Spirit Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Spirit

Read This: Reassurance Quotes And Sayings

Freedom is the open window through which pours the sunlight of the human spirit and human dignity.
~By Herbert Hoover ~

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.
~By Thomas Jefferson ~

They who grasp the world, The Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Must pay with deepest misery of spirit, Atoning unto God for a brief brightness.
~By Stephen Phillips ~

I am Classic Rock Revisited. I revisit it every waking moment of my life because it has the spirit and the attitude and the fire and the middle finger. I am Rosa Parks with a Gibson guitar.
~By Ted Nugent ~

The Haight is just a place; the '60s was a spirit.
~By Ken Kesey ~

Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.
~By Theodore Roosevelt ~

Poetry is of so subtle a spirit, that in the pouring out of one language into another it will evaporate.
~By John Denham ~

I was raised by free-spirited people, though my father gave me a very strong work ethic.
~By Diane Lane ~

In a lot of Indian societies, spirituality has been lost, I think it's still the best way of looking at the world for Indians - better than any organized religion in this country.
~By James Welch ~

A lot of times when you go through a very traumatic situation and it's emotionally difficult to deal with you come back spiritually stronger. It changes you in a way.
~By Elvis Stojko ~

The vigor and power and comfort of our spiritual life depends on our mortification of deeds of the flesh.
~By John Owen ~

Women know what men have long forgotten. The ultimate economic and spiritual unit of any civilization is still the family.
~By Clare Boothe Luce ~

The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is like light; although it passes among the impure, it is not polluted.
~By Saint Aurelius Augustine ~

My restless, roaming spirit would not allow me to remain at home very long.
~By Buffalo Bill ~

I don't know whether it ever comes back to the same thing; it does return to the spirit of a previous period in some way, but it's different, it's new.
~By Norman McLaren ~

Harmony is one phase of the law whose spiritual expression is love.
~By James Allen ~

The essence of humanity's spiritual dilemma is that we evolved genetically to accept one truth and discovered another. Is there a way to erase the dilemma, to resolve the contradictions between the transcendentalist and the empiricist world views?
~By E. O. Wilson ~

My friends all regarded me as a man of unsound mind because I held the view that my wife was with me in spirit always. I have lived with her spirit guiding me every day and she is with me now as I write this letter, and helps me to do as I am now doing.
~By Alex Campbell ~

It's more about conception and touch and spirit and soul than whether my hardware was in place.
~By Pat Metheny ~

The greatest achievement of the human spirit is to live up to one's opportunities and make the most of one's resources.
~By Marquis De Vauvenargues ~

The fact that he didn't get credit for a while is more the story of social injustice. But his own spirit wasn't driven by that, and wasn't dependent upon that. He just wished he had the cash to go to medical school.
~By Mary Stuart Masterson ~

I heard stories from my mother's mother who was an American Indian. She was spiritual, although she did not go to church, but she had the hum. She used to tell me stories of the rivers.
~By Tina Turner ~

For most of the history of our species we were helpless to understand how nature works. We took every storm, drought, illness and comet personally. We created myths and spirits in an attempt to explain the patterns of nature.
~By Ann Druyan ~

Golf is a spiritual game. It's like Zen. You have to let your mind take over.
~By Amy Alcott ~

In general, the philological movement opened up countless sources relevant to linguistic issues, treating them in quite a different spirit from traditional grammar; for instance, the study of inscriptions and their language. But not yet in the spirit of linguistics.
~By Ferdinand de Saussure ~

Attachment to spiritual things is... just as much an attachment as inordinate love of anything else.
~By Beverly Sills ~

The decisive moment in human evolution is perpetual. That is why the revolutionary spiritual movements that declare all former things worthless are in the right, for nothing has yet happened.
~By Franz Kafka ~

For this generation, ours, life is nuclear survival, liberty is human rights, the pursuit of happiness is a planet whose resources are devoted to the physical and spiritual nourishment of its inhabitants.
~By Jimmy Carter ~

I believe things happen that can't be explained, but so many people seem intent on explaining them. Everyone has an answer for them. Either aliens or things from the spirit world.
~By Harold Ramis ~

I pressed my father's hand and told him I would protect his grave with my life. My father smiled and passed away to the spirit land.
~By Chief Joseph ~

God the Father and God the Son cannot be everywhere present; indeed they cannot be even in two places at the same instant: but God the Holy Spirit is omnipresent - it extends through all space, with all other matter.
~By Orson Pratt ~

Every man casts a shadow; not his body only, but his imperfectly mingled spirit. This is his grief. Let him turn which way he will, it falls opposite to the sun; short at noon, long at eve. Did you never see it?
~By Henry David Thoreau ~

There is no worse screen to block out the Spirit than confidence in our own intelligence.
~By John Calvin ~

Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels - men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

So long as the human spirit thrives on this planet, music in some living form will accompany and sustain it and give it expressive meaning.
~By Aaron Copland ~

I had a born-again experience at the age of 33. As a result of that I found a church where I felt I was being fed properly. I don't say that as a reflection on Catholicism. But once I was born again, I got an evangelical spirit.
~By Bill McCartney ~

Reconciliation requires changes of heart and spirit, as well as social and economic change. It requires symbolic as well as practical action.
~By Malcolm Fraser ~

Faith is not simply a patience that passively suffers until the storm is past. Rather, it is a spirit that bears things - with resignations, yes, but above all, with blazing, serene hope.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

Love in its essence is spiritual fire.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

Pessimism of the spirit; optimism of the will.
~By Antonio Gramsci ~

I began to see that my problems, seen spiritually, were really my soul's plusses.
~By Lionel Blue ~

All Church power arises from the indwelling of the Spirit; therefore those in whom the Spirit dwells are the seat of Church power. But the Spirit dwells in the whole Church, and therefore the whole Church is the seat of Church power.
~By Charles Hodge ~

Only a spiritual being has awareness.
~By Chick Corea ~

I thought the Billie Holiday comparison was beautiful. I think, Wow, what a wonderful, creative, helpful spirit. She's someone who wanted to help others by sharing her emotion. That's what I do, too, so I think that's a great comparison.
~By Erykah Badu ~

First, to be able to love, then to learn that body and spirit are one.
~By Hugo von Hofmannsthal ~

So people will come along and do new things and sometimes return to the spirit of an earlier age.
~By Norman McLaren ~

There is always more spirit in attack than in defence.
~By Titus Livius ~

He that desireth to acquire any art or science seeketh first those means by which that art or science is obtained. If we ought to do so in things natural and earthly, how much more then in spiritual?
~By Robert Barclay ~

It is the spirit of the age to believe that any fact, no matter how suspect, is superior to any imaginative exercise, no matter how true.
~By Gore Vidal ~

None of us know all the potentialities that slumber in the spirit of the population, or all the ways in which that population can surprise us when there is the right interplay of events.
~By Vaclav Havel ~

When a book raises your spirit, and inspires you with noble and manly thoughts, seek for no other test of its excellence. It is good, and made by a good workman.
~By Jean de la Bruyere ~

By a great man, however, we mean a man who, because of his spiritual gifts, his character, and other qualities, deserves to be called great and who as a result earns the power to influence others.
~By Fredrik Bajer ~

In therapy I have learned the importance of keeping spiritual life and professional life balanced. I need to regain my balance.
~By Tiger Woods ~

Spirit borrows from matter the perceptions on which it feeds and restores them to matter in the form of movements which it has stamped with its own freedom.
~By Henri Bergson ~

The pressure people put on themselves and the rivalry between the teams is much more marked. And I think that's a good thing. As long as that rivalry remains within the spirit of competition, it con only spur everyone on.
~By Eric Cantona ~

When I think about my new CD, the word "joy" comes to mind. I sincerely hope that each listener will feel the earth, spirit, and aggressive creativity emanating from this album.
~By George Duke ~

I just refer to myself as being Spirit, Mind and Body like everybody else and working toward the mastery of my natural divinity and the healing of my emotional mind.
~By Leonard Orr ~

It takes patience to appreciate domestic bliss; volatile spirits prefer unhappiness.
~By George Santayana ~

My book is traditional. It runs counter to the post-modern spirit.
~By David Guterson ~

People who make no mistakes lack boldness and the spirit of adventure. They are the brakes on the wheels of progress.
~By Dale Turner ~

That is why I believe that art is so much more significant than either economics or philosophy. It is the direct measure of man's spiritual vision.
~By Herbert Read ~

Their spirituality was in nature, even though Emerson was a preacher on the pulpit, he ended up going out into nature for direct, face-to-face communication with God, if you want to call all of this creation part of God.
~By Story Musgrave ~

No one with a body full of aliments can have a luminous soul and other intellectual faculties. It is necessary to care for the body if we wish the spirit to function normally.
~By Michael Servetus ~

It takes application, a fine sense of value, and a powerful community-spirit for a people to have serious leisure, and this has not been the genius of the Americans.
~By Paul Goodman ~

Self-sacrifice which denies common sense is not a virtue. It's a spiritual dissipation.
~By Margaret Deland ~

Forgive me, Spirit of my spirit, for this, that I have found it easier to read the mystery told in tears and understood Thee better in sorrow than in joy.
~By George William Russell ~

We are not born all at once, but by bits. The body first, and the spirit later; and the birth and growth of the spirit, in those who are attentive to their own inner life, are slow and exceedingly painful.
~By Mary Antin ~

Catholic schools prepare every student to meet the challenges of their future by developing their mind, yes, but also their body and their soul and spirit.
~By David Vitter ~

Christ had given the apostles a world-wide commission, embracing all the nations; but intellectually they did not understand what He meant. They found that out as they followed the impulse of the Spirit.
~By Roland Allen ~

The intellect is a cold thing and a merely intellectual idea will never stimulate thought in the same manner that a spiritual idea does.
~By Ernest Holmes ~

It's extraordinary to look into a baby's face and see a piece of your flesh and your spirit. It makes you realize you are a part of the human race.
~By Liam Neeson ~

Anyone's life truly lived consists of work, sunshine, exercise, soap, plenty of fresh air, and a happy contented spirit.
~By Lillie Langtry ~

Do you know that every unbeliever is filled with a demon spirit?
~By Benny Hinn ~

Man never made any material as resilient as the human spirit.
~By Bern Williams ~

I suppose if I wanted to be the girl next door, I could have been. I think America is confused by someone who appears to be sexual and spiritual at the same time.
~By Sally Kirkland ~

When I was a graduate student, the leading spirits at Harvard were interested in the history of ideas.
~By M. H. Abrams ~

The Americans have always been food, sex, and spirit revivalists.
~By Edward Dahlberg ~

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.
~By William Ellery Channing ~

Some photographers take reality... and impose the domination of their own thought and spirit. Others come before reality more tenderly and a photograph to them is an instrument of love and revelation.
~By Ansel Adams ~

The inward area is the first place of loss of true Christian life, of true spirituality, and the outward sinful act is the result.
~By Francis Schaeffer ~

My job in this life is to give people spiritual ecstasy through music. In my concerts people cry, laugh, dance. If they climaxed spiritually, I did my job. I did it decently and honestly.
~By Carlos Santana ~

Humor is not a mood but a way of looking at the world. So if it is correct to say that humor was stamped out in Nazi Germany, that does not mean that people were not in good spirits, or anything of that sort, but something much deeper and more important.
~By Ludwig Wittgenstein ~

The true spirit of conversation consists in building on another man's observation, not overturning it.
~By Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton ~

Your spirit is the true shield.
~By Morihei Ueshiba ~

The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation.
~By Charles Spurgeon ~

Developing the muscles of the soul demands no competitive spirit, no killer instinct, although it may erect pain barriers that the spiritual athlete must crash through.
~By Germaine Greer ~

They were very generous with me. Everybody was willing to talk about their particular accident, what they had to deal with and how they got back in touch with their competitors' spirit.
~By Gregory Hines ~

I am very confident that the Spirit is with us.
~By William P. Leahy ~

Sometimes you struggle so hard to feed your family one way, you forget to feed them the other way, with spiritual nourishment. Everybody needs that.
~By James Brown ~

Many spiritual teachers - in Buddhism, in Islam - have talked about first-hand experience of the world as an important part of the path to wisdom, to enlightenment.
~By Bell Hooks ~

If you are looking for smart judging based on merit, skip the Academy Awards next year and pay attention to the Independent Spirit Awards.
~By Annie Proulx ~

The new spirituality is that it will produce an experience in human encounters in which we become a living demonstration of the basic spiritual teaching 'We are all one.'
~By Neale Donald Walsch ~

The comfortable estate of widowhood is the only hope that keeps up a wife's spirits.
~By John Gay ~

So I think we have an obligation with our size to make sure that we are open to what people have to say to us because the people who criticize us, they're not all mean-spirited.
~By Lee Scott ~

If you be faithful, you will have that honor that comes from God: his Spirit will say in your hearts, Well done, good and faithful servants.
~By Adam Clarke ~

Chicago will give you a chance. The sporting spirit is the spirit of Chicago.
~By Lincoln Steffens ~

Once spirit was God, then it became man, and now it is even becoming mob.
~By Friedrich Nietzsche ~

The spirit of man is more important than mere physical strength, and the spiritual fiber of a nation than its wealth.
~By Dwight D. Eisenhower ~

I'm exchanging molecules every 30 days with the natural world and in a spiritual sense I know I am a part of it and take my photographs from that emotional feeling within me, rather than from an emotional distance as a spectator.
~By Galen Rowell ~

I also pray for favor and His anointing on my life and ministry that I might have spiritual blessing when I minister to people. They're my principal prayers; I don't have a prayer list that I go down.
~By Pat Robertson ~

Read This: Dreams Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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