Students Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Students

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Delaware State has established itself as an institution of excellence in its own right and attracts a diversity of students from various races, socio-economic status and locations.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

Amherst is a liberal arts college, committed to providing students with a broad education.
~By Joseph E. Stiglitz ~

When I speak to students and they ask how much money you can make in art, as if that is a reason to persue it, I tell them to do something else.
~By Joe Murray ~

In today's global economy, however, it is important to raise the bar of excellence even higher. Today's students must be prepared to compete effectively on an international level.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

The novel is about five students of classics who are studying with a classics professor, and they take the ideas of the things that they're learning from him a bit too seriously, with terrible consequences.
~By Donna Tartt ~

Since I was an atheist for many years and came to believe in God through my studies in science, it frustrated me to see students and parents who viewed faith and science as enemies.
~By John Clayton ~

Education should be one of our top funding priorities; talking about it does not help the teachers and students who desperately need promises fulfilled.
~By Solomon Ortiz ~

The only way to ensure that our promise to provide every opportunity for students with disabilities, and help them achieve their full potential, is to give our schools the dollars they need.
~By Gordon Smith ~

I was at a benefit for some imprisoned students in the '60s at San Francisco State, and there were lots of poets reading for the benefit: one was Elizabeth Bishop.
~By Thom Gunn ~

If giving points to some students to achieve greater diversity is a quota system in violation of the Constitution, how can the awarding of points to the children of a less diverse alumni be upheld?
~By Adam Schiff ~

I wasn't really into body piercings until I found that about half my female students had them.
~By Kathy Acker ~

The best method for preventing destructive cult involvement is preventative education. If students and the public at large are more aware of destructive groups beforehand they may better understand and resist their recruitment efforts.
~By Rick Ross ~

Students rarely disappoint teachers who assure them in advance that they are doomed to failure.
~By Sidney Hook ~

I think a lot of people don't have any idea of how deeply segregated our schools have become all over again. Most textbooks are not honest in what they teach our high school students.
~By Jonathan Kozol ~

My mother would take groups of students to different countries and always brought us along, so by the time I was 10, I had been to Russia, China, Nicaragua and several other countries.
~By Eliza Dushku ~

The three major administrative problems on a campus are sex for the students, athletics for the alumni, and parking for the faculty.
~By Robert M. Hutchins ~

We are fortunate to live an area that is blessed with outstanding schools and educators. We are proud of the quality of education that they provide to local students.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

So I applied to medical school and received a scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis. Washington University turned out to be a lucky choice. The faculty was scholarly and dedicated and accessible to students.
~By Daniel Nathans ~

The President's call for more math and science students is not being heeded by his party's leaders in Congress. They are cutting over $10 billion from student aide while refusing to fully fund No Child Left Behind. Something doesn't add up.
~By Jim Clyburn ~

In the year 1915 a series of trivial incidents led some Chinese students in Cornell University to take up the question of reforming the Chinese language.
~By Hu Shih ~

Pell Grants are, and have been, critically important tools in making higher education a possibility for lower- and middle-income students.
~By Christopher Dodd ~

It's a very good thing for students also to be exposed to people who aren't film students or film scholars but who work in the world of film.
~By Robert Mayer ~

I have a great advantage over many of my colleagues inasmuch as my students bring with them to class their own personal knowledge of national, regional, religious, ethnic, occupational, and family folklore traditions.
~By Alan Dundes ~

Individual ambition is undoubtedly a strong motive in student work, but there is such a thing among students everywhere as ambition for others, call it class spirit, esprit de corps, good fellowship, or good will to men.
~By Herbert Baxter Adams ~

It's a staggering transition for high school students that found they could study five hours a week and make As and Bs.
~By John Gardner ~

I tell my students to try to know molecules, so well that when they have some question involving molecules, they can ask themselves, What would I do if I were that molecule?
~By George Wald ~

They were often the first students in their family to go to college and the very idea of higher education was still foreign to them. They had to make a conscious and often difficult decision to come to college.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

Anyone can use these sites - companies and colleges, teachers and students, young and old all make use of networking sites to connect with people electronically to share pictures, information, course work, and common interests.
~By Mike Fitzpatrick ~

I told the students that we can exert pressure without resorting to violence, and that we can move towards democracy without violence; that way, God will allow it.
~By Abdurrahman Wahid ~

I can find in my undergraduate classes, bright students who do not know that the stars rise and set at night, or even that the Sun is a star.
~By Carl Sagan ~

In the long run, much public opinion is made in the universities; ideas generated there filter down through the teaching profession and the students into the general public.
~By B. Carroll Reece ~

I tell my students you have an absolute right to write about people you know and love. You do. But the kicker is you have a responsibility to make the characters large enough that you will not have sinned against them.
~By Dorothy Allison ~

In my introductory course, Anthropology 160, the Forms of Folklore, I try to show the students what the major and minor genres of folklore are, and how they can be analyzed.
~By Alan Dundes ~

When it began I wrote this passionate letter to people I knew, studio members, of course, and other people with whom we have worked over the years and I said come and teach our students.
~By James Lipton ~

Students achieving Oneness will move on to Twoness.
~By Woody Allen ~

If a teacher does not involve himself, his values, his commitments, in the course of discussion, why should the students?
~By Paul Wellstone ~

Real education should consist of drawing the goodness and the best out of our own students. What better books can there be than the book of humanity?
~By Cesar Chavez ~

I think if you look at Sam Raimi and Jim Cameron, those guys know things about filmmaking that almost nobody knows anymore. They are students of film from when they handmade films themselves, you know cut films with their own hands and razor blades and tape.
~By Dileep Rao ~

I think this is one of the greatest strengths of this school. Not only do the students go on to achieve great milestones in their own lives, they never forget their roots and the school that gave them the chance they needed to improve their lives and their families' lives.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

Sure, one can always get the students to relax and be happy - entertained, but although being laid back and relax can also lead to creativity, mostly it means that nothing much gets done.
~By Donald Norman ~

Today's tax cuts provide yet another illustration of the Republicans' fiscally irresponsible economic policies that ignore the needs of America's middle class, students, and working families.
~By Ellen Tauscher ~

It is, all in all, a historic error to believe that the master makes the school; the students make it!
~By Robert Musil ~

At a time when going to college has never been more important, it's never been more expensive, and our nation's families haven't been in this kind of financial duress since the great depression. And so what we have is just sort of a miraculous opportunity simply by stopping the subsidy to banks when we already have the risk of loans. We can plow those savings into our students. And we can make college dramatically more affordable, tens of billions of dollars over the next decade.
~By Arnie Duncan ~

Meanwhile, parents, students and teachers all report higher satisfaction with charter schools. People like them. They cost less money. They raise the academic achievement of poor kids. Go ahead, get a little enthused.
~By Maggie Gallagher ~

Experimental high energy physics research is a group effort. I have been very fortunate to have had outstanding students and colleagues who have made invaluable contributions to the research with which I have been associated.
~By Jerome Isaac Friedman ~

I'm prepared to fight as hard as I can against unions entering the University on behalf of our students.
~By Ruth J. Simmons ~

I admired what my students were writing, but I think their improvement doesn't directly result from me but from being in a class, being with each other.
~By Thom Gunn ~

I feel I learned as much from fellow students as from the professors.
~By Jack Steinberger ~

While it was a very interesting period in my life, I was happy to get back to more direct contact with students in the classroom and in my research projects.
~By Jerome Isaac Friedman ~

Excitement in education and student productivity, the ability to get a result that you want from students, go together and cannot be separated.
~By Major Owens ~

The Nobel Prize is given as a personal award but it also honors the field of research in which I have worked and it also honors my students and colleagues.
~By Robert Hofstadter ~

Blue cheese contains natural amphetamines. Why are students not informed about this?
~By Mark E. Smith ~

Law students have taken over Hollywood. To them it's all about making money. They know people want to see what they've seen before. Also, remakes are places to showcase the new stars of tomorrow.
~By Tobe Hooper ~

When the students were killed at Kent State, the cast voted to do a demonstration from the stage, and I abstained.
~By Holly Near ~

Community colleges are one of America's great social inventions a gateway to the future for first time students looking for an affordable college education, and for mid-career students looking to get ahead in the workplace.
~By Barbara Mikulski ~

Students don't know who Mark Twain was because he wasn't on the test.
~By Kinky Friedman ~

It is important that students bring a certain ragamuffin, barefoot irreverence to their studies; they are not here to worship what is known, but to question it.
~By Jacob Bronowski ~

My report card always said, 'Jim finishes first and then disrupts the other students'.
~By Jim Carrey ~

Given the best of all possible worlds, I would make a few changes. I would place emphasis on increasing the amount of funding that goes into programs like Pell Grants, that purely and simply award funds to students who really cannot afford full tuition.
~By Charles Vest ~

I started playing piano with a little band in high school. I was terrible. I thought I had absolutely no talent. I couldn't keep time. I only got into McGill, which was a lousy music school, because they were taking American music students.
~By Burt Bacharach ~

For students today, only 10 percent of children from working-class families graduate from college by the age of 24 as compared to 58 percent of upper-middle-class and wealthy families.
~By Patrick J. Kennedy ~

Many students graduate from college and professional schools, including those of social work, nursing, medicine, teaching and law, with crushing debt burdens.
~By Jon Porter ~

I am often amazed at how much more capability and enthusiasm for science there is among elementary school youngsters than among college students.
~By Carl Sagan ~

The best math lesson we can teach college students this year is to subtract a tuition increase and benefit from the dividends of higher education.
~By Jodi Rell ~

When the students are occupied, they're not juvenile delinquents. I believe that education is a capital investment.
~By Arlen Specter ~

Our students learn more in 30 days than one could learn in 30 years without our training. To really maximize your potential as an umpire, you need to get a solid foundation as soon as you can.
~By Jim Evans ~

Our home had many books due principally to the educational interests of my sister and two brothers, all of whom where serious students engaged in professional studies; my sister became a doctor of medicine and my brothers became lawyers.
~By Frederick Reines ~

More time on paperwork means less time spent with students or preparing lessons for students. It is as simple as that. The numerous reforms in the bill will go a long way to free our time of special educators.
~By Christopher Bond ~

I feel that I learned far more from my students than I could possibly have taught them.
~By Arno Penzias ~

Most important, I have learned from my colleagues and students.
~By James Tobin ~

There is a way in which all writing is connected. In a second language, for example, a workshop can liberate the students' use of the vocabulary they're acquiring.
~By Marilyn Hacker ~

The teachers were focused on helping these students. The students benefited from hands-on teaching and a faculty who cared about them and their success in life and soon the students began to believe in themselves and the reality that they could make something of their lives.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

A lot of my students are Asian-American, and it has been thrilling to watch them break through the stereotypes into something alive and surprising.
~By Robert Morgan ~

We have an obligation and a responsibility to be investing in our students and our schools. We must make sure that people who have the grades, the desire and the will, but not the money, can still get the best education possible.
~By Barack Obama ~

My attitude toward graduate students was different, I must say. I used graduate students as colleagues: I gave them the best problems to work on, and I encouraged them.
~By Frank Press ~

These ivy league students are in the upper echelon of the college boards and had great opportunity in front of them regardless of where they go to college. Its in their very nature and it is something they expect.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

I find it shameful that in nearly all the universities of Europe, Palestinian students sponsor and nurture anti-Semitism.
~By Oriana Fallaci ~

Is it not dangerous to have students study together for years, copying the same models and approximately the same path?
~By Theodore Gericault ~

To those of you who received honours, awards and distinctions, I say well done. And to the C students, I say you, too, can be president of the United States.
~By George W. Bush ~

It is commonly said that a teacher fails if he has not been surpassed by his students. There has been no failure on our part in this regard considering how far they have gone.
~By Edmond H. Fischer ~

Not a few other very eminent and scholarly men made the same request, urging that I should no longer through fear refuse to give out my work for the common benefit of students of Mathematics.
~By Nicolaus Copernicus ~

There's definitely a world view among college students that appreciates the need to act in the international community.
~By Jeanne Shaheen ~

The higher the social class of other students the higher any given student's achievement.
~By James S. Coleman ~

Harvard takes perfectly good plums as students, and turns them into prunes.
~By Frank Lloyd Wright ~

My fellow students there were very smart, but the really novel thing was that they actually seemed to put a lot of effort into their school work. By the end of my first semester there, I began to get into that habit as well.
~By Eric Allin Cornell ~

Typically, historical black colleges and universities like Delaware State, attracted students who were raised in an environment where going to college wasn't the next natural step after high school.
~By Michael N. Castle ~

We can teach a lot of things, but if the teacher can't relate by talking to a group of friendly students, he'll never be a competent teacher.
~By William Glasser ~

My students frequently ask what their next project should be. My advice: immerse yourself in the music you love and you will find what you want to do; you will discover your next project.
~By Lukas Foss ~

Good teachers know how to bring out the best in students.
~By Charles Kuralt ~

But the fact is, no matter how good the teacher, how small the class, how focused on quality education the school may be none of this matters if we ignore the individual needs of our students.
~By Roy Barnes ~

In our Nation, approximately 22.5 million children ride school buses to and from school each day, which accounts for 54 percent of all students attending grade school.
~By Kenny Marchant ~

You know, there are some areas of the state that are providing enormous help to their students; there are others where they're not doing what they can.
~By George Pataki ~

Education in our times must try to find whatever there is in students that might yearn for completion, and to reconstruct the learning that would enable them autonomously to seek that completion.
~By Allan Bloom ~

Universities exist to transmit knowledge and understanding of ideas and values to students not to provide entertainment for spectators or employment for athletes.
~By Milton Friedman ~

You can do and use the skills that you have. The schools need you. The teachers need you. Students and parents need you. They need your actual person: your physical personhood and your open minds and open ears and boundless compassion, sitting next to them, listening and nodding and asking questions for hours at a time.
~By Dave Eggers ~

When our thousands of Chinese students abroad return home, you will see how China will transform itself.
~By Deng Xiaoping ~

What students lack in school is an intellectual relationship or conversation with the teacher.
~By William Glasser ~

People can't draw now and don't feel it's necessary. Art students don't seem to want to draw.
~By Jonathan Miller ~

I am delighted to have had students, friends and colleagues in so many nations and to have learned so much of what I know from them. This Nobel Award honours them all.
~By John Pople ~

Most students have thoughts about emigrating to Israel. A significant number go on aliyah. We are proud of our Israel programs, which come at a considerable cost to the university.
~By Norman Lamm ~

Read This: Right Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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