Support Quotes And Sayings

Quotes And Sayings About Support

Read This: Alliance Quotes And Sayings

And if these be unprincipled agents who scruple at nothing, he will be a bold man who will deny that there are always to be found men at the bar who lend their services most cordially to back and support these agents in their most desperate cases.
~By George Combe ~

You don't want the biggest record deal as far as money goes, you just want to make sure that the people at the label really support your band and the music and stuff.
~By Adam Rich ~

Also a great part of Polish industry proved to have existed only to support the Soviet military industry, and it became superfluous and incapable of being transformed into anything else. We did not foresee that or the magnitude of these phenomena.
~By Andrzej Wajda ~

I am such a strong admirer and supporter of George W. Bush that if he suggested eliminating the income tax or doubling it, I would vote yes on first blush.
~By Jerry Falwell ~

As long as she is talented enough and passionate about doing it herself then I will be happy and support her. I think I will be sensible - my parents said I could only do it if I got my education and so I had something to fall back on.
~By Anna Friel ~

So, I completely and utterly support David and Gillian's decision to go to Los Angeles, but I think that Vancouver is the perfect location for the show.
~By Nicholas Lea ~

Those of us who actually were working in the region at the time will point out how strongly committed we were to supporting the democratic process and encouraging elections, in spite of the fact that a war was going on in several of these countries.
~By John Negroponte ~

Heath, I believed in him when I first met him, and helped and supported him. He went on to obvious success in the States and then I had him support me. It can be a lonely, horrible, hard place. It's great just to have someone to call to say 'I know, man, I was there'
~By Martin Henderson ~

Greater public recognition will also be critical in encouraging prevention and early intervention, and more generally in building public support to meet the challenges of dementia.
~By Julie Bishop ~

I ascribe a basic importance to the phenomenon of language. To speak means to be in a position to use a certain syntax, to grasp the morphology of this or that language, but it means above all to assume a culture, to support the weight of a civilization.
~By Frantz Fanon ~

Even though we now have the half-century-old new Constitution, there is a popular sentiment of support for the old one that lives on in reality in some quarters.
~By Kenzaburo Oe ~

War should be the politics of last resort. And when we go to war, we should have a purpose that our people understand and support.
~By Colin Powell ~

I thank God, Jesus, and my Grandmother for being able to support myself and my family.
~By Steven Adler ~

I support the death penalty. But I also think there has to be no margin for error.
~By George Ryan ~

In Congress, I am a strong supporter of the New Apollo Energy Act. This plan would help to establish our energy independence, create jobs, and provide cleaner, reliable, and more affordable energy.
~By Allyson Schwartz ~

Support by United States rulers is rather in the nature of the support that the rope gives to a hanged man.
~By Nikita Khrushchev ~

First off, it's wonderful how much people are supporting me and felt I should have stayed in the competition.
~By LaToya London ~

That's the hard part about sport: as men we haven't started to be in our prime, but as athletes we are old people. I needed support. I lost trust and did stupid things.
~By Boris Becker ~

We can live our own lives in a way that does not bring reproach on the principles we claim to support.
~By Jesse Helms ~

Moreover, only a strong and united scientific opinion imposing the intrinsic value of scientific progress on society at large can elicit the support of scientific inquiry by the general public.
~By Michael Polanyi ~

It's nice to know you have support. Last night I got a marriage proposal. I just laughed.
~By Carrie Underwood ~

A woman can plan when to have her family and how to support a family.
~By Kathleen Turner ~

We had periodic crises in this country when the technical intelligence didn't support the policy. We had the bomber gap, the missile gap.
~By Aldrich Ames ~

We do not get to this age to be written off. Older people can act as a support system, which is what happens more in Mediterranean countries. People become much wiser as they get older and we should value that.
~By Susan Hampshire ~

I support development and deployment of a limited national missile defense. Few if any of our duties surpass our obligation to provide for the common defense of our nation.
~By Joe Lieberman ~

Recent demonstration projects have shown that with some Federal support, a little funding can go a long way toward ensuring that low-income children have access to good oral health care.
~By Michael K. Simpson ~

The catalyst for much of this change is the growing support for republicanism.
~By Gerry Adams ~

A large part of crime is economics - if people are working and and have a home and family to support, then I believe you can reduce the crime rate.
~By Vincent Frank ~

I suspect that many corporations have begun to understand that they have an important role to play in the lives of their communities, and that allocating funds to support local groups helps them discharge that function and also burnish their image.
~By David Rockefeller ~

I started at 5 years old in the kitchen table with my family supporting me. I know where I'm from and I know exactly where I'm going.
~By Celine Dion ~

It was a complex endeavor so without Robert Redford's constant support we wouldn't have gotten to the end.
~By Walter Salles ~

If even in science there is no a way of judging a theory but by assessing the number, faith and vocal energy of its supporters, then this must be even more so in the social sciences: truth lies in power.
~By Imre Lakatos ~

I am now completing research supported by NSF and NEH that is mapping changes in the English language through all of North America, for both mainstream and minority communities.
~By William Labov ~

And I think the rolling polls put more pressure on them to sustain their beliefs and to improve their delivery of the policy and their delivery of the ideas so that they can garner support for whatever principle they're articulating.
~By Jim Bolger ~

Of course, the kind of support that Cuba could give us was very limited when it came to building up our army, since they didn't manufacture armaments in the quantities that we required. So we turned to Algeria and the Soviet Union for support.
~By Daniel Ortega ~

And that's what makes this a great game, is the support and the commitment that the fans give the game.
~By Nolan Ryan ~

I support any Muslims, whether here or abroad.
~By Osama bin Laden ~

It was not always easy because I was always an individual and found it difficult to be one of a group. One person who was very supportive was my father. My mother was great but my father really recognised my individuality and supported me in that.
~By Sharon Stone ~

The evidence does not support abstinence-only interventions as the best way to keep young people from unintended pregnancy.
~By Jonathan Klein ~

With my government, we engaged in bringing our help to fights for national freedom. At that precise moment, several countries were still colonised or had barely overcome colonisation. This was the case in practically all of Africa. We supported them.
~By Ahmed Ben Bella ~

I've been so fortunate in my life that my family has never been jealous of my success. They have shown true love and commitment to me by being supportive. They shared in it.
~By Mike Krzyzewski ~

I did not support any more New York. I lived 10 years there, and after September 11, I felt very European. I did not share the opinion of people in the street, who were deeply influenced by what they heard in the media.
~By Yannick Noah ~

I, personally, have found reading a continual support to writing.
~By Margaret Mahy ~

Our focus needs to be on freeing dissidents and continuing to support the opposition movement within Cuba - not rewarding Castro and subsidizing and strengthening his totalitarian regime.
~By Mel Martinez ~

When community action was put into federal law in the early sixties as part of the effort to combat poverty and social injustice, I supported it intellectually.
~By Barney Frank ~

In days of doubt, in days of dreary musings on my country's fate, you alone are my comfort and support, oh great, powerful, righteous, and free Russian language!
~By Ivan Turgenev ~

I do not support abortion rights. Although what I would support in this vexed area is not clear to me.
~By Stanley Fish ~

Taxes are like abortion, and not just because both are grotesque procedures supported by Democrats. You're for them or against them. Taxes go up or down; government raises taxes or lowers them. But Democrats will not let the words "abortion" or "tax hikes" pass their lips.
~By Ann Coulter ~

We do not have a budget support. We are now fully independent in terms of requirements, but we still have a need for development assistance separate from the budget. So all the economic aid we receive is for development assistance.
~By Jose Ramos Horta ~

In the underlying bill, I think the authors of the legislation, those in support of it, understand the use of the Mississippi River. Yes, there is commercial navigation on it, and there will be tomorrow.
~By Ron Kind ~

It's never been important to be a huge star or to have some breakout role. If you're the lead, you get a lot more screen time and you get a lot more chances to develop that character more thoroughly than you would if you do it in a little supporting part.
~By Famke Janssen ~

I'd say my happiest moment as an actress came when I learned I'd won the Look Magazine Best Supporting Actress Award for 1956 in The Killing.
~By Marie Windsor ~

Even with only two people on board, where maintenance is a large piece of our working day, we still have time to do scientific research. We have to be ready to support those Shuttle visits in a lot of different ways.
~By John L. Phillips ~

I do not support gambling in this state.
~By Craig Benson ~

And I think because of the passion of every English player and every English supporter, and every English journalist for the game, most of the game is played with passion, love for football and instinct, but in football you also have to think.
~By Jose Mourinho ~

At the constitutional level where we work, 90 percent of any decision is emotional. The rational part of us supplies the reasons for supporting our predilections.
~By William O. Douglas ~

Uncertainty! fell demon of our fears! The human soul that can support despair, supports not thee.
~By David Mallet ~

We should seek international support for our mutual objectives abroad, in promoting freedom, democracy, respect for human rights, and also the elimination of weapons of mass destruction.
~By Robert Menendez ~

I see an issue I like, and I support it.
~By Kinky Friedman ~

With my time in the limelight, I regret that I didn't use it more to push vegetarianism. I support vegetarian options in the school lunch program.
~By Bernhard Goetz ~

I was never looking back in regret. I never thought, Oh, why didn't I become an actress? or Why did I just go paddling along after John? I've always walked along right by his side, and he's always supported everything I do.
~By June Carter Cash ~

While Kuwait is not a democracy, giving only half the population a voice in their government is not a policy this Congress should support and one that I am glad that Kuwait's leaders are changing.
~By Ginny B. Waite ~

Everyone who supports Israel is a Zionist.
~By Tom Paulin ~

There is a large body of abolitionists in Clinton and Clark Counties in this state, and in Wayne County Indiana, that would undoubtedly support such a store, but whether their support would be sufficient, I am unable to say.
~By Gamaliel Bailey ~

I've been nominated twice before as actor in a leading part. Now I'm nominated as actor in a supporting part. If I don't win, I'll just wait until I'm nominated for being in the theater during the show. Do they have one like that?
~By Alan Alda ~

Women tend to have recognition and peer group support - recognition from friends and family that this has to be a big issue in their lives. They're more comfortable expressing the need for support and receiving it.
~By James Levine ~

Um, I have an enormous faith in God. I have an enormous support system that also has that same belief.
~By Katey Sagal ~

Let me be clear. I support the definition of marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
~By Ben Nelson ~

What we should be teaching are the problems and holes and I think there are legitimate problems and holes in the theory of evolution. And what we need to do is to present those fairly from a scientific point of view. And we should lay out areas in which the evidence supports evolution and the areas in the evidence that does not.
~By Rick Santorum ~

We are well aware from which countries and through which countries the terrorists are receiving support. In the immediate future I shall be calling upon the leaders of these states to put a stop to this kind of activity.
~By Boris Yeltsin ~

What I want the Congress of the United States to do, and frankly what I would like to see the President of the United States of America do, is speak a word of support to the people of Iran.
~By Mike Pence ~

The unproductive tillage of human cattle takes that which of right belongs to free labor, and which is necessary for the support and happiness of our own race.
~By David Wilmot ~

Existentialism is about being a saint without God; being your own hero, without all the sanction and support of religion or society.
~By Anita Brookner ~

Second, the President's popularity has not translated into increased support for the Republican party or for the policies and approaches on domestic policy championed by the President.
~By Thomas E. Mann ~

As full lines of battle could not be handled through the thick wood, I ordered the advance of the six brigades by heavy skirmish lines, to be followed by stronger supporting lines.
~By James Longstreet ~

I wholeheartedly support umbilical stem cell research, but also support embryonic stem cell research.
~By Eliot Engel ~

It is more profitable for your congressman to support the tobacco industry than your life.
~By Jackie Mason ~

We should insist that governments receiving American aid live up to standards of accountability and transparency, and we should support countries that embrace market reforms, democracy, and the rule of law.
~By Lee H. Hamilton ~

I'm so critical of myself. I'm actually really, really proud of the film. It's really cool to see a movie at Sundance because everybody is so supportive.
~By Giovanni Ribisi ~

I think one has to say it's not just simply a matter of capturing people and holding them accountable, but removing the sanctuaries, removing the support systems, ending states who sponsor terrorism. And that's why it has to be a broad and sustained campaign.
~By Paul Wolfowitz ~

Don't you know that silence supports the accuser's charge?
~By Sophocles ~

There is not a single extant study that supports all the arguments against men being with their children. It's absolute bollocks.
~By Bob Geldof ~

As a personal beneficiary of the service that Amtrak provides and as someone who represents a congressional district that counts on safe, reliable rail service, I am a strong supporter of providing this vital industry the funding necessary to continue operations.
~By Tim Bishop ~

We must support initiatives that provide clear, concrete measures and milestones that our troops need for defeating the insurgency, building up Iraqi security forces, and handing over Iraq to the Iraqi people.
~By Sherrod Brown ~

That no government, so called, can reasonably be trusted, or reasonably be supposed to have honest purposes in view, any longer than it depends wholly upon voluntary support.
~By Lysander Spooner ~

I'm disappointed that Senator DeWine once again chose to go along with his party leaders and their big corporate lobbyist supporters. Ohio deserves a Senator who will be more than a rubber stamp.
~By Sherrod Brown ~

I mean, the people who run Guantanamo, the military, pretty much dismiss complaints by the detainees because they say that they're all created as part of a political process to sort of fake complaints and get public support.
~By Jane Mayer ~

I need family support close because when you go to work, they are long days and it can get lonely.
~By Joe Lando ~

Yeah, I volunteered to support the troops, and get out there and show them that we care about them.
~By Gary Sinise ~

One cannot wage war under present conditions without the support of public opinion, which is tremendously molded by the press and other forms of propaganda.
~By Douglas MacArthur ~

I've had lengthy discussions with European farm leaders. It is clear they have an agricultural strategy to support their producers and gain dominance in world agricultural trade. They're gaining markets the old-fashioned way - they're buying them.
~By Kent Conrad ~

The spirit becomes free only when it ceases to be a support.
~By Franz Kafka ~

Our funding is based on our support of ideas like limited government, individual rights and a strong defense.
~By Richard Scaife ~

And I'm asking for your support because I want to defend America, as I've said before, from becoming a socialist nation.
~By Christine O'Donnell ~

Rest assured that my support for any eventual reform package will be based firmly upon what is in the best interests of the people of Upstate New York, not any party or president.
~By James T. Walsh ~

It's easier in some ways being on the life raft and the other guy's in the boat and you can row alongside and be supportive. In some ways, that's an easier role.
~By Kyra Sedgwick ~

The soul has illusions as the bird has wings: it is supported by them.
~By Victor Hugo ~

Madam Speaker, I have spent more than half my life as a member of the Resources Committee. In that time I have supported numerous wilderness designations. In fact, I cannot recall ever opposing a wilderness bill.
~By Nick Rahall ~

I think the people will- who advocate having a step back and read those public opinion polls on the front page of the newspapers all over this country saying public supports restoration in restoration of the Everglades, protection of the parks and the creation of monuments.
~By Bruce Babbitt ~

I don't know what I would have done without believing in God. His support gives me power and energy to continue to be optimistic, to smile, not to be depressed. Sometimes, if things are not going so well, I don't cry. I say maybe it's meant to be.
~By Ofra Haza ~

Read This: Curiosity Quotes And Sayings
July 27 ,2024
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