautiful sounds in the world.
~By Bennett Cerf ~

My basic approach to interviewing is to ask the basic questions that might even sound naive, or not intellectual. Sometimes when you ask the simple questions like 'Who are you?' or 'What do you do?' you learn the most.
~By Brian Lamb ~

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.
~By Plato ~

The circumstance is the incredible part, but I always knew in my heart that something was going to be out there, just for the world to notice me. It sounds so cocky, but it's happening.
~By Kato Kaelin ~

Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.
~By Thomas Sowell ~

Young writers should definitely research the current sounds and styles.
~By Lamont Dozier ~

I don't know the vast majority of you personally, and it may sound kind of corny, but I really feel as if we've become friends through the years. And you've been with me during a lot of good times and some very difficult ones. I can't tell you how grateful I am.
~By Katie Couric ~

We suspect Dr. Clutterbuck's sense of hearing must be injured: for him the 'ear trumpet' magnifies but distorts sound, rendering it less distinct than before.
~By Robert James Graves ~

In fact at home I sometimes like to be quiet and hear the sounds of the world outside.
~By Brenda Blethyn ~

When I started in this business, everybody said the Democrats were the better communicators because they sounded like social workers, and Republicans were awful because they sounded like morticians. In some cases. they actually dressed like morticians.
~By Frank Luntz ~

At the Isle of Wight, the sound went out and kind of kept on going. And I wasn't... when I came off stage I was kind of unhappy about how we had played. But now, I listen back to those recordings and it's not bad.
~By Keith Emerson ~

It is difficult to write about any form of mental disease, especially your own, without sounding as if you were examining a bug under glass.
~By Gene Tierney ~

There's something about the sound of a train that's very romantic and nostalgic and hopeful.
~By Paul Simon ~

I finally realized that yeah I did want to be an actor and it wasn't out of habit, but I needed to grow up for myself and then kind of re-enter the industry with a sound understanding of what my sensibilities and my values are as a relatively formed human being.
~By Claire Danes ~

America is a hurricane, and the only people who do not hear the sound are those fortunate if incredibly stupid and smug White Protestants who live in the center, in the serene eye of the big wind.
~By Norman Mailer ~

I'm trying to learn how to tap into the power of my own being. I know it sounds corny.
~By Lucinda Williams ~

With technology now, you can go in and sing a song, and for $100,000, you will sound flawless.
~By Vince Neil ~

My recipe for dealing with anger and frustration: set the kitchen timer for twenty minutes, cry, rant, and rave, and at the sound of the bell, simmer down and go about business as usual.
~By Phyllis Diller ~

Depend upon yourself. Make your judgement trustworthy by trusting it. You can develop good judgement as you do the muscles of your body - by judicious, daily exercise. To be known as a man of sound judgement will be much in your favor.
~By Grantland Rice ~

But nevertheless, it's music ultimately that matters in opera, and opera is a piece of music reaching out as a vision in sound reaching out to the world.
~By John Eaton ~

Shows have been sold out. It's overwhelming, you know. I had no idea what to expect with this new sound and everything and just to see so many people just come out and embrace it, it's overwhelming.
~By Vanilla Ice ~

You know, the way art history is taught, often there's nothing that tells you why the painting is great. The description of a lousy painting and the description of a great painting will very much sound the same.
~By Chuck Close ~

Like, Mission Of Burma to me always sounded almost like they were part of the British Arty New Wave. I kind of like that. I like not being able to tell the difference.
~By Graham Coxon ~

When we were making KONG, I went into the sound room and made an aria of horror sounds. I was in charge of it; there was no one there to listen to me. I was totally in charge of what I wanted to do.
~By Fay Wray ~

The bass, no matter what kind of music you're playing, it just enhances the sound and makes everything sound more beautiful and full. When the bass stops, the bottom kind of drops out of everything.
~By Charlie Haden ~

I find it hard to get excited by just a sound. I have to have a song there, then I'll find what used I can make of that sound within the song.
~By Christine McVie ~

Don't let people treat you like you're stupid. If it sounds too good to be true, it is.
~By Sinbad ~

I mean, I don't want to sound - of course it's very nice, people come up and say appreciative things about my work. But the loss, in terms of privacy and anonymity, is no small thing to me.
~By Todd Solondz ~

If the guitar synthesizer is really going to stand as a synthesizer on its own, it needs to develop a more characteristic sound; I don' think it's gotten there yet.
~By Andy Summers ~

The first time I ever played the trumpet in public, I played the Marine Hymn. I sounded terrible.
~By Wynton Marsalis ~

The President had every reason to believe that the text presented to him was sound... These 16 words should never have been included in the text written for the president.
~By George Tenet ~

We never considered ourselves to be a good band or anything, we just thought we were playing for fun and we wanted to play music that sounded like Black Sabbath or Soundgarden or the music we were into at that time.
~By Daniel Johns ~

Read This: Blessings Quotes And Sayings
May 8 ,2024
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