Style Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Style

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I was very pleased that the positive things about me and my game outshone the aggressive style of play I use. I would never tone that down, because I believe in that style of play, and I believe that you can play rough on the court and still be a good sport.
~By Sue Wicks ~

A lot of times, when a band finds success with a certain style or sound, they have a really hard time breaking away from that to grow as artists.
~By Matt Cameron ~

Without getting real personal, we liked our bass player Ed. He was a great guy and he was a good bass player but his playing was suited for a different style of band.
~By Lou Gramm ~

I haven't stuck to any formula. Most great writers stick to the same style, but I wanted to be more various.
~By Irwin Shaw ~

My style will be management by being on the street, management by walking around. Third persons won't have to tell me what's going on in our city. I'll hear it, I'll see it, I'll touch it myself.
~By Carl Stokes ~

God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephantand the cat. He has no real style, He just goes on trying other things.
~By Pablo Picasso ~

There are so many things I'd like to change in the industry. Everything from the reliance of style over substance to their reluctance to hire me for big budget blockbusters, but the thing I would love most would be if they understood people don't have to be Hollywood beautiful to be sexy or interesting.
~By Colin Mochrie ~

Coming into the business, you'd pass through these little agencies until you got to understand what was happening in the business, unless you were really able to have a style strong enough to go directly to the publishers.
~By Gil Kane ~

A lifestyle is what you pay for; a life is what pays you.
~By Thomas Leonard ~

Punk will never be dead to me. It's my life. I can never just drop this lifestyle. It embodies me.
~By Billie Joe Armstrong ~

One man's style must not be the rule of another's.
~By Jane Austen ~

I don't think about the styles. I write whatever comes out and I use whatever kind of instrumentation works for those songs.
~By Lenny Kravitz ~

I never lost a freestyle race. Never. Not even in the YMCA.
~By Johnny Weissmuller ~

Actually freestyle really comes from 'Planet Rock'. If you listen to all the freestyle records you'll hear that they are based on 'Planet Rock'. All the Miami Bass records are based upon Planet Rock.
~By Afrika Bambaataa ~

Just a whole different style, just a whole different way of going about an audience and a way about skating. And they are so brilliant in their own way, which is great, and that's what Brian was saying; is the styles are different, and it's the whole mentality.
~By Elvis Stojko ~

Too many jazz pianists limit themselves to a personal style, a trademark, so to speak. They confine themselves to one type of playing.
~By Oscar Peterson ~

Latin music has many international influences - pop, rock, country, Brazilian sounds, and alternative styles.
~By Ednita Nazario ~

Style is not neutral; it gives moral directions.
~By Martin Amis ~

I'm living my life, not buying a lifestyle.
~By Barbara Kruger ~

Forget about style; worry about results.
~By Bobby Orr ~

Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.
~By Hubert de Givenchy ~

The flowery style is not unsuitable to public speeches or addresses, which amount only to compliment. The lighter beauties are in their place when there is nothing more solid to say; but the flowery style ought to be banished from a pleading, a sermon, or a didactic work.
~By Voltaire ~

I seem to be thinking rationally again in the style that is characteristic of scientists. However, this is not entirely a matter of joy as if someone returned from physical disability to good physical health.
~By John Forbes Nash, Jr. ~

If I have a style, I am not aware of it.
~By Michael Graves ~

It is a process of finding the right music then planning a costume to fit that style of music.
~By Nancy Kerrigan ~

Billy Wilder is really is a heavy influence on Bound. We felt that film noir was a genre where you could create a really contained story. We wanted to be on a set as much as we could to get the kind of style level we were looking for.
~By Larry Wachowski ~

No change in musical style will survive unless it is accompanied by a change in clothing style. Rock is to dress up to.
~By Frank Zappa ~

Even the once simple home mortgage now has so many flavors and styles and variations that it is difficult for people to make a decision.
~By Scott Cook ~

The trappings of lifestyle are often that; traps.
~By Thomas Leonard ~

We have the opportunity to provide the first FDA reviewed and approved over-the-counter option that can help people lose weight and make changes to their lifestyle and diet.
~By Steve Burton ~

Style is not something applied. It is something that permeates. It is of the nature of that in which it is found, whether the poem, the manner of a god, the bearing of a man. It is not a dress.
~By Wallace Stevens ~

No, there's not much competition between puppeteers in general because everybody's working their own style.
~By Jim Henson ~

I understand them. I understand where they came from, what their lifestyle was there. But my parents didn't push us to be like them. They said do whatever you think right, but remember the important things in life.
~By Ofra Haza ~

They've got this house style which is writer driven. I heard of one person who sent his script in, and Karen Berger said there weren't enough words in it. Put some more in.
~By Eddie Campbell ~

You have to have a lifestyle if you live in LA, otherwise it's deadly.
~By Jacqueline McKenzie ~

Winning Nobel imposed on me a lifestyle to which I am not used and which I would not have preferred.
~By Naguib Mahfouz ~

Adopting a new healthier lifestyle can involve changing diet to include more fresh fruit and vegetables as well as increasing levels of exercise.
~By Linford Christie ~

Contrasting styles is always the most fun to watch.
~By Richard Krajicek ~

I think it is the weak and the young and the minorities that you need to look after to get a healthy creative environment - to get a lot of choices, a lot of different styles of music, a lot experimental stuff that everyone else feeds off.
~By Peter Gabriel ~

I don't smoke, don't drink much, and go to the gym five times a week. I live a healthy lifestyle and feel great. I can run a marathon, you know.
~By Sarah Michelle Gellar ~

David Bowie and Boy George created a safely contained theatrical expression of gay style.
~By Lance Loud ~

For me, music and life are all about style.
~By Miles Davis ~

It's not a company of exponents of my style.
~By Graeme Murphy ~

I think it was the right time for me to retire because nowadays tennis is too incredibly fast and you can say that my style tennis went out of fashion.
~By Jana Novotna ~

What I learned in jail is that I can't change. I can't live a different lifestyle-this is it. This is the life that they gave and this is the life that I made.
~By Tupac Shakur ~

I think it is important for software to avoiding imposing a cognitive style on workers and their work.
~By Edward Tufte ~

I am the common man. I'm polite, I love my family and I play by the rules. And sometimes I get pushed around. That's my lifestyle, and that's what I try to bring to characters.
~By Eugene Levy ~

When you turn on your radio, you don't always want to hear about someone shootin' some person. Even if that's the lifestyle they live, people don't always want to hear it.
~By Missy Elliot ~

It's important we win and because of the players we have we should win some matches in style.
~By Jamie Redknapp ~

Color harmony was thrown out years ago, as restrictive chains were broken forming my free style.
~By Frank Bruno ~

I didn't know a damn thing about style.
~By Michael Bergin ~

I think one can achieve a very pleasant lifestyle by treating human beings, fellow human beings, very well.
~By Rene Rivkin ~

You know, I live a monastic lifestyle. No, I do. I do live in extremes, basically. I go back and forth. Once every six months, I'll have a day where I eat more chocolate than has ever been consumed by a human being.
~By Jim Carrey ~

Imitation is being rewarded. They're learning that if you fit right in the mold, you get rewarded. Music is no longer a form of expression - it's a means to a lifestyle.
~By Mike Watt ~

I don't like to show my emotions at the board, not because they might give something away to an opponent, but because that's my style: I like to keep it to myself.
~By Vladimir Kramnik ~

It's the kind of clothes that mothers and daughters can wear, in terms of concept... It's not about age. It's about taste, and it's about lifestyle. I believe women of all ages can wear anything.
~By Ralph Lauren ~

Read. Read. Read. Just don't read one type of book. Read different books by various authors so that you develop different styles.
~By R. L. Stine ~

In order to do a musical now, a style must be developed that works for today's audience.
~By Randal Kleiser ~

But what I like to sing mostly is blues and cabaret style.
~By Moira Kelly ~

I was punished for blowing the whistle on my father's lifestyle.
~By Tatum O'Neal ~

Style is a simple way of saying complicated things.
~By Jean Cocteau ~

It's not the style that motivates me, as much as an attitude of openness that I have when I go into a project.
~By Herbie Hancock ~

If I'm gonna go down I'm gonna do it with style. You won't hear me surrender, you won't hear me confess cause you've left me with nothing but I have worked with less.
~By Ani DiFranco ~

This is easy to say with the benefit of hindsight, but I think it once again points out how very important style of leadership, that is the way he does what he does, is to his perception.
~By Robert Teeter ~

Once you develop your own style, you know when you're able to give your best. Feeling at home is part of it, and I don't think that's an L.A. thing. It's a matter of the environment and of what affects you.
~By Herb Ritts ~

It's like Willie Nelson. You're an artist and you have different styles inside of you.
~By Suzy Bogguss ~

The style depends on the subject.
~By Mohsen Makhmalbaf ~

As long as the songs are strong, I think you can express yourself in any style and have it be soulful and have it be your own voice.
~By Ben Harper ~

In music you have people exposing this very vulnerable part of themselves, and you also have the lifestyle is so fast that oftentimes people search for whatever the easiest way to feel relaxed in the midst of all of it, or the easiest way to have energy.
~By John Frusciante ~

Men, when they fight in movies, it's a very different style. Harrison Ford was so cool when he had the whip, and Bruce Lee was such an artist that you couldn't take your eyes off of him.
~By Lucy Liu ~

Among those best known, their highest ambition is to build American homes, possess American furniture, dress in American clothes, adopt the American style of living and be American citizens.
~By Sheldon Jackson ~

The roughest part of that lifestyle is the travel and early mornings.
~By Josie Maran ~

I've always been obsessed with style and glamor and if I want anyone to get anything out of my book, it's how we can all have them in our lives.
~By Rachel Zoe ~

I have always tended toward a lush prose style, but I take care to modulate it from story to story and to strip it down entirely when necessary.
~By Jeff Vandermeer ~

I was wildly out of style when that television theme song suddenly pushed its way onto the Top Ten. It was certainly not the record company trying to make that happen.
~By John Sebastian ~

Movement should be a counter, whether in action scenes or dialogue or whatever. It counters where your eye is going. This style thing, for me it's all fitted to the action, to the script, to the characters.
~By Samuel Fuller ~

I have no requirements for a style of architecture.
~By Michael Graves ~

A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns.
~By Maurice Strong ~

It is hardly surprising that the Georgian domestic style emerges as the most remarkable in the world.
~By Stephen Gardiner ~

He has found his style, when he cannot do otherwise.
~By Paul Klee ~

It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you're in control any more.
~By Irvine Welsh ~

Style is the hallmark of a temperament stamped upon the material at hand.
~By Andre Maurois ~

My contention is that that style is just as stylized as an ornate style.
~By Rick Moody ~

I think my view is that whenever you project into the future you're never likely to be accurate in the details, or the paraphernalia and style.
~By Stephen Fry ~

Of course there are moments that you wonder how long you should be doing it because there are other aspects which are not nice, of this lifestyle. But I just love winning.
~By Ayrton Senna ~

Why did they keep changing guitars and amplifiers when they were perfect? They did the same things with cars, if you ask me. They forgot how to make them right, because they focused on style and bells and whistles.
~By Buddy Guy ~

Style is primarily a matter of instinct.
~By Bill Blass ~

Our personal consumer choices have ecological, social, and spiritual consequences. It is time to re-examine some of our deeply held notions that underlie our lifestyles.
~By David Suzuki ~

In the final analysis, style is art. And art is nothing more or less than various modes of stylized, dehumanized representation.
~By Susan Sontag ~

When an author is too meticulous about his style, you may presume that his mind is frivolous and his content flimsy.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

In composing, as a general rule, run your pen through every other word you have written; you have no idea what vigor it will give your style.
~By Sydney Smith ~

I think the idea of mixing luxury and mass-market fashion is very modern - wearing head-to-toe designer has become a bit passe. It's a new era in fashion - there are no rules. It's all about the individual and personal style, wearing high-end, low-end, classic labels, and up-and-coming designers all together.
~By Alexander McQueen ~

I think my recognizability ebbs and flows. I don't lead a particularly celebrity lifestyle or anything like that. I don't go to showbiz parties or red-carpet events, so it all depends on whether I've got a film out. I've not been very visible in the last year or so and as a result hardly anyone stops me in the street.
~By James McAvoy ~

Well I am from Annapolis Maryland. I went to High school in Baltimore, but I grew up in Annapolis. It was a cute town. We lived on a waterfront community. It was good, even though I don't really fit the preppy boater kind of style.
~By Christian Siriano ~

It's no good running a pig farm badly for 30 years while saying, 'Really, I was meant to be a ballet dancer.' By then, pigs will be your style.
~By Quentin Crisp ~

I think she has more gospel style than I do. I think I'm more, umm, you know mainstream I guess. I don't know if we split the vote. That could be possible but I don't think we are the same at all.
~By LaToya London ~

I don't have to live this lavish lifestyle.
~By Shia LaBeouf ~

Young writers should definitely research the current sounds and styles.
~By Lamont Dozier ~

One of the things that strikes me is so many of the critics are people whose lifestyle doesn't change when the price of fuel changes, or if they keep a Wal-Mart store out of their area.
~By Lee Scott ~

I think dress, hairstyle and make-up are the crucial factors in projecting an attractive persona and give one the chance to enhance one's best physical features.
~By Vivienne Westwood ~

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October 23 ,2024
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