Summer Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Summer

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So when I was 13, I basically left home and never returned and lived at home again. I would come home for a week at Christmas and two weeks in the summer only.
~By Peter Jurasik ~

One summer I remember, I got exposed to Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly and Buddy Holly was a very very big, made a very big impression on me. Because of a lot of things, you know, the way he looked and his charisma.
~By Eric Clapton ~

Every summer, my grandparents would rent a house on Balboa Island. They had the house next to Bob Hope's. I've been going down there all my life, to that whole area.
~By Mike Love ~

The sweltering summer of the Negro's legitimate discontent will not pass until there is an invigorating autumn of freedom and equality.
~By Martin Luther King, Jr. ~

The soy-bean, in particular, has proved sufficiently resistant to cold in spring and to adverse weather during summer to warrant heavy planting, especially throughout the South.
~By David F. Houston ~

The Recovery Act is working, but it's going to continue to work. It's not over. A lot's going to happen this summer. And even after the summer, there's more to come with the act.
~By Joe Biden ~

I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer.
~By Ulysses S. Grant ~

I was much entertained last summer with a tame bat, which would take flies out of a person's hand.
~By Gilbert White ~

I was an economics major in college, and every summer after school, I would drive my car from California, from Claremont men's college at the time, to New York. And I worked on Wall Street.
~By Henry Kravis ~

This summer, I'll be bringing out a mystery that involves a young lawyer and a court scene the likes of which I don't think you've ever seen. Hollywood said this is James Patterson meets John Grisham.
~By James Patterson ~

I will always remember this summer day in Paris, when I was to perform a great acrobatic move. I can still see myself stepping on the ring of a packed circus along real performers.
~By Tony Curtis ~

I kept having chills. This was in the middle of the summer and I was wearing a sheepskin jacket and I was chilling. I was shaking all over.
~By Dick York ~

Along with you, I have witnessed the unfortunate rise in gasoline prices that has accompanied the summer driving season and the more recent spike in prices due to Hurricane Katrina.
~By Bob Ney ~

In fact, I was one of the few trusted people that Lucy allowed to play with their kids. I spent time at their summer home, rode horses at their ranch, and swam at their beach house. I even spent a Christmas with them at Palm Springs one year.
~By Keith Thibodeaux ~

In the summer of '80, Silhouette bought my first book.
~By Nora Roberts ~

Other men wear white suits in summer and it doesn't seem to bother them. But my white suit seems to be a little whiter than theirs. I think also that it may have something written on the back of it, although I can't find it when I take the suit off.
~By Robert Benchley ~

Integrity is so perishable in the summer months of success.
~By Vanessa Redgrave ~

What I loved about 'Summer' was that they were these four bright kids with a wonderful future. In a way, she was the one with the brains, and then you have the beauty queen and the jock and the introvert.
~By Kevin Williamson ~

7 Mile is like an Ave. Back in the days it was poppin' in the summer time.
~By Obie Trice ~

I had been doing summer stock every summer while I was in college. We did a showcase, like most good conservatories do - monologues and things that agents and casting directors come to see. From that I got an agent.
~By Randy Harrison ~

I love doing this day, and George was exactly as he's always been, very calm and very gentle, and if I'm in the final cut in the summer theater, I'll be thrilled. If I'm not, well that's the way things go.
~By Jeremy Bulloch ~

In the spring and summer of 1989, a serious political disturbance took place in China.
~By Li Peng ~

Tears are the summer showers to the soul.
~By Alfred Austin ~

Cricket to us was more than play, it was a worship in the summer sun.
~By Edmund Blunden ~

The price of imported oil in the US doubled between summer 2003 and summer 2005, reducing consumers' purchasing power by more than 1 per cent of gross domestic product.
~By Martin Feldstein ~

If your kids attend school and grades are up that will make $1,000 contributions to some 10,000 kids across the country, are challenging kids to learn foreign languages or challenging kids to get summer jobs or seek summer enrichment opportunities?
~By Harold Ford ~

I went to night school and summer school, I made that whole year up and I actually graduated on time. Also, I got a part-time job at the radio station.
~By Angie Martinez ~

People take pictures of the Summer, just in case someone thought they had missed it, and to proved that it really existed.
~By Ray Davies ~

Summer is the time when one sheds one's tensions with one's clothes, and the right kind of day is jeweled balm for the battered spirit. A few of those days and you can become drunk with the belief that all's right with the world.
~By Ada Louise Huxtable ~

I have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer, the beer stronger, the food cheaper and the old men and old women warmer in the winter and happier in the summer.
~By Brendan Behan ~

It's going to be a long, hot summer. The hotter it gets in Baghdad, the hotter it will get in D.C.
~By George Stephanopoulos ~

Teachers can go on cruises with the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and anyone can spend the summer as a volunteer in a National Parks and even earn money doing it.
~By Matthew Lesko ~

It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade.
~By Charles Dickens ~

The Indian Summer of life should be a little sunny and a little sad, like the season, and infinite in wealth and depth of tone, but never hustled.
~By Henry Adams ~

In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer.
~By Albert Camus ~

I love Paris in the summer, when it sizzles.
~By Cole Porter ~

I turned down a movie this summer because it was nine weeks in Vancouver and my oldest daughter is 14. I've got four more summers with her. I'm not giving away nine weeks of her summer to go do a silly movie.
~By Jeff Foxworthy ~

Rest is not idleness, and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day, listening to the murmur of the water, or watching the clouds float across the sky, is by no means a waste of time.
~By John Lubbock ~

I have a bit of a traveling addiction, and, ah, yeah. I went to, ah, Bali this summer.
~By Fisher Stevens ~

We recorded that trio and it's out on the Knitting Factory label. I've got another record in the can with that group and Marc, which I'll hopefully finish some time before next summer.
~By Arto Lindsay ~

As hurricanes Katrina and Rita raged through the southeastern United States last summer, much of America's energy infrastructure based in the Gulf of Mexico was damaged or destroyed causing gas prices to soar.
~By Rick Renzi ~

Hospitals are closing across the country due to the burden of illegal immigration, college students find that summer jobs have dried up due to illegal immigration, and wages across the board are depressed by the overwhelming influx of cheap and illegal labor.
~By Elton Gallegly ~

I'm generally pessimistic about the dumbing down of America - especially with summer movies.
~By Elmer Bernstein ~

We have our little restaurants, and there's a beautiful beach that we go to in the summer and fall. We tend to have a lot of get-togethers, and if it's at my house, we order pizza because I can't cook.
~By Katie Holmes ~

The first time I did stand-up was the summer I was 17.
~By Sarah Silverman ~

After the navy, I transferred to Harvard and finished there. I was there the spring term of 1951 and I stayed through the summer term and a whole other year, so I was able to do two years in a little less than a year and a half.
~By Harry Mathews ~

We are talking now of summer evenings in Knoxville, Tennessee, in the time that I lived there so successfully disguised to myself as a child.
~By James Agee ~

Deep summer is when laziness finds respectability.
~By Sam Keen ~

I raised frogs every spring in our house from tadpoles and by end of summer our house was overrun with frogs.
~By William Joyce ~

We only get together when there's a good reason. Like, last summer, we didn't really intend to go out, but we thought the B-52's tour was a good opportunity.
~By Kathy Valentine ~

Summer afternoon, summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language.
~By Henry James ~

Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to each moment of a happy day.
~By Dag Hammarskjold ~

During the summer, Screen Gems launched the New Monkees, which miserably failed I understand. I never saw it.
~By Davy Jones ~

I spent many a summer early morning with the radio very low, half sleeping and half listening.
~By Frankie Valli ~

Tears of joy are like the summer rain drops pierced by sunbeams.
~By Hosea Ballou ~

I had 500 kids at camp this past summer for example. We do nine weeks for kids and nine days for grown ups every summer. The adult camp is a lot of fun.
~By Wavy Gravy ~

Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains.
~By Diane Ackerman ~

The NAACP was even considering earlier this summer reassessing their position on school integration.
~By Tom Joyner ~

I try to do the right thing with money. Save a dollar here and there, clip some coupons. Buy ten gold chains instead of 20. Four summer homes instead of eight.
~By LL Cool J ~

Communications is the number one major in America today. CNN had 25,000 applicants for five intern jobs this summer.
~By Larry King ~

We spent a month in Japan last year, a week in Istanbul for the United Nations, and nearly three months in my native Nova Scotia, where my two brothers have homes; and we'll go back there this summer.
~By Robert MacNeil ~

I'd studied dance in Chicago every summer end taught it all winter, and I was well-rounded. I wasn't worried about getting a job on Broadway. In fact, I got one the first week.
~By Gene Kelly ~

I had a bat mitzvah, was confirmed, went to Jewish summer camp, I go to temple for the High Holy Days. I think, like most people in their early 20s, I kind of strayed away from it. I think once I have a family I'll be back into it.
~By Lizzy Caplan ~

Japan's humid and warm summer climate, as well as frequent earthquakes resulted in lightweight timber buildings raised off the ground that are resistant to earth tremors.
~By Harry Seidler ~

You know, every time a summer movie comes out, people think they're gonna get rich off of the merchandise.
~By Aaron McGruder ~

It's the first time I have returned to my roots - like going back to be a trio. The fans really wanted me to go back on stage and do the Supremes music, so I went about trying to make it happen. We'll go on tour in the summer.
~By Diana Ross ~

Fancy your having no sunshine in London yesterday! Here it was glorious, like full summer, and I sat up with the window wide open, listening to the discourse of two amorous thrushes.
~By Marie Corelli ~

'Tis now the summer of your youth: time has not cropped the roses from your cheek, though sorrow long has washed them.
~By Edward Moore ~

Nothing is as easy to make as a promise this winter to do something next summer; this is how commencement speakers are caught.
~By Sydney J. Harris ~

I was lucky enough not to face any required summer reading lists until I went to college. So I still think of summer as the best time to read for fun.
~By Margaret Haddix ~

In summer winter rain or sun, it's good to be on horseback.
~By Mike Oldfield ~

But after the time there I'd had it with fashion again, so I left to go to architecture school in a summer course at Harvard, which didn't last very long.
~By Stephen Sprouse ~

In earlier times, so many people sang much more. You know as a kid you'd go to some kind of religious training and or summer camp or whatever it was and you'd learn to sing a lot of songs.
~By Michael Tilson Thomas ~

I loved doing Shakespeare. My two favorite roles, in fact, have been Viola in Twelfth Night and Helena in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
~By Blythe Danner ~

I'm just ah, actually developing a tv show for HBO, and I'm directing a film this summer, and actually I'm doing some live shows out in western Canada.
~By Bruce McCulloch ~

We were just covered in dirt the whole time. It was so hot - and that was in winter. I can not imagine what it's like in summer and how the people who actually live out there survive.
~By Toni Collette ~

Any pitcher who might throw at me should know I'm not giving up my day job or trying to get anyone else's job. I just can't think of anything cooler than being one of the boys of summer!
~By Garth Brooks ~

Instead of isolating our school and our many subjects from the every day world, we intend to plant it not merely in the French capital, but in what for next summer at least will be the focal point, the capital of the entire civilized world.
~By Patrick Geddes ~

Everyone has a budget, I don't care who you are. But they said if we are in a pennant race in the middle of the summer they are going to get some help with added payroll.
~By Dusty Baker ~

It was around the summer of 1982 when the drug problem really impacted. It became a lifestyle rather than a recreation. When you start lying and stealing, you cannot con yourself you're in control any more.
~By Irvine Welsh ~

There's not much to do in Atlanta, so the cast went to the gym together, went shopping together, and dinner was always a group thing. It's that whole summer-camp experience that making movies tends to be anyway.
~By Timothy Olyphant ~

The next summer, 1794, corn grew dear, and distress began in our land.
~By Joanna Southcott ~

I rarely see one of the 'summer blockbuster' movies. I'd like to see a stronger focus on smaller, smarter movies.
~By Christopher Meloni ~

It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.
~By John Cheever ~

We need society, and we need solitude also, as we need summer and winter, day and night, exercise and rest.
~By Philip Gilbert Hamerton ~

Occasionally I have come across a last patch of snow on top of a mountain in late May or June. There's something very powerful about finding snow in summer.
~By Andy Goldsworthy ~

At 4, I joined a summer rec team called the Sugar Bears.
~By Summer Sanders ~

When I grew up there wasn't air-conditioning or anything of that nature, and this old car had a wall thickness of about ten inches. So we had a little warmer house in the winter and a little cooler in the summer.
~By Merle Haggard ~

I know that if odour were visible, as colour is, I'd see the summer garden in rainbow clouds.
~By Robert Bridges ~

So I came home and I had a resume and everything, but the only job experience I had was just playing in bars and clubs on my summers off. So, I was temping and stuff during the day and playing music at night.
~By Mary Chapin Carpenter ~

The summer of 1830 I... blasted the tunnel through the rock to take water from the dam above the falls for the mill... In 1831 we lowered the tunnel four feet, and built a new dam across the creek.
~By Ezra Cornell ~

My brother Jim and I spent many wonderful summers working on dairy farms in Wisconsin owned by Mom's cousins, and as members of our local Boy Scout troop.
~By Peter Agre ~

The summer of 2002 at the Wilson birthday party I met Van Dyke again and I made plans to have dinner with him.
~By Matthew Sweet ~

One swallow does not make a summer, but one skein of geese, cleaving the murk of March thaw, is the Spring.
~By Aldo Leopold ~

We were given no chance against them, but we held our own and we will be trying to do the same this summer.
~By Robbie Keane ~

Summer bachelors, like summer breezes, are never as cool as they pretend to be.
~By Nora Ephron ~

One night last summer, all the killers in my head assembled on a stage in Massachusetts to sing show tunes.
~By Sarah Vowell ~

There is a harmony in autumn, and a luster in its sky, which through the summer is not heard or seen, as if it could not be, as if it had not been!
~By Percy Bysshe Shelley ~

God is day and night, winter and summer, war and peace, surfeit and hunger.
~By Heraclitus ~

The first presentation of my show was given in May, 1883, at Omaha, which I had then chosen as my home. From there we made our first summer tour, visiting practically every important city in the country.
~By Buffalo Bill ~

Read This: Obscurity Quotes And Sayings
July 26 ,2024
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