Spirit Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Spirit

Read This: Inspiring Quotes And Sayings

Hath the spirit of all beauty Kissed you in the path of duty?
~By Anna Katharine Green ~

I also work with the spirituality of people.
~By Della Reese ~

Let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

Perhaps, once I am gone, the one thing I might be remembered for is having sung a great deal of Mahler with a great many phenomenal conductors. It is wonderful music, very spiritual.
~By Maureen Forrester ~

The spirit can assert itself only through the medium of clear form.
~By Gustav Mahler ~

The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life! And yet can we cast out of our spirits all the good or evil poured into them by so many learned generations? Ignorance cannot be learned.
~By Gerard De Nerval ~

The only thing you're taking out of here is your spirit and your soul, so we need to be conscious to try and develop that part of ourselves, because we're all spiritual creatures.
~By Smokey Robinson ~

When asked if I consider myself Buddhist, the answer is, Not really. But it's more my religion than any other because I was brought up with it in an intellectual and spiritual environment. I don't practice or preach it, however.
~By Uma Thurman ~

That every man after the life in the world lives to eternity, is evident from this, that man is then spiritual, and no longer natural, and that the spiritual man, separated from the natural, remains such as he is to eternity, for man's state cannot be changed after death.
~By Emanuel Swedenborg ~

You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand.
~By Woodrow Wilson ~

When the depths are upheld by the Holy Spirit, then the reaction is Christian.
~By E. Stanley Jones ~

The alleged menace of universal suffrage having been avoided by the absolute suppression of the negro vote, the spirit of mob murder should have been satisfied and the butchery of negroes should have ceased.
~By Ida B. Wells ~

But in Japan, there's nothing like that, since the temple is made of wood. The divine spirit inside the building is eternal, so the enclosure doesn't have to be.
~By Tadao Ando ~

All sorts of spiritual gifts come through privations, if they are accepted.
~By Janet Erskine Stuart ~

Just as a son, to be a son of man, must be of the same nature and spirit of his father; so with the sons of God, and so it will be with all who are born of the spirit of God.
~By Elias Hicks ~

Make friends with the angels, who though invisible are always with you. Often invoke them, constantly praise them, and make good use of their help and assistance in all your temporal and spiritual affairs.
~By Saint Francis de Sales ~

I'm a free spirit; more people should become free spirits.
~By Mark Roberts ~

For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

Human beings yield in many situations, even important and spiritual and central ones, as long as it prolongs one's well-being.
~By Alexander Solzhenitsyn ~

Greatness is a spiritual condition.
~By Matthew Arnold ~

Why didn't we recognize how much it bothered them spiritually and politically?
~By Chris Matthews ~

Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.
~By Abraham Lincoln ~

Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.
~By Wilma Rudolph ~

Chefs, as a whole, say yes to any project, fundraiser, or tasting because they have such a generous spirit.
~By Charlie Trotter ~

The whole world appears to me like a huge vacuum, a vast empty space, whence nothing desirable, or at least satisfactory, can possibly be derived; and I long daily to die more and more to it; even though I obtain not that comfort from spiritual things which I earnestly desire.
~By David Brainerd ~

I believe that the short story is as different a form from the novel as poetry is, and the best stories seem to me to be perhaps closer in spirit to poetry than to novels.
~By Tobias Wolff ~

But in this Second Work if thou extract our Air and our Fire with the phlegm water, they will the more naturally and easily be drawn out of their infernal prison, and with less losse of their Spirits, than by the former way before described.
~By George Ripley ~

Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles.
~By Alex Karras ~

The intrusions of the white race and the non- compliance with treaty obligations have been followed by atrocities that could alone satisfy a savage and revengeful spirit.
~By Nelson A. Miles ~

Every renaissance comes to the world with a cry, the cry of the human spirit to be free.
~By Anne Sullivan Macy ~

Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force - that thoughts rule the world.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

Harmony is one phase of the law whose spiritual expression is love.
~By James Allen ~

They were very generous with me. Everybody was willing to talk about their particular accident, what they had to deal with and how they got back in touch with their competitors' spirit.
~By Gregory Hines ~

While we have the gift of life, it seems to me the only tragedy is to allow part of us to die - whether it is our spirit, our creativity or our glorious uniqueness.
~By Gilda Radner ~

Money motivates neither the best people, nor the best in people. It can move the body and influence the mind, but it cannot touch the heart or move the spirit; that is reserved for belief, principle, and morality.
~By Dee Hock ~

The sublimated idealism of the Enlightenment, the spirit of the League of Nations and of the United Nations Charter have not proved strong enough to control the aggressive dynamism of nationalism.
~By Christopher Dawson ~

Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice.
~By Black Elk ~

The fact that he didn't get credit for a while is more the story of social injustice. But his own spirit wasn't driven by that, and wasn't dependent upon that. He just wished he had the cash to go to medical school.
~By Mary Stuart Masterson ~

Every spirit makes its house, and we can give a shrewd guess from the house to the inhabitant.
~By Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.
~By Mohandas Gandhi ~

No other question has ever moved so profoundly the spirit of man; no other idea has so fruitfully stimulated his intellect; yet no other concept stands in greater need of clarification than that of the infinite.
~By David Hilbert ~

When Christopher and Charles passed away, I was completely depressed, I felt rejected and real down, and so Roscoe invited me because he had this spirit of compassion, and we had gone to school together, were friends and everything.
~By Joseph Jarman ~

It is during difficult times like this that the true American spirit reveals itself. I am not talking only of the response of local, state, and federal governments, although they will each play an extremely important role in this effort.
~By Jo Bonner ~

An important consequence of freeing oneself from the fear of death is a radical opening to spirituality of a universal and non-denominational type.
~By Stanislav Grof ~

In the spirit of science, there really is no such thing as a "failed experiment." Any test that yields valid data is a valid test.
~By Adam Savage ~

One has to nurture a new generation, to raise children in the spirit of Islam.
~By Akhmad Kadyrov ~

I adore being with Roberta. I adore being in her spiritual light. I adore being close to her talent and gifts.
~By Peabo Bryson ~

For me, the other thing is not just a strong sense of spirituality.
~By Peabo Bryson ~

But we can hold our spirits and our bodies so pure and high, we may cherish such thoughts and such ideals, and dream such dreams of lofty purpose, that we can determine and know what manner of men we will be, whenever and wherever the hour strikes and calls to noble action.
~By Joshua Chamberlain ~

Another way of judging the value of a prophet's religious experience, therefore, would be to examine the type of manhood that he has created, and the cultural world that has sprung out of the spirit of his message.
~By Muhammed Iqbal ~

I'm not a big fan of religion for that reason. But I am a true believer in God, and I have great faith, and I think that a spiritual connection with something is a really important part of our experience. That doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the church.
~By Shaun Cassidy ~

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

Problems do not go away. They must be worked through or else they remain, forever a barrier to the growth and development of the spirit.
~By M. Scott Peck ~

By one Spirit we are all baptised into one body.
~By John Nelson Darby ~

The children, each of those kids is in touch with nature and traditional aboriginal culture so a very important part of getting performances from them was just letting them be and trying to capture the unique spirituality that was in each of them.
~By Phillip Noyce ~

No man has ever yet been hanged for breaking the spirit of a law.
~By Grover Cleveland ~

There is a spirit and a need and a man at the beginning of every great human advance. Every one of these must be right for that particular moment of history, or nothing happens.
~By Coretta Scott King ~

You still stand watch, O human star, burning without a flicker, perfect flame, bright and resourceful spirit. Each of your rays a great idea - O torch which passes from hand to hand, from age to age, world without end.
~By Karel Capek ~

If the Church is a living body united to the same head, governed by the same laws, and pervaded by the same Spirit, it is impossible that one part should be independent of all the rest.
~By Charles Hodge ~

Yoga has reinforced and grounded my own spiritual beliefs.
~By Christy Turlington ~

The essence of our effort to see that every child has a chance must be to assure each an equal opportunity, not to become equal, but to become different-to realize whatever unique potential of body, mind and spirit he or she possesses.
~By John Fischer ~

When we learn new behaviors and break through to higher levels of consciousness and love, we can fulfill the deeper spiritual hunger within.
~By Judith Wright ~

The spirit becomes free only when it ceases to be a support.
~By Franz Kafka ~

I'm fulfilled in what I do. I never thought that a lot of money or fine clothes - the finer things of life - would make you happy. My concept of happiness is to be filled in a spiritual sense.
~By Coretta Scott King ~

When you have a godly husband, a godly wife, children who respect their parents and who are loved by their parents, who provide for those children their physical and spiritual and material needs, lovingly, you have the idea unit.
~By Jerry Falwell ~

The only sin is ugliness, and if we believed this with all our being, all other activities of the human spirit could be left to take care of themselves.
~By Herbert Read ~

My friends all regarded me as a man of unsound mind because I held the view that my wife was with me in spirit always. I have lived with her spirit guiding me every day and she is with me now as I write this letter, and helps me to do as I am now doing.
~By Alex Campbell ~

Sometimes you struggle so hard to feed your family one way, you forget to feed them the other way, with spiritual nourishment. Everybody needs that.
~By James Brown ~

I'm the kind of person who just can't wait to get on a train and not know where I'm going. I definitely want to live life to the fullest. And that's the type of man I'm attracted to - somebody with that spontaneous spirit.
~By Summer Altice ~

The lash may force men to physical labor, it cannot force them to spiritual creativity.
~By Sholem Asch ~

The Gita is the greatest gospel of spiritual works ever yet given to the race.
~By Sri Aurobindo ~

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.
~By Calvin Coolidge ~

A lot of people have questioned how yoga and their own spiritual beliefs can come together. Yoga actually pre-dates religion.
~By Christy Turlington ~

These men were religious when the spirit of religion was buried in forms and ceremonies, and when the priesthood had armed itself with the civil powers to put down all opposition, and suppress all freedom, intellectual, civil, and religious.
~By Ethan A. Hitchcock ~

There are victories of the soul and spirit. Sometimes, even if you lose, you win.
~By Elie Wiesel ~

Also there is a similitude of a Trinity shining in the body, soul and spirit.
~By George Ripley ~

It is a common temptation of Satan to make us give up the reading of the Word and prayer when our enjoyment is gone; as if it were of no use to read the Scriptures when we do not enjoy them, and as if it were no use to pray when we have no spirit of prayer.
~By George Muller ~

If our history can challenge the next wave of musicians to keep moving and changing, to keep spiritually hungry and horny, that's what it's all about.
~By Carlos Santana ~

Well, from an acting point of view, I bear no relation, I don't look like Alfred Kinsey at all, but I thought somewhere in my artist's soul, my actor's soul, I could capture something of the spirit of the man.
~By Liam Neeson ~

I love being in a band. I love that collaborative spirit, although some would suggest that I don't get involved in the collaborative spirit, but it's not true.
~By Trevor Rabin ~

The true teacher defends his pupils against his own personal influence. He inspires self-distrust. He guides their eyes from himself to the spirit that quickens him. He will have no disciple.
~By Amos Bronson Alcott ~

Without the spiritual world the material world is a disheartening enigma.
~By Joseph Joubert ~

The Spirit of the Lord is with them that fear him.
~By Joanna Southcott ~

I have a notion that if you are going to be spiritually curious, you better not get cluttered up with too many material things.
~By Mary Oliver ~

Music must take rank as the highest of the fine arts - as the one which, more than any other, ministers to the human spirit.
~By Herbert Spencer ~

We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
~By Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ~

Obviously one must hold oneself responsible for the evil impulses of one's dreams. In what other way can one deal with them? Unless the content of the dream rightly understood is inspired by alien spirits, it is part of my own being.
~By Sigmund Freud ~

I've never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a 'fat cat' and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money is a 'public-spirited philanthropist'.
~By Ronald Reagan ~

Evolution is a bankrupt speculative philosophy, not a scientific fact. Only a spiritually bankrupt society could ever believe it. Only atheists could accept this Satanic theory.
~By Jimmy Swaggart ~

It's about the power of design and the power of the human spirit. It's above paying anybody to do something stupid for money like reality television does - like ambushing people.
~By Genevieve Gorder ~

He ate and drank the precious Words, his Spirit grew robust; He knew no more that he was poor, nor that his frame was Dust.
~By Emily Dickinson ~

Education in the light of present-day knowledge and need calls for some spirited and creative innovations both in the substance and the purpose of current pedagogy.
~By Anne Sullivan Macy ~

After a long, impartial enquiry of the truth, and after much and earnest calling upon God, to give unto me the spirit and revelation in the knowledge of Him, I find myself obliged, both by the principles of reason and Scripture, to embrace the opinion I now hold forth.
~By John Biddle ~

A spirit is, like, your mother, my dad, who've made it. They can come around, but they come around in a loving way because they've already made it to God. Most people make it.
~By Sylvia Browne ~

And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of all shapes as they must live together like one being.
~By Black Elk ~

A good writer possesses not only his own spirit but also the spirit of his friends.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

The spirited horse, which will try to win the race of its own accord, will run even faster if encouraged.
~By Ovid ~

Women must be the spokesmen for a new humanity arising out of the reconciliation of spirit and body.
~By Carol P. Christ ~

Religious work is one of the best ways to keep from facing your reality if you are Christian, if you are using it to calm the pain, because that it what all addictions are, attempts to cover the pain of this spiritual disease.
~By Keith Miller ~

Read This: Ritual Quotes And Sayings
October 24 ,2024
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