Suffering Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Suffering

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Stem cell research holds enormous promise for easing human suffering, and federal support is critical to its success.
~By Tom Harkin ~

Seeing much, suffering much, and studying much, are the three pillars of learning.
~By Benjamin Disraeli ~

You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy.
~By John Calvin ~

I lived for four years in the 1930s with these individuals and the only time that I wasn't thinking about dealing with physical suffering is when I was working on this book. I've never been more alive as when I worked on this book.
~By Laura Hillenbrand ~

Life ceases to be so oppressive: we are free to give our own lives meaning and purpose, free to redeem our suffering by making something of it.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

Let a nation's fervent thanks make some amends for the toils and sufferings of those who survive.
~By Edward Everett ~

It seems to be that when these communist regimes take over - if you look at the example of Vietnam or Cambodia or Nicaragua - that even in conditions of peace they don't seem to be able to figure out how to support their people, and the human suffering is enormous.
~By John Negroponte ~

Americans are blessed with great plenty; we are a generous people and we have a moral obligation to assist those who are suffering from poverty, disease, war and famine.
~By Adam Schiff ~

I hope that the mistakes made and suffering imposed upon Japanese Americans nearly 60 years ago will not be repeated against Arab Americans whose loyalties are now being called into question.
~By Daniel Inouye ~

In order to be cruel we have to close our hearts to the suffering of the other.
~By J. M. Coetzee ~

I think the suffering, violence and cruelty and Guantanamo and the rest is going to go on and on in Iraq.
~By Clare Short ~

We in the west are seen as godless, as greedy and as uncaring about the suffering of those in the developing world.
~By Silvia Cartwright ~

We create our own unhappiness. The purpose of suffering is to help us understand we are the ones who cause it.
~By Willie Nelson ~

It is by suffering that human beings become angels.
~By Victor Hugo ~

God be praised for his gracious long suffering towards me in sparing my life so long. Grant, gracious God, that I may make a good use of the time that thou mayest be pleased yet to grant me for repentance.
~By Patrick Gordon ~

In fact, this is a blackmail of the terrorists at the expense of the suffering of the hostages.
~By Alberto Fujimori ~

If time is not real, then the dividing line between this world and eternity, between suffering and bliss, between good and evil, is also an illusion.
~By Herman Hesse ~

Britain today is suffering from galloping obsolescence.
~By Tony Benn ~

Cursing is invoking the assistance of a spirit to help you inflict suffering. Swearing on the other hand, is invoking, only the witness of a spirit to an statement you wish to make.
~By John Ruskin ~

Punk is musical freedom. It's saying, doing and playing what you want. In Webster's terms, 'nirvana' means freedom from pain, suffering and the external world, and that's pretty close to my definition of Punk Rock.
~By Kurt Cobain ~

A man will give up almost anything except his suffering.
~By John Cleese ~

Don't look forward to the day you stop suffering, because when it comes you'll know you're dead.
~By Tennessee Williams ~

A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears.
~By Michel de Montaigne ~

It was quite a ride and very conflicting for me, too - to be nominated for an Oscar, to be straight and healthy, and to be getting all these accolades while these people around me were suffering and dying from AIDS.
~By Bruce Davison ~

Who will tell whether one happy moment of love or the joy of breathing or walking on a bright morning and smelling the fresh air, is not worth all the suffering and effort which life implies.
~By Erich Fromm ~

Some people think that our planet is suffering from a fever. Now scientists are telling us that Mars is experiencing its own planetary warming: Martian warming. This has led some people, not necessarily scientists, to wonder if Mars and Jupiter, non signatories to the Kyoto Treaty, are actually inhabited by alien SUV-driving industrialists.
~By Fred Thompson ~

Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.
~By Bertrand Russell ~

The salvation of the world is in man's suffering.
~By William Faulkner ~

It is not suffering as such that is most deeply feared but suffering that degrades.
~By Susan Sontag ~

I saw a great many men die afterwards, some suffering horribly, but I do not recall any death that affected me quite so much as that of this first victim in my platoon.
~By Fritz Kreisler ~

Most people get a fair amount of fun out of their lives, but on balance life is suffering, and only the very young or the very foolish imagine otherwise.
~By George Orwell ~

The striking thing about the Precious Blood is the bond it establishes between love and suffering in our experience, a bond that has become so close that we have come to think of suffering accepted with joy as the most authentic sign of love with any depth at all.
~By Gabriel Marcel ~

Among the remedies which it has pleased Almighty God to give to man to relieve his sufferings, none is so universal and so efficacious as opium.
~By Thomas Sydenham ~

Courage! I have shown it for years; think you I shall lose it at the moment when my sufferings are to end?
~By Marie Antoinette ~

The greater the state, the more wrong and cruel its patriotism, and the greater is the sum of suffering upon which its power is founded.
~By Leo Tolstoy ~

I can very well do without God both in my life and in my painting, but I cannot, suffering as I am, do without something which is greater than I am, which is my life, the power to create.
~By Vincent Van Gogh ~

Slavery is no more sinful, by the Christian code, than it is sinful to wear a whole coat, while another is in tatters, to eat a better meal than a neighbor, or otherwise to enjoy ease and plenty, while our fellow creatures are suffering and in want.
~By James F. Cooper ~

Concerning God, freewill and destiny: Of all that earth has been or yet may be, all that vain men imagine or believe, or hope can paint or suffering may achieve, we descanted.
~By Percy Bysshe Shelley ~

You may take great comfort from the fact that suffering inwardly for the sake of truth proves abundantly that one loves it and marks one out as being of the elect.
~By Ernest Renan ~

Acceptance of one's life has nothing to do with resignation; it does not mean running away from the struggle. On the contrary, it means accepting it as it comes, with all the handicaps of heredity, of suffering, of psychological complexes and injustices.
~By Paul Tournier ~

The doctrine of original sin claims that all men sinned in Adam; but whether they did or whether it is merely a fact that all men sin does not basically affect the problem of suffering.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

Tragedy occurs when a human soul awakes and seeks, in suffering and pain, to free itself from crime, violence, infamy, even at the cost of life. The struggle is the tragedy - not defeat or death.
~By Whittaker Chambers ~

But in practice, if often comes down to not suffering a loss as big as the huge gain you made a while ago.
~By Merton Miller ~

A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.
~By G. I. Gurdjieff ~

It is widely assumed, contrary to fact, that theism necessarily involves the two assumptions which cannot be squared with the existence of so much suffering, and that therefore, per impossibile, they simply have to be squared with the existence of all this suffering, somehow.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

It wasn't until we got over the self pity that we were able to accept suffering as apart of our life with Christ. A man or woman reaches this plane only when he or she ceases to be the hero.
~By Corazon Aquino ~

Happiness is the absence of suffering. I think it's an interesting way of looking at it. I think the absence of suffering exists very rarely in the world we live in.
~By Julie Christie ~

Strength is born in the deep silence of long-suffering hearts; not amid joy.
~By Arthur Helps ~

It is part of my faith as a Muslim to try to help those who are suffering from poverty or economic or political injustice.
~By Cat Stevens ~

A lot of compelling stories in the world aren't being told, and the fact that people don't know about them compounds the suffering.
~By Anderson Cooper ~

I have this helicopter crash, and I fall in love with this man who was in the crash with me. I must have been suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.
~By Christie Brinkley ~

If we could read the secret history of our enemies we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility.
~By Henry Wadsworth Longfellow ~

Above all things let us never forget that mankind constitutes one great brotherhood; all born to encounter suffering and sorrow, and therefore bound to sympathize with each other.
~By Albert Pike ~

All violence consists in some people forcing others, under threat of suffering or death, to do what they do not want to do.
~By Leo Tolstoy ~

In all three cases, and for most human beings, the problem of suffering poses no difficult problem at all: one has a world picture in which suffering has its place, a world picture that takes suffering into account.
~By Walter Kaufmann ~

We have listened here to the delegates who have recalled the terrible human suffering, and the great material destruction of the late war in the Pacific. It is with feelings of sorrow that we recall the part played in that catastrophic human experience by the old Japan.
~By Shigeru Yoshida ~

Whatever happened to the good old days: you know, dirty attics, tuberculosis and general all-round suffering?
~By Arnold Wesker ~

We are never so defensless against suffering as when we love.
~By Sigmund Freud ~

Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you to stop suffering.
~By Jane Roberts ~

Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe to the things that are called evils, to surrender to them our freedom, in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.
~By Lucius Annaeus Seneca ~

Revolution is a trivial shift in the emphasis of suffering.
~By Tom Stoppard ~

I am certainly suffering from a modicum of performance anxiety.
~By George Murray ~

Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is the worse kind of suffering.
~By Paulo Coelho ~

The ongoing conflict between us has caused heavy suffering to both peoples. The future can and must be different. Both our peoples are destined to live together side by side, on this small piece of land. This reality we cannot change.
~By Ariel Sharon ~

My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life.
~By Jack Kevorkian ~

How little remains of the man I once was, save the memory of him! But remembering is only a new form of suffering.
~By Charles Baudelaire ~

I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing.
~By Anais Nin ~

Suffering has roused them from the sleep of gentle life, and every day fills them with a terrible intoxication. They are now something more than themselves; those we loved were merely happy shadows.
~By Georges Duhamel ~

I was teaching in one of the universities while the country was suffering from a severe famine. People were dying of hunger, and I felt very helpless. As an economist, I had no tool in my tool box to fix that kind of situation.
~By Muhammad Yunus ~

We pretended there was no problem with Agent Orange after Vietnam and later the Pentagon recanted, after untold suffering by veterans.
~By Jim McDermott ~

Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.
~By Khalil Gibran ~

Suffering is part of the divine idea.
~By Henry Ward Beecher ~

You must realize that I was suffering from love and I knew him as intimately as I knew my own image in a mirror. In other words, I knew him only in relation to myself.
~By Angela Carter ~

The statistics on sanity are that one out of every four Americans is suffering from some form of mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
~By Rita Mae Brown ~

In addition to relieving patient suffering, research is needed to help reduce the enormous economic and social burdens posed by chronic diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, cancer, heart disease, and stroke.
~By Ike Skelton ~

I hate people who splash their own pain on covers, like the whole world should hear about them. Why are we all supposed to be interested in one individual's suffering?
~By Andrea Corr ~

All of our energy should be in sacrifice and services. Suffering, at least.
~By Richard Gere ~

It isn't easy to accept that suffering can also be beautiful... it's difficult. It's something you can only understand if you dig deeply into yourself.
~By Rainer W. Fassbinder ~

The shortage of buyers, which the world is suffering from, is readily understood, not as due to people not wishing to obtain possession of goods, but as people being unwilling to part with something which might earn a regular income in exchange for those goods.
~By Paul Dirac ~

We know enough to stand here in truth - facing pain, cry and suffering of those who were murdered here. Face to face with the victims' families who are here today. Before the judgment of our own conscience.
~By Aleksander Kwasniewski ~

Anywhere I see suffering, that is where I want to be, doing what I can.
~By Princess Diana ~

Was it not enough punishment and suffering in history that we were uprooted and made helpless slaves not only in new colonial outposts but also domestically.
~By Robert Mugabe ~

Being a Jew, one learns to believe in the reality of cruelty and one learns to recognize indifference to human suffering as a fact.
~By Andrea Dworkin ~

Under the leadership of this President, the state of the union is not strong. We are being pulled apart rather than pulling together. Our democracy is suffering from the choices being made, and yet we are offered the same tired excuses and unrealistic analyses.
~By Jose Serrano ~

Of all the joys that lighten suffering earth, what joy is welcomed like a newborn child?
~By Dorothy L. Nolte ~

I do not believe that God has imposed suffering upon anyone to punish them or to teach them a lesson.
~By Ernest Holmes ~

Nature shows that with the growth of intelligence comes increased capacity for pain, and it is only with the highest degree of intelligence that suffering reaches its supreme point.
~By Arthur Schopenhauer ~

God had one son on earth without sin, but never one without suffering.
~By Saint Augustine ~

Suffering is the substance of life and the root of personality, for it is only suffering that makes us persons.
~By Miguel de Unamuno ~

One must choose in life between boredom and suffering.
~By Madame de Stael ~

Grief knits two hearts in closer bonds than happiness ever can; and common sufferings are far stronger links than common joys.
~By Alphonse de Lamartine ~

Suffering from dysentery at sea was no picnic.
~By Pamela Stephenson ~

Love is suffering. One side always loves more.
~By Catherine Deneuve ~

Happiness is not a reward - it is a consequence. Suffering is not a punishment - it is a result.
~By Robert Green Ingersoll ~

You're lucky I took me a vow of non-violence, or you'd be suffering some pain right now.
~By Mike Fink ~

When suffering knocks at your door and you say there is no seat for him, he tells you not to worry because he has brought his own stool.
~By Chinua Achebe ~

There is no degree of human suffering which in and of itself is going to bring about change. Only organisation can change things.
~By Susan George ~

How vivid is the suffering of the few when the people are few and how the suffering of nameless millions in two world wars is blurred over by numbers.
~By Edwin Way Teale ~

It is shameful that millions of Americans are suffering the economic injustice of working a full-time job and earning a wage that leaves them below the poverty line.
~By Bill Pascrell ~

Of what worth are convictions that bring not suffering?
~By Antoine de Saint-Exupery ~

Read This: Vacation Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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